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the cholesterol myth

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> I'll have to add it to just my stuff, can't really cook to much

with it, family hates the taste. It's hard to eat on this diet and

still cook for a husband and 2 kids.

==>Sherri, are you sure you are buying the right kind? Also some

coconut oils do not have any taste whatsoever. See this article

which was a survey done of our group; it includes information on

taste: http://www.healingnaturallybybee.com/articles/coconut5.php


> I'm also confused with conflicting information on cholesterol. I

have high cholesterol and low good cholesterol, with all the

saturated fats (coconut oil, butter I use) from cholesterol in eggs

won't this effect by blood results? Does anyone know how to explain

so I get it. How long on the diet should I wait before I have my

tests done again, doctor wants it done every 6 months. I'm hoping my

blood sugars are finally down, did a no/low carb diet before for 5

weeks before this diet and blood sugars stayed high.

==>The Cholesterol Theory Is a Total Scam - " In the last few

decades " The Cholesterol Theory " has contributed significantly to

deteriorating health throughout the world. The cholesterol theory -

also called the Lipid (fat) Hypothesis - is the belief that high

blood cholesterol promotes atherosclerosis (hardening of the

arteries) and heart disease. However this proved to be totally

untrue, making it one of the biggest scams in history.

Cholesterol is a molecule, often called a lipid or fat, which is a

soft, waxy substance found in every cell in your body. Contrary to

propaganda by the medical, drug and food industries, cholesterol is

not a deadly poison, but a substance that is vital to the cells of

all mammals.

Uffe Ravnskov, M.D., Ph.D. writes in his book The Cholesterol Myths:

Exposing the Fallacy That Saturated Fat and Cholesterol Cause Heart

Disease: " Your cholesterol tells very little about your future

health. "

In other words your cholesterol levels are a non-issue when it comes

to predicting your future health as pointed out by Dr. Ravnskov: " A

high blood cholesterol is said to promote atherosclerosis (hardening

of the arteries) and thus also coronary heart disease. But many

studies have shown that people whose blood cholesterol is low become

just as atherosclerotic as people whose cholesterol is high.

Even if you ate absolutely no fats or oils of any kind your body

would still produce cholesterol. Your body produces three to four

times more cholesterol than you eat. The production of cholesterol

increases when you eat little cholesterol and decreases when you eat

much. "

Cholesterol is your friend and not some dangerous monster. It is a

vital repair and protective substance that is extremely important for

proper functioning of the immune system and many other body functions

as follows:

-Nourishing the brain, which is 80% cholesterol.

-Forms the structure of all cell membranes.

-Nourishes and maintains a healthy nervous system; it is directly

responsible for the formation of nerve fiber sheaths.

-Formation of hormones, including estrogen, testosterone, aldosterone

(produced by the adrenal glands), etc.

-Formation of vitamin D.

-Formation of bile acids required for digestion.

-Protects repairs and strengthens the heart, as well as the walls of

arteries and blood vessels.

-Heals, strengthens and repairs the lining of the intestines.

-Builds healthy bones and muscles.

-Protects against infectious diseases.

-Regulates blood sugar.

-Repairs damaged tissues.

-Protects the body from the damaging effects of toxins; it is a

powerful antioxidant.

-Maintains energy, vitality, libido [sexual desire] and fertility.

-Many other important functions.

Malcolm Kendrick, Medical Director; Adelphi Lifelong Learning, United

Kingdom, states in his article Okay, Do You Know What A " Fat "

Is? " You don't make cholesterol from saturated fats, or any other

sort of fat, or vice-versa. Metabolically* speaking, there is no

connection between these two substances at all. "

*Metabolically comes from the word " metabolism " which is all of the

biochemical activities carried out by an organism to maintain life.

Unfortunately saturated fats have been given a bad name by the oil

and food manufacturing industries, with the sole purpose of selling

their products. This is also true for the medical industry and drug

companies who have based their recommendations on studies that were


Of course the drug companies do want you to know the truth, because

the cholesterol myth and low-fat diets scam help them sell drugs. In

fact the medical community was pressured by the drug companies to

lower healthy cholesterol readings in order to get more people taking

statin drugs!

Statin drugs are extremely damaging to the body. Here's an example of

one statin drug called Crestor with the side effects listed on their

leaflet: " CRESTOR is prescribed along with diet for lowering high

cholesterol and has not been determined to prevent heart disease,

heart attacks, or strokes.

CRESTOR is not right for everyone, including women who are nursing,

pregnant, or who may become pregnant, or anyone with liver problems.

Unexplained muscle pain and weakness could be a sign of a rare but

serious side effect and should be reported to your doctor right away.

Side effects occur infrequently and include muscle aches,

constipation, weakness, abdominal pain, and nausea. They are usually

mild and tend to go away. "

The heart actually prefers saturated fats as stated by Sally Fallon

and G. Enig, PhD in What Causes Heart Disease? " If you are

avoiding foods containing saturated fat and cholesterol, you will not

only deprive your body of vital nutrients, but the foods that you

consume as substitutes will contain many components—polyunsaturated

oils, trans fatty acids, refined sugar—that have been associated with

increased rates of heart disease. "

Also it is well-known by doctors that while your body is detoxifying

cholesterol will go up, but after that it will level off. Also see

these articles about the Cholesterol:

Low Cholesterol on 25 Eggs Per Day


Cholesterol References:


Cholesterol, A Phony Issue


The Benefits of High Cholesterol


Also do a search for cholesterol or heart on Dr. Mercola's website;


Here's another good source:

The International Network of Cholesterol Skeptics (THINCS)


For decades, enormous human and financial resources have been wasted

on the cholesterol campaign, more promising research areas have been

neglected, producers and manufacturers of animal food all over the

world have suffered economically, and millions of healthy people have

been frightened and badgered into eating a tedious and flavorless

diet or into taking potentially dangerous drugs for the rest of their

lives. As the scientific evidence in support of the cholesterol

campaign is non-existent, we consider it important to stop it as soon

as possible.

The International Network of Cholesterol Skeptics (THINCS) is a

steadily growing group of scientists, physicians, other academicians

and science writers from various countries. Members of this group

represent different views about the causation of atherosclerosis and

cardiovascular disease, some of them are in conflict with others, but

this is a normal part of science. What we all oppose is that animal

fat and high cholesterol play a role. The aim with this website is to

inform our colleagues and the public that this idea is not supported

by scientific evidence; in fact, for many years a huge number of

scientific studies have directly contradicted it.


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