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Listing 14.00 Immune System-Adult

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14.00 Immune System

14.01Category of Impairments,Immune System14.02Systemic lupus erythematosus14.03Systemic vasculitis14.04Systemic sclerosisand scleroderma14.05Polymyositis or dermatomyositis14.06Undifferentiatedconnectivetissue disorder14.07Immunoglobulin deficiencysyndromes or deficiencies of cell-mediated immunity, excepting HIV infection14.08Human immunodeficiencyvirus (HIV) infection14.09Inflammatory arthritis

A. Listed disorders include impairments involving deficiency of one or more components of the immune system (i.e., antibody-producing B cells; a number of different types of cells associated with cell-mediated immunity including T-lymphocytes, macrophages and monocytes; and components of the complement system).

B. Dysregulation of the immune system may result in the development of a connective tissue disorder. Connective tissue disorders include several chronic multisystem disorders that differ in their clinical manifestation, course, and outcome. They generally evolve and persist for months or years, may result in loss of functional abilities, and may require long-term, repeated evaluation and management.

The documentation needed to establish the existence of a connective tissue disorder is medical history, physical examination, selected laboratory studies, appropriate medically acceptable imaging, and, in some instances, tissue biopsy. Medically acceptable imaging includes, but is not limited to, x-ray imaging, computerized axial tomography (CAT scan) or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), with or without contrast material, myelography, and radionuclear bone scans. "Appropriate" means that the technique used is the proper one to support the evaluation and diagnosis of the impairment. However, the Social Security Administration will not purchase diagnostic tests or procedures that may involve significant risk, such as biopsies or angiograms. Generally, the existing medical evidence will contain this information.

A longitudinal clinical record of at least 3 months demonstrating active disease despite prescribed treatment during this period with the expectation that the disease will remain active for 12 months is necessary for assessment of severity and duration of impairment.

To permit appropriate application of a listing, the specific diagnostic features that should be documented in the clinical record for each of the disorders are summarized for systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), systemic vasculitis, systemic sclerosis and scleroderma, polymyositis or dermatomyositis, and undifferentiated connective tissue disorders and the inflammatory arthritides.

In addition to the limitations caused by the connective tissue disorder per se, the chronic adverse effects of treatment (e.g., corticosteroid-related ischemic necrosis of bone) may result in functional loss.

These disorders may preclude performance of any gainful activity by reason of serious loss of function because of disease affecting a single organ or body system, or lesser degrees of functional loss because of disease affecting two or more organs/body systems associated with significant constitutional symptoms and signs of severe fatigue, fever, malaise, weight loss, and joint pain and stiffness. We use the term "severe" in these listings to describe medical severity; the term does not have the same meaning as it does when we use it in connection with a finding at the second step of the sequential evaluation processes in §§ 404.1520, 416.920, and 416.924.

1. Systemic lupus erythematosus (14.02) - This disease is characterized clinically by constitutional symptoms and signs (e.g., fever, fatigability, malaise, weight loss), multisystem involvement, and frequently, anemia, leukopenia, or thrombocytopenia. Immunologically, an array of circulating serum auto-antibodies can occur, but are highly variable in pattern. Generally the medical evidence will show that patients with thhis disease will fulfill The 1982 Revised Criteria for the Classification of Systemic Lupus Erythematosus of the American College of Rheumatology. (Tan, E.M., et al., Arthritis Rheum. 25:11271-1277, 1982).

2. Systemic vasculitis (14.03) - This disease occurs acutely in association with adverse drug reactions, certain chronic infections and, occasionally, malignancies. More often it is idiopathic and chronic. There are several clinical patterns, including classical polyarteritis nodosa, aortic arch arteritis, giant cell arteritis, Wegener's granulomatosis, and vasculitis associated with other connective tissue disorders (e.g., rheumatoid arthritis, SLE, Sjogren's syndrome, cryoglobulinemia). Cutaneous vasculitis may or may not be associated with systemic involvement and the patterns of vascular and ischemic involvement are highly variable. The diagnosis is confirmed by angiography or tissue biopsy when the disease is suspected clinically. Most patients who are stated to have this disease will have the results of the confirmatory angiogram or biopsy in their medical records.

3. Systemic sclerosis and scleroderma (14.04) - These disorders constitute a spectrum of disease in which thickening of the skin is the clinical hallmark. Raynaud's phenomena, often severe and progressive, are especially frequent and may be the peripheral manifestation of a generalized vasospastic abnormality in the heart, lungs, and kidneys. The CREST syndrome (calcinosis, Raynaud's phenomena, esophageal dysmotility, sclerodactyly, telangiectasia) is a variant that may slowly progress to the generalized process, systemic sclerosis, over years. In addition to skin and blood vessels, the major organ/body system involvement includes the gastrointestinal tract, lungs, heart, kidneys, and muscle. Although arthritis can occur, joint dysfunction results primarily from soft tissue/cutaneous thickening, fibrosis, and contractures.

4. Polymyositis or dermatomyositis (14.05) - This disorder is primarily an inflammatory process in striated muscle, which can occur alone or in association with other connective tissue disorders or malignancy. Weakness, and less frequently, pain and tenderness of the proximal limb-girdle musculature are the cardinal manifestations. Involvement of the cervical muscles, the cricopharyngeals, the intercostals, and diaphragm may occur in those with listing level disease.

Weakness of the pelvic girdle, as contemplated in Listing 14.05.A, may result in significant difficulty climbing stairs or rising from a chair without use of the arms. Proximal limb weakness in the upper extremities may result in inability to lift objects, and interference with dressing and combing hair. Weakness of anterior neck flexors may impair the ability to lift the head from the pillow in bed. The diagnosis is supported by elevated serum muscle enzymes (creatine phosphokinase (CPK), aminotransferases, aldolase), characteristic abnormalities on electromyography, and myositis on muscle biopsy.

5. Undifferentiated connective tissue disorder (14.06) - This listing includes syndromes with clinical and immunologic features of several connective tissue disorders, but that do not satisfy the criteria for any of the disorders described; for instance, the individual may have clinical features of systemic lupus erythematosus and systemic vasculitis and the serologic findings of rheumatoid arthritis. It also includes overlap syndromes with clinical features of more than one established connective tissue disorder. For example, the individual may have features of both rheumatoid arthritis and scleroderma. The correct designation of this disorder is important for assessment of prognosis.

6. Inflammatory arthritis (14.09) includes a vast array of disorders that differ in cause, course, and outcome. For example, inflammatory spondyloarthropathies include ankylosing spondylitis, Reiter's syndrome and other reactive arthropathies, psoriatic arthropathy, Behçet's disease, and Whipple's disease, as well as undifferentiated spondylitis. Inflammatory arthritis of peripheral joints likewise comprises many disorders, including rheumatoid arthritis, Sjögren's syndrome, psoriatic arthritis, crystal deposition disorders, and Lyme disease. Clinically, inflammation of major joints may be the dominant problem causing difficulties with ambulation or fine and gross movements, or the arthritis may involve other joints or cause less restriction of ambulation or other movements but be complicated by extra-articular features that cumulatively result in serious functional deficit. When persistent deformity without ongoing inflammation is the dominant feature of the impairment, it should be evaluated under 1.02, or, if there has been surgical reconstruction, 1.03.

a. In 14.09A, the term major joints refers to the major peripheral joints, which are the hip, knee, shoulder, elbow, wrist-hand, and ankle-foot, as opposed to other peripheral joints (e.g., the joints of the hand or forefoot) or axial joints (i.e., the joints of the spine.) The wrist and hand are considered together as one major joint, as are the ankle and foot. Since only the ankle joint, which consists of the juncture of the bones of the lower leg (tibia and fibula) with the hindfoot (tarsal bones), but not the forefoot, is crucial to weight bearing, the ankle and foot are considered separately in evaluating weight bearing.

b. The terms inability to ambulate effectively and inability to perform fine and gross movements effectively in 14.09A have the same meaning as in 1.00B2b and 1.00B2c and must have lasted, or be expected to last, for at least 12 months.

c. Inability to ambulate effectively is implicit in 14.09B. Even though individuals who demonstrate the findings of 14.09B will not ordinarily require bilateral upper limb assistance, the required ankylosis of the cervical or dorsolumbar spine will result in an extreme loss of the ability to see ahead, above, and to the side.

d. As in 14.02 through 14.06, extra-articular features of an inflammatory arthritis may satisfy the criteria for a listing in an involved extra-articular body system. Such impairments may be found to meet a criterion of 14.09C. Extra-articular impairments of lesser severity should be evaluated under 14.09D and 14.09E. Commonly occurring extra-articular impairments include keratoconjunctivitis sicca, uveitis, iridocyclitis, pleuritis, pulmonary fibrosis or nodules, restrictive lung disease, pericarditis, myocarditis, cardiac arrhythmias, aortic valve insufficiency, coronary arteritis, Raynaud's phenomena, systemic vasculitis, amyloidosis of the kidney, chronic anemia, thrombocytopenia, hypersplenism with compromised immune competence (Felty's syndrome), peripheral neuropathy, radiculopathy, spinal cord or cauda equina compression with sensory and motor loss, and heel enthesopathy with functionally limiting pain.

e. The fact that an individual is dependent on steroids, or any other drug, for the control of inflammatory arthritis is, in and of itself, insufficient to find disability. Advances in the treatment of inflammatory connective tissue disease and in the administration of steroids for its treatment have corrected some of the previously disabling consequences of continuous steroid use. Therefore, each case must be evaluated on its own merits, taking into consideration the severity of the underlying impairment and any adverse effects of treatment.

C. Allergic disorders (e.g., asthma or atopic dermatitis) are discussed and evaluated under the appropriate listing of the affected body system.

D. Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection.

1. HIV infection is caused by a specific retrovirus and may be characterized by susceptibility to one or more opportunistic diseases, cancers, or other conditions, as described in 14.08. Any individual with HIV infection, including one with a diagnosis of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS), may be found disabled under this listing if his or her impairment meets any of the criteria in 14.08 or is of equivalent severity to any impairment in 14.08.

2. Definitions. In 14.08, the terms "resistant to treatment" "recurrent" and "disseminated" have the same general meaning as used by the medical community. The precise meaning of any of these terms will depend upon the specific disease or condition in question, the body system affected, the usual course of the disorder and its treatment, and the other circumstances of the case.

"Resistant to treatment" means that a condition did not respond adequately to an appropriate course of treatment. Whether a response is adequate, or a course of treatment appropriate, will depend on the facts of the particular case.

"Recurrent" means that a condition that responded adequately to an appropriate course of treatment has returned after a period of remission or regression. The extent of response (or remission) and the time periods involved will depend on the facts of the particular case.

"Disseminated" means that a condition is spread widely over a considerable area or body system(s). The type and extent of the spread will depend on the specific disease.

As used in 14.08I, "significant involuntary weight loss" does not correspond to a specific minimum amount or percentage of weight loss. Although, for purposes of this listing, an involuntary weight loss of at least 10 percent of baseline is always considered significant, loss of less than 10 percent may or may not be significant, depending on the individual's baseline weight and body habitus. (For example, a 7-pound weight loss in a 100-pound female who is 63 inches tall might be considered significant; but a 14-pound weight loss in a 200-pound female who is the same height might not be significant.)

3. Documentation of HIV infection. The medical evidence must include documentation of HIV infection. Documentation may be by laboratory evidence or by other generally acceptable methods consistent with the prevailing state of medical knowledge and clinical practice.

a. Documentation of HIV infection by definitive diagnosis. A definitive diagnosis of HIV infection is documented by one or more of the following laboratory tests:

i. A serum specimen that contains HIV antibodies. HIV antibodies are usually detected by a screening test. The most commonly used screening test is the ELISA. Although this test is highly sensitive, it may yield false positive results. Therefore, positive results from an ELISA must be confirmed by a more definitive test (e.g., Western Blot, immunofluorescence assay).

ii. A specimen that contains HIV antigen (e.g., serum specimen, lymphocyte culture, or cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) specimen).

iii. Other test(s) that are highly specific for detection of HIV (e.g., polymerase chain reaction (PCR)), or that are acceptable methods of detection consistent with the prevailing state of medical knowledge.

When laboratory testing for HIV infection has been performed, every reasonable effort must be made to obtain reports of the results of that testing.

Individuals who have HIV infection or other disorders of the immune system may undergo tests to determine T-helper lymphocyte (CD4) counts. The extent of immune depression correlates with the level or rate of decline of the CD4 count. In general, when the CD4 count is 200/mm3 or less (14 percent or less), the susceptibility to opportunistic disease is considerably increased. However, a reduced CD4 count alone does not establish a definitive diagnosis of HIV infection, or document the severity or functional effects of HIV infection.

b. Other acceptable documentation of HIV infection.

HIV infection may also be documented without the definitive laboratory evidence described in paragraph a, provided that such documentation is consistent with the prevailing state of medical knowledge and clinical practice and is consistent with the other evidence. If no definitive laboratory evidence is available, HIV infection may be documented by the medical history, clinical and laboratory findings, diagnosis(es) indicated in the medical evidence. For example, a diagnosis of HIV infection will be accepted without definitive laboratory evidence if the individual has an opportunistic disease (e.g., toxoplasmosis of the brain, pneumocystis carinii pneumonia (PCP)) predictive of a defect in cell-mediated immunity, and there is no other known cause of diminished resistance to that disease (e.g., long-term steroid treatment, lymphoma). In such cases, every reasonable effort must be made to obtain full details of the history, medical findings, and results of testing.

4. Documentation of the manifestations of HIV infection. The medical evidence must also include documentation of the manifestations of HIV infection. Documentation may be by laboratory evidence or by other generally acceptable methods consistent with the prevailing state of medical knowledge and clinical practice.

a. Documentation of the manifestations of HIV infection by definitive diagnosis.

The definitive method of diagnosing opportunistic diseases or conditions that are manifestations of HIV infection is by culture, serological test, or microscopic examination of biopsied tissue or other material (e.g., bronchial washings). Therefore, every reasonable effort must be made to obtain specific laboratory evidence of an opportunistic disease or other condition whenever this information is available. If a histological or other test has been performed, the evidence should include a copy of the appropriate report. If the report is not obtainable, the summary of hospitalization or a report from the treating source should include details of the findings and results of the diagnostic studies (including radiographic studies) or microscopic examination of the appropriate tissues or body fluids.

Although a reduced CD4 lymphocyte count may show that there is an increased susceptibility to opportunistic infections and diseases (see 14.001) 3a, above), that alone does not establish the presence, severity, or functional effects of a manifestation of HIV infection.

b. Other acceptable documentation of the manifestations of HIV infection.

Manifestations of HIV infection may also be documented without the definitive laboratory evidence described in paragraph a, provided that such documentation is consistent with the prevailing state of medical knowledge and clinical practice and is consistent with the other evidence. If no definitive laboratory evidence is available, manifestations of HIV infection may be documented by medical history, clinical and laboratory findings, and diagnosis(es) indicated in the medical evidence. In such cases, every reasonable effort must be made to obtain full details of the history, medical findings, and results of testing.

Documentation of cytomegalovirus (CMV) disease (14.08D) presents special problems because diagnosis requires identification of viral inclusion bodies or a positive culture from the affected organ, and the absence of any other infectious agent. A positive serology test identifies infection with the virus, but does not confirm a disease process.

With the exception of chorioretinitis (which may be diagnosed by an ophthalmologist), documentation of CMV disease requires confirmation by biopsy or other generally acceptable methods consistent with the prevailing state of medical knowledge and clinical practice.

5. Manifestations specific to women. Most women with severe immunosuppression secondary to HIV infection exhibit the typical opportunistic infections and other conditions, such as pneumocystis carinii pneumonia (PCP), candida esophagitis, wasting syndrome, cryptococcosis, and toxoplasmosis. However HIV infection may have different manifestations, in women than in men. Adjudicators must carefully scrutinize the medical evidence and be alert to the variety of medical conditions specific to or common in women with HIV infection that may affect their ability to function in the workplace.

Many of these manifestations (e.g., vulvovaginal candidiasis, pelvic inflammatory disease) occur in women with or without HIV infection, but can be more severe or resistant to treatment, or occur more frequently in a woman whose immune system is suppressed. Therefore, when evaluating the claim of a woman with HIV infection, it is important to consider gynecologic and other problems specific to women, including any associated symptoms (e.g., pelvic pain), in assessing the severity of the impairment and resulting functional limitations. Manifestations of HIV infection in women may be evaluated under the specific criteria (e.g., cervical cancer under 14.08E), under an applicable general category (e.g., pelvic inflammatory disease under 14.08A5) or, in appropriate cases, under 14.08N.

6. Evaluation. The criteria in 14.08 do not describe the full spectrum of diseases or conditions manifested by individuals with HIV infection. As in any case, consideration must be given to whether an individual's impairment(s) meets or equals in severity any other listing in appendix 1 of subpart P (e.g., a neoplastic disorder listed in 13.00ff). Although 14.08 includes cross-references to other listings for the more common manifestations of HIV infection, other listings may apply.

In addition, the impact of all impairments, whether or not related to HIV infection, must be considered. For example, individuals with HIV infection may manifest signs and symptoms of a mental impairment (e.g., anxiety, depression), or of another physical impairment. Medical evidence should include documentation of all physical and mental impairments, and the impairment(s) should be evaluated not only under the relevant listing(s) in 14.08, but under any other appropriate listing(s).

It is also important to remember that individuals with HIV infection, like all other individuals, are evaluated under the full five-step sequential evaluation process described in Section 404.1520 and Section 416.920. If an individual with HIV infection is working and engaging in substantial gainful activity (SGA), or does not have a severe impairment, the case will be decided at the first or second step of the sequential evaluation process, and does not require evaluation under these listings. For an individual with HIV infection who is not engaging in SGA and has a severe impairment, but whose impairment(s) does not meet or equal in severity the criteria of a listing, evaluation must proceed through the final steps of the sequential evaluation process (or, as appropriate, the steps in the medical improvement review standard) before any conclusion can be reached on the issue of disability.

7. Effect of treatment. Medical treatment must be considered in terms of its effectiveness in ameliorating the signs, symptoms, and laboratory abnormalities of the specific disorder, or of the HIV infection itself (e.g. antiretroviral agents) and in terms of any side effects of treatment that may further impair the individual.

Response to treatment and adverse or beneficial consequences of treatment may vary widely. For example, an individual with HIV infection who develops pneumonia or tuberculosis may respond to the same antibiotic regimen used in treating individuals without HIV infection, but another individual with HIV infection may not respond to the same regimen.

Therefore, each case must be considered on an individual basis, along with the effects of treatment on the individual’s ability to function.

A specific description of the drugs or treatment given (including surgery), dosage, frequency of administration, and a description of the complications or response to treatment should be obtained. The effects of treatment may be temporary or long term. As such, the decision regarding the impact of treatment should be based on a sufficient period of treatment to permit proper consideration.

8. Functional criteria. Paragraph N of 14.08 establishes standards for evaluating manifestations of HIV infection that do not meet the requirements listed in 14.08A-M. Paragraph N is applicable for manifestations that are not listed in 14.08A-M, as well as those listed in 14.08A-M that do not meet the criteria of any of the rules in 14.08A-M.

For individuals with HIV infection evaluated under 14.08N, listing-level severity will be assessed in terms of the functional limitations imposed by the impairment. The full impact of signs, symptoms, and laboratory findings on the claimant's ability to function must be considered. Important factors to be considered in evaluating the functioning of individuals with HIV infection include, but are not limited to: symptoms, such as fatigue and pain; characteristics of the illness, such as the frequency and duration of manifestations or periods of exacerbation and remission in the disease course; and the functional impact of treatment for the disease, including the side effects of medication.

As used in 14.08N, "repeated" means that the conditions occur on an average of 3 times a year, or once every 4 months, each lasting 2 weeks or more; or the conditions do not last for 2 weeks but occur substantially more frequently than 3 times in a year or once every 4 months; or they occur less often than an average of 3 times a year or once every 4 months but last substantially longer than 2 weeks.

To meet the criteria in 14.08N, an individual with HIV infection must demonstrate a marked level of restriction in one of three general areas of functioning: activities of daily living; social functioning; and difficulties in completing tasks due to deficiencies in concentration, persistence, or pace. Functional restrictions may result from the impact of the disease process itself on mental or physical functioning, or both. This could result from extended or intermittent symptoms, such as depression, fatigue, or pain, resulting in a limitation of the ability to concentrate, to persevere at a task, or to perform the task at an acceptable rate of speed. Limitations may also result from the side effects of medication.

When "marked" is used as a standard for measuring the degree of functional limitation, it means more than moderate, but less than extreme. A marked limitation does not represent a quantitative measure of the individual's ability to do an activity for a certain percentage of the time. A marked limitation may be present when several activities or functions are impaired or even when only one is impaired. However, an individual need not be totally precluded from performing an activity to have a marked limitation, as long as the degree of limitation is such as to seriously interfere with the ability to function independently, appropriately, and effectively. The term "marked" does not imply that the impaired individual is confined to bed, hospitalized, or in a nursing home.

Activities of daily living include, but are not limited to, such activities as doing, household chores, grooming and hygiene, using a post office, taking public transportation, and paying bills. An individual with HIV infection who, because of symptoms such as pain imposed by the illness or its treatment, is not able to maintain a household or take public transportation on a sustained basis or without assistance (even though he or she is able to perform some self-care activities) would have marked limitation of activities of daily living.

Social functioning includes the capacity to interact appropriately and communicate effectively with others. An individual with HIV infection who, because of symptoms or a pattern of exacerbation and remission caused by the illness or its treatment, cannot engage in social interaction on a sustained basis (even though he or she is able to communicate with close friends or relatives) would have marked difficulty maintaining social functioning.

Completing tasks in a timely manner involves the ability to sustain concentration, persistence, or pace to permit timely completion of tasks commonly found in work settings. An individual with HIV infection who, because of HIV-related fatigue or other symptoms, is unable to sustain concentration or pace adequate to complete simple work-related tasks (even though he or she is able to do routine activities of daily living) would have marked difficulty completing tasks.

14.01 Category of Impairments, Immune System

14.02 Systemic lupus erythematosus. Documented as described in 14.00B1, with:

A. One of the following:

1. Joint involvement, as described under the criteria in 1.00; or

2. Muscle involvement, as described under the criteria in 14.05; or

3. Ocular involvement, as described under the criteria in 2.00ff; or

4. Respiratory involvement, as described under the criteria in 3.00ff; or

5. Cardiovascular involvement, as described under the criteria in 4.00ff or 14.04D; or

6. Digestive involvement, as described under the criteria in 5.00ff; or

7. Renal involvement, as described under the criteria in 6.00ff; or

8. Hematologic involvement, as described under the criteria in 7.00ff; or

9. Skin involvement, as described under the criteria in 8.00ff; or

10. Neurological involvement, as described under the criteria in I 1.00ff, or

11. Mental involvement, as described under the criteria in 12.00ff.


B. Lesser involvement of two or more organs/body systems listed in paragraph A, with significant, documented, constitutional symptoms and signs of severe fatigue, fever, malaise, and weight loss. At least one of the organs/body systems must be involved to at least a moderate level of severity.

14.03 Systemic vasculitis. Documented as described in 14.00B2, including documentation by angiography or tissue biopsy, with: A. Involvement of a single organ or body system, as described under the criteria in 14.02A.


B. Lesser involvement of two or more organs/body systems listed in 14.02A, with significant, documented, constitutional symptoms and signs of severe fatigue, fever, malaise, and weight loss. At least one of the organs/body systems must be involved to at least a moderate level of severity.

14.04 Systemic sclerosis and scleroderma. Documented as described in 14.00B3, with:

A. One of the following:

1. Muscle involvement, as described under the criteria in 14.05; or

2. Respiratory involvement, as described under the criteria in 3.00ff; or

3. Cardiovascular involvement, as described under the criteria in 4.00ff; or

4. Digestive involvement, as described under the criteria in 5.00ff, or

5. Renal involvement, as described under the criteria in 6.00ff.


B. Lesser involvement of two or more organs/body systems listed in paragraph A, with significant, documented, constitutional symptoms and signs of severe fatigue, fever, malaise, and weight loss. At least one of the organs/body systems must be involved to at least a moderate level of severity.


C. Generalized scleroderma with digital contractures.


D. Severe Raynaud's phenomena, characterized by digital ulcerations, ischemia, or gangrene.

14.05 Polymyositis or dermatomyositis. Documented as described in 14.00B4, with:

A. Severe proximal limb-girdle (shoulder and/or pelvic) muscle weakness, as described in 14.00B4.


B. Less severe limb-girdle muscle weakness than in 14.05A, associated with cervical muscle weakness and one of the following to at least a moderate level of severity:

1. Impaired swallowing with dysphagia and episodes of aspiration due to cricopharyngeal weakness, or

2. Impaired respiration due to intercostal and diaphragmatic muscle weakness.


C. If associated with malignant tumor, as described under the criteria in 13.00ff.


D. If associated with generalized connective tissue disease, as described under the criteria in 14.02, 14.03, 14.04, or 14.06.

14.06 Undifferentiated connective tissue disorder. Documented as described in 14.00B5, and with impairment as described under the criteria in 14.02A, 14.02B, or 14.04. 14.07 Immunoglobulin deficiency syndromes or deficiencies of cell-mediated immunity, excepting HIV infection. Associated with documented, recurrent severe infection occurring 3 or more times within a 5-month period.

14.08 Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection. With documentation as described in 14.00D3 and one of the following:

A. Bacterial infections:

1. Mycobacterial infection (e.g., caused by M. avium-intracellulare, M. kansasii, or M. tuberculosis) at site other than the lungs, skin, or cervical or hilar lymph nodes; or pulmonary tuberculosis resistant to treatment; or

2. Nocardiosis; or

3. Salmonella bacteremia, recurrent non-typhoid; or

4. Syphilis or neurosyphilis - evaluate sequelae under the criteria for the affected body system (e.g., 2.00 Special Senses and Speech, 4.00 Cardiovascular System, 11.00 Neurological); or

5. Multiple or recurrent bacterial infection(s), including pelvic inflammatory disease, requiring hospitalization or intravenous antibiotic treatment 3 or more times in 1 year.


B. Fungal infections:

1. Aspergillosis; or

2. Candidiasis, at a site other than the skin, urinary tract, intestinal tract, or oral or vulvovaginal mucous membranes; or candidiasis involving the esophagus, trachea, bronchi, or lungs; or

3. Coccidioidomycosis, at a site other than the lungs or lymph nodes; or

4. Cryptococcosis, at a site other than the lungs (e.g., cryptococcal meningitis); or

5. Histoplasmosis, at a site other than the lungs or lymph nodes; or

6. Mucormycosis.


C. Protozoan or helminthic infections:

1. Cryptosporidiosis, isosporiasis, or microsporidiosis, with diarrhea lasting for 1 month or longer; or

2. Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia or extrapulmonary pneumocystis carinii infection; or

3. Strongyloidiasis, extra-intestinal; or

4. Toxoplasmosis of an organ other than the liver, spleen, or lymph nodes.


D. Viral infections:

1. Cytomegalovirus disease (documented as described in 14.00B4b) at a site other than the liver, spleen, or lymph nodes; or

2. Herpes simplex virus causing:

a. Mucocutaneous infection (e.g., oral, genital, perianal) lasting for 1 month or longer; or

b. Infection at a site other than the skin or mucous membranes (e.g., bronchitis, pneumonitis, esophagitis, or encephalitis); or

c. Disseminated infection; or

3. Herpes zoster, either disseminated or with multidermatomal eruptions that are resistant to treatment; or

4. Progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy; or

5. Hepatitis, as described under the criteria in 5.05.


E. Malignant neoplasms:

1. Carcinoma of the cervix, invasive, FIGO stage II and beyond; or

2. Kaposi's sarcoma with:

a. Extensive oral lesions; or

b. Involvement of the gastrointestinal tract, lungs, or other visceral organs; or

c. Involvement of the skin or mucous membranes, as described under the criteria in 14.08F; or

3. Lymphoma (e.g., primary lymphoma of the brain, Burkitt’s lymphoma, immunoblastic sarcoma, other non-Hodgkins lymphoma, Hodgkin’s disease); or

4. Squamous cell carcinoma of the anus.


F. Conditions of the skin or mucous membranes (other than described in B2, D2, or D3, above), with extensive fungating or ulcerating lesions not responding to treatment (e.g., dermatological conditions such as eczema or psoriasis, vulvovaginal or other mucosal candida, condyloma caused by human papillomavirus, genital ulcerative disease), or evaluate under the criteria in 8.00ff.


G. Hematologic abnormalities:

1. Anemia, as described under the criteria in 7.02; or

2. Granulocytopenia, as described under the criteria in 7.15; or

3. Thrombocytopenia, as described under the criteria in 7.06.


H. Neurological abnormalities:

1. HIV encephalopathy, characterized by cognitive or motor dysfunction that limits function and progresses; or

2. Other neurological manifestations of HIV infection (e.g., peripheral neuropathy) as described under the criteria in 11.00ff.


I. HIV wasting syndrome, characterized by involuntary weight loss of 10 percent or more of baseline (or other significant involuntary weight loss, as described in 14.00D2) and, in the absence of a concurrent illness that could explain the findings, either:

1. Chronic diarrhea with two or more loose stools daily lasting for 1 month or longer; or

2. Chronic weakness and documented fever greater than 38oC (100.40oF) for the majority of 1 month or longer.


J. Diarrhea, lasting for 1 month or longer, resistant to treatment, and requiring intravenous hydration, intravenous alimentation, or tube feeding.


K. Cardiomyopathy, as described under the criteria in 4.00ff or 11.04.


L. Nephropathy, as described under the criteria in 6.00ff.


M. One or more of the following infections (other than described in A-L, above), resistant to treatment or requiring hospitalization or intravenous treatment 3 or more times in I year (or evaluate sequelae under the criteria for the affected body system).

1. Sepsis; or

2. Meningitis; or

3. Pneumonia; or

4. Septic Arthritis; or

5. Endocarditis; or

6. Sinusitis documented by appropriate medically acceptable imaging.


N. Repeated (as defined in 14.00D8) manifestations of HIV infection (including those listed in 14.08A-M, but without the requisite findings; e.g., carcinoma of the cervix not meeting the criteria in 14.08E, diarrhea not meeting the criteria in 14.08J, or other manifestations; e.g., oral hairy leukoplakia, myositis) resulting in significant, documented symptoms or signs (e.g., fatigue, fever, malaise, weight loss, pain, night sweats) and one of the following at the marked level (as defined in 14.00D8):

1. Restriction of activities of daily living; or

2. Difficulties in maintaining social functioning; or

3. Difficulties in completing tasks in a timely manner due to deficiencies in concentration, persistence, or pace.

14.09 Inflammatory arthritis. Documented as described in 14.00B6, with one of the following:

A. History of joint pain, swelling, and tenderness, and signs on current physical examination of joint inflammation or deformity in two or more major joints resulting in inability to ambulate effectively or inability to perform fine and gross movements effectively, as defined in 14.00B6b and 1.00B2b and B2c;


B. Ankylosing spondylitis or other spondyloarthropathy, with diagnosis established by findings of unilateral or bilateral sacroiliitis (e.g., erosions or fusions), shown by appropriate medically acceptable imaging, with both:

1. History of back pain, tenderness, and stiffness, and

2. Findings on physical examination of ankylosis (fixation) of the dorsolumbar or cervical spine at 45o or more of flexion measured from the vertical position (zero degrees);


C. An impairment as described under the criteria in 14.02A.


D. Inflammatory arthritis, with signs of peripheral joint inflammation on current examination, but with lesser joint involvement than in A and lesser extra-articular features than in C, and:

1. Significant, documented constitutional symptoms and signs (e.g., fatigue, fever, malaise, weight loss), and

2. Involvement of two or more organs/body systems (see 14.00B6d). At least one of the organs/body systems must be involved to at least a moderate level of severity.


E. Inflammatory spondylitis or other inflammatory spondyloarthropathies, with lesser deformity than in B and lesser extra-articular features than in C, with signs of unilateral or bilateral sacroiliitis on appropriate medically acceptable imaging; and with the extra-articular features described in 14.09D.

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