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Really Confused Please Help!

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I really appreciate this website and look forward to communicating

with everyone. I have been sick with something for approx 8 or more

years. I was diagnosed with CFS in 97. The doctor said I had chronic

EBV and their wasn't really anything I could do about it. I thought

about the candida theory because of antibiotics for acne as a teen

and various other illnesses.

I have communicated with different people regarding my health issues

and of course so many people are on a differnent page when it comes

to the chicken or the egg.

I have been told that CANDIDA while may cause some discomfort will

not make me this sick i,e. disabled and home bound. I have been told

that Cell Wall Deficient(CWD) bacteria disrupts our immune system

getting inside the white blood cells paralyzing them thus causing

immune dysfunction leading to all these other problems like Candida

and all the viruses.

I have been told that 90% or more with CFS test positive for Lyme

disease and that CFS is really just Lyme disease.

I have been told that Chlamydia Pneumonia is the cause of CFS and

candida is just a co-infection.

I just remeber when I first became really ill my mouth was soooo dry

and coated with what appeared to be yeast on my tounge. It all

seemed to go downhill from there.

Antibiotics helped with some symptoms but I'm so confused and don't

want to continue if I'm going to really mess myself up more than I am

just to try an empiracle regimen of antibiotics. I wish that I could

find some natural antibiotics that target these things with out

disrupting my immuune system and guy flora.

I feel my immune system is being depressed further by being on them

but the scare tactis seem to be in full force.

Lyme and Candida are so similar on the questionaire that it really

frustrates me not to mention the false positive or negative theory

behind Lyme testing.

The worst part is, I test negative on everything except for EBV and

Lyme was a maybe with some bands positive but not CDC positive.

That's a whole different story.

How did you guys know this was the proper path to take?


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All of that sounds very similar to what I and i'm sure many others

have been convinced of by doctors over the years. In my opinion,

doctors condemn many people to lifetimes of chronic illness because

they are unable to think outside of their medical model and consider

alternative, natural therapies that work, despite the abundant

empirical evidence for them. Because of the unfortunate reputation

many natural therapies get, this is often a last resort for many

people. It should be the first line of treatment in my opinion, but

then that does away with the cashed-up pharmaceutical companies who

provide our doctors with so many nice things.

If in 8 years the doctors haven't got you any better, what have you

got to lose? It's time to let go of what all the doctors have fed you

about illness, and open your mind to health and healing. If you really

do have chronic EBV or Lyme Disease, antibiotics will not help you

because they are viral, not bacterial, infections. This program is

probably the only solution for such illnesses. For the first time in

years, i'm starting to feel well again after an episode of chronic

fatigue and many years of low energy and poor immune system

functioning and related problems. This is after a bit over two weeks

on the program.



> Hello


> I really appreciate this website and look forward to communicating

> with everyone. I have been sick with something for approx 8 or more

> years. I was diagnosed with CFS in 97. The doctor said I had chronic

> EBV and their wasn't really anything I could do about it. I thought

> about the candida theory because of antibiotics for acne as a teen

> and various other illnesses.


> I have communicated with different people regarding my health issues

> and of course so many people are on a differnent page when it comes

> to the chicken or the egg.


> I have been told that CANDIDA while may cause some discomfort will

> not make me this sick i,e. disabled and home bound. I have been told

> that Cell Wall Deficient(CWD) bacteria disrupts our immune system

> getting inside the white blood cells paralyzing them thus causing

> immune dysfunction leading to all these other problems like Candida

> and all the viruses.


> I have been told that 90% or more with CFS test positive for Lyme

> disease and that CFS is really just Lyme disease.


> I have been told that Chlamydia Pneumonia is the cause of CFS and

> candida is just a co-infection.


> I just remeber when I first became really ill my mouth was soooo dry

> and coated with what appeared to be yeast on my tounge. It all

> seemed to go downhill from there.


> Antibiotics helped with some symptoms but I'm so confused and don't

> want to continue if I'm going to really mess myself up more than I am

> just to try an empiracle regimen of antibiotics. I wish that I could

> find some natural antibiotics that target these things with out

> disrupting my immuune system and guy flora.


> I feel my immune system is being depressed further by being on them

> but the scare tactis seem to be in full force.


> Lyme and Candida are so similar on the questionaire that it really

> frustrates me not to mention the false positive or negative theory

> behind Lyme testing.


> The worst part is, I test negative on everything except for EBV and

> Lyme was a maybe with some bands positive but not CDC positive.

> That's a whole different story.


> How did you guys know this was the proper path to take?


> thanks


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I read your message, and while I don't have experience with CFS or

the other diseases you mentioned, I thought your question 'how do you

know this is the path to take' was a really good one.. and it got me

thinking it was time for me to formulate an answer to this...

In July of last summer I had pneumonia bad, had to take strong

antibiotics for two weeks, and remember feeling worse than ever

afterwards. I was sitting in my doctor's office looking at my check-

up xray, and she told me that my lungs were fine, and that my health

was better. I told her that actually, I felt a lot worse - sure i'd

stopped coughing or having lung pain, but I had all these other

symptoms (i made a list): was exhausted, had diarrhea/mucous in my

stools, showed her my tongue which was completely covered in white,

told her about my sinus problems, lethargy, acne, yeast infections,

trouble concentrating, constantly stressed, urinary tract infections,

back pain, tingling in the legs/head i felt sometimes, swollen lymph

nodes all over, bouts of depression, panic attacks, etc. I explained

that some of these symptoms I've had for years, others come and go.

She told me I had to just rest and drink lots of water and I'd be

fine, she didn't take any of my symptoms seriously (according to her

many were either normal or stemming from my own imagination), let

alone try to treat them together. needless to say i was devastated,

frustrated, i think i actually remember crying in her office.

That's when I knew that i was ready to not accept her opinion on my

health. I knew there was something wrong with me, an imbalance, and

that i wasn't ''imagining'' symptoms - it just couldn't be possible

that I felt this bad 'normally'. So, after doing some research on my

own I discovered Candida, and in August started going on candida

diets - cutting out sugar, grains, sweets, processed foods. About 2

months ago I found bee's group, and began her diet, cutting out

additionally seeds, nuts, all grains, soft dairy, and started

incorporating the supplements and good fats.

I guess I know this was the right thing to do because:

1) I feel better on her diet than I did before

I know i still have a ways to go for all my symptoms to

dissappear, but so many have started fading --

my sinus problems are practically gone, my energy levels are up to

the point where i feel like i can function and handle my life, i'm no

longer depressed, my tongue is clearing up daily -- still a bit of

white towards the back but the front part is PINK!!! , i don't have

halitosis anymore, i have some color in my skin now (not pale and

sickly like I was). i don't have randomly tingling skin anymore,

sinus headaches brought on by light, sugar cravings,

indigestion/bloating. I'm not stressed and all over the place

emotionally, and I am remembering how it feels to be positive.

2) I feel 'die-off' on this program

Everyone says you feel better before you feel worse, that healing

naturally causes healing reactions, and I definitely have had my fair

share of hard days and recurring symptoms these last 6 months. It

hasn't been easy, and though it seems like feeling worse would not be

proof that this program is working - it actually empowers me some. I

think to myself: if i've been taking such good care of myself, and

eating well and taking all these supplements, then any adverse

reactions I feel are part of the process of my recovery. It just

doesn't make sense otherwise: sure, if you have too much to drink

you have a hangover - sure, if you eat crappy foods your stomach

hurts - but if you're taking care of yourself 100% then any symptoms

are healing reactions.

3) My symptoms are constantly dissappearing, and reappear only if

i 'cheat'

I haven't been perfect these last 8 months, but i have been

getting better and better every day (even with healing pains). What

really reinforces my resolve is that when i have cheated, huge

symptoms come back. Like 6 weeks ago when i caved in and ate

chocolate, I woke up the next morning with a horrible urinary tract

infection -- i hadn't had one in 6 months! This also has made me

realize the link between diet and health.

In summary, I think this program is a godsend. I wouldn't have it

any other way - and I look forward to my own progress everyday, it is

quite exciting to see and FEEL such positive results. All signs for

me pointed to this program.

Bee - if you're reading this - thank you so much for having put all

this energy/time into creating and maintaining this group for us. I

am so thankful that I found you - I just don't even want to think

about what kind of state I'd be in right now if I hadn't followed

your expert guidance.

All the best,


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> How did you guys know this was the proper path to take?


> thanks


This program just made sense whereas some of the things doctors said didn't

necessarily and I loved my doctor in Austin. He was very alternative minded

and definitely knew about all the problems candida can cause. However, he

also believed in food allergies, rotation diets, and avoidance of foods you

are intolerant to. That was the only thing that seemed too good to be true

on this program - that I could eat healthy things I have a reaction to as

long as the reaction is tolerable.

Also, with all the stuff I have tried, and I have tired A LOT, I was still

sick and getting worse so like Matt said in his post, why not give this a

try. It's a healthy way to eat even if you don't have candida overgrowth. I

think you will find that you will start to feel better.


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> Hello


> I really appreciate this website and look forward to communicating

> with everyone. I have been sick with something for approx 8 or more

> years. I was diagnosed with CFS in 97. The doctor said I had

chronic EBV and their wasn't really anything I could do about it. I

thought about the candida theory because of antibiotics for acne as a

teen and various other illnesses.

=>Hi there. Also vaccines cause CFS & EBV.


> I have communicated with different people regarding my health

issues and of course so many people are on a differnent page when it

comes to the chicken or the egg.


> I have been told that CANDIDA while may cause some discomfort will

> not make me this sick i,e. disabled and home bound. I have been


> that Cell Wall Deficient(CWD) bacteria disrupts our immune system

> getting inside the white blood cells paralyzing them thus causing

> immune dysfunction leading to all these other problems like Candida

> and all the viruses.

==>Candida does cause all of the health problems listed in the first

article here:


==>It isn't the candida getting inside white blood cells that causes

the problem; it is the toxins produced by candida, which makes all of

the body's cell membranes go stiff/rigid. See " Candida Causes Cell

Membrane Defects " :


> I have been told that 90% or more with CFS test positive for Lyme

> disease and that CFS is really just Lyme disease. I have been told

that Chlamydia Pneumonia is the cause of CFS and candida is just a co-



> I just remeber when I first became really ill my mouth was soooo

dry and coated with what appeared to be yeast on my tounge. It all

> seemed to go downhill from there.

==>What you had is called mouth thrush, which is candida overgrowth

inside the mouth.


> Antibiotics helped with some symptoms but I'm so confused and don't

> want to continue if I'm going to really mess myself up more than I

am just to try an empiracle regimen of antibiotics. I wish that I

could find some natural antibiotics that target these things with out

disrupting my immune system and guy flora. I feel my immune system

is being depressed further by being on them but the scare tactis seem

to be in full force.


> Lyme and Candida are so similar on the questionaire that it really

> frustrates me not to mention the false positive or negative theory

> behind Lyme testing.


> The worst part is, I test negative on everything except for EBV and

> Lyme was a maybe with some bands positive but not CDC positive.

> That's a whole different story.

==>It really doesn't matter " what disease " you have, since this

Program is designed to build up the immune system with proper

nutrients so the body is able to " heal itself. " That's why I set up

my website and called it " Healing Naturally by Bee " because this

program does improve anyone's health, not just those with candida.

When the immune system becomes normal (strong enough) it will become

capable enough so it will reverse any diseases you listed above,

including candida.

==>Viruses, bacteria, candida, etc. cannot just be " killed off " and

expect the person not to have further problems. That's why

antibiotics don't work. This program treats the cause, not the

symptoms or disease itself. It treats the whole body holistically by

giving it what it needs to do its job, which is healing and

maintaining health. Only the body can heal itself!

The best in health, Bee

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