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Another new member!

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I've just been re-reading your message and I wondered how the esophageal

transit test went for you, and if you would mind describing it to me. It's

a term I've not seen before and I am wondering how it differs from the

dreaded manometry.



another new member!

> I am so very happy to have found this group!! All the nasty things I

> have been going through alone, I have found in the messages in this

> group. I was explaining to someone today what I had, (trying to

> explain it,) and they were looking at me like....you know, and I

> couldn't help but smile because I had read a post from someone here

> who mentioned that. I have had this disease for almost 3 years now,

> and the more I read about it, I wonder if it actually didn't start

> years ago. I've been through many tests including the dreaded

> manometry. I actually found the inital barium swallow to be the worst

> because it took a good 12 hours for the barium to go through, I

> couldn't make it come up and it just would not go down. I am seeing a

> surgeon on monday after an esophogeal transit test, which they

> assured me involved no barrium!! The specialist I have been seeing

> feels surgery is the only help I will get. I had 4 esophogeal

> dilatations which were a complete waste of time as they did no good

> at all. Right now I am dealing with chronicfatigue from waking up

> choking so often at night, even when I don't eat after 6 and have my

> bed raised up. it's just the saliva I swallow when sleeping. they

> said the end of my esophogus only opens up to 2mm. or for americans,

> about 1/8th of an inch. I've done a lot of crying and feeling sorry

> for myself, I would love to feel good and energetic again!! I have

> had to quit work, and while my family is supportive, I'm sure I test

> their patience with my bouts of crankiness and depression. Well this

> is a lot longer than I thought it would be....it's just so good to

> talk to people who know what I'm going through. thanks for being

> here!!







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RocketCash, a NetZero subsidiary

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Hi Carol, the transit test was really uncomfortable. I have no

motility in my esophogus, and I had to lay flat on my back on an xray

table, swallow a mouthful of water(?) and then lay there and make

swallow motions for 20 minutes while they recorded how this fluid

went down. Well of course it didn't go down!! a lot went up my nose

and on the table! then I sat in front of the machine and did the same

thing for another 20 minutes. The surgeon told me that after 40

minutes of swallowing, 55% of the fluid was still in my esophogus. I

told him the rest of it was up my nose and on the table and he

laughed. Sounded funny but it was not at the time!! I just wonder

what was in the water to make it show up on the xray??

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Well, yuck! That sounds like another test to avoid at all possible costs.

Wonder who thinks up these things anyhow? I'm just glad you survived! Now

what happens?


Re: another new member!

> Hi Carol, the transit test was really uncomfortable. I have no

> motility in my esophogus, and I had to lay flat on my back on an xray

> table, swallow a mouthful of water(?) and then lay there and make

> swallow motions for 20 minutes while they recorded how this fluid

> went down. Well of course it didn't go down!! a lot went up my nose

> and on the table! then I sat in front of the machine and did the same

> thing for another 20 minutes. The surgeon told me that after 40

> minutes of swallowing, 55% of the fluid was still in my esophogus. I

> told him the rest of it was up my nose and on the table and he

> laughed. Sounded funny but it was not at the time!! I just wonder

> what was in the water to make it show up on the xray??








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RocketCash, a NetZero subsidiary

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Well on Tuesday I go in for another endoscopy, he wants to have a

look around himself and get the lay of the land he says. So far it's

been other dr.s doing the endoscopy. Then I guess we put me on a

waiting list for a surgery date! I've pretty much made up my mind to

have the surgery done. Up here in Canada, we have pretty long waiting

lists for surgery, so I'm sure I'll have a few more months to be

completely sure, in the meantime I'll keep reading here to see how

others are doing with theres.

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When I told Dr. Finley that I was ready for surgery, he had me in the next

month so you really might not have to wait that long. Good luck!

Re: another new member!

> Well on Tuesday I go in for another endoscopy, he wants to have a

> look around himself and get the lay of the land he says. So far it's

> been other dr.s doing the endoscopy. Then I guess we put me on a

> waiting list for a surgery date! I've pretty much made up my mind to

> have the surgery done. Up here in Canada, we have pretty long waiting

> lists for surgery, so I'm sure I'll have a few more months to be

> completely sure, in the meantime I'll keep reading here to see how

> others are doing with theres.










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  • 1 month later...
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In a message dated 3/13/01 1:05:11 PM Eastern Standard Time, Cheryl writes:

Hello everyone!! My name is Cheryl I am 39 - two teenage kids - and I am just getting started on the road to a healthy lifestyle. I have previously lost 121 pounds due to a gastroplasty (stomach stapling) procedure 5 yers ago.

Welcome! You're not alone, not in the Challenge, and not in having had gastroplasty. There are a few of us who've had RNY's here. Oh, when they said the surgery wasn't a magic bullet, they weren't kidding! ;-) Glad you're with us.


"Be like a bird who halting in her flight on a limb too slight, feels it give way beneath her, yet sings, knowing she has wings"

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Guest guest

Cheryl, word of mouth is excellent but doesn't substitute for reading the

book cover to cover, if you haven't already done that. Then another wealth

of information is Hussman's website, http://www.hussman.com/eas which

is long but has a lot of great info on why BFL works. Check it out!

Recipes are on the muscle media website and the body for life website. :=)


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  • 9 months later...

I was afraid of the cancer thing as well. However, after alot of research I understand that is very unusual to develop cancer from achalasia. I just had a dilation but prior to having the procedure I was tempted to go on with the achalasia and compensate as I've done for so long. I asked the doctor that if I decided not to have the dilation was itt was life threatening to stay this way and he said no. Also, no doctor I have spoken to or seen has ever mentioned the incidence of developing cancer from this. Of course, there is always a possibility but I believe it is a very slim one.

judyb63146 <judyb63146@...> wrote: Hi everybody. I was recently diagnosed with achalasia. I started having difficulty swallowing after my hysterectomy in February 2001. Sounds "funny" doesn't it? Of course, the doctor says it's a coincidence and it probably is, but that's how I pinpoint the time.I've had two "stretches" and the last one did not help. About five years ago I started with the chest pains that felt like I was having a heart attack. Usually a couple drinks of liquid and they would subside. I have acid reflux and take Nexium once a day for that. Once the swallowing difficulty began, it became severe in just a matter of months. I've had all the tests to confirm my condition. I'm scared to death of getting cancer from it. I've got an appointment with a surgeon next week, the only one in St Louis who does the laprascopic surgery (according to my gastro doctor). I don't know if I'm a candidate for it or not because I had my gall bladder removed about 30 years ago and I know I have scar tissue. If he can't do the lap surgery, I just don't think I'm ready to have my chest tore open. Is it harmful to postpone the surgery???? I don't want to do more damage to myself. I think I have most of the symptoms I've read on these posts. I throw up slime, fill up easy, have lost weight, don't eat any meat only soft foods and I'm depressed because I can't go to restaurants and enjoy a meal.My only real highlight is finding this group. I don't feel quite so alien. Would love to hear from others. judy

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The only harm in postponing the surgery is that you stretch the esophagus

and that is not good. The other problem is loosing so much weight.

I have had 3 thoracic surgeries and they are NOT fun. They were worth it

though in the end. I wish I could have had the Lap. I pray you are a

candidate. I don't see why you would not be, but I am not the doc!


Another new member!

> Hi everybody. I was recently diagnosed with achalasia. I started

> having difficulty swallowing after my hysterectomy in February 2001.

> Sounds " funny " doesn't it? Of course, the doctor says it's a

> coincidence and it probably is, but that's how I pinpoint the time.

> I've had two " stretches " and the last one did not help. About five

> years ago I started with the chest pains that felt like I was having

> a heart attack. Usually a couple drinks of liquid and they would

> subside. I have acid reflux and take Nexium once a day for that.

> Once the swallowing difficulty began, it became severe in just a

> matter of months. I've had all the tests to confirm my condition.

> I'm scared to death of getting cancer from it. I've got an

> appointment with a surgeon next week, the only one in St Louis who

> does the laprascopic surgery (according to my gastro doctor). I

> don't know if I'm a candidate for it or not because I had my gall

> bladder removed about 30 years ago and I know I have scar tissue. If

> he can't do the lap surgery, I just don't think I'm ready to have my

> chest tore open. Is it harmful to postpone the surgery???? I don't

> want to do more damage to myself. I think I have most of the

> symptoms I've read on these posts. I throw up slime, fill up easy,

> have lost weight, don't eat any meat only soft foods and I'm

> depressed because I can't go to restaurants and enjoy a meal.

> My only real highlight is finding this group. I don't feel quite so

> alien. Would love to hear from others.

> judy







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  • 1 year later...


I'm an ex NSW Ambulance Intensive Care Paramedic. Now private. If you'd

like any advice or to have a chat, contact me.


Gösta Liljeqvist

Global Risk Awareness

+61 (0) 2 92526575

+61 (0)416282275


Another new member!

G Day Everyone

My name is Darren and I am working for the Royal Flying Doctor

Service here at Ayers Rock in Australia's Northern Territory. I am


as an Intensive Care Paramedic here for the RFDS after returning from


years in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

I am trying to keep up to date with whats happening in remote area


support field after having worked numerious contracts in the offshore


mining/exploration industry as a safety training co-ordinator and medic.

At this time I am going through the extremely frustrating process of


state recognition with the health professions council " paramedics

board " .

They are giving me a hard time and they dont appear to know too much


Australian " intensive care " paramedic training.

I too look forward to receiving communications from this group.

Cheers and regards


RFDS Ayers Rock Medical Centre

Yulara NT 0872



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I hooked up recently to this list

I am a Medic working presently for Bechtel

On a pipeline project in Algeria

I am neither from the military nor Nursing

I am a US trained Medic (Northeastern Univ. Boston)

I have worked in the cities of Yonkers, New York and Philadelphia

And a few other odd jobs thrown in there

I have been doing the international gambit

Since 1998 (Algeria & Bechtel again)

I have also done some stints with SOS in Tchad and Cameroon

And should be back at looking for employment in October

I can see that this list has a wide disparity

In it's members, backgrounds and locals

Loking forward, and should be interesting, to see how it all comes together


Brault EMT-P

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  • 5 months later...

Hello everyone,

I am new to this group and have been reading your posts for some

weeks/months now and convinced my

neuro to write me a script last Monday. Now, I just received

it and want to start to take it. I have a stupid question for you :

Do I just take it with water,

like any pill? I am very excited about it.

I was dxd in 1999 with SPMS at the age of 42. In the

summer 1998, I started having problems walking and the following

January, I had to use a cane. The following February i was using a

walker for my walks and not too long after that, I was unable to

drive. Despite all this, I feel good, watch what I eat and take

vitamins. I also walk every day and it helps a lot.

Thanks for your time and answers.

Janette, in Canada

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Hey Janette you can take this pill with water or whatever

you wish to drink. There is no worry of full tummy or not full some have found

it helps one way or another for them but individually we all find different things

that work best for us. Good luck!

From: Janette


Sent: Wednesday, January 28, 2004

1:32 PM

low dose naltrexone

Subject: [low dose naltrexone]

Another new member!

Hello everyone,

I am new to this group and have been reading your

posts for some

weeks/months now and convinced my

neuro to write me a script last Monday. Now, I

just received

it and want to start to take it. I have a stupid

question for you :

Do I just take it with water,

like any pill? I am very excited about it.

I was dxd in 1999 with SPMS at the age of 42. In


summer 1998, I started having problems walking and

the following

January, I had to use a cane. The following

February i was using a

walker for my walks and not too long after that, I

was unable to

drive. Despite all this, I feel good, watch what I

eat and take

vitamins. I also walk every day and it helps a


Thanks for your time and answers.

Janette, in Canada

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You’re very welcome comes from sitting at this

computer for too dang long every darned day! LOL but I find we get faster and

more reliable information on here than elsewhere!

*good luck*

From: Janette


Sent: Wednesday, January 28, 2004

2:14 PM

low dose naltrexone

Subject: [low dose naltrexone] Re:

Another new member!

Thank you so much for your quick answer. It helps a lot!


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Sure, just take it with water. If you're French, you're probably are

wanting to take it with wine.


----- Original Message -----

From: " Janette " <dahlia_ca@...>

<low dose naltrexone >

Sent: Wednesday, January 28, 2004 11:32 AM

Subject: [low dose naltrexone] Another new member!

> Hello everyone,


> I am new to this group and have been reading your posts for some

> weeks/months now and convinced my

> neuro to write me a script last Monday. Now, I just received

> it and want to start to take it. I have a stupid question for you :

> Do I just take it with water,

> like any pill? I am very excited about it.


> I was dxd in 1999 with SPMS at the age of 42. In the

> summer 1998, I started having problems walking and the following

> January, I had to use a cane. The following February i was using a

> walker for my walks and not too long after that, I was unable to

> drive. Despite all this, I feel good, watch what I eat and take

> vitamins. I also walk every day and it helps a lot.


> Thanks for your time and answers.


> Janette, in Canada







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Hihi Noland;o) Is champagne also alowed;o) Still have half a bottle

in the fridge. Maybe I can crush the Revia into it, but then again I

might want more then just 3 ml;o) Just kidding around;o)


> Sure, just take it with water. If you're French, you're probably


> wanting to take it with wine.


> Noland


> ----- Original Message -----

> From: " Janette " <dahlia_ca@y...>

> <low dose naltrexone >

> Sent: Wednesday, January 28, 2004 11:32 AM

> Subject: [low dose naltrexone] Another new member!



> > Hello everyone,

> >

> > I am new to this group and have been reading your posts for some

> > weeks/months now and convinced my

> > neuro to write me a script last Monday. Now, I just received

> > it and want to start to take it. I have a stupid question for

you :

> > Do I just take it with water,

> > like any pill? I am very excited about it.

> >

> > I was dxd in 1999 with SPMS at the age of 42. In the

> > summer 1998, I started having problems walking and the following

> > January, I had to use a cane. The following February i was using


> > walker for my walks and not too long after that, I was unable to

> > drive. Despite all this, I feel good, watch what I eat and take

> > vitamins. I also walk every day and it helps a lot.

> >

> > Thanks for your time and answers.

> >

> > Janette, in Canada

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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I'm sure 3 ml of champagne wouldn't be very satisfying!! ha


----- Original Message -----

From: " cheystay " <c_chey@...>

<low dose naltrexone >

Sent: Wednesday, January 28, 2004 3:08 PM

Subject: [low dose naltrexone] Re: Another new member!

> Hihi Noland;o) Is champagne also alowed;o) Still have half a bottle

> in the fridge. Maybe I can crush the Revia into it, but then again I

> might want more then just 3 ml;o) Just kidding around;o)


> Chey



> > Sure, just take it with water. If you're French, you're probably

> are

> > wanting to take it with wine.

> >

> > Noland

> >

> > ----- Original Message -----

> > From: " Janette " <dahlia_ca@y...>

> > <low dose naltrexone >

> > Sent: Wednesday, January 28, 2004 11:32 AM

> > Subject: [low dose naltrexone] Another new member!

> >

> >

> > > Hello everyone,

> > >

> > > I am new to this group and have been reading your posts for some

> > > weeks/months now and convinced my

> > > neuro to write me a script last Monday. Now, I just received

> > > it and want to start to take it. I have a stupid question for

> you :

> > > Do I just take it with water,

> > > like any pill? I am very excited about it.

> > >

> > > I was dxd in 1999 with SPMS at the age of 42. In the

> > > summer 1998, I started having problems walking and the following

> > > January, I had to use a cane. The following February i was using

> a

> > > walker for my walks and not too long after that, I was unable to

> > > drive. Despite all this, I feel good, watch what I eat and take

> > > vitamins. I also walk every day and it helps a lot.

> > >

> > > Thanks for your time and answers.

> > >

> > > Janette, in Canada

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

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Sounds like a real party a buildin'!

----- Original Message -----


low dose naltrexone

Sent: Wednesday, January 28, 2004 5:01 PM

Subject: RE: [low dose naltrexone] Re: Another new member!

About an 8 hour drive away but I’m good with a long drive if I cn crash on your couch! LOL

in Toronto

From: sandra [mailto:destress@...] Sent: Wednesday, January 28, 2004 6:31 PMlow dose naltrexone Subject: Re: [low dose naltrexone] Re: Another new member!

ANd Not sure where in Canada you are BUT Champagne taste better SHARING...are you near Montreal ?

----- Original Message -----


low dose naltrexone@groupscom

Sent: Wednesday, January 28, 2004 6:20 PM

Subject: RE: [low dose naltrexone] Re: Another new member!

Chey I understand champagne is allowed if you send a bottle to someone in Canada so ummm send me one then it’s allowed! LOL

From: cheystay [mailto:c_chey@...] Sent: Wednesday, January 28, 2004 5:09 PMlow dose naltrexone Subject: [low dose naltrexone] Re: Another new member!

Hihi Noland;o) Is champagne also alowed;o) Still have half a bottle in the fridge. Maybe I can crush the Revia into it, but then again I might want more then just 3 ml;o) Just kidding around;o)Chey> Sure, just take it with water. If you're French, you're probably are> wanting to take it with wine.> > Noland> > ----- Original Message ----- > From: "Janette" <dahlia_ca@y...>> <low dose naltrexone >> Sent: Wednesday, January 28, 2004 11:32 AM> Subject: [low dose naltrexone] Another new member!> > > > Hello everyone,> >> > I am new to this group and have been reading your posts for some> > weeks/months now and convinced my> > neuro to write me a script last Monday. Now, I just received> > it and want to start to take it. I have a stupid question for you :> > Do I just take it with water,> > like any pill? I am very excited about it.> >> > I was dxd in 1999 with SPMS at the age of 42. In the> > summer 1998, I started having problems walking and the following> > January, I had to use a cane. The following February i was using a> > walker for my walks and not too long after that, I was unable to> > drive. Despite all this, I feel good, watch what I eat and take> > vitamins. I also walk every day and it helps a lot.> >> > Thanks for your time and answers.> >> > Janette, in Canada> >> >> >> >> >> >

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Good stuff Chey btw emailed the lady using antibiotics for

her MS will see if she is interested in giving us some info on what she is

doing I also forwarded her your email so you may get an email yourself. Turns

out she is not on a study but is a pharmacist herself and has decided to treat

herself in a way that makes sense to her. Will be interesting though to hear

what it is she uses she has had MS for 15 yrs so far for sure and I think lives

out in B.C.

From: cheystay


Sent: Thursday, January 29, 2004

5:18 AM

low dose naltrexone

Subject: [low dose naltrexone] Re:

Another new member!

Give me time to save up for a

ticket to Canada,

I'll bring up the

good time in a bottle;o))

--- In low dose naltrexone ,

" jsgarvin " <jsgarvin@s...>


> Sharing???

> e-mail the driving directions, I'm

ready! Need a vacation anyway.


> Jim

> ----- Original Message -----

> From: sandra

> low dose naltrexone

> Sent: Wednesday, January 28, 2004

3:30 PM

> Subject: Re: [low dose naltrexone]

Re: Another new member!



> ANd Not sure where in Canada you are BUT Champagne taste better

SHARING...are you near Montreal ?

> ----- Original

Message -----


> low dose naltrexone

> Sent: Wednesday,

January 28, 2004 6:20 PM

> Subject: RE:

[low dose naltrexone] Re: Another new member!



> Chey I understand

champagne is allowed if you send a bottle to

someone in Canada so ummm send me one then it's

allowed! LOL









> From: cheystay


> Sent: Wednesday,

January 28, 2004 5:09 PM

> low dose naltrexone

> Subject:

[low dose naltrexone] Re: Another new member!




> Hihi Noland;o) Is

champagne also alowed;o) Still have half a


> in the fridge. Maybe

I can crush the Revia into it, but then

again I

> might want more then

just 3 ml;o) Just kidding around;o)


> Chey

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