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> > > An honest seven-year-old admitted calmly to her

> parents that Brown

> >

> > > had kissed her after class. " How did that

> happen? " gasped her mother.

> > > " It wasn't easy, " admitted the young lady, " but

> three girls helped me

> > > catch him. "

> > >

> > > ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

> > > One day, a little girl is sitting and watching

> her mother do the dishes

> > > at the kitchen sink. She suddenly notices that

> her mother has several

> > > strands of white hair sticking out in contrast on

> her brunette head.

> > > She looks at her mother and inquisitively asks,

> " Why

> > > are some of your hairs white, Mom? " Her mother

> replied, " Well, every

> > > time that you do something wrong and make me cry

> or unhappy, one of my

> > > hairs turns white. " The little girl thought about

> this revelation for a

> > > while, and then said, " So, Momma, how come ALL of

> grandma's hairs are

> > > white? "

> > >

> > > ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

> > > A teacher was giving a lesson on the circulation

> of the blood. Trying

> > > to make the matter clearer, he said, " Now, boys,

> if I stood on my head

> > > the blood, as you know, would run into it, and I

> should turn red in the

> > > face. " " Yes, sir, " the boys said. " Then why is

> it that while I am

> > > standing upright in the ordinary position the

> blood doesn't run into my

> > > feet? " A little fellow shouted, " Cause yer feet

> ain't empty. "


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  • 9 months later...

i thought this was cute


Subject: 51 days

51 Days

A bartender is sitting behind the bar on

a typical

day when the door bursts

open and in come four

exuberant blondes. They come

up to the bar, order five


of champagne and ten glasses, take their

order over and sit down at


large table. The corks are popped, the glasses are


and they begin

toasting and chanting, " 51 days, 51 days, 51

days! "

Soon, three more blondes arrive, take up


drinks and the chanting grows.

" 51 days, 51 days, 51

days! " Two more blondes show

up and soon their voices


joined in raising the roof. " 51 days, 51 days,


days! "

Finally, the tenth blonde comes in with a


under her arm. She walks

over to the table, sets the

picture in the middle

and the table erupts. Up

jump the

others, they begin dancing around the

table, exchanging


all the while chanting " 51 days, 51 days, 51

days! "

The bartender can't contain his curiosity


longer, so he walks over to the

table. There in the center

is a beautifully framed

child's puzzle of the



When the frenzy dies down a little bit, the


asks one of the

blondes, " What's all the chanting and


about? "

The blonde who brought in the picture

pipes up,

" Everyone thinks that blondes

are dumb and they make fun

of us, so, we decided to

set the record straight.

Ten of us

got together, bought that puzzle and put

it together. The side of

the box said 2-4 years, but we

put it together in 51 days!

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Hi Tina

I couldn't read this, when I opened the attachment there was nothing there. Don't know if it is just me or if it hasn't come thru properly, anyone else have probs???

How are you doing hon?

Take care

Lots of love


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