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Fwd: [RD] ACTION ALERT!! Senate Resolution Calls for Medicaid Cuts

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In a message dated 03/05/2004 8:00:44 AM Eastern Standard Time, tcarroll@... writes:

ACTION ALERT!! Senate Resolution Calls for Medicaid Cuts"An action alert from Families USA <HealthAction@...>:Late yesterday the Senate released its budget resolution -the first legislative step in setting federal budgetparameters for the coming years - and it's terrible newsfor state Medicaid programs. The resolution proposescutting Medicaid by at least $11 billion over fiveyears.Please join us in vigorously opposing these cuts - call ore-mail your two U.S. Senators today and ask them to opposethe Medicaid cuts called for in the Senate budgetresolution. If the budget resolution ends up containingsuch cuts, urge your Senators to VOTE NO on finalpassage. To find out how to contact your U.S. Senators,visit:www.senate.gov/general/contact_information/senators_cfm.cfmWhy are these cuts bad news? Most states are stillsuffering from the recession and facing continued Medicaidcuts. On top of that, the $10 billion in extra federalMedicaid help that was provided to the states starting onApril 1, 2003, expires on June 30, 2004. When it expires,many states are expected to make new cuts. In addition, thenew Medicare prescription drug law unexpectedly increasedMedicaid administrative costs for a number of states.The Senate budget resolution does nothing meaningful tohelp reduce the number of uninsured through other programsor proposals.Instead of helping the states and reducing the number ofuninsured, the Senate Budget Committee's proposal to cut$11 billion is certain to increase the number of uninsuredAmericans and lead to further cuts in the quality of careto our nation's nursing home residents, people withdisabilities, and millions of low-income children and theirmothers.There are other serious problems with the Senate budgetproposal. To read an excellent analysis of the Senatebudget situation from the Center on Budget and PolicyPriorities, visit: http://www.cbpp.org/3-4-04bud.htmPlease let your U.S. Senators know your concern today!# # #=====================All JFA postings from 1995 to present are available at:www.aapd-dc.org/JFA/JFAabout.html=====================NOTE: Some Internet Providers (including AOL, Earthlink andJuno) may see JFA postings as spam because of the largevolume of JFA mail recipients and fail to deliver theposting. If this happens, the JFA system may automaticallyunsubscribe some email addresses. Should you stop receivingJFA Alerts, please subscribe to JFA again as per theinstructions at http://www.aapd-dc.org/JFA/JFAsubscribing.htmlYou may also need to contact your service provider to findout how to prevent JFA postings from being recognized asspam.PLEASE Empty your email inbox regularly. JFA deletessubscribers that are over their message quota.If you stop using an account please unsubscribe that oldaccount.With hundreds of inbound emails and thousands of outboundemails daily. JFA can not respond to every message.We thank you for your understanding and continuedoutstanding advocacy!=====================JUSTICE FOR ALL -- A Service of theAmerican Association of People with Disabilitieswww.aapd-dc.org/JFA/JFAabout.htmlThere's strength in numbers! Be a part of a nationalcoalition of people with disabilities and join AAPD today.www.aapd-dc.org===================================================================== Justice-For-All FREE Subscriptions To subscribe or unsubscribe, send mail to majordomo@... with one or the other in the body of your message: subscribe justice unsubscribe justice

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