Guest guest Posted April 10, 2009 Report Share Posted April 10, 2009 One: You should read RACE AND CULTURE by Sowell, who totally blows your opinions out of the water with facts. Two: I indicate one course of action that would result in FEWER deaths of the poor, and you find that reprehensible??? You advocate MORE deaths??? Actually, you do; but you don't know it. I lived the poverty you observed from the outside. I was fortunate that I didn't have someone like you to " help " me to remain in that condition for the rest of my life. A child born in 1941 in rural Mississippi and raised by my mom and my alcoholic father on sharecropper's sweat. I never lived in a house with running water or a toilet until I was grown and left home. Unless you have a similar experience you don't _really_ know a damned thing about poverty. Living it gives a totally different view from seeing it during your day job and going to a comfortable home at night. .. .. > > Posted by: " Nancie Barnett " deifspirit@... > <mailto:deifspirit@...?Subject=%20Re%3A%20Cows%2C%20Geopolitics%2C%20and%20B\ ig%20Business%20Re%3A%20%5Bhypothyroidism%5D%20Re%3A%20Thy> > aspenfairy1 <aspenfairy1> > > > Thu Apr 9, 2009 1:22 am (PDT) > > > > Those really poor Asians, are at the homeless shelters getting > benefits just like everyone else. I think you need to open your eyes and > come down to China town and Korean town and see the poverty that is > all over > the place. There are homeless Asians, because families are not as > close knit > as they once were. The younger generation does not want to take care of > their parents anymore so the elderly are getting tossed out on the > streets. > <We would actually > have FEWER deaths if we eliminated ALL welfare and let those die who > could not provide for themselves; > > Wow, that sentence says it all. The very fact that you would even > write that > in a post is very telling. People with empathy would never even think > that. > It doesn't matter that you say you don't support that, you still > consciously > wrote it down, very disappointing to say the least. > Yes, I am a liberal democrat and I am damn proud of it! I will never stop > caring about people who are in need and I will never stop advocating for > them or for the animals. > I am proud to say that I have worked with the Kennedy's and the > 's and > the shrivers. > -- Re: Cows, Geopolitics, and Big Business Re: Re: > Thy > > > > > Your argument reminds me of the liberal screams that millions of > children would die in the streets if Clinton signed into law the bills > limiting welfare. It didn't happen, so SOMEBODY was out of touch. > People can and will take care of themselves once the idea that someone > else should take care of them so they don't have to hold a job or get an > education is removed. If you doubt that's true do a bit of research and > tell me what happens to the totally destitute and broke Asian immigrants > who come to this country. Or just read Sowell's book RACE AND > CULTURE. It will be a real eye opener for any true liberal. WARNING! > It's not politically correct worth a $#!t; but the facts are compelling. > > It is actually welfare and the belief in an entitlement to the fruits of > someone else's labor that is killing so many people and condemning > countless others to a life unfit for a human being. We would actually > have FEWER deaths if we eliminated ALL welfare and let those die who > could not provide for themselves; however, that IS NOT a solution I > would support. I believe we have a moral duty to take care of those who > cannot take care of themselves; but even then I believe private > charities can do a much better job of it than the government. Private > local charities tend to kick your @$$ out if you're a worthless druggie > or such who prefers to not work. > > > . Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted April 10, 2009 Report Share Posted April 10, 2009 To pay the minimum tax required by law makes perfect sense to me. Do you include a few dollars extra when you send in your taxes? A business evaluates all known expenses including taxes when making a decision as to where, when and how to conduct their business legally. If they pay more taxes than their competition they have to charge their customers more, which places them at an extreme competitive disadvantage. Too much of this leads to bankruptcy and the loss of all jobs they provided, as well as all the taxes they paid. We could avoid their bankruptcy by passing some law similar to a rent control law that says that you as a consumer must continue to buy from them. And it would make perfect sense to certain liberals; but I doubt you are anywhere near sufficiently mentally challenged to think it reasonable. .. .. > > Posted by: " Roni Molin " matchermaam@... > <mailto:matchermaam@...?Subject=%20Re%3A%20Cows%2C%20Geopolitics%2C%20and%\ 20Big%20Business%20Re%3A%20%5Bhypothyroidism%5D%20Re%3A%20Thy> > matchermaam <matchermaam> > > > Thu Apr 9, 2009 8:06 am (PDT) > > > > How about a tax increase if they are so ungrateful for the wonderful > things this country > does for them? An American company should not have to get special tax > cuts to do the > right thing. I don't, do you? > > Roni > <>Just because something > isn't seen doesn't mean it's > not there<> > > > > From: Crystal <sweetnwright@... > <>> > Subject: Re: Cows, Geopolitics, and Big Business Re: > Re: Thy > hypothyroidism > <mailto:hypothyroidism%40> > Date: Wednesday, April 8, 2009, 10:04 PM > > One reason to give the wealthy tax cuts is so they will keep their > companies > here in America ; ) Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted April 10, 2009 Report Share Posted April 10, 2009 Wow! I had almost come to believe I was the only person on this list aware of the inconvenient facts that liberals/democrats would prefer to hide about our present difficulties. I'm sure there's plenty of fault to go around, but to blame it all on the republicans while ignoring the well documented guilt of the democrats is to me totally dishonest. If any of you liberals doubt these facts just do a bit of investigating beyond your propaganda sheets. .. .. > > Posted by: " Valarie " val@... > <mailto:val@...?Subject=%20Re%3A%20Cows%2C%20Geopolitics%2C%20and%20Big%2\ 0Business%20Re%3A%20%5Bhypothyroidism%5D%20Re%3A%20Thy> > val1198 <val1198> > > > Thu Apr 9, 2009 9:22 am (PDT) > > > > News flash! There are 20 million illegals in this country taking American > jobs. > > Fannie and Freddie failed because Congress, under and Clinton, > mandated banks loan to unworthy borrowers. Five years ago, Geo Bush tried > to rein them in and Barney screamed " discrimination against poor > people. " Bush backed down. Republicans didn't fight. McCain also > tried a couple of years ago but his bill died in a Democrat controlled > committee. > > There is nothing above with which to argue. Those are all provable facts. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted April 10, 2009 Report Share Posted April 10, 2009 It doesn't really scream anything until someone bothers to bring evidence that some of the purported facts are not well supported. I haven't read it but I do note no one has brought ANY evidence against a single claim. .. .. > > Posted by: " " kennio@... > <mailto:kennio@...?Subject=%20Re%3A%20Cows%2C%20Geopolitics%2C%20and%20Big\ %20Business%20Re%3A%20%5Bhypothyroidism%5D%20Re%3A%20Thy> > Kennio <Kennio> > > > Thu Apr 9, 2009 10:09 am (PDT) > > > > You expected something else? Did you hear those idiots chanting " Drill > baby, drill " , because someone told them too? Its like a cult. > > ____________ > ____________________ > From: Nancie Barnett <deifspirit@... > <>> > hypothyroidism > <mailto:hypothyroidism%40> > Sent: Thursday, April 9, 2009 1:05:02 AM > Subject: Re: Cows, Geopolitics, and Big Business Re: > Re: Thy > > This books Screams of conservative republican BS > > -- Re: Cows, Geopolitics, and Big Business Re: Re: > Thy > > I offered a book for free, a new copy dirrect from, that > responds to this and other socialist falicies. Here are some of the > subjects it addresses: > > * Outsourcing (why it's good for Americans) and zoning restrictions (why > they're not) > > * Why central planning has never worked and never will > > * How prices operate in a free market (and why socialist schemes like > rent control always backfire) > > * How labor unions actually hurt workers more than they help them > > * Why increasing the minimum wage is always a bad idea > > * Why the free market is the best guard against racism > > * How capitalism will save the environment- -and why Communist countries > were the most polluted on earth > > * Raising taxes: why it is never " responsible " > > * Why no genuine advocate for the downtrodden could endorse the > dehumanizing Welfare State > > * The single biggest myth underlying the public's support for government > regulation of business > > * Antitrust suits: usually filed by firms that lose in free competition > > * How tariffs and other restrictions " protect " privileged workers but > make other Americans poorer > > * The IMF and World Bank: why they don't help poor countries > > The Politically Incorrect Guide to Capitalism (Politically Incorrect > Guides) [bARGAIN PRICE] (Paperback) > by P. (Author) > > Steve Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted April 10, 2009 Report Share Posted April 10, 2009 One: The free market system works, in that it provides the most benefits for the most people than any system in history. Two: Minimum wage is a total perversion of the free market system. Three: If it works why don't we just set the minimum wage at $20 or $30 per hour. That should REALLY help those whose actual output is about $3 per hour. NOTE: If you can follow the logic of why this last suggestion is pretty stupid you will then understand why minimum wage laws in general are pretty stupid. .. .. > > Posted by: " Roni Molin " matchermaam@... > <mailto:matchermaam@...?Subject=%20Re%3A%20Cows%2C%20Geopolitics%2C%20and%\ 20Big%20Business%20Re%3A%20%5Bhypothyroidism%5D%20Re%3A%20Thy> > matchermaam <matchermaam> > > > Thu Apr 9, 2009 10:36 am (PDT) > > > > I agree about illegal aliens. As far as the minimum wage is concerned, > how much does it cost you to feed your family per person per week? Why > do you think it's all right for you to be able to feed yourself and > your family, but you don't support fair treatment of all Americans to > get a decent wage (not that minimum wage is decent, but it's a start). > With homes being what they cost, food up in price every week, gas > going crazy, heat and electric being ridiculous, why do you object to > people who are WORKING and not sponging off the government (which I > know you don't like) being able to house, clothe and feed their families? > > Roni Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted April 10, 2009 Report Share Posted April 10, 2009 Maybe where you live, but NOT where I live. -- Re: Cows, Geopolitics, and Big Business Re: Re: > Thy > > > > > > > Nancie Barnett wrote: > > I work with the homeless and it is criminal that we > > as a wealthy society don't do anything to get them off the streets. > > Criminal is when one breaks the law, not when someone does something you > don't agree with. Not all laws ought to be obeyed. Laws in Germany > requiring you to out Jews were immoral. There are US laws as well that > ought to be ignored, like any form of draft/enslavement. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted April 10, 2009 Report Share Posted April 10, 2009 The " trickle down theory " is a straw man constructed by democrats to describe what they say is official republican policy. AFAIK it never was. However, it does work. Prime example is the small towns of such utter poverty that we can hardly imagine in Somali where the modern pirates live. The " trickle down " from the riches of the pirates has enriched the entire population of the towns. If you stop to think about it, it has to work. If someone gains wealth they have to spend it in order to obtain goods and services [if they save it they don't get any more goods and services]. That means jobs and incomes for the workers who provide the goods and services; some of whom may live in Indonesia or some other place where an income of a dollar or two per day puts you in the upper percentage of the country's wealthy. But don't let facts or logic interfere with your opinion... .. .. > The trickle down theory is bullshit. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted April 10, 2009 Report Share Posted April 10, 2009 A nutjob is IMHO someone who puts words into someone else's mouth that they never said or in any way implied. .. .. > > > Posted by: " " kennio@... > <mailto:kennio@...?Subject=%20Re%3A%20Cows%2C%20Geopolitics%2C%20and%20Big\ %20Business%20Re%3A%20%5Bhypothyroidism%5D%20Re%3A%20Thy> > Kennio <Kennio> > > > Thu Apr 9, 2009 10:58 am (PDT) > > > > You want to approve hunting of illegals from helicopters don't you? > Nutjob. > > ____________ > ____________________ > From: Valarie <val@... <>> > hypothyroidism > <mailto:hypothyroidism%40> > Sent: Friday, April 10, 2009 9:24:09 AM > Subject: Re: Cows, Geopolitics, and Big Business Re: > Re: Thy > > News flash! There are 20 million illegals in this country taking American > jobs. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted April 10, 2009 Report Share Posted April 10, 2009 doesn't seem to care about the people who are the low end of the wage scale. And because of circumstances beyond their control can't get a job that pays $50 a hour or even 20/hr. The repubs and the conservatives don't care that without a minimum wage there would be no protections for workers. Employers could pay them $1.00./hr and there would be nothing anyone could do about it. I wonder if they even remember their first job and if they ever wonder what it would have been like to have ZERO job protections and be at the mercy of an employer that low balled them on a salary. -- Re: Cows, Geopolitics, and Big Business Re: Re: Thy One: The free market system works, in that it provides the most benefits for the most people than any system in history. Two: Minimum wage is a total perversion of the free market system. Three: If it works why don't we just set the minimum wage at $20 or $30 per hour. That should REALLY help those whose actual output is about $3 per hour. NOTE: If you can follow the logic of why this last suggestion is pretty stupid you will then understand why minimum wage laws in general are pretty stupid. .. .. > > Posted by: " Roni Molin " matchermaam@... > <mailto:matchermaam@ com?Subject=%20Re%3A%20Cows%2C%20Geopolitics%2C%20and%20Big%20Business%20Re%3 %20%5Bhypothyroidism%5D%20Re%3A%20Thy> > matchermaam <matchermaam> > > > Thu Apr 9, 2009 10:36 am (PDT) > > > > I agree about illegal aliens. As far as the minimum wage is concerned, > how much does it cost you to feed your family per person per week? Why > do you think it's all right for you to be able to feed yourself and > your family, but you don't support fair treatment of all Americans to > get a decent wage (not that minimum wage is decent, but it's a start). > With homes being what they cost, food up in price every week, gas > going crazy, heat and electric being ridiculous, why do you object to > people who are WORKING and not sponging off the government (which I > know you don't like) being able to house, clothe and feed their families? > > Roni Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted April 10, 2009 Report Share Posted April 10, 2009 Why don't YOU read all those books that I listed, ah but then that would mean you would actually have discover the true facts about families and poverty... That book is a CONSERVATIVE view on race and culture with OUTDATED FACTS. The book was written in 1994. DEMOGRAPHICS have changed, james and the sad reality is the younger generations do not want to care for the older generations. That is why we are seeing an increased number of elderly Asians getting dumped into nursing homes and into homeless shelters. Also, elder abuse is growing among the Asian populations. Here are some reviews of his book: From Publishers Weekly Sowell ( Ethnic America ) draws on a worldwide range of examples and more than a decade of research in this intriguing exploration of the role of cultural attributes on group advancement. He aims to demonstrate the reality, persistence, and consequences of cultural differences--contrary to many of today's grand theories based on the supposed dominant role of objective conditions,' 'economic forces' or 'social structures.' " He tackles a host of issues: the costs and benefits of residential segregation; how affirmative action primarily helps better-off members of preferred groups; how prominent political leaders are not crucial to group success; how low-scoring groups on intelligence tests do their worst on abstract questions devoid of " cultural bias. " Sowell's observations have force, but he sometimes sacrifices depth for breadth. Although he claims to avoid policy prescriptions, he includes facile swipes against multiculturalism and argues, with varying degrees of plausibility, against liberal policies on race. Conservative Book Club selection. Copyright 1994 Business Information, Inc. --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title. From Kirkus Reviews Half-baked comparisons of world ethnic groups and nationalities pepper this conservative analysis from columnist and Hoover Institution economist Sowell (Inside American Education, 1993, etc.). In focusing on race and such issues as migration, conquest, economics, politics, intelligence tests, slavery, and history, Sowell claims to reject any grand theory in favor of demonstrating ``the reality, persistence, and consequences of cultural differences.'' Sowell emphasizes the notion of ``human capital,'' under which rubric he includes a group's ``specific skills, general work habits, saving propensities, attitudes toward education and entrepreneurship.'' His argument is at its most intriguing in examining how culture has been spread through conquest and migration, and how ``middleman minorities'' such as Jews, Lebanese, and Koreans have often been unfairly resented in countries where they performed essential moneylending functions. However, his explanation for how human capital developed is contradicted at times by other examples he offers; e.g., although claiming that the Japanese culture of innovation, thrift, and conservation was necessitated by poor natural resources, he also cites a lack of critical resources (navigable rivers) in Africa but fails to explain what he considers to be the lack of comparable cultural development. Sowell's idea of culture is a pinched, narrowly economic one. Given his laissez-faire stance, it is also not surprising that he prefers the private sector avenue of advancement chosen, he says, by Jews Germans, and Asians to the public sector route favored by the Irish and blacks. He owes it to the reader, however, to explain that the latter groups chose the political route precisely because they were denied opportunity in business. Moreover, while making the telling point that imperialism provided colonies with a physical infrastructure, he is silent about what imperialism took: the colonies' natural resources and political autonomy. While rightly assailing historical judgments colored by ideological dogma, Sowell himself is guilty of this failing, albeit with a conservative rather than a liberal bias. (Conservative Book Club main selection; author tour) -- Copyright ©1994, Kirkus Associates, LP. All rights reserved. -- -- Re: Cows, Geopolitics, and Big Business Re: Re: > Thy > > > > > Your argument reminds me of the liberal screams that millions of > children would die in the streets if Clinton signed into law the bills > limiting welfare. It didn't happen, so SOMEBODY was out of touch. > People can and will take care of themselves once the idea that someone > else should take care of them so they don't have to hold a job or get an > education is removed. If you doubt that's true do a bit of research and > tell me what happens to the totally destitute and broke Asian immigrants > who come to this country. Or just read Sowell's book RACE AND > CULTURE. It will be a real eye opener for any true liberal. WARNING! > It's not politically correct worth a $#!t; but the facts are compelling. > > It is actually welfare and the belief in an entitlement to the fruits of > someone else's labor that is killing so many people and condemning > countless others to a life unfit for a human being. We would actually > have FEWER deaths if we eliminated ALL welfare and let those die who > could not provide for themselves; however, that IS NOT a solution I > would support. I believe we have a moral duty to take care of those who > cannot take care of themselves; but even then I believe private > charities can do a much better job of it than the government. Private > local charities tend to kick your @$$ out if you're a worthless druggie > or such who prefers to not work. > > > . Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted April 10, 2009 Report Share Posted April 10, 2009 Sorry, I'm not familiar with all the senators, especially republican ones. Roni <>Just because something isn't seen doesn't mean it's not there<> From: Crystal <sweetnwright@...> Subject: Re: Cows, Geopolitics, and Big Business Re: Re: Thy hypothyroidism Date: Thursday, April 9, 2009, 11:18 PM If you join tom coburn, who is famous in DC for getting rid of wasteful spending, on twitter you can keep up with all the earmarks CW Traveling? Know someone who is? Use my travelocity site www.travelfhtm com/crystalwright -- Cows, Geopolitics, and Big Business Re: Re: Thy It did, last week, Thursday I believe it was... > ...Tell > me how many thousands of earmarks [not all by democrats] are in the > current budget bill [i think it passed]. > ... > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted April 10, 2009 Report Share Posted April 10, 2009 I'm certain you overcame some really hard things that you had to go through as a child, but I would like to make the observation that not all people are the same, given the same circumstances. Some people survive, some don't, some thrive some don't. You can't compare one person to everyone else. There are always other criteria that we don't know. It's not like a controlled lab experiment. Roni <>Just because something isn't seen doesn't mean it's not there<> From: <res075oh@...> Subject: Re: Cows, Geopolitics, and Big Business Re: Re: Thy hypothyroidism Date: Friday, April 10, 2009, 6:09 PM One: You should read RACE AND CULTURE by Sowell, who totally blows your opinions out of the water with facts. Two: I indicate one course of action that would result in FEWER deaths of the poor, and you find that reprehensible??? You advocate MORE deaths??? Actually, you do; but you don't know it. I lived the poverty you observed from the outside. I was fortunate that I didn't have someone like you to " help " me to remain in that condition for the rest of my life. A child born in 1941 in rural Mississippi and raised by my mom and my alcoholic father on sharecropper's sweat. I never lived in a house with running water or a toilet until I was grown and left home. Unless you have a similar experience you don't _really_ know a damned thing about poverty. Living it gives a totally different view from seeing it during your day job and going to a comfortable home at night. .. .. > > Posted by: " Nancie Barnett " deifspirit@... > <mailto:deifspirit@...?Subject=%20Re%3A%20Cows%2C%20Geopolitics%2C%20and%\ 20Big%20Business%20Re%3A%20%5Bhypothyroidism%5D%20Re%3A%20Thy> > aspenfairy1 <aspenfairy1> > > > Thu Apr 9, 2009 1:22 am (PDT) > > > > Those really poor Asians, are at the homeless shelters getting > benefits just like everyone else. I think you need to open your eyes and > come down to China town and Korean town and see the poverty that is > all over > the place. There are homeless Asians, because families are not as > close knit > as they once were. The younger generation does not want to take care of > their parents anymore so the elderly are getting tossed out on the > streets. > <We would actually > have FEWER deaths if we eliminated ALL welfare and let those die who > could not provide for themselves; > > Wow, that sentence says it all. The very fact that you would even > write that > in a post is very telling. People with empathy would never even think > that. > It doesn't matter that you say you don't support that, you still > consciously > wrote it down, very disappointing to say the least. > Yes, I am a liberal democrat and I am damn proud of it! I will never stop > caring about people who are in need and I will never stop advocating for > them or for the animals. > I am proud to say that I have worked with the Kennedy's and the > 's and > the shrivers. > -- Re: Cows, Geopolitics, and Big Business Re: Re: > Thy > > > > > Your argument reminds me of the liberal screams that millions of > children would die in the streets if Clinton signed into law the bills > limiting welfare. It didn't happen, so SOMEBODY was out of touch. > People can and will take care of themselves once the idea that someone > else should take care of them so they don't have to hold a job or get an > education is removed. If you doubt that's true do a bit of research and > tell me what happens to the totally destitute and broke Asian immigrants > who come to this country. Or just read Sowell's book RACE AND > CULTURE. It will be a real eye opener for any true liberal. WARNING! > It's not politically correct worth a $#!t; but the facts are compelling. > > It is actually welfare and the belief in an entitlement to the fruits of > someone else's labor that is killing so many people and condemning > countless others to a life unfit for a human being. We would actually > have FEWER deaths if we eliminated ALL welfare and let those die who > could not provide for themselves; however, that IS NOT a solution I > would support. I believe we have a moral duty to take care of those who > cannot take care of themselves; but even then I believe private > charities can do a much better job of it than the government. Private > local charities tend to kick your @$$ out if you're a worthless druggie > or such who prefers to not work. > > > . ------------------------------------ Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted April 10, 2009 Report Share Posted April 10, 2009 The problem is BOTH conservative republicans and liberal democrats. What ever happened to moderates? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted April 10, 2009 Report Share Posted April 10, 2009 Right so people should just keep getting paid wages that are not a living wage, so that they can never save anything and stay living pay check to paycheck and never be able to stop struggling everyday. I see that you do not have empathy and never will have empathy . End of story. -- Cows, Geopolitics, and Big Business Re: Re: Thy , those supporting minimum wage laws don't comprehend that increased minimum wages cost jobs (employers no longer can afford to keep as many people at the higher wages), increase prices (companies are going to recoup the additional costs somehow) and contrary to what the wishful thinks believe, effectively puts more people into poverty because those who are making anything over minimum wage, even so much as 25 cents don't get a pay increase yet have to incorporate all of the additional costs into their budget...been there, done that! It does nothing except disrupt/destabilize the economy even further... > > One: The free market system works, in that it provides the most > benefits for the most people than any system in history. > > Two: Minimum wage is a total perversion of the free market system. > > Three: If it works why don't we just set the minimum wage at $20 or $30 > per hour. That should REALLY help those whose actual output is about $3 > per hour. > > NOTE: If you can follow the logic of why this last suggestion is pretty > stupid you will then understand why minimum wage laws in general are > pretty stupid. > > > . > . > > > > > Posted by: " Roni Molin " matchermaam@... > > <mailto:matchermaam@.. ?Subject=%20Re%3A%20Cows%2C%20Geopolitics%2C%20and%20Big%20Business%20Re%3A%2 %5Bhypothyroidism%5D%20Re%3A%20Thy> > > matchermaam <matchermaam> > > > > > > Thu Apr 9, 2009 10:36 am (PDT) > > > > > > > > I agree about illegal aliens. As far as the minimum wage is concerned, > > how much does it cost you to feed your family per person per week? Why > > do you think it's all right for you to be able to feed yourself and > > your family, but you don't support fair treatment of all Americans to > > get a decent wage (not that minimum wage is decent, but it's a start). > > With homes being what they cost, food up in price every week, gas > > going crazy, heat and electric being ridiculous, why do you object to > > people who are WORKING and not sponging off the government (which I > > know you don't like) being able to house, clothe and feed their families? > > > > Roni > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted April 10, 2009 Report Share Posted April 10, 2009 This sentence is from your bloody post , not mine.: <We would actually > have FEWER deaths if we eliminated ALL welfare and let those die who > could not provide for themselves; > I was responding to your short sighted CRUEL statement! I DON " T advocate more deaths . What BS. You are the one who is advocating more deaths . By not helping people when they are in need, you are contributing to their social, physical and emotional state of being. That slam is completely RIGHT WING BS. Providing them governmental aid is not contributing to their deaths, providing them with food stamps is giving them life. No food stamps, more starvation, because food banks can't keep up with the demand and smaller regional charities and food banks are going broke dealing with the MILLIONS who have lost their jobs and are running through their savings. What about unemployment benefits?? They are governmental assistance. Want to tell the millions that they can't have their monthly checks? What are these people going to do if they don't get the check?? How are they going to feed their families?? Pay the car note? Pay the mortgage or rent? Pay for gas so they can drive the car?? We already have a shortage of shelter beds in the homeless shelter networks. There is not enough emergency housing to go around already even without this economic crisis. What do you want people to do? Live on the street? Under overpasses? Live in their cars, where if they live in a cold environment, they will freeze. They are not allowed to sleep in churches in most cities because of fire code regulations, so that is out. Even where I live, near the beach, it gets down to the 40's to 50's and it is DAMP cold that cuts right through you. we have had an increase in people freezing to death because there is not enough cold weather shelters. my state has a republican governor and he still thinks that we need to extend social servce benefits to the needy because to do otherwise is short sighted, cruel, inhumane and unethical. living without running water is not criminal james, as long as you have acess to clean water. i am glad you rose above it and created a nice life for yourself. BUT, receiving governmental assistance would not have tied you to a life on welfare. it is clear that you had opurtunity to go to school and better yourself. many other people are less fortunate and don't have the education to get into univeresity level in the first place. -- Re: Cows, Geopolitics, and Big Business Re: Re: > Thy > > > > > Your argument reminds me of the liberal screams that millions of > children would die in the streets if Clinton signed into law the bills > limiting welfare. It didn't happen, so SOMEBODY was out of touch. > People can and will take care of themselves once the idea that someone > else should take care of them so they don't have to hold a job or get an > education is removed. If you doubt that's true do a bit of research and > tell me what happens to the totally destitute and broke Asian immigrants > who come to this country. Or just read Sowell's book RACE AND > CULTURE. It will be a real eye opener for any true liberal. WARNING! > It's not politically correct worth a $#!t; but the facts are compelling. > > It is actually welfare and the belief in an entitlement to the fruits of > someone else's labor that is killing so many people and condemning > countless others to a life unfit for a human being. We would actually > have FEWER deaths if we eliminated ALL welfare and let those die who > could not provide for themselves; however, that IS NOT a solution I > would support. I believe we have a moral duty to take care of those who > cannot take care of themselves; but even then I believe private > charities can do a much better job of it than the government. Private > local charities tend to kick your @$$ out if you're a worthless druggie > or such who prefers to not work. > > > . Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted April 10, 2009 Report Share Posted April 10, 2009 The reason there needs to be minimum wage laws are because if there weren't, some of the companies would pay a nickel if they could get away with it. It's the reason the law was put into effect in the first place. Roni <>Just because something isn't seen doesn't mean it's not there<> From: <res075oh@...> Subject: Re: Cows, Geopolitics, and Big Business Re: Re: Thy hypothyroidism Date: Friday, April 10, 2009, 7:01 PM One: The free market system works, in that it provides the most benefits for the most people than any system in history. Two: Minimum wage is a total perversion of the free market system. Three: If it works why don't we just set the minimum wage at $20 or $30 per hour. That should REALLY help those whose actual output is about $3 per hour. NOTE: If you can follow the logic of why this last suggestion is pretty stupid you will then understand why minimum wage laws in general are pretty stupid. .. .. > > Posted by: " Roni Molin " matchermaam@... > <mailto:matchermaam@...?Subject=%20Re%3A%20Cows%2C%20Geopolitics%2C%20a\ nd%20Big%20Business%20Re%3A%20%5Bhypothyroidism%5D%20Re%3A%20Thy> > matchermaam <matchermaam> > > > Thu Apr 9, 2009 10:36 am (PDT) > > > > I agree about illegal aliens. As far as the minimum wage is concerned, > how much does it cost you to feed your family per person per week? Why > do you think it's all right for you to be able to feed yourself and > your family, but you don't support fair treatment of all Americans to > get a decent wage (not that minimum wage is decent, but it's a start). > With homes being what they cost, food up in price every week, gas > going crazy, heat and electric being ridiculous, why do you object to > people who are WORKING and not sponging off the government (which I > know you don't like) being able to house, clothe and feed their families? > > Roni ------------------------------------ Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted April 10, 2009 Report Share Posted April 10, 2009 O wow. That is way far wrong. That is your OPINION. You should read the bio of Buchanan. CW Traveling? Know someone who is? Use my travelocity site www.travelfhtm com/crystalwright -- Re: Cows, Geopolitics, and Big Business Re: Re: Thy hypothyroidism Date: Friday, April 10, 2009, 6:52 PM Wow! I had almost come to believe I was the only person on this list aware of the inconvenient facts that liberals/democrats would prefer to hide about our present difficulties. I'm sure there's plenty of fault to go around, but to blame it all on the republicans while ignoring the well documented guilt of the democrats is to me totally dishonest. If any of you liberals doubt these facts just do a bit of investigating beyond your propaganda sheets. .. .. > > Posted by: " Valarie " val@... > <mailto:val@wyosip com?Subject=%20Re%3A%20Cows%2C%20Geopolitics%2C%20and%20Big%20Business%20Re%3 %20%5Bhypothyroidism%5D%20Re%3A%20Thy> > val1198 <val1198> > > > Thu Apr 9, 2009 9:22 am (PDT) > > > > News flash! There are 20 million illegals in this country taking American > jobs. > > Fannie and Freddie failed because Congress, under and Clinton, > mandated banks loan to unworthy borrowers. Five years ago, Geo Bush tried > to rein them in and Barney screamed " discrimination against poor > people. " Bush backed down. Republicans didn't fight. McCain also > tried a couple of years ago but his bill died in a Democrat controlled > committee. > > There is nothing above with which to argue. Those are all provable facts. ------------------------------------ Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted April 10, 2009 Report Share Posted April 10, 2009 Time out, Steve. You aren't allowed to confuse liberals with facts. It's against their religion! [ggg] .. .. > > Posted by: " Steve " dudescholar4@... > <mailto:dudescholar4@...?Subject=%20Re%3A%20Cows%2C%20Geopolitics%2C%2\ 0and%20Big%20Business%20Re%3A%20%5Bhypothyroidism%5D%20Re%3A%20Thy> > dudescholar <dudescholar> > > > Thu Apr 9, 2009 5:45 pm (PDT) > > > > Nancie Barnett wrote: > > Plus, > > there is no statue of limitations for the IRS, they can go after as many > > years as they want. > > You have a very creative imagination constantly make claims about > government laws and constitutional issues that are completely wrong: > > Under section 6501(a) of the Internal Revenue Code (Tax Code) and > section 301.6501(a)- > 1(a) of the Income Tax Regulations (Tax > Regulations), the IRS is required to assess tax within 3 years after the > tax return was filed with the IRS. Similarly, under 301.6501(a)-1( of > the Tax Regulations no proceeding in court by the IRS without assessment > for the collection of any tax can begin after the expiration of 3 years. > > What is clear is that the IRS CANNOT go after as many years as they want. > > -- > > Steve - dudescholar4@... <> Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted April 10, 2009 Report Share Posted April 10, 2009 If it is forced by the government then it is some level or form of socialism or communism. If it is of your own free will you probably live in a MOL free society in which the government doesn't confiscate your earnings to the point that you cannot support those you chose. Historically in the US [and many other locations] neighbors took care of needy neighbors. And they knew pretty much instantly who was " needy " and who was " wanty " . I hope I don't have to tell you how quickly a " wanty " trying to masquerade as a " needy " would get a boot in the @$$. In liberal socialist welfare programs if you tried to weed out the vast majority of " wanties " you would face civil or criminal legal action. My wife's ex used to work in such programs directly with recipients but he wasn't so easily conned as your apparently were. You can learn a LOT in college. But if you don't learn anything else before or after you graduate then your education is impoverished. .. .. > > Posted by: " Nancie Barnett " deifspirit@... > <mailto:deifspirit@...?Subject=%20Re%3A%20Cows%2C%20Geopolitics%2C%20and%20B\ ig%20Business%20Re%3A%20%5Bhypothyroidism%5D%20Re%3A%20Thy> > aspenfairy1 <aspenfairy1> > > > Thu Apr 9, 2009 5:52 pm (PDT) > > > > in an free country people should have empathy towards people who have less > than you have. In a well run society, people look out for their neighbors > and help them when they need it. > That is not communism. You need to take a class in college. > But, I see you don't care about less fortunate people. Nice. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted April 10, 2009 Report Share Posted April 10, 2009 Steve has stated several times how he helps needy people become home owners, which is one of the ways to achieve the American Dream...DESPITE the present difficulties [which will pass]. Is you failure an inability to read, or an inability to understand? BTW, could you trim your posts? The one below contained 44 pages of quoted material, most of which was not necessary. It's a real PITA to wade through, and even worse for the poor sap with dial-up only. .. .. > > Posted by: " Nancie Barnett " deifspirit@... > <mailto:deifspirit@...?Subject=%20Re%3A%20Cows%2C%20Geopolitics%2C%20and%20B\ ig%20Business%20Re%3A%20%5Bhypothyroidism%5D%20Re%3A%20Thy> > aspenfairy1 <aspenfairy1> > > > Thu Apr 9, 2009 5:53 pm (PDT) > > > > <I would dump them like them a hot potato, > do minimal repairs, and focus my efforts on more profitable ventures. > > what a jerk, you are steve. was correct you would be a land lord from > hell. > there are more important things in life than making a fortune, steve. > Helping out people in need, oh that is right you don't believe in helping > out anyone else but your self, nice. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted April 10, 2009 Report Share Posted April 10, 2009 Yeah, how are they going to pay their cell phone bills if government doesn't confiscate resources from YOU? Val Posted by: " Nancie Barnett " Want to tell the millions that they can't have their monthly checks? What are these people going to do if they don't get the check?? How are they going to feed their families?? Pay the car note? Pay the mortgage or rent? Pay for gas so they can drive the car?? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted April 10, 2009 Report Share Posted April 10, 2009 , slow down, turn off Fox News and pay attention to your syntax. Or go stand in the corner! [ggg] .. .. > > Posted by: " " kennio@... > <mailto:kennio@...?Subject=%20Re%3A%20Cows%2C%20Geopolitics%2C%20and%20Big\ %20Business%20Re%3A%20%5Bhypothyroidism%5D%20Re%3A%20Thy> > Kennio <Kennio> > > > Thu Apr 9, 2009 6:19 pm (PDT) > > > > She parroting Fox news misinformation. She's watching it now I'm sure. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted April 10, 2009 Report Share Posted April 10, 2009 If we the people didn't reward them for doing exactly what they do by reelecting them they would probably change their behavior. So now whose fault is it??? .. .. > > Posted by: " Roni Molin " matchermaam@... > <mailto:matchermaam@...?Subject=%20Re%3A%20Cows%2C%20Geopolitics%2C%20and%\ 20Big%20Business%20Re%3A%20%5Bhypothyroidism%5D%20Re%3A%20Thy> > matchermaam <matchermaam> > > > Thu Apr 9, 2009 6:30 pm (PDT) > > > > If politicians weren't so invested in getting reelected, and paying > back favors for helping them accomplish that, then maybe they might > actually be able to serve the people, which is what they get elected > to do in the first place. > > Roni Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted April 10, 2009 Report Share Posted April 10, 2009 You'd think that out of all those fine, upstanding democrats Obama could find at least a few who weren't tax cheats. Hey, maybe they were actually the best of the lot! [ggg] Let's replace " fault " in your post with " legal liability " and take a look. If I sign a tax return [as I did this year and many years] that my wife prepared but she screwed up [which hopefully she didn't] then whose legal liability is it for me to make amends or suffer the consequences concerning my tax liabilities? Or, perhaps to make it easier suppose H & R Block screwed up and I signed??? .. .. > > Posted by: " Nancie Barnett " deifspirit@... > <mailto:deifspirit@...?Subject=%20Re%3A%20Cows%2C%20Geopolitics%2C%20and%20B\ ig%20Business%20Re%3A%20%5Bhypothyroidism%5D%20Re%3A%20Thy> > aspenfairy1 <aspenfairy1> > > > Thu Apr 9, 2009 6:52 pm (PDT) > > > > > Lets see, how many of them withdrew after it was announced. Obama doesn't > have a crystal ball that tell him when POTENTIAL nominees screwed up on > their taxes. > I wonder what the IRS would find if they audited you for lets say 10 > years.. > ... > Since they are extending the time frame to more than 10 years, since there > are so many people in the country who submitted incorrect tax statements > either being their fault of their tax preparer's fault. > > -- Re: Cows, Geopolitics, and Big Business Re: Re: > Thy > > > > > He wasn't the only Obama appointee that had tax issues, there was: > > Ron Kirk > Geithner > Tom Daschle > Killefer > Bill - being probed > Hilda Solis husband who paid off the day before her vote Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted April 10, 2009 Report Share Posted April 10, 2009 Well, at least that plunges as deeply into the real heart of the matter as anything else you've written. .. .. > I've made no comments about religion. Other than the weird cultish > republican/scientol > ogist hybrid we are currently faced with. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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