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In a message dated 03/16/2004 6:08:25 PM Eastern Standard Time, jayneadler@... writes:

My world of MS> --------------------> Have you seen the new online community My World of MS? This exciting new> feature allows you communicate with others using instant messaging, > share> your story, and become part of a this unique international online mutual> support community.>> In My World of MS, you can use the "Find People Like me" feature and > make> friends with those in similar circumstances to yourself, create buddy> lists making it easy to stay in touch with all your friends, and > display a> portrait. You can now connect with others who have been through similar> experiences and make new friends from all over the world! Check out the > My> World of MS online community today> http://www.msif.org/applications/people_profiles/index.rm>> We hope you enjoy using this new system and welcome any feedback> (info@...)>> Best wishes>> The MSIF Information team> http://www.msif.org/applications/people_profiles/index.rm>>> Research News> ====================>> Hypersexual sensations and behavior in a multiple sclerosis > exacerbation: a> case report> --------------------> A case of sexual behavior dysfunction in temporal relationship with a> relapse of multiple sclerosis is reported.**NO ABSTRACT AVAILABLE**> http://www.msif.org/go.rm?id=11212>> Interferon-beta treatment decreases cholesterol plasma levels in > multiple> sclerosis patients> --------------------> The authors demonstrate a decrease in cholesterol blood levels in people> with multiple sclerosis treated with interferon beta during a mean time> period of nine months.> http://www.msif.org/go.rm?id=11213>> MRI criteria for multiple sclerosis: Evaluation in a pediatric cohort> --------------------> This paper assesses the validity of Mc MRI criteria for the > diagnosis> of multiple sclerosis in children. The results suggest that application > of> such criteria in pediatric ages should be done with caution.> http://www.msif.org/go.rm?id=11214>> TNF-376A marks susceptibility to MS in the Spanish population: A> replication study> --------------------> Tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF) is a proinflammatory molecule which > has> been involved in multiple sclerosis pathogenesis. In a previous paper > the> authors presented an association of a variation in the gene of TNF with> susceptibility to multiple sclerosis in a Spanish population. In a new,> extended cohort the authors confirm their previous findings.> http://www.msif.org/go.rm?id=11215>> Interferon-beta-1b slows progression of atrophy in RRMS: Three-year> follow-up in NAb- and NAb+ patients> --------------------> The effect of treatment with interferon-beta on magnetic resonance > imaging> parameters (lesion load and atrophy) is studied in this paper. > Information> was obtained from monthly magnetic resonance and clinical examinations> performed in a cohort of 30 people with relapsing-remitting multiple> sclerosis over a period of up to 36 months.> http://www.msif.org/go.rm?id=11216>> The risk of multiple sclerosis in bereaved parents: A nationwide cohort> study in Denmark> --------------------> Parents who lost a child are found to be at higher risk of multiple> sclerosis in this Danish nation-wide longitudinal survey. The stress of> such a loss is invoked as a precipitating factor.> http://www.msif.org/go.rm?id=11217>> Association of APOE polymorphisms with disease severity in MS is > limited to> women> --------------------> Variations in the gene for Apolipoprotein E have been shown to be > related> to magnetic resonance and clinical outcomes in multiple sclerosis. In > the> present work, a further study of this gene is carried out showing > another> association only occurring in women.> http://www.msif.org/go.rm?id=11218>> The role of qualitative and quantitative MRI assessment of multiple> sclerosis lesions according to their in evaluating the efficacy of> intravenous immunoglobulin G> --------------------> The results of a clinical trial of immunoglobulin G in people with> relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis are presented in this paper.> Magnetic resonance imaging parameters are used as main outcome measures.> http://www.msif.org/go.rm?id=11219>> Early development of multiple sclerosis is associated with progressive > grey> matter atrophy in patients presenting with clinically isolated syndromes> --------------------> The present study shows that grey but not white matter atrophy develops > in> patients with clinically isolated syndromes who fulfill Mc > criteria> over a three year period.> http://www.msif.org/go.rm?id=11220>> Gene therapy in a murine model for clinical application to multiple> sclerosis> --------------------> This paper shows how cells secreting a fragment of a myelin component> protein were inoculated into mice suffering experimental autoimmune> encephalomyelitis (animal model of multiple sclerosis). As a result, > immune> cells were found to become inactive and the progression of the disease > was> stopped.> http://www.msif.org/go.rm?id=11221>> Blood transcriptional signatures of multiple sclerosis: Unique gene> expression of disease activity> --------------------> The present study analyses gene expression patterns in people with > multiple> sclerosis using a microarray technique on peripheral blood mononuclear> cells (immune cells).> http://www.msif.org/go.rm?id=11222>> A functional MRI study of cortical activations associated with object> manipulation in patients with MS> --------------------> This paper investigates cortical activation in people with multiple> sclerosis and healthy subjects during the manipulation of an object.> Findings suggest that patients with multiple sclerosis activate regions> which are only activated by healthy individuals when they have to > perform> more complicated tasks> http://www.msif.org/go.rm?id=11223>> fMRI evidence of brain reorganization during attention and memory tasks > in> multiple sclerosis> --------------------> The present study utilizes a cognitive task to investigate cortical> activation in people with multiple sclerosis. The findings suggest that > the> increase in functional activation in people with multiple sclerosis is > in> relationship with the amount of magnetic resonance visible damage.> http://www.msif.org/go.rm?id=11224>>>> ---------------------------------------->> Thank you for using the World of MS update service that is provided by > the> Multiple Sclerosis International Federation (MSIF).>> MSIF presents, in this user friendly format, the latest MS research> findings published within medical and scientific journals. However MSIF > is> not able to validate or be held responsible for this research, nor can > MSIF> comment on its accuracy or relevance.>> This 'Research News' section on the World of MS website is generously> funded by the UK MS Society and is compiled with the support of the> Institute of Neurology, University College, London, UK.>> *Please do not reply to this email*>> If you have any queries about the site or the Update Service please > contact> us at info@...>> To unsubscribe or edit your profile/details/subscription please go to:> http://www.msif.org/applications/people_profiles/>>> >A support group for people with ms & their friends & relations. We try & keep informed of developments in ms research & stay abreast of legislative issues that may effect us.

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