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RE: Fw: failure notice

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Lea ~ I hope that it wasnt your use of Biaxin in the past that caused it to come about for you, I am so happy they are keeping such a close eye on you. You are in my prayers and I hope that things level out for you on the meds so that they can rid you of the H pylori. ! !

I hope your day is happy too !

Love, Blessings and Hugs !

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I received and other message like this this a.m. . . Just have to keep reporting them to . . . postmaster@... Rogene TM McIntosh <prowlermeow@...> wrote: Lea,You are an Angel yourself with your kind words.I've had similar problems but they went away on their own.Love &

hugs,TraciLea <devanscompusmart (DOT) ab.ca> wrote: My mail is coming back again! I wrote to and others, but they did not go...wonders me....Love to all of you Angels..............Lea~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~`````` Re: => Re: Lea,=20> why won't they do the MSH test> > > > Lea,> > Yes they have messed up so many lives... They => did this to=20> all of us and I am sorry we all have to live like this due from => there=20> selfish greed and lies... However, they did this once to me and I am => very=20> aware, smarter and educated on all this stuff. More so than I => ever=20> thought I would be. Implant sickness has taught me so much and => for=20> whatever reason this happens to us all, we do learn from it... I am => still=20> young so I will continue to

fight for my life... I will be => leery of=20> what our FDA calls "safe" and not trust most doctors opinions.... I => have=20> learned so much in the short time I have had the blessing of knowing => you=20> wonderful women on this group. I was made a better person => and=20> smarter than ever.... Who knows the knowledge alone could save not => only my=20> life but lots of others around me... I pray that we all find our => natural=20> remedies for wellness, may we all get healing angels who guide us => daily for=20> proper treatment to cure our sickness from these deadly devices they => call=20> "SAFE" Hang in there sweet Lea you are a blessing yourself to=20> me......> > God Bless > > ~> > > AOL now offers free email to everyone. Find out more about what's => free from=20> AOL at > href=3D"http://www.aol.com/?ncid=3DAOLAOF00020000000339"=20> target=3D_blank>AOL.com. > > > href=3D"http://promos.hotbar.com/promos/promodll.dll?RunPromo & El=3Dim=> g%3b & SG=3Dsg965 & RAND=3D27630 & partner=3Dhbtools">> title=3D"" alt=3D"Upgrade Your Email - Click here!"=20> src=3D"http://promos.hotbar.com/promos/promodll.dll?GetPromo & El=3Dimg=>

%3b & SG=3Dsg965 & RAND=3D27630 & partner=3Dhbtools & /p.gif"=20> border=3D0> > >> ------=_NextPart_000_03AD_01C767A8.C6252C00-->

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Thank you, Traci...cute Angel. I had my first B12 shot yesterday, and my doctor told me that there is no way that I could do this myself. He told me that it must be given in the buttocks. Last night, I was bleeding again, and that destroyed our evening. We wonder if something ruptured in the bowel area. This morning it seems to be better. The blood thinners do not go with Biaxin; however, it is too soon to be a problem! Biaxin is the best drug to kill H-Pylori.

Honey, have a wonderful weekend...sending love always........Lea


Re: => Re: Lea,=20> why won't they do the MSH test> > > > Lea,> > Yes they have messed up so many lives... They => did this to=20> all of us and I am sorry we all have to live like this due from => there=20> selfish greed and lies... However, they did this once to me and I am => very=20> aware, smarter and educated on all this stuff. More so than I => ever=20> thought I would be. Implant sickness has taught me so much and => for=20> whatever reason this happens to us all, we do learn from it... I am => still=20> young so I will continue to fight for my life... I will be => leery of=20> what our FDA calls "safe" and not trust most doctors opinions.... I => have=20> learned so much in the short time I have had the blessing of knowing => you=20> wonderful women on this group. I was made a better person => and=20> smarter than ever.... Who knows the knowledge alone could save not => only my=20> life but lots of others around me... I pray that we all find our => natural=20> remedies for wellness, may we all get healing angels who guide us => daily for=20> proper treatment to cure our sickness from these deadly devices they => call=20> "SAFE" Hang in there sweet Lea you are a blessing yourself to=20> me......> > God Bless > > ~>


> AOL now offers free email to everyone. Find out more about what's => free from=20> AOL at > href=3D"http://www.aol.com/?ncid=3DAOLAOF00020000000339"=20> target=3D_blank>AOL.com. > > > href=3D"http://promos.hotbar.com/promos/promodll.dll?RunPromo & El=3Dim=> g%3b & SG=3Dsg965 & RAND=3D27630 & partner=3Dhbtools">> title=3D"" alt=3D"Upgrade Your Email - Click here!"=20> src=3D"http://promos.hotbar.com/promos/promodll.dll?GetPromo & El=3Dimg=> %3b & SG=3Dsg965 & RAND=3D27630 & partner=3Dhbtools & /p.gif"=20> border=3D0> > >> ------=_NextPart_000_03AD_01C767A8.C6252C00-->

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Oh, honey, I thought that this was a safe drug, because they use it to treat MM. I guess that there is no such thing as a safe drug. Thank you sending me the site....I will look at it right now.

Sending love and hope to you.................Lea


Re: Fw: failure notice

Biaxin Information from Drugs.com Sounds scarey, I hope you start to feel better Lea ~ My prayers are with you.......Be careful taking this drug ! !

Love , healing energy, and Blessings ~ Dede

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Dede, I have looked at the site. This is good information; however, my doctors are monitoring my health. If I should have more bleeding today, they will have to cut the blood thinners in half. Many years ago, I lived on Biaxin because of the MGUS and serious stomach problems. I had no adverse effects that know of, no bleeding, no cramping. This is strange because I have both now!

Thank you, honey, have a happy day....Love you........Lea


Re: Fw: failure notice

Biaxin Information from Drugs.com Sounds scarey, I hope you start to feel better Lea ~ My prayers are with you.......Be careful taking this drug ! !

Love , healing energy, and Blessings ~ Dede

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Oh Lea... I hate to hear you having such a time with these drug side effects and interactions! I hope very much that it will be sorted out soon and you will feel better:) Hugs!! Katy:)Lea <devans@...> wrote: Thank you, Traci...cute Angel. I had my first B12 shot yesterday, and my doctor told me that there is no way that I could do this myself. He told me that it must be given in the

buttocks. Last night, I was bleeding again, and that destroyed our evening. We wonder if something ruptured in the bowel area. This morning it seems to be better. The blood thinners do not go with Biaxin; however, it is too soon to be a problem! Biaxin is the best drug to kill H-Pylori. Honey, have a wonderful weekend...sending love always........Lea ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~` Re: => Re: Lea,=20> why won't they do the MSH test> > > > Lea,> > Yes they have messed up so many lives... They => did this to=20> all of us and I am sorry we all have to live like this due from => there=20> selfish greed

and lies... However, they did this once to me and I am => very=20> aware, smarter and educated on all this stuff. More so than I => ever=20> thought I would be. Implant sickness has taught me so much and => for=20> whatever reason this happens to us all, we do learn from it... I am => still=20> young so I will continue to fight for my life... I will be => leery of=20> what our FDA calls "safe" and not trust most doctors opinions.... I => have=20> learned so much in the short time I have had the blessing of knowing => you=20> wonderful women on this group. I was made a better person => and=20> smarter than ever.... Who knows the knowledge alone could save not => only my=20> life but lots of others around me... I pray that we all find our => natural=20> remedies for wellness, may we all get

healing angels who guide us => daily for=20> proper treatment to cure our sickness from these deadly devices they => call=20> "SAFE" Hang in there sweet Lea you are a blessing yourself to=20> me......> > God Bless > > ~> > > AOL now offers free email to everyone. Find out more about what's => free from=20> AOL at > href=3D"http://www.aol.com/?ncid=3DAOLAOF00020000000339"=20> target=3D_blank>AOL.com. > > > href=3D"http://promos.hotbar.com/promos/promodll.dll?RunPromo & El=3Dim=> g%3b & SG=3Dsg965 & RAND=3D27630 & partner=3Dhbtools">> title=3D"" alt=3D"Upgrade Your Email - Click here!"=20> src=3D"http://promos.hotbar.com/promos/promodll.dll?GetPromo & El=3Dimg=> %3b & SG=3Dsg965 & RAND=3D27630 & partner=3Dhbtools & /p.gif"=20> border=3D0> > >> ------=_NextPart_000_03AD_01C767A8.C6252C00-->

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Thank you sweet Katy;

My GI is getting better, but the drug is causing other problems. Yesterday, I was so glad that I was feeling better, and then last night, I went donstairs and said why is your nightie covered in blood? He was frightened too, but today, I am not bleeding...just cramping. We have to kill the H-Pylori because it is destroying my quality of life. Honey, good luck with the new plastic surgeon. There is a good plastic surgeon in Vancouver, but you would have to travel. Her name is Dr. Kuusk, not sure of the spelling, but I have her CV somewhere in one of my boxes.

Sending love to you.........Lea


Re: => Re: Lea,=20> why won't they do the MSH test> > > > Lea,> > Yes they have messed up so many lives... They => did this to=20> all of us and I am sorry we all have to live like this due from => there=20> selfish greed and lies... However, they did this once to me and I am => very=20> aware, smarter and educated on all this stuff. More so than I => ever=20> thought I would be. Implant sickness has taught me so much and => for=20> whatever reason this happens to us all, we do learn from it... I am => still=20> young so I will continue to fight for my life... I will be => leery of=20> what our FDA calls "safe" and not trust most doctors opinions.... I => have=20> learned so much in the short time I have had the blessing of knowing => you=20> wonderful women on this group. I was made a better person => and=20> smarter than ever.... Who knows the knowledge alone could save not => only my=20> life but lots of others around me... I pray that we all find our => natural=20> remedies for wellness, may we all get healing angels who guide us => daily for=20> proper treatment to cure our sickness from these deadly devices they => call=20> "SAFE" Hang in there sweet Lea you are a blessing yourself to=20> me......> > God Bless > > ~>


> AOL now offers free email to everyone. Find out more about what's => free from=20> AOL at > href=3D"http://www.aol.com/?ncid=3DAOLAOF00020000000339"=20> target=3D_blank>AOL.com. > > > href=3D"http://promos.hotbar.com/promos/promodll.dll?RunPromo & El=3Dim=> g%3b & SG=3Dsg965 & RAND=3D27630 & partner=3Dhbtools">> title=3D"" alt=3D"Upgrade Your Email - Click here!"=20> src=3D"http://promos.hotbar.com/promos/promodll.dll?GetPromo & El=3Dimg=> %3b & SG=3Dsg965 & RAND=3D27630 & partner=3Dhbtools & /p.gif"=20> border=3D0> > >> ------=_NextPart_000_03AD_01C767A8.C6252C00-->

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Dear Lea, Oh that must've been frightening for you both!! WOW! I'm glad the bleeding has stopped...I'm sure you are too!! Did I tell you about this great book "Healthy Digestion the Natural Way" by D. Lindsey Berkson?? This book has a thourough section about H-Pylori, as well as every other digestive disorder... It has been a real lifesaver for my mom and I. We both have problems in the G.I area. Here's the link on amazon: http://www.amazon.ca/s/ref=pd_rhf_s_1/702-1080341-5842451?ie=UTF8 & search-alias=aps & keywords=healthy%20digestion%20the%20natural%20way Thanks for the name of the Dr. in Vancouver. I will contact her... I have basically resigned myself to the possibility of travelling

for my explant and Vancouver would be easy since I used to live there and have friends who could help me out!! I have been searching on the internet for surgeons, but it is like looking for a needle in a haystack. I will just continue to follow up on the leads I get through the group and Dr. Blais.... Love right back to you Lea!Lea <devans@...> wrote: Thank you sweet Katy; My

GI is getting better, but the drug is causing other problems. Yesterday, I was so glad that I was feeling better, and then last night, I went donstairs and said why is your nightie covered in blood? He was frightened too, but today, I am not bleeding...just cramping. We have to kill the H-Pylori because it is destroying my quality of life. Honey, good luck with the new plastic surgeon. There is a good plastic surgeon in Vancouver, but you would have to travel. Her name is Dr. Kuusk, not sure of the spelling, but I have her CV somewhere in one of my boxes. Sending love to you.........Lea !!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Re: => Re: Lea,=20> why won't they do the MSH test> > > > Lea,> > Yes they have messed up so many

lives... They => did this to=20> all of us and I am sorry we all have to live like this due from => there=20> selfish greed and lies... However, they did this once to me and I am => very=20> aware, smarter and educated on all this stuff. More so than I => ever=20> thought I would be. Implant sickness has taught me so much and => for=20> whatever reason this happens to us all, we do learn from it... I am => still=20> young so I will continue to fight for my life... I will be => leery of=20> what our FDA calls "safe" and not trust most doctors opinions.... I => have=20> learned so much in the short time I have had the blessing of knowing => you=20> wonderful women on this group. I was made a better person => and=20> smarter than ever.... Who knows the knowledge alone could save not =>

only my=20> life but lots of others around me... I pray that we all find our => natural=20> remedies for wellness, may we all get healing angels who guide us => daily for=20> proper treatment to cure our sickness from these deadly devices they => call=20> "SAFE" Hang in there sweet Lea you are a blessing yourself to=20> me......> > God Bless > > ~> > > AOL now offers free email to everyone. Find out more about what's => free from=20> AOL at > href=3D"http://www.aol.com/?ncid=3DAOLAOF00020000000339"=20>

target=3D_blank>AOL.com. > > > href=3D"http://promos.hotbar.com/promos/promodll.dll?RunPromo & El=3Dim=> g%3b & SG=3Dsg965 & RAND=3D27630 & partner=3Dhbtools">> title=3D"" alt=3D"Upgrade Your Email - Click here!"=20> src=3D"http://promos.hotbar.com/promos/promodll.dll?GetPromo & El=3Dimg=> %3b & SG=3Dsg965 & RAND=3D27630 & partner=3Dhbtools & /p.gif"=20> border=3D0> > >> ------=_NextPart_000_03AD_01C767A8.C6252C00-->

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Lea ~

Well, I am not sure, I dont remember what I sent you, but here is this....I couldnt get these 2 articles to copy and paste well, but here they are. I think I read somewhere long term use of Biaxin could cause big problems.....and GI bleed..........

Do NOT use Biaxin Suspension if:

you are allergic to any ingredient in Biaxin Suspension or any other macrolides (eg, erythromycin) you are taking cisapride, cyclosporine, dofetilide, eletriptan, ergot alkaloids (eg, ergotamine, dihydroergotamine), H1 antagonists (eg, terfenadine, astemizole), pimozide, QT-prolonging agents (eg, quinidine, sotalol, thioridazine), quinolones (eg, ciprofloxacin), or sumatriptan

Contact your doctor or health care provider right away if any of these apply to you.

Before using Biaxin Suspension:

Some medical conditions may interact with Biaxin Suspension. Tell your doctor or pharmacist if you have any medical conditions, especially if any of the following apply to you:

if you are pregnant, planning to become pregnant, or are breast-feeding if you are taking any prescription or nonprescription medicine, herbal preparation, or dietary supplement if you have allergies to medicines, foods, or other substances if you have diarrhea, a stomach infection, a blood disorder, severe kidney problems, or liver problems

I am not sure what blood thinners you are on but this is an eye opener



Brand Name: Biaxin, Biaxin XL, Prevpak Clarithromycin can raise the INR by interfering with one of the enzymes that metabolizes warfarin (Coumadin, Jantoven). The effect of this is that the warfarin (Coumadin, Jantoven) stays in the body longer than usual. Then it exerts its effect on the clotting factors longer. This is similar to increasing the warfarin (Coumadin, Jantoven) dose.

The most common reaction is when clarithromycin is added to warfarin (Coumadin, Jantoven). After three to five days, the INR may be elevated. If the clarithromycin is for a trivial infection, why take the risk?

Clarithromycin is also one of the ingredients in Prevpak. This is used to eradicate bacteria in the intestinal tract which can cause ulcers. This is particularly troubling in someone who is taking warfarin (Coumadin, Jantoven) because some of the bacteria in the intestinal tract produce vitamin K. Eliminating these bacteria can cause the INR to increase.

Gooderham et al reported on a 72-year-old woman who was on warfarin (Coumadin, Jantoven) and digoxin. She had clarithromycin prescribed to treat an Helicobacter pylori infection. Twelve days later she complained of gastrointestinal symptoms, weakness, dizziness, and visual changes. She had a toxic level of digoxin and her INR was 7.3. All three medications were held and she recovered. References: Gooderham MJ et al. Concomitant Digoxin Toxicity and warfarin (Coumadin, Jantoven) Interaction in a Patient Receiving Clarithromycin. Ann Pharmacother 1999;33:769-9.

My conclusions:

warfarin (Coumadin, Jantoven) increases your chances of having a gastrointestinal bleed. An ulcer increases your chance of having a gastrointestinal bleed. Raising the INR increases your chances of having a gastrointestinal bleed. There are safer medications than clarithromycin to take to treat an ulcer.

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Dede, good morning to you. What are you saying? Do you think that Biaxin caused the H-Pylori! If that were to be the case, someone will be in trouble. I have suffered from these GI attacks for so many years.

Sending love and hope...........Lea


Re: Fw: failure notice

Lea ~ I hope that it wasnt your use of Biaxin in the past that caused it to come about for you, I am so happy they are keeping such a close eye on you. You are in my prayers and I hope that things level out for you on the meds so that they can rid you of the H pylori. ! !

I hope your day is happy too !

Love, Blessings and Hugs !


AOL now offers free email to everyone. Find out more about what's free from AOL at AOL.com.

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Lea ~ with all that is going on with you, I personally would try to find out if there was any other thing you could do to rid yourself of the H Pylori........

Love and Hugs, and Healing energy coming your way from me...........................Biaxin Warnings, Precautions, Pregnancy, Nursing, Abuse - Clarithromycin - RxList Monographs

ck out this site, Biaxin and MM see the negative studies....at the bottom of the article.....

Clarithromycin (Biaxin®) as primary treatment for myeloma

http://www.atforum.com/SiteRoot/pages/addiction_resources/QTDrugs%209-03-02.PDF This is a site that talks about Biaxin and how it can cause heart problems........AOL now offers free email to everyone. Find out more about what's free from AOL at AOL.com.

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Lea ~ The only thing I know to do is to read all you can. Your system is so fragile right now, like the wings of a butterfly.........I believe longterm drugs can cause your body to be set up to accept bacteria in a dangerous way....below this article is one that says that broccoli cures h pylori........it is a site that says the worlds healthiest foods and has recipes and all..... I just worry about internal bleeding and all. I also know how strong Biaxin is, and I believe that the biaxin you took for the MM could have set up your stomach to receive the h plyori to become dangerous for you..........my gut and my opinion............

H Pylori - the Bare Facts H Pylori is one of the most widespread infections in humans today - it is also the single biggest cause of ulcers and stomach cancer. And it can be extremely difficult to remove - especially if you take antibiotics. We reveal a natural and safe way to get rid of Helicobacter Pylori permanently - without any antibiotics or side effects! Full Story Below > >

H Pylori

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Thank you sweetheart. I have just spoken to my pharmacist, and she told me that I must go back on Biaxin. She knows about the other drugs that I take, and she wants me to have my blood work done twice a week. It will only be for less than two weeks for me to suffer and if it kills this bug, it will be worth it.

Take care of our special lady...love always.......Lea


Re: Fw: failure notice

Lea ~

Well, I am not sure, I dont remember what I sent you, but here is this....I couldnt get these 2 articles to copy and paste well, but here they are. I think I read somewhere long term use of Biaxin could cause big problems.....and GI bleed..........

Do NOT use Biaxin Suspension if:

you are allergic to any ingredient in Biaxin Suspension or any other macrolides (eg, erythromycin) you are taking cisapride, cyclosporine, dofetilide, eletriptan, ergot alkaloids (eg, ergotamine, dihydroergotamine), H1 antagonists (eg, terfenadine, astemizole), pimozide, QT-prolonging agents (eg, quinidine, sotalol, thioridazine), quinolones (eg, ciprofloxacin), or sumatriptan

Contact your doctor or health care provider right away if any of these apply to you.

Before using Biaxin Suspension:

Some medical conditions may interact with Biaxin Suspension. Tell your doctor or pharmacist if you have any medical conditions, especially if any of the following apply to you:

if you are pregnant, planning to become pregnant, or are breast-feeding if you are taking any prescription or nonprescription medicine, herbal preparation, or dietary supplement if you have allergies to medicines, foods, or other substances if you have diarrhea, a stomach infection, a blood disorder, severe kidney problems, or liver problems

I am not sure what blood thinners you are on but this is an eye opener



Brand Name: Biaxin, Biaxin XL, Prevpak Clarithromycin can raise the INR by interfering with one of the enzymes that metabolizes warfarin (Coumadin, Jantoven). The effect of this is that the warfarin (Coumadin, Jantoven) stays in the body longer than usual. Then it exerts its effect on the clotting factors longer. This is similar to increasing the warfarin (Coumadin, Jantoven) dose.

The most common reaction is when clarithromycin is added to warfarin (Coumadin, Jantoven). After three to five days, the INR may be elevated. If the clarithromycin is for a trivial infection, why take the risk?

Clarithromycin is also one of the ingredients in Prevpak. This is used to eradicate bacteria in the intestinal tract which can cause ulcers. This is particularly troubling in someone who is taking warfarin (Coumadin, Jantoven) because some of the bacteria in the intestinal tract produce vitamin K. Eliminating these bacteria can cause the INR to increase.

Gooderham et al reported on a 72-year-old woman who was on warfarin (Coumadin, Jantoven) and digoxin. She had clarithromycin prescribed to treat an Helicobacter pylori infection. Twelve days later she complained of gastrointestinal symptoms, weakness, dizziness, and visual changes. She had a toxic level of digoxin and her INR was 7.3. All three medications were held and she recovered. References: Gooderham MJ et al. Concomitant Digoxin Toxicity and warfarin (Coumadin, Jantoven) Interaction in a Patient Receiving Clarithromycin. Ann Pharmacother 1999;33:769-9.

My conclusions:

warfarin (Coumadin, Jantoven) increases your chances of having a gastrointestinal bleed. An ulcer increases your chance of having a gastrointestinal bleed. Raising the INR increases your chances of having a gastrointestinal bleed. There are safer medications than clarithromycin to take to treat an ulcer.

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Dede, thank you. You are in my prayers too; however, we need some doctors who will listen to our cries for help. I just want you to know that we all appreciate all that you do for this group, you are a true blessing. Today, I have to go to Dracula's castle to give them more of my blood~

Sending gentle hugs and love to you....Lea


Re: Fw: failure notice

You are in my prayers, Lea ~

Thank you ~ Love and hugs ~ D

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