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i totally agree...

if i would have only known many things. right now i

still dont know what the future will hold as far as

becoming pregnant. have an apt with a new gyn (another

one) in july. i hope that she will at least take blood

for hormonal levels to see why i havent had a period

in over 3 months. this is driving me nutts.


--- Jay <gobulldawgs@...> wrote:

> Hey Kate, when you said about waiting on having kids

> because of the

> plaquenil I was wondering how old you are? I was

> thinking you were somewhere

> between 25 and 30 right? Anyway, I wish my doctors

> had told me this earlier

> about how your fertility declines after age 28 !!!

> I always thought you

> were fine til late 30's. Plus autoimmune diseases

> can affect your fertility

> too, so can the methotrexate. These are things

> doctors usually dont tell

> you, I guess from their point of view, getting us

> better, saving our lives

> and keeping our joints from being destroyed is more

> important than our

> ability to be able to bear children, so I understand

> that. Ive met alot of

> women my age (31) with RA whose fertilty has been

> affected.







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I have never heard anything about autoimmune diseases affecting fertility and

reading that kind of freaked me out. Please let me know what you know about

the topic...


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this is just a brief summary but yes there are different ways that it can

affect fertility, one is called premature ovarian failure, which is what

they think I have, basically your eggs mature alot faster than normal and

you have less eggs and the ones you do have are bad and not able to be

fertilized. It seems to be more commone with lupus than with RA but can

occour with any autoimmune disease, as Ive met some with chron's, RA, lupus

all that have found out they are now infertile. There is no treatment for

premature ovarian failure. The only way to become pregnant is through

Invitro using donor eggs.

If you have an autoimmune disease you can develop antibodies, specifically

antiphospholipid antibodies that cause clotting problems leading to repeat

miscarriages. This can be treated though with ASA 81mg, and daily shots of

heparin or lovenex.

You can also have an abundance of Natural Killer Cells in your uterus,(the

same ones that are responsible for the arthritis in your joints) and

preventing implantation. One doc has been using enbrel as an experimental

treatment for this problem, he also now uses Remicade and IVIG.

Also methotrexate can cause premature ovarian failure, but the good news is

that it's very rare for it to happen to RA patients because they take such a

low dose. It is a problem for chemo patients however.

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thank you for the info.


--- Jay <gobulldawgs@...> wrote:

> this is just a brief summary but yes there are

> different ways that it can

> affect fertility, one is called premature ovarian

> failure, which is what

> they think I have, basically your eggs mature alot

> faster than normal and

> you have less eggs and the ones you do have are bad

> and not able to be

> fertilized. It seems to be more commone with lupus

> than with RA but can

> occour with any autoimmune disease, as Ive met some

> with chron's, RA, lupus

> all that have found out they are now infertile.

> There is no treatment for

> premature ovarian failure. The only way to become

> pregnant is through

> Invitro using donor eggs.


> If you have an autoimmune disease you can develop

> antibodies, specifically

> antiphospholipid antibodies that cause clotting

> problems leading to repeat

> miscarriages. This can be treated though with ASA

> 81mg, and daily shots of

> heparin or lovenex.


> You can also have an abundance of Natural Killer

> Cells in your uterus,(the

> same ones that are responsible for the arthritis in

> your joints) and

> preventing implantation. One doc has been using

> enbrel as an experimental

> treatment for this problem, he also now uses

> Remicade and IVIG.


> Also methotrexate can cause premature ovarian

> failure, but the good news is

> that it's very rare for it to happen to RA patients

> because they take such a

> low dose. It is a problem for chemo patients

> however.











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May I suggest that anyone confronting the topic of infertile find a good

Reproductive Endocrinologist? The following page will help you find an

accredited one (not a quack): http://www.socrei.org/

Another place to get info is the national infertility organization,

Resolve: http://www.resolve.org/ There are Resolve chapters all over

the country.

Andy and I dealt with this topic head on many years ago. Much of the

problem was blamed on the use of prednisone in high doses over a long

period while he was still young, 10 if I remember correctly. When he had

his last flare in '98, one of the doctors commented that it was a good

thing we had our children already because after this round of

prednisone, there wouldn't be any sperm left. (Honestly I could have

smacked it because it was such a tactless thing to say and how did he

know we weren't hoping for more children even if we already had two?)

If you are considering having children it would be a good idea to talk

to one of this doctors now even if you aren't ready to have children

yet. They can at least run basic tests and give you a general view of if

it will be difficult and also your options.

Finally I would suggest that if you wish to be a parent, you also

consider the option of adoption. Putting " adoption " into an internet

search will yield literally thousands of hits.

Andy and I are parents of an adopted child and a birth child. Yes there

are different issues that crop up with each child, but our hearts know

no distinction between them.

Infertility is a nasty road. I cannot imagine the pain of traveling it

while dealing with another crisis topic, Stills. All of you are in my

prayers. If I can help anyone track down any info, please let me know.



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Thanks, Im already seeing a Reproductive Endocronologist, I have had an

extensive workup and we pretty much know what my problem is, there is no

treatment for it except using donor eggs which I will not do. We were

told that I should have some good eggs still left but we never know which

month that will be so to keep on trying is all we can do and hope and pray.

We are looking into adoption, have been even before all this infertility.

My husband is adopted so we plan to adopt in a couple of years when we have

more money saved up.


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  • 3 years later...
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Hey Joe,

In Portland, try OutsideIn. The med staff are NDs and should be able

to help her and him out.




On Apr 26, 2006, at 1:58 PM, Dr. ph Medlin D.C. wrote:

> Hi folks,


> Have a 39yo female who has been told by MD that her FSH levels are

> very High and that her fertility is in question. SHe will be seeing a

> fertility specialist, but wants to try everything. She has tried

> accupuncture. She wants to be adjusted to see if that helps things. If

> it doesn't, is there something else i can do for this woman??  Also,

> Her husband has no insurance and wants to know of an inexpensive lab

> that will do a sperm count.  Any input would be appreciated.


> Thanks,



> Dr. ph Medlin D.C.

> Spine Tree Chiropractic

> 1627 NE Alberta St. #6

> Portland, OR 97211

> Ph: 503-788-6800

> c:  503-889-6204



> OregonDCs rules:

> 1. Keep correspondence professional; the purpose of the listserve is

> to foster communication and collegiality. No personal attacks on

> listserve members will be tolerated.

> 2. Always sign your e-mails with your first and last name.

> 3. The listserve is not secure; your e-mail could end up anywhere.

> However, it is against the rules of the listserve to copy, print,

> forward, or otherwise distribute correspondence written by another

> member without his or her consent, unless all personal identifiers

> have been removed.





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  • 1 year later...

Clara - Red Raspberry Tea helps strengthen the uterus. It has been thought to

help many women conceive who were previously unable to. You'll have to ask the

rest of the group whether you could use it in your primary batch or if you'd

have to use it in your secondary ferment - or even just as an add-in to the KT.

Plantain also helps soothe the body internally and lemon balm eases stress -

both also helpful in fertility issues.


hey fellow kombucharo's, need some help!! l'm trying to help a friend with a

fertiliy problem, now my faith of kombucha is strong and l would like to know if

anyone knows of a herb or something that could be added to the kt for the

fertility problem?? your input would be greatly appreciated... clara

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Also consider consulting an acupuncturist. There are new studies showing that

acupuncture may help infertility.

Hope this helps!

donnalynn, teasmith

SensibiliTeas, Glens Falls, NY

www.sensibiliteasonline.com website still under construction, but still a good

selection of organic teas great for making KT


hey fellow kombucharo's, need some help!! l'm trying to help a friend with a

fertiliy problem, now my faith of kombucha is strong and l would like to know if

anyone knows of a herb or something that could be added to the kt for the

fertility problem?? your input would be greatly appreciated. .. clara

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> hey fellow kombucharo's, need some help!! l'm trying to help a friend

with a fertiliy problem, now my faith of kombucha is strong and l would

like to know if anyone knows of a herb or something that could be added

to the kt for the fertility problem?? your input would be greatly

appreciated... clara



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Chasteberry is also good for balancing female hormones



On Thu, Feb 28, 2008 at 1:24 PM, Heinz <luv2scrap@...> wrote:

> Clara - Red Raspberry Tea helps strengthen the uterus. It has been

> thought to help many women conceive who were previously unable to. You'll

> have to ask the rest of the group whether you could use it in your primary

> batch or if you'd have to use it in your secondary ferment - or even just as

> an add-in to the KT. Plantain also helps soothe the body internally and

> lemon balm eases stress - both also helpful in fertility issues.





> fertility


> hey fellow kombucharo's, need some help!! l'm trying to help a friend with

> a fertiliy problem, now my faith of kombucha is strong and l would like to

> know if anyone knows of a herb or something that could be added to the kt

> for the fertility problem?? your input would be greatly appreciated... clara



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having Reiki might be a good idea too.



kombucha tea@...: tri4home@...: Thu, 28

Feb 2008 14:29:43 +0000Subject: Re: fertility

Ginseng-Patty>> hey fellow kombucharo's, need some help!! l'm trying

to help a friend with a fertiliy problem, now my faith of kombucha is strong and

l would like to know if anyone knows of a herb or something that could be added

to the kt for the fertility problem?? your input would be greatly appreciated...

clara> >

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Hi Clara and EveryOne,

A number of people have written to this list over the years that they

were having trouble conceiving a child and after drinking Kombucha

found they were indeed pregnant. Just plain Kombucha....

Peace, Love and Harmony,



> hey fellow kombucharo's, need some help!! l'm trying to help a

friend with a fertiliy problem, now my faith of kombucha is strong and

l would like to know if anyone knows of a herb or something that could

be added to the kt for the fertility problem?? your input would be

greatly appreciated... clara



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  • 2 months later...
Guest guest

Hello there,

I have recently been diagnosed with H and was wondering about how this

impacts fertilty. I know that is a general question, but I am unsure

really wheret to start.

We are getting married Sept 08, and want to ttc in Jan 09. Can anyone

steer me in the right direction on how to get healthy to increase

fertility in order to conceive?

I have had polyps and also have an pituitary ademona (are these common

for women with HypoT?) I know that all 3 conditions will impact

fertility, but I guess I want to get onto it straight away before it

becomes an issue.

Thanks in adavnce,


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The best thing you can do to avoid fertility problems is avoid taking birth

control pills or

that birth control that gets inserted under the skin. They can stop ovulation

for up to 2

years. If you have to use something use condoms.

People here can help you sort out your thyroid stuff.

You can buy lutenizing hormone strips (urine test) on -line to check for when

you are

starting to ovulate. As soon as you see you are starting to ovulate-have sex.

Some women

ovulate on day 5 or 6 ! some day 14. The strips can tell you if you are

ovulating at all.

I just took a course on infertility that is being treated homeopathically. Out

of 200 cases,

175 got pregnant! And these were hard core previous IVF cases (with no


issues-like tubes being scarred shut). The cases were looked at from the angle

of " never

been well since suppression of ovulation by the Pill. "

Good luck!


> Hello there,


> I have recently been diagnosed with H and was wondering about how this

> impacts fertilty. I know that is a general question, but I am unsure

> really wheret to start.

> We are getting married Sept 08, and want to ttc in Jan 09. Can anyone

> steer me in the right direction on how to get healthy to increase

> fertility in order to conceive?


> I have had polyps and also have an pituitary ademona (are these common

> for women with HypoT?) I know that all 3 conditions will impact

> fertility, but I guess I want to get onto it straight away before it

> becomes an issue.



> Thanks in adavnce,


> Kate


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I have had polyps and also have an pituitary ademona (are these common

for women with HypoT?) I know that all 3 conditions will impact

fertility, but I guess I want to get onto it straight away before it

becomes an issue.

Thanks in adavnce,



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  • 1 year later...
Guest guest

I just found this in my emails.  Have you had any response?

 Elinor R.


Dr. P

Post-Op (4/20/07)

5' 1 "

53 min./7' bypass




Live, love and LAUGH!!!!


From: dimndznprlz01 <teacher4la@...>

Sent: Saturday, May 16, 2009 1:05:20 PM

Subject: fertility

Has anyone else had fertility problems after mgb? All I've ever heard is that

fertility is improved after surgery. With me, not so much. Well, I can't say I

know how my chances were before surgery, I hadn't tried. Now we have been trying

for more than a year and no luck. We have started Clomid and hope that improves

our chances. Any advise?

in Or

Dr. R


25 min

7 ft


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I responded to .

Shirley Sperka

Dr. Peraglie 2/21/08


> I just found this in my emails.  Have you had any response?

>  Elinor R.

> Florida

> Dr. P

> Post-Op (4/20/07)

> 5' 1 "

> 53 min./7' bypass

> Surgery/Now/Goal

> 278/159-165/120-125

> Reynolds-Family-Elinor.blogspot.com



> Live, love and LAUGH!!!!





> ________________________________

> From: dimndznprlz01 <teacher4la@...>


> Sent: Saturday, May 16, 2009 1:05:20 PM

> Subject: fertility






> Has anyone else had fertility problems after mgb? All I've ever heard is that

fertility is improved after surgery. With me, not so much. Well, I can't say I

know how my chances were before surgery, I hadn't tried. Now we have been trying

for more than a year and no luck. We have started Clomid and hope that improves

our chances. Any advise?


> in Or

> Dr. R

> 7/07/06

> 25 min

> 7 ft

> 338/180









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Since you (not Elinor...the original poster) never knew what their

ummm....fertility ability was before....there's no way to know if something has

changed.  MGB should have nothing to do with that department. 

Who knows what your eggs were like a few years ago (just because you're...say

30...it doesn't mean your eggs are that of a 30 year old....they could seem


Who knows what your partners contribution was like (that can change too, strong

swimmers one month.....then boys chasing their own tails a few months later).

There's SO MUCH that could be doing on or just bad timing.

If you've been trying for a while and are concerned about it, I suggest going to

see a Reproductive Endocrinologist.  Most offer a free consultation and at least

you can discuss your concerns.  Most insurance DO NOT cover fertility related

expenses....so do all of your research up front.   I've had many friends who

have fought with their insurance (and still are) and they never got

anywhere...not even for tests.

Good luck in your quest!


Jen R.

From: Elinor <laussie04@...>

Subject: Re: fertility

Date: Saturday, June 13, 2009, 10:50 AM

I just found this in my emails.  Have you had any response?

 Elinor R.


Dr. P

Post-Op (4/20/07)

5' 1 "

53 min./7' bypass

Surgery/Now/ Goal

278/159-165/ 120-125

Reynolds-Family- Elinor.blogspot. com

Live, love and LAUGH!!!!

____________ _________ _________ __

From: dimndznprlz01 <teacher4lahotmail (DOT) com>

@gro ups.com

Sent: Saturday, May 16, 2009 1:05:20 PM

Subject: fertility

Has anyone else had fertility problems after mgb? All I've ever heard is that

fertility is improved after surgery. With me, not so much. Well, I can't say I

know how my chances were before surgery, I hadn't tried. Now we have been trying

for more than a year and no luck. We have started Clomid and hope that improves

our chances. Any advise?

in Or

Dr. R


25 min

7 ft


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