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Re:Cretinism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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I challenge you to post any credible reference that equates Cretinism to

Down Syndrome. They are two completely DIFFERENT things; and the page

you referenced does not seem to mention Down syndrome at all.

As a matter of fact I believe it was Down himself who determined that

there was a difference between cretinism and the mental retardation that

came to be known by his name. See further info here:

<http://books.google.com/books?id=7FYzr-3lExYC & pg=PA9 & lpg=PA9 & dq=down+syndrome+%\

2Bcretinism & source=web & ots=TKsOVV6kTu & sig=M2fHkPsWo29llSNBbMtfVJgS7b0 & hl=en & sa=X\

& oi=book_result & resnum=8 & ct=result>

This information has been available since about 1866; and I rather

suspect most allopathic medical practitioners are well aware of it. I

would suggest any practitioners not aware of it is a quack; and probably

selling iodine.

A Google search turns up a number of sites which discuss both cretinism

and Down Syndrome; but none that I saw suggested anything in common for

the causes. Cretinism is caused by iodine deficiency and is well

controlled by the RDA of iodine in the pregnant mothers and

children/future adults. My understanding of Down Syndrome is that it is

a genetic defect and a ton of iodine will not cure it. A fact the

unfortunate patient's doctor no doubt knew well; and why it's a darned

good thing you and I are not treating patients.




> Posted by: " Gracia " circe@...




> graciabee <graciabee>



> Mon Sep 8, 2008 9:21 pm (PDT)


> explanation of cretinism now known as Downs syndrome


> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cretinism

> <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cretinism>

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