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Colloidal minerals Health Scam

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Colloidal Mineral Supplements: Unnecessary and Potentially Hazardous Ten of thousands of Americans are currently serving as unwitting subjects in an undocumented test of their safety. Some scientists are especially concerned about the widespread administration of these products to children. Unfortunately, since colloidal minerals are classified as dietary supplements, no safety or efficacy testing was required before they were marketed. Action to prohibit their sale can only be taken if it is demonstrated that the products are adulterated (i.e., toxic), misbranded, or that specific medical treatment claims have been made for them.

Colloidal Silver: Risk Without Benefit Barrett In October 1996, the FDA proposed to ban the use of colloidal silver or silver salts in over-the-counter products. A Final Rule banning such use was issued on August 17, 1999 and became effective September 16th. The rule applies to any nonprescription colloidal silver or silver salt product claimed to be effective in preventing or treating any disease. Silver products can still be sold as "dietary supplements" provided that no health claims are made for them.


Dr. Wallach's home page - Wellness Publications

Minerals 4-U- Virgin Earth site

Is Dr. Wallach partial fraud, a moderate fraud or a total fraud - a current selection of a simple Google Group Search brings us these tasteful ditties

Wallach is a complete fraud and anyone that believes in his drivel (particularly concerning colloidal minerals) is either ignorant or a deceptive cheat.

Dr. Wallach was just discussed on another NG. He's a veterinarian turned health freak guru and has no clue what he's talking about. He was never nominated for a Nobel prize! He's looking to make a killing selling minerals to the ill informed. Nothing more.

Wallach is a total and utter quack. He is an ND, and a veteranarian. He is not licensed to perform human medical autopsies, as he claims. He was 'nominated for the nobel prize' by a group of quacks (ND's) who simply sent his name in the mail to the Nobel Commitee. Anyone can nominate anyone for a Nobel Prize.

If you want trace minerals in your diet, don't consume acidified dirt. Use evaporated sea salt, containing natural forms of all trace minerals in their natural form. Makes your food taste better too.

I still maintain, on good prima facie evidence, that Wallach is a quack radio show host who makes a killing with an MLM scam by pretending to be a physician. Gullible people like Kottlove believe him, and send him money.

HEALTH FRAUD ALERT: These Tapes Don't Tell Little Lies!

So what does Wallach have to say about CF?

Dead docs live how long? - "Dead Doctors Don't Lie" - A critique by Steve Cherniske, M.S.

Need A Cure for Your Pig's Alzheimers? - In recent months, Wallach has delivered two series of "free seminars" in my neck of the woods. One of his newspaper advertisements caught my attention because, in it, he claimed to have discovered "a cure for Alzheimer's disease in pigs." I found this curious, because -- being a veterinarian myself, I was pretty certain pigs didn't GET Alzheimer's. Since this and many other claims in his promotional literature seemed clearly preposterous to me, I decided to check them -- and him -- out. It was quite an entertaining and illuminating process. I ended up writing and placing phone calls all over the US and even as far afield as Sweden.

DOC'S COLLOIDAL MINERAL ROCKS - this one comes from a mine in Utah.

Academic discussion - Well let's say that someone is really pissed off at those who support Dr. Wallach's credentials

HEALTH FRAUD ALERT: These Tapes Don't Tell Little Lies! - Dr. Wallach cites no legitimate studies or recognized statistics as support for this incredible assertion on his tapes. He does indicate that his hobby is collecting doctor's obituaries and recording their age at death. This is not, by any definition, a scientific study of life expectancy.

Dead docs tell tall tales? - The basic danger of Dr. Wallach is not that people will be harmed by taking colloidal minerals, or even that many people will be wasting their money on a product they do not need. Many of his claims are not backed up with scientific control studies, but are anecdotal or fictional. Because he and other naturopaths exaggerate the role of minerals in good health, he may be totally ignored by the scientific community even if the naturopaths happen to hit upon some real connections between minerals and disease. Furthermore, there is the chance that legitimate scientific researchers may avoid this field for fear of being labelled a kook.

Colloidal minerals are flying off the shelves of health food stores -- and could be dangerous. - By , Reprinted from Self Magazine, March 1997

You may have heard of something called "colloidal minerals" (microscopic mineral particles suspended in a liquid) either from a friend who's taking them or from someone who wants to sell them to you. Despite a label listing a frightening-sounding array of ingredients -- lead, cadmium, arsenic, cesium, strontium and other potentially toxic substances -- health food stores in major cities across the country report that these liquid "health tonics," at $30 to $50 a bottle, are among their best sellers. Etc. Etc Etc. >>>>>

Canadian Quackerywatch



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