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New to group help understanding Thyroid levels

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Hello everyone, my name is Thresa. I just joined this group for

several reasons. My grandmother, mom and sister are all

Hypothyroid. My sister has Hashimoto's disease, which came on after

6 months after having her first child when she was having a very

stressful time at her demanding job (not sure if that is what caused

it). I just had some blood work done and I am concerned with my

thyroid levels. The doctor was not concerned at all. I am a 32 years

old female and am ideal weight and in good shape. Should I be

concerned about the following levels?

TSH 3.08 (lab normal less than 5)

T3 103 (lab normal 85-205)

T4 7.2 (lab normal 4.5-12)

I have been doing some reading and from what I gather a TSH over 2

is a reason for concern. I'm not sure what is ideal for T3 and T4.

My holistic chiropractor has me taking standard process organically

bound minerals (basically kelp and alfalfa juice)….he thinks this

will resolve the high TSH because of the iodine. I am reading some

conflicting information that iodine (even kelp) might make my

thyroid worse.

So at my current level should I be able to correct the problem

without the use of thyroid medications? I was under a lot of stress

when I had the blood work done. I was moving into a new house and

trying to sell my other house. I am hoping that this may have had

something to do with the reading be on the high side, and I really

hope that it is still correctable without medicine. I would like

some more opinions and advice and someone to explain what an ideal

T3 and T4 would be. Should I have some additional blood work done?

Thanks so much in advance for the advice.

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