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mercury in vaccines

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>it injected into a 2 month old baby!<

In the States it is injected in one day old babies! Why can't more people be

like you, and use their brains to see that mercury and aluminum would have to

harmful injected into infants if it is harmful for adults to ingest even small

amounts of it. C.

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  • 3 weeks later...

There are still very small amounts of mercury in the vaccines but small

enough so they can call it mercury-free. I also remember reading somewhere

(I thought it was this list) that mentioned that mercury is still being

used in the production of the vaccines but it isn't added as a final

preservative so they don't have to put it on the label as an ingredient.

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At 06:02 PM 10/11/2002 -0500, you wrote:

>I was passing on info to an AP group on mercury in vaccines and just

wanted to have my info straight. Sheri--is this info still correct on your

website? A woman's ped is telling her that there is no mercury in vaccines


The mercury is supposed to be being taken out - physicians were (and I

don't know if still are), using old stocks with mercury in them. Also

there are traces still in manyh of them (that is how they say it). Flu vax

still has it in full force.

And what it has been replaced with is



The info below is accurate.............if using old stocks. And many of

them were not taken out

Flu, Rhogam, Rabies, not sure what others

>Jen L.

>The concern for many of us right now is that there is more dangers to the

vaccines than the mercury issue. And vaccinations continue with mercury in

them till the stocks are used up as admitted to by the FDA in the mercury

hearings in Washington DC. Also not all of the vaccines have been made

mercury free. Everyone needs to specifically look at the package insert of

the exact product that will be injected into you or your child as much of

what is out there still contains mercury (thimerasol).

>Mercury has been and continues to be in DTP, DTaP, HIB, Hep B, Flu Vax,

Rabies Vax, RhoGam, DT, Td, TT, DTwP w/HIB, Meningitis C.


> " In time and with water, everything changes. " Leonardo da Vinci



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I believe that Prof. Boyd Haley testified to that effect to Congress

(the part about the manufacturing process), but we haven't had that

confirmed as yet. (Note that we have heard that MMR, which is supposed

to not have any, may well use it in the manufacturing process....)

Sandy from Alaska










http://www.vaccine-info.com http://healing-arts.org/children/vaccines/











Re: mercury in vaccines

There are still very small amounts of mercury in the vaccines but small

enough so they can call it mercury-free. I also remember reading


(I thought it was this list) that mentioned that mercury is still being

used in the production of the vaccines but it isn't added as a final

preservative so they don't have to put it on the label as an ingredient.

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Could be. Thanks for explaining that, Jackie.

mercury in vaccines


This is the way it is in the manufacturing of dog food.

If the dog food company purchases say fish meal with a toxin they use

in the preparation of that fish meal, such as BHT or something - the

dog food company doesn't need to show it on it's label because they

didn't put it in the kibble themselves, they only need to show the

fish meal.

This is probably the case in the putting together of prepared food

for human consumption.

Similar concept with the mercury in the vax.

Jackie Noel



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  • 5 years later...

Speaking of which. There is an article in today's Tampa Tribune about a

finding of researchers from the Department of Public Health in

California. The gist of the story is that stopping the use of

thimerosal in vaccinations of children had no effect whatsoever on the

numbers of autistic children in California. The use of thimerosal was

discontinued in 2001; however, there was no decrease in the number of

autistic children. As a matter of fact the number continued to

increase, as it did from 1995 to 2007. The numbers should have

decreased if there was a causal link.

Fombonne, an autism researcher at Montreal Children's Hospital [who

had no part in the study] commented that there is " ...no evidence of

mercury poisoning in autism... " . Doctors say that the latest study

adds to existing evidence rebutting a link between thimerosal exposure

and autism risk.


> , we are literally bombarded with so many things that can

> affect our body iodine every single day. Stuff like fluoride in

> toothpaste, mouthwash, and city water, that new car smell is bromide

> (darn it), mercury in vaccines,

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The thirmerosal/autism link did not pan out. That does not mean thirmerosal

is a good idea though.

The newer theory of the avalanche of autism cases is the vitamin D theory...




From: hypothyroidism [mailto:hypothyroidism ]

On Behalf Of

Sent: Tuesday, January 08, 2008 8:10 PM


Subject: mercury in vaccines

Speaking of which. There is an article in today's Tampa Tribune about a

finding of researchers from the Department of Public Health in

California. The gist of the story is that stopping the use of

thimerosal in vaccinations of children had no effect whatsoever on the

numbers of autistic children in California. The use of thimerosal was

discontinued in 2001; however, there was no decrease in the number of

autistic children. As a matter of fact the number continued to

increase, as it did from 1995 to 2007. The numbers should have

decreased if there was a causal link.

Fombonne, an autism researcher at Montreal Children's Hospital [who

had no part in the study] commented that there is " ...no evidence of

mercury poisoning in autism... " . Doctors say that the latest study

adds to existing evidence rebutting a link between thimerosal exposure

and autism risk.


> , we are literally bombarded with so many things that can

> affect our body iodine every single day. Stuff like fluoride in

> toothpaste, mouthwash, and city water, that new car smell is bromide

> (darn it), mercury in vaccines,

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Well, SOMETHING is causing the increase in autism, and it should be an absolute

priority to find out what it is. They are predicting an increase in the years

to come,

and I would like to know why and how they are coming to that conclusion. There

is something going on, and it needs to be fixed.


<res075oh@...> wrote:

Speaking of which. There is an article in today's Tampa Tribune about


finding of researchers from the Department of Public Health in

California. The gist of the story is that stopping the use of

thimerosal in vaccinations of children had no effect whatsoever on the

numbers of autistic children in California. The use of thimerosal was

discontinued in 2001; however, there was no decrease in the number of

autistic children. As a matter of fact the number continued to

increase, as it did from 1995 to 2007. The numbers should have

decreased if there was a causal link.

Fombonne, an autism researcher at Montreal Children's Hospital [who

had no part in the study] commented that there is " ...no evidence of

mercury poisoning in autism... " . Doctors say that the latest study

adds to existing evidence rebutting a link between thimerosal exposure

and autism risk.


> , we are literally bombarded with so many things that can

> affect our body iodine every single day. Stuff like fluoride in

> toothpaste, mouthwash, and city water, that new car smell is bromide

> (darn it), mercury in vaccines,


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Yes; autism is increasing, and we don't know why. It continued to

increase at at the same rate when thimerosal was removed from the equation.

We sometimes have a tendency to latch on to something that fits our

personal bias and blame it for something with which it has no causal

connection. And then demand that it be " fixed " . Which means that

someone has to spend a lot of money to fix it. And guess who ultimately

pays for the " fix " ???

I don't know what it cost to remove thimerosal, or if that if that

removal solved any other problems. Or if, in fact, the new formulation

without thimerosal might actually have negative effects that have yet to

be discovered. I do think that those who follow the false logic that

" if A and B exist then A must necessarily be the cause of B " should take

note. Not that it will ever happen.


> Re: mercury in vaccines








> Posted by: " Roni Molin " matchermaam@...



> matchermaam <matchermaam>



> Tue Jan 8, 2008 9:05 pm (PST)


> Well, SOMETHING is causing the increase in autism, and it should be an

> absolute

> priority to find out what it is. They are predicting an increase in

> the years to come,

> and I would like to know why and how they are coming to that

> conclusion. There

> is something going on, and it needs to be fixed.


> Roni


> <res075oh@... <mailto:res075oh%40verizon.net>> wrote:

> Speaking of which. There is an article in today's Tampa Tribune about a

> finding of researchers from the Department of Public Health in

> California. The gist of the story is that stopping the use of

> thimerosal in vaccinations of children had no effect whatsoever on the

> numbers of autistic children in California. The use of thimerosal was

> discontinued in 2001; however, there was no decrease in the number of

> autistic children. As a matter of fact the number continued to

> increase, as it did from 1995 to 2007. The numbers should have

> decreased if there was a causal link.


> Fombonne, an autism researcher at Montreal Children's Hospital [who

> had no part in the study] commented that there is " ...no evidence of

> mercury poisoning in autism... " . Doctors say that the latest study

> adds to existing evidence rebutting a link between thimerosal exposure

> and autism risk.


> FWIW...




> > , we are literally bombarded with so many things that can

> > affect our body iodine every single day. Stuff like fluoride in

> > toothpaste, mouthwash, and city water, that new car smell is bromide

> > (darn it), mercury in vaccines,

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I find this quote troubling, and I do not think it is accurate.

However, it could be my understanding, which admittedly is lay level, is

inaccurate. But my understanding is that you can get a genetic defect

if the genes passed on become damaged in any way, even though no one in

your linage had that genetic defect before. Is that not correct? Or,

if it is correct it just highly unlikely??? Isn't this the main [or

only] process fueling evolution?

> To all the minions who promote genetics, ask them this...how does a

> genetic disease occur in a family that has never had that disease in

> either side of the family (as is true in all cases I have seen)? Answer:


A little investigation through Google shows many connections with

" quack " and Dr. Carley. As I understand it her license to practice

medicine has been revoked due to mental problems.


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Thank you for all the posts you have made. I don't know if

electromagnetic radiation may be a factor in either autism or thyroid

issues, but there are some folks suggesting that EMF plays a role.

My understanding is that it is accepted that EMF effect the pineal.

My understanding is that both thyroid and autism issues have a serotonin


Many years ago I read much that was written by Becker, MD and

biophysicist Marino.._The Body Electric_ and _Electromagnitism

and Life_ among the books. The following paragraph is from the latter.

In addition to the chemical toxicity in our environment...

many folks are concerned about electropollution.

Best thoughts,

Because the pituitary's activities are synchronized with the nervous

system via intimate chemical and neuronal pathways in the hypothalamus,

any EMF impact involving pituitary function would be expected to reach

beyond ACTH and the classic stress-response system. There is some direct

evidence that other pituitary secretions are affected by EMF's. For

example, antldiuretic hormone (ADH) Is a pitultary secretlon that

partlclpates in the regulation of the body's water balance. An increase

in ADH fosters the reabsorption of water by the kidney's distal renal

tubules thereby leading to a reduction in diuresis (flow of urine).

Several studies have reported that EMFs increase serum ADH levels (5, 6)

and reduce diuresis (6, 7). In many cases, however, the evidence of EMF

impacts involving the pituitary is indirect and consists of effects on

growth, metabolism, the cardiovascular and hematopoietic systems, and

other body functions and systems that are under the influence and

control of the endocrine system. In the remainder of this chapter we

describe the EMF studies that involve the endocrine glands-principally

the adrenal and thyroid. In succeeding chapters we present evidence of

the effects of EMFs on other body functions and systems.


>Yes; autism is increasing, and we don't know why. It continued to

>increase at at the same rate when thimerosal was removed from the equation.




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I wasn't saying what you just said. What I was saying is that the medical


seems to be convinced that this disease (autism) will continue to rise. I want

to know

why and how they have become convinced of this. It so far, seems that they are


and I want them to work to fix whatever it may be that is causing these

children to be

born this way.

I don't think that any of us are so apathetic and cold as to not be terribly

uspset by

the growing number of autistic children. There needs to be a real focus on

finding the

reason and preventing this from happening in larger numbers.


<res075oh@...> wrote:

Yes; autism is increasing, and we don't know why. It continued to

increase at at the same rate when thimerosal was removed from the equation.

We sometimes have a tendency to latch on to something that fits our

personal bias and blame it for something with which it has no causal

connection. And then demand that it be " fixed " . Which means that

someone has to spend a lot of money to fix it. And guess who ultimately

pays for the " fix " ???

I don't know what it cost to remove thimerosal, or if that if that

removal solved any other problems. Or if, in fact, the new formulation

without thimerosal might actually have negative effects that have yet to

be discovered. I do think that those who follow the false logic that

" if A and B exist then A must necessarily be the cause of B " should take

note. Not that it will ever happen.


> Re: mercury in vaccines








> Posted by: " Roni Molin " matchermaam@...

> <mailto:matchermaam@...?Subject=%20Re%3A%20mercury%20in%20vaccines>

> matchermaam <matchermaam>



> Tue Jan 8, 2008 9:05 pm (PST)


> Well, SOMETHING is causing the increase in autism, and it should be an

> absolute

> priority to find out what it is. They are predicting an increase in

> the years to come,

> and I would like to know why and how they are coming to that

> conclusion. There

> is something going on, and it needs to be fixed.


> Roni


> <res075oh@... <mailto:res075oh%40verizon.net>> wrote:

> Speaking of which. There is an article in today's Tampa Tribune about a

> finding of researchers from the Department of Public Health in

> California. The gist of the story is that stopping the use of

> thimerosal in vaccinations of children had no effect whatsoever on the

> numbers of autistic children in California. The use of thimerosal was

> discontinued in 2001; however, there was no decrease in the number of

> autistic children. As a matter of fact the number continued to

> increase, as it did from 1995 to 2007. The numbers should have

> decreased if there was a causal link.


> Fombonne, an autism researcher at Montreal Children's Hospital [who

> had no part in the study] commented that there is " ...no evidence of

> mercury poisoning in autism... " . Doctors say that the latest study

> adds to existing evidence rebutting a link between thimerosal exposure

> and autism risk.


> FWIW...




> > , we are literally bombarded with so many things that can

> > affect our body iodine every single day. Stuff like fluoride in

> > toothpaste, mouthwash, and city water, that new car smell is bromide

> > (darn it), mercury in vaccines,


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As the mother of an autistic teenage boy, I have spent years trying

to figure out what caused his autism. Was it my diet during

pregnancy? Did I not feed him right during his infancy? Was it the

vaccines? Not enough stimulation?......

Finally, a very wise doctor told me that right now there is not

single answer to the cause of autism, and that instead of looking for

the cause I should work on loving and working with my child and his

future, since I could do nothing about the past.

That said...I do think there should be way more studies on this

epidemic, and other health problems. Our government spends a ton of

money on military innovations and business are spending millions on

how to get rid of wrinkles. It is a sad reality that unless it

touches an individual, then we as individuals do not care.

Now...I have a question about the natural suppliments. I had my

thyroid destroyed by RAI last May. They are still working on

adjusting my meds. I am taking 75 synthyroid and 5 cytomel a day.

The cytomel (T3) seems to be helping, but I would also like to try

natural suppliments, too. I am just afraid that I will screw up my

system more than it is already. LOL When they discovered my toxic

nodule (prior to RAI) I was 5 " 5' at 118 pounds. I am now 138

pounds! I have stopped gaining, but will I every be able to get back

to my original size?

Thanks for listening.

> > Speaking of which. There is an article in today's Tampa Tribune

about a

> > finding of researchers from the Department of Public Health in

> > California. The gist of the story is that stopping the use of

> > thimerosal in vaccinations of children had no effect whatsoever

on the

> > numbers of autistic children in California. The use of thimerosal


> > discontinued in 2001; however, there was no decrease in the

number of

> > autistic children. As a matter of fact the number continued to

> > increase, as it did from 1995 to 2007. The numbers should have

> > decreased if there was a causal link.

> >

> > Fombonne, an autism researcher at Montreal Children's

Hospital [who

> > had no part in the study] commented that there is " ...no evidence


> > mercury poisoning in autism... " . Doctors say that the latest study

> > adds to existing evidence rebutting a link between thimerosal


> > and autism risk.

> >

> > FWIW...

> >

> >

> >

> > > , we are literally bombarded with so many things that can

> > > affect our body iodine every single day. Stuff like fluoride in

> > > toothpaste, mouthwash, and city water, that new car smell is


> > > (darn it), mercury in vaccines,


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> There have been a number of allegations that emf could cause different

> ill effects in humans, and some of them have been [i think] peer

> reviewed studies.

The classic review article from 1995:


A more recent review (2001) confirming that only high level fields are

associated with risk:



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Your doctor sounds like she/he is wise indeed. And apparently you can

rule out thimerosal in vaccinations for the time being. I don't think

there's been a bit of evidence that supports the idea that your diet

during pregnancy nor his infant diet causes autism. I know now that I

would avoid like the plague infant formula based on soy products; but I

didn't know that when my children were infants [in another life!

{ggg}]. Fact is there just hasn't seemed to be ANY common factor

causing autism, and that's one of our problems now.

I'm sure you did the best you could; and that's ALL you or anybody else

can do. If you're a devout person you almost have to accept it as the

will of a higher power. In any case you have to deal with what is, NOW;

not what you wish were the case. Best of luck with this challenge. May

our hearts be with you...


> Re: mercury in vaccines








> Posted by: " webinfochick " webinfochick@...



> webinfochick <webinfochick>



> Thu Jan 10, 2008 9:21 am (PST)


> As the mother of an autistic teenage boy, I have spent years trying

> to figure out what caused his autism. Was it my diet during

> pregnancy? Did I not feed him right during his infancy? Was it the

> vaccines? Not enough stimulation?

> ......


> Finally, a very wise doctor told me that right now there is not

> single answer to the cause of autism, and that instead of looking for

> the cause I should work on loving and working with my child and his

> future, since I could do nothing about the past.


> That said...I do think there should be way more studies on this

> epidemic, and other health problems. Our government spends a ton of

> money on military innovations and business are spending millions on

> how to get rid of wrinkles. It is a sad reality that unless it

> touches an individual, then we as individuals do not care.


> Now...I have a question about the natural suppliments. I had my

> thyroid destroyed by RAI last May. They are still working on

> adjusting my meds. I am taking 75 synthyroid and 5 cytomel a day.

> The cytomel (T3) seems to be helping, but I would also like to try

> natural suppliments, too. I am just afraid that I will screw up my

> system more than it is already. LOL When they discovered my toxic

> nodule (prior to RAI) I was 5 " 5' at 118 pounds. I am now 138

> pounds! I have stopped gaining, but will I every be able to get back

> to my original size?


> Thanks for listening.



> >

> > Yes; autism is increasing, and we don't know why. It continued to

> > increase at at the same rate when thimerosal was removed from the

> equation.

> >

> > We sometimes have a tendency to latch on to something that fits our

> > personal bias and blame it for something with which it has no

> causal

> > connection. And then demand that it be " fixed " . Which means that

> > someone has to spend a lot of money to fix it. And guess who

> ultimately

> > pays for the " fix " ???

> >

> > I don't know what it cost to remove thimerosal, or if that if that

> > removal solved any other problems. Or if, in fact, the new

> formulation

> > without thimerosal might actually have negative effects that have

> yet to

> > be discovered. I do think that those who follow the false logic

> that

> > " if A and B exist then A must necessarily be the cause of B " should

> take

> > note. Not that it will ever happen.

> >

> >

> >

> > >

> > > Re: mercury in vaccines

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I don't think it's too unusual for an insane person at the same time to

have areas in which they are brilliant. I know nothing about her other

than a very brief net search [plus the false statement attributed to her

below]; but if the events recounted there are factual then I wouldn't

have her treat a child of mine for any amount of money.

I don't know ANY of the facts in the case of her son; but if she thinks

thimerosal in vaccines caused his problems she's probably in error. Of

course, there have been other condemnations of vaccinations; many [at

least] of which have not been substantiated by credible research.


> Re: mercury in vaccines








> Posted by: " and Irwin " familyirwin@...



> fritzalseth <fritzalseth>



> Thu Jan 10, 2008 1:21 pm (PST)


> Truth be told, her own SON was damaged by vaccines, and she had fought

> tooth and nail to find the reason. Afterall, wouldn't you? And, if

> what you found went against the grain of the big pharma, don't you

> think you would be under attack as well? So, people can call her

> " mentally unstable " or " crazy " but the simple fact remains, she is

> very passionate about finding a cure, and claims she has. I am not

> saying that everything she has done is perfect, but one thing is for

> sure...she is very passionate about what she believes.


> Best,



> <res075oh@... <mailto:res075oh%40verizon.net>> wrote:

> I didn't call her a quack; but a lot of other people have. And if you

> check you will find a number of things she has apparently done are truly

> bizarre. The nice statements just indicate she has a mental problem;

> the not so nice ones just say she's crazy. AFAIK that's the specific

> reason her license to practice medicine was revoked.


> The only thing I know about her is that the quote below is just a flat

> out lie; it can't just be an innocent mistake given her educational

> background.


> This statement:


> > To all the minions who promote genetics, ask them this...how does a

> > genetic disease occur in a family that has never had that disease in

> > either side of the family (as is true in all cases I have seen)? Answer:




> .

> .


> >

> > Re: mercury in vaccines

> >









> >

> >

> >

> > Posted by: " and Irwin " familyirwin@...

> <mailto:familyirwin%40sbcglobal.net>

> > <mailto:familyirwin@...

> <mailto:familyirwin%40sbcglobal.net>?Subject=%20Re%

> 3A%20mercury%20in%20vaccines>

> > fritzalseth <fritzalseth

> <fritzalseth>>

> >

> >

> > Wed Jan 9, 2008 10:47 pm (PST)

> >

> > Call her a " quack " if you want, but she is a vaccine induced disease

> > expert. So, I know for a fact that many of these so called " quacks "

> > are indeed people to pay attention to. Maybe you should read her paper

> > on the subject, and then judge for yourself.

> >

> > Best regards,

> >

> >

> > <res075oh@... <mailto:res075oh%40verizon.net>

> <mailto:res075oh%40verizon.net>> wrote:

> > I find this quote troubling, and I do not think it is accurate.

> > However, it could be my understanding, which admittedly is lay level, is

> > inaccurate. But my understanding is that you can get a genetic defect

> > if the genes passed on become damaged in any way, even though no one in

> > your linage had that genetic defect before. Is that not correct? Or,

> > if it is correct it just highly unlikely??? Isn't this the main [or

> > only] process fueling evolution?

> >

> > > To all the minions who promote genetics, ask them this...how does a

> > > genetic disease occur in a family that has never had that disease in

> > > either side of the family (as is true in all cases I have seen)?

> Answer:


> .

> > A little investigation through Google shows many connections with

> > " quack " and Dr. Carley. As I understand it her license to practice

> > medicine has been revoked due to mental problems.

> >

> > Thanks,

> >

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No, in fact, for years she has been saying it is NOT the thimerosal in the

vaccines that are causing autism, but the vaccines itself.

You might find her paper pretty interesting...www.drcarley.com

Plus, remember, there are always two sides of the story.


<res075oh@...> wrote:

I don't think it's too unusual for an insane person at the same time


have areas in which they are brilliant. I know nothing about her other

than a very brief net search [plus the false statement attributed to her

below]; but if the events recounted there are factual then I wouldn't

have her treat a child of mine for any amount of money.

I don't know ANY of the facts in the case of her son; but if she thinks

thimerosal in vaccines caused his problems she's probably in error. Of

course, there have been other condemnations of vaccinations; many [at

least] of which have not been substantiated by credible research.


> Re: mercury in vaccines








> Posted by: " and Irwin " familyirwin@...

> <mailto:familyirwin@...?Subject=%20Re%3A%20mercury%20in%20vaccines>

> fritzalseth <fritzalseth>



> Thu Jan 10, 2008 1:21 pm (PST)


> Truth be told, her own SON was damaged by vaccines, and she had fought

> tooth and nail to find the reason. Afterall, wouldn't you? And, if

> what you found went against the grain of the big pharma, don't you

> think you would be under attack as well? So, people can call her

> " mentally unstable " or " crazy " but the simple fact remains, she is

> very passionate about finding a cure, and claims she has. I am not

> saying that everything she has done is perfect, but one thing is for

> sure...she is very passionate about what she believes.


> Best,



> <res075oh@... <mailto:res075oh%40verizon.net>> wrote:

> I didn't call her a quack; but a lot of other people have. And if you

> check you will find a number of things she has apparently done are truly

> bizarre. The nice statements just indicate she has a mental problem;

> the not so nice ones just say she's crazy. AFAIK that's the specific

> reason her license to practice medicine was revoked.


> The only thing I know about her is that the quote below is just a flat

> out lie; it can't just be an innocent mistake given her educational

> background.


> This statement:


> > To all the minions who promote genetics, ask them this...how does a

> > genetic disease occur in a family that has never had that disease in

> > either side of the family (as is true in all cases I have seen)? Answer:




> .

> .


> >

> > Re: mercury in vaccines

> >









> >

> >

> >

> > Posted by: " and Irwin " familyirwin@...

> <mailto:familyirwin%40sbcglobal.net>

> > <mailto:familyirwin@...

> <mailto:familyirwin%40sbcglobal.net>?Subject=%20Re%

> 3A%20mercury%20in%20vaccines>

> > fritzalseth <fritzalseth

> <fritzalseth>>

> >

> >

> > Wed Jan 9, 2008 10:47 pm (PST)

> >

> > Call her a " quack " if you want, but she is a vaccine induced disease

> > expert. So, I know for a fact that many of these so called " quacks "

> > are indeed people to pay attention to. Maybe you should read her paper

> > on the subject, and then judge for yourself.

> >

> > Best regards,

> >

> >

> > <res075oh@... <mailto:res075oh%40verizon.net>

> <mailto:res075oh%40verizon.net>> wrote:

> > I find this quote troubling, and I do not think it is accurate.

> > However, it could be my understanding, which admittedly is lay level, is

> > inaccurate. But my understanding is that you can get a genetic defect

> > if the genes passed on become damaged in any way, even though no one in

> > your linage had that genetic defect before. Is that not correct? Or,

> > if it is correct it just highly unlikely??? Isn't this the main [or

> > only] process fueling evolution?

> >

> > > To all the minions who promote genetics, ask them this...how does a

> > > genetic disease occur in a family that has never had that disease in

> > > either side of the family (as is true in all cases I have seen)?

> Answer:


> .

> > A little investigation through Google shows many connections with

> > " quack " and Dr. Carley. As I understand it her license to practice

> > medicine has been revoked due to mental problems.

> >

> > Thanks,

> >

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Often there are even more than two sides to a story.

As for vaccinations you'll find all kinds of info; much of it utterly

ridiculous. Just go into any group and mention getting the flu from a

flu shot the very next day; and you'll probably find one or more to tell

you that the exact same thing happened to them. No one bothers to learn

the simple facts of the incubation period of flu. Or of the fact that

if you're injected with a dead virus it CANNOT grow and replicate to

give you flu. Or that the vaccination does not protect for about 75% of

the flu viruses available.

None of which is to say that there may not be harmful effects from

vaccines; only that many of the stories are based upon utter ignorance.

Which, BTW, may not be the case at all with Dr. Carly [sp?].


> Re: mercury in vaccines








> Posted by: " Sam " k9gang@...



> stealthwind <stealthwind>



> Thu Jan 10, 2008 11:20 pm (PST)


> I think I want to chime in on this for a moment.

> It's the " vaccines " themselves? Ok, well, I can actually see that,

> and that's because I have seen for myself as a Basenji breeder

> (29yrs), owner, and exhibitor how the type of, or too many vaccines

> can literally screw up an animal for life, or even kill it.


> Sam :-o



> >

> > No, in fact, for years she has been saying it is NOT the thimerosal

> in the vaccines that are causing autism, but the vaccines itself.

> >

> > You might find her paper pretty interesting...www.drcarley.com

> >

> > Plus, remember, there are always two sides of the story.

> >

> > Blessings,

> >

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forget the flu shot...just take vitamin D, it works better




From: hypothyroidism [mailto:hypothyroidism ]

On Behalf Of

Sent: Friday, January 11, 2008 6:16 PM


Subject: Re: mercury in vaccines

Often there are even more than two sides to a story.

As for vaccinations you'll find all kinds of info; much of it utterly

ridiculous. Just go into any group and mention getting the flu from a

flu shot the very next day; and you'll probably find one or more to tell

you that the exact same thing happened to them. No one bothers to learn

the simple facts of the incubation period of flu. Or of the fact that

if you're injected with a dead virus it CANNOT grow and replicate to

give you flu. Or that the vaccination does not protect for about 75% of

the flu viruses available.

None of which is to say that there may not be harmful effects from

vaccines; only that many of the stories are based upon utter ignorance.

Which, BTW, may not be the case at all with Dr. Carly [sp?].


> Re: mercury in vaccines







3NjMEc2VjA2Rtc2cEc2xrA3Ztc2cEc3RpbWUDMTIwMDA0NzU0Mg--> >




> Posted by: " Sam " k9gang@... <mailto:k9gang%40openaccess.org>

> <mailto:k9gang@... <mailto:k9gang%40openaccess.org>


> stealthwind <stealthwind

<stealthwind> >



> Thu Jan 10, 2008 11:20 pm (PST)


> I think I want to chime in on this for a moment.

> It's the " vaccines " themselves? Ok, well, I can actually see that,

> and that's because I have seen for myself as a Basenji breeder

> (29yrs), owner, and exhibitor how the type of, or too many vaccines

> can literally screw up an animal for life, or even kill it.


> Sam :-o



> >

> > No, in fact, for years she has been saying it is NOT the thimerosal

> in the vaccines that are causing autism, but the vaccines itself.

> >

> > You might find her paper pretty interesting...www.drcarley.com

> >

> > Plus, remember, there are always two sides of the story.

> >

> > Blessings,

> >

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