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update on my status (long, but please read!)

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I wanted to give everyone here an update as to

my progress with MS. I was officially diagnosed with

RRMS in 8/03 after having had off and on symptoms

for quite some time (10 years or so), and started

on LDN in early October '03 after learning about it

initially from remedyfind.com. I have been taking

LDN @ 4.5 mg every day since then.

From a symptoms point of view I have seen some

improvements since starting LDN. Specifically,

the numbness I've been having in my hands is

much better, the Lhermitte's is far reduced,

from " struck by lightening " down to " vibration " .

And, I no longer get the Lhermitte's at all in my

legs and feet. Now, its only in my hands. In

the past I have had optic neuritis twice, both

times in my left eye, and presently my vision

seems to be as good as I can ever recall.

Fortunately I have never had any muscle weakness

or co-ordination problems, bladder issues, etc.

So, my MS may well be fairly mild compared to

what some of you suffer with.

Before I go any further, its important to note

that LDN is only part of my overall regimen for my

MS. I am also taking LOTS of vitamins including

fish and borage oils, B12 (sublingual methylcobalimin),

alpha-lipoic acid, CO-Q-10, lecithin, and some

general multi-vitamins. And, I take lexapro 10mg,

partly to help with my mood facing MS and also

because I read one article that SSRIs may help with MS.

In addition to all of this, I follow the Swank diet

as closely as I can. And, I'm doing accupuncture

and seeing a chiropractor who has experience in

treating inflammation associated with MS.

I am NOT doing any of the ABCR drugs. I have talked

about this with my neurologist as well as a DO

here in town. They are both supportive of my decision

to not " go there " just yet. But, the agreement I

have in place with my neurologist is that if I cannot

control my MS with my present regimen we will have

to re-evaluate. His attitude towards LDN (and all

the other things I'm doing) was positive; he said

that as long as these things " do no harm " and don't

intefere with any other treatments its OK with him

if I wanted to try it. The caveat is: he wants me

to do " frequent " MRIs to monitor progress.

Now, on to results:

The really good news is that I went for a

brain MRI last Thursday and got the results

Friday. This MRI was being compared against a

prior one which was done in 10/03 (the same

week I started LDN). That previous MRI was being

compared with one done in 2/03. I have not seen my

neuro yet to discuss the results, but here is the

relevant info from the MRI report the hospital gave

me. Note the last 2 sentences, which deserve

the key emphasis, since I think they are highly

relevant to my progress:

MRI of Feb 5, 2004:

" The study is compared to 09 October 2003. Cerebral

spinal fluid spaces remain normal. Multiple small

foci of abnormal signal are again identified within the

white matter of both cerebral hemispheres. Many of these

are periventricular in location, and the pattern is

compatible with demyelinating disease. There has been

no significant interval change in the number, sizes, or

locations of the white matter lesions. The post-gadolinium

images reveal no abnormal enhancement of the white matter

lesions or other portions of the brain. "

Now, for comparison here is the MRI report from 10/09/03:

MRI of October 9, 2003:

" The study is compared to the previous brain MRI from

<NAME OF LAB> dated February 17, 2003. There has been mild

interval increase in the number and visibility of the lesions

within the periventricular white matter. These lesions

remain compatible with demyelinating disease. The largest

lesion, located in the right centrum semiovale, measures

approximately 6-7mm in diameter. It has increased in size

compared to the previous exam, and now demonstrates mild

enhancement with gadolinium, suggesting that it is active.

No cerebellar or brainstem lesions are identified. "

So, that's the news. Sorry for the long post. One

thing I would like to ask is - have the folks who run

this site (or the low dose naltrexone site) ever considered

setting up a separate section just for people like me

to post MRI results such as the above??? I think that

this would provide more compelling anecdotal evidence

necessary to have LDN looked at more closely by the

medical community.

Granted, I am doing so many things to try and help

my MS that I can't say for sure it was the LDN that

is helping. But I can say the following: I feel a

lot better (for example, the Lhermitte's is the best

its been in years) and the MRI is showing that there

was no progression in the last few months, nor do

I have any active lesions.

I understand the scepticism about LDN. MS is a weird

disease. For all I know I could have gotten these

results doing nothing at all; that's just the nature

of the monster we're all fighting. But, I don't think

so. I really believe LDN, along with everything else

I'm doing, is helping.

Thanks for listening!

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