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Thyrotoxicosis protocols

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Man, this really torques me off...

I already had lots of hypo symptoms when the put me on

metoprolol. Here is a quote from a local medical association,

not the one that put me on metoprolol, but never the less...


Another class of drugs called beta adrenergic blocking agents can diminish some

of the

symptoms of thyrotoxicosis. The level of thyroid hormone in your blood, however,

is not

affected, so you will continue to have high levels of this hormone circulating

in your

bloodstream. These drugs include propranolol (Inderal), atenolol (Tenormin),


(Lopressor) and nadolol (Corgard). They are usually used in combination with


treatment for thyrotoxicosis.

I came into the office with acid reflux from being hypo

and drinking lots of coffee to try and combat being hypo.

The doc freaks me out and tells me that I'm having a heart

attack and puts me on metoprolol. I finally convince them

that I really do have acid reflux and not gall stones, a tumor

or angina so after several weeks I finally get my prescription

for prilosec.

6 months pass and it is time for a check up. My lipids have

gone totally sideways. They put me on gemfibrizol and a

statin, and raise my metoprolol dose. Gemfibrizol is supposed

to lower triglycerides and cause liver tumors, statins lower

all steroid based hormones.

6 months later and my lipids haven't improved so they put

me on this stuff that absorbs most of the fats in your gut

in addition to everything else, and they raise my metoprolol

dose. I start bicycle commuting and actually got them to

lower my dose for a little while.

Our company moves to a building with no shower so the

bicycle commuting ends. A few months later, they up my

dose of metoprolol again and add lisinopril.

6 months later, I've put on a lot of weight and became

depressed. They put me on an SSRI and up the dose

of the BP meds and really push weight loss surgery at


After 6 months of Armour, I'm off all of that crap

except for lisinopril and wellbutrin. My lipids are now

flagged as low from the labs and I have to consciously

add fat to my diet.

It's not like this stuff is undocumented...

From the 2008 CMDT, page 383

Beta blockers tend to raise triglycerides and depress

cardioprotecive HDL.

Because of the lack of efficacy in preventing myocardial

infarction and inferiority to other drugs in prevention of

stroke and left ventricular hypotrophy, there is now

increasing doubt that beta blockers should still be

considered ideal first-line agents in treatment of

hypertension .......

I am so glad to be off of that stuff.

Sorry for the rant.


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