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Re: Cannot support LDN Petition

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Note: This Sign & Support the campaign for Research & Trials in 'Low Dose Naltrexone for Multiple Sclerosis' petition was submitted by . ThePetitionSite.com is a free service provided to help concerned citizens rally support for issues they believe in. The opinions expressed by this petition do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of ThePetitionSite.com or Care2.com. There is no express or implied endorsement of this petition nor any newsletter offers (except those from Care2.com) by Care2.com, Inc, ThePetitionSite.com, or our sponsors. If you believe this system is being abused, please send a message with the title and URL of this petition to support@.... If you disagree with the opinions of this petition, speak out in the Care2 discussion boards.

That's the note that's at the bottom of the page. Where was this Ad? I never saw an ad, and I don't see how one thing has to do with another? Are we PAYING any money to care2.com to do this petition? Oh, I see, it's being paid for by their Ads?

But the PETITION isn't being paid for by the ads, the ENTIRE system they have is. Our portion of their income would be minute, wouldn't it?

Which is the Greater Cause? Getting LDN to people all over the world, or care2.com allowing another nonprofit to advertise with them?

So basically, what we're saying here is... we have NO LDN Petition ---- BUT CARE2.COM STILL HAS THEIR PRO ABORTION ads.

WHO'S LOSING? OUR part in this will have minimal impact on their advertising, whether we utilize their services that we already have 833 people signed up for, and man, I TOLD MY ENTIRE UNIVERSE OF NET PEOPLE about this, that covers a LOT of this planet, and word will spread. I am NOT going to tell them FORGET THIS PETITION, WE'RE GOING TO START ANOTHER.

This is our ONE shot to do something good for the world.

If you pull the petition, I'm done. I don't care. Let the world suffer >I HAVE LDN FOR LIFE<, I'm set.

I'm sure the choice of using petitionsite.com wasn't made based on anything other than the fact that they have the server and ability to create an online petition. How they get their money was never an issue. The places they get their money are, I am sure, MANY. Any mention of a pro-life group is a teeny tiny percentage of their entire operation and really has NOTHING to do with us, or our use of their services.

Every time I regain a little bit of faith in humankind, someone comes along just totally blows my mind. The very thing they're against, they do. The very thing they want, they fight against. Talk about dichotomies! The ultimate in letting ego win over spirit.

HOW many people have noticed, mentioned, or complained that there's an ad somewhere that they don't like?

There's something fundamentally wrong on this planet.


----- Original Message -----

From: mboylebradley

low dose naltrexone

Sent: Friday, March 26, 2004 01:45

Subject: [low dose naltrexone] Cannot support LDN Petition

and All .. This is a copy of an email I sent all of mycontacts whom I asked to support the petition .. it hurts so bad asnobody wants this more than me .... but the only issue that will everreally get inside me is abortion. I cannot support pro abortiongroups in any shape or form despite my eager ambition for an LDNtrial. Life is life and that is my choice. Please respect my views asI will everyone else's .. such is my stance.Hi All ... I apologize and thought I had read all of the fine printand I did, but only saw what I wanted to see. We desperately need apetition for LDN to add credibility but I cannot align myself withcare2.com due to their very active connection with abortion. I amgoing to contact and tell her my stance and have her withdrawmy name from the petition. If any of you signed and feel similar heremail is@...FEATURED NONPROFIT

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I just took a look at the care2.com site. I'm sure most people doing this petition won't even bother to look, or care, what else care2.com does.

I see the Ad now. I see they're against smokers too! How DARE THEY!

Is this really a show stopping issue? I don't get it. Does it really matter what they support or allow on their website? After all, they allowed US to put up OUR petition.

I am really at a loss here. Do people really go around just looking for things to be offended by?

Dropping support of THIS cause, because of a totally unrelated ADVERTISEMENT from a Legitimate American Business?

Logically, it's absurd. Spritually it's absurd too. If this was a divinely inspired global grass roots effort to have a petition for LDN, then the only thing that should stand in the way is if LDN was suddenly found to be nothing more than sugar.

Boy this is some bitter pill.

----- Original Message -----

From: mboylebradley

low dose naltrexone

Sent: Friday, March 26, 2004 01:45

Subject: [low dose naltrexone] Cannot support LDN Petition

and All ..

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The ultimate in knee-jerk reactions that come from emotions, not logic or looking at the Big Picture.

If this petition doesn't continue and get supported for WHAT IT IS, not what the server provider does on their own time, then that is just pure insanity.

I really don't care what my MS Neuro believes, I want my LDN and Health Care. I really don't care what my Pharmacist believes, I want my LDN and Health.

This petition is for those who are presently alive and suffering. It has NOTHING to do with someone's Opinion on what some 16 yr old decides to do with their life. It's a non issue.

People who complain about certain things draw MORE attention to the VERY thing they are against and don't even realize what they're doing.

This petition was divinely INSPIRED by good spirits trying to help the world. Anyone trying to bash this effort, for whatever reason, really needs to take a good look at what they're doing. The ONLY ones I can see trying to bash this effort would be someone PAID BY BIOGEN, TEVA, SERONO or SHERING AKTIEN to do so.

----- Original Message -----

From: mboylebradley

low dose naltrexone

Sent: Friday, March 26, 2004 01:45

Subject: [low dose naltrexone] Cannot support LDN Petition

and All

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This project is NOT over.... because a few of those who can not seem to deal with thier own issues in one area, to support a cause for another, (one of which is important to us all) WILL NOT stop this project. There are so many of us, our families, and friends that DO support us, who's names WILL appear on that Petition. We are asked to sign our names on a Petition for LDN, that doesn't mean our names will be put onto ANY other list of which we do not agree. That Is Where MY name appears, whether or not I am Pro-Abortion or not.......THIS is an LDN Petition. I hope you all continue to pass this Petition on so we can possibly accomplish what was set out to be done here, without allowing anything else get in your way.

God Bless You All.


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This is absolutely crazy !!!!!

The LDN Petition is hosted on a free site at

http://www.thepetitionsite.com To set up the site you have to set up

a username etc at care2.com

Care2.com and Petitionsite host Petitions for anyone and everything.

It supports free speech and anyone can launch a Petition there.

If you read properly at the end of the Petiton screen you will read

the following:

Note: This Sign & Support the campaign for Research & Trials in 'Low

Dose Naltrexone for Multiple Sclerosis' petition was submitted by

. ThePetitionSite.com is a free service provided to

help concerned citizens rally support for issues they believe in. The

opinions expressed by this petition do not necessarily reflect the

views and opinions of ThePetitionSite.com or Care2.com. There is no

express or implied endorsement of this petition nor any newsletter

offers (except those from Care2.com) by Care2.com, Inc,

ThePetitionSite.com, or our sponsors. If you believe this system is

being abused, please send a message with the title and URL of this

petition to support@.... If you disagree with the

opinions of this petition, speak out in the Care2 discussion boards.

Questions about this petition? Contact the petition sponsor:

Questions about thePetitionSite.com? Visit our FAQ page

Also There is a disclaimer at the care2.com homepage saying they do

not endorse any advertisements or petitions at their site !!!

I am furious you could just knock down the LDN Campaign like

this !!!! It is a free Petiton hence we are paying no one to host

this site and there are no advertisements even on the Petition page

itself. That advertisement you were refering to was on the care2.com

homepage and they do not endorse their advertisements or petitions as

I've said.

I really think you have not read into this properly and I think what

you have done by sending a mail here and out to everyone you gave the

petition to knocking down our really hard efforts and work is a


I have sepnt around 10 hours on the computer the last three days

organising and sorting out the LDN Petition and I'm doing it for

everyone of us and I feel sick now because of all this !!!!

If you continue having this opinion of the Petition I'd suggest you

throw your computer out the window as you'll come across many other

advertisements on the Net that may upset you too !!!!!!!!!

Now I hope you realise this has all got nothing to do with our

Petition !!!!!!!!!

> and All .. This is a copy of an email I sent all of my

> contacts whom I asked to support the petition .. it hurts so bad as

> nobody wants this more than me .... but the only issue that will


> really get inside me is abortion. I cannot support pro abortion

> groups in any shape or form despite my eager ambition for an LDN

> trial. Life is life and that is my choice. Please respect my views


> I will everyone else's .. such is my stance.


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Well, I guess this project is over. Oh well. Was a good shot. I can't believe someone would destroy this venture over something that has NOTHING to do with THIS project. We have no control or CONCERN with what care2.com does on the web. We are only using their services.

For you to destroy this mission, you can't really be a believer like you'd like us to.

I an only assume either the devil has clouded your judgement, or you are PAID BY one of the major corporations to DESTROY any effort such as this.

If you really believe in God, then all I can say is FORGIVE HER, FATHER, FOR SHE KNOWS NOT WHAT SHE'S DOING.


You really should have given this some thought and private discussion with or someone BEFORE becoming all emotional over something THAT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH US, THIS ISSUE, OR ANYONE INVOLVED.

THANKS. You should be ashamed of yourself if you only knew what you've done. Not only is it wrong, but it's against everything you supposedly stand for. You let something unrelated trigger an emotional response.

----- Original Message -----

From: mboylebradley

low dose naltrexone

Sent: Friday, March 26, 2004 01:45

Subject: [low dose naltrexone] Cannot support LDN Petition

and All .. This is a copy of an email I sent all of mycontacts whom I asked to support the petition .. it hurts so bad asnobody wants this more than me .... but the only issue that will everreally get inside me is abortion. I cannot support pro abortiongroups in any shape or form despite my eager ambition for an LDNtrial. Life is life and that is my choice. Please respect my views asI will everyone else's .. such is my stance.Hi All ... I apologize and thought I had read all of the fine printand I did, but only saw what I wanted to see. We desperately need apetition for LDN to add credibility but I cannot align myself withcare2.com due to their very active connection with abortion. I amgoing to contact and tell her my stance and have her withdrawmy name from the petition. If any of you signed and feel similar heremail is@...FEATURED NONPROFITJoin Planned Parenthood Federation of America (PPFA) for the Marchfor Women's Lives on April 25, 2004 in Washington DC! The March forWomen's Lives unites women and men from across the United States andthe world to advance the right to choose in the fullest sense.Reproductive freedom is allied to social, economic, political, andhuman rights, and PPFA joins in solidarity with those who arecommitted to such rights in an effort to advance choices foreveryone. Find out more!

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----- Original Message -----

From: mboylebradley

low dose naltrexone

Sent: Friday, March 26, 2004 01:45

Subject: [low dose naltrexone] Cannot support LDN Petition

and All ..

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Thank you Carol. The thing is, not only does our petition have NOTHING to do with ANYTHING else on that site, there are no Ads on OUR page. The Ad that was objected to was posted on another site, and is a rotating ad, it was only there for a few hours and has nothing to do with any associations of the thousands of petitions.

The problem is that now there are a bunch of people thinking that LDN is an Abortion Pill!

But you are right, the level headed people in this group will realize the message was at the very least a MAJOR MISCONCEPTION, TOTALLY UNTRUE, and TOTALLY UNRELATED to any of us, our cause, our med, or the petition.

It is now up to that person to email her friends and contacts telling them SHE MADE A GRAVE MISTAKE.

the only problem is, is now getting swamped with emails saying "I WON'T SUPPORT AN ABORTION PILL, TAKE ME OFF YOUR LIST"

----- Original Message -----

From: sunynbrite56@...

low dose naltrexone

Sent: Friday, March 26, 2004 08:05

Subject: Re: [low dose naltrexone] Cannot support LDN Petition

This project is NOT over.... because a few of those who can not seem to deal with thier own issues in one area, to support a cause for another, (one of which is important to us all) WILL NOT stop this project. There are so many of us, our families, and friends that DO support us, who's names WILL appear on that Petition. We are asked to sign our names on a Petition for LDN, that doesn't mean our names will be put onto ANY other list of which we do not agree. That Is Where MY name appears, whether or not I am Pro-Abortion or not.......THIS is an LDN Petition. I hope you all continue to pass this Petition on so we can possibly accomplish what was set out to be done here, without allowing anything else get in your way.

God Bless You All.


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Well said. I can't see why a little ad should be such a deterance to

the need for the petition for LDN trials. If they are agianst

FreeChoice over abortions then they can be an actavist for Right to

Life which i'm sure they are. And thier work that way probably

carries thier views farther than they realize.

And thinking of this petition site, could we create a petition for

pushing stem cell research and the huge debate over embrionic stem

cells? sorry just being the advocate for more debate here. Because

i'm sure that some may fight for certian reasons of moral beliefs yet

still use drugs created due to the inhumane treatment of labratory


Your Right larry we should keep the big picture in focus here


In low dose naltrexone , " LarryGC " <larrygc@s...> wrote:

> The ultimate in knee-jerk reactions that come from emotions, not

logic or looking at the Big Picture.


> If this petition doesn't continue and get supported for WHAT IT IS,

not what the server provider does on their own time, then that is

just pure insanity.



> I really don't care what my MS Neuro believes, I want my LDN and

Health Care. I really don't care what my Pharmacist believes, I want

my LDN and Health.



> This petition is for those who are presently alive and suffering.

It has NOTHING to do with someone's Opinion on what some 16 yr old

decides to do with their life. It's a non issue.


> People who complain about certain things draw MORE attention to the

VERY thing they are against and don't even realize what they're doing.


> This petition was divinely INSPIRED by good spirits trying to help

the world. Anyone trying to bash this effort, for whatever reason,

really needs to take a good look at what they're doing. The ONLY

ones I can see trying to bash this effort would be someone PAID BY





> ----- Original Message -----

> From: mboylebradley

> low dose naltrexone

> Sent: Friday, March 26, 2004 01:45

> Subject: [low dose naltrexone] Cannot support LDN Petition



> and All

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You know months ago now I talked about

starting the petition and got negative attitudes like a we can’t do

anything attitude and it’s all the big pharma companies fault crap….

Now someone has gone ahead and started a petition and someone has to be so

small minded as to think a petition re: LDN has anything to do with supporting

abortion!!!! I suggest you go back and take a good look at the petition the

petition has nothing to do with abortion and suggesting so is actually


From: mboylebradley


Sent: Friday, March 26, 2004 1:46



low dose naltrexone

Subject: [low dose naltrexone]

Cannot support LDN Petition

and All .. This is a copy of an email I sent all of my

contacts whom I asked to support the petition ..

it hurts so bad as

nobody wants this more than me .... but the only

issue that will ever

really get inside me is abortion. I cannot support

pro abortion

groups in any shape or form despite my eager

ambition for an LDN

trial. Life is life and that is my choice. Please

respect my views as

I will everyone else's .. such is my stance.

Hi All ... I apologize and thought I had read all

of the fine print

and I did, but only saw what I wanted to see. We

desperately need a

petition for LDN to add credibility but I cannot

align myself with

care2.com due to their very active connection with

abortion. I am

going to contact and tell her my stance and

have her withdraw

my name from the petition. If any of you signed

and feel similar her

email is



Join Planned Parenthood Federation of America (PPFA)

for the March

for Women's Lives on April 25, 2004 in Washington DC!

The March for

Women's Lives unites women and men from across the

United States


the world to advance the right to choose in the

fullest sense.

Reproductive freedom is allied to social,

economic, political, and

human rights, and PPFA joins in solidarity with

those who are

committed to such rights in an effort to advance

choices for

everyone. Find out more!

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What else can be said??? is a small minded,

pathetic person who would rather look for some cause, where there wasn't

one, to occupy her dreary life than support the welfare of the many who

suffer from this horrible disease.

At 02:46 PM 3/26/2004, you wrote:


know months ago now I talked about starting the petition and got negative

attitudes like a we can’t do anything attitude and it’s all the big

pharma companies fault crap…. Now someone has gone ahead and started a

petition and someone has to be so small minded as to think a petition re:

LDN has anything to do with supporting abortion!!!! I suggest you go back

and take a good look at the petition the petition has nothing to do with

abortion and suggesting so is actually libelous!

From: mboylebradley


Sent: Friday, March 26, 2004 1:46 AM

low dose naltrexone

Subject: [low dose naltrexone] Cannot support LDN Petition

and All ..

This is a copy of an email I sent all of


contacts whom I asked to support the petition .. it hurts so

bad as

nobody wants this more than me .... but the only issue that

will ever

really get inside me is abortion. I cannot support pro


groups in any shape or form despite my eager ambition for an


trial. Life is life and that is my choice. Please respect my

views as

I will everyone else's .. such is my


Hi All ... I apologize and thought I had read all of the fine


and I did, but only saw what I wanted to see. We desperately

need a

petition for LDN to add credibility but I cannot align myself


care2.com due to their very active connection with abortion. I


going to contact and tell her my stance and have her


my name from the petition. If any of you signed and feel

similar her

email is




Join Planned Parenthood Federation of America (PPFA) for the


for Women's Lives on April 25, 2004 in Washington DC! The

March for

Women's Lives unites women and men from across the United

States and

the world to advance the right to choose in the fullest


Reproductive freedom is allied to social, economic, political,


human rights, and PPFA joins in solidarity with those who


committed to such rights in an effort to advance choices


everyone. Find out


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Listen folks .. like it or not care2.com is pro abortion. I was very

upset when I disovered this as I have been in touch with the Irish

Government and I really want the petition for credibility. I realize

that the petition is only using care2.com as a vehicle but it is a

vehicle that I personally am not prepared to use. My intent is not to

impose my views on anyone else .. I fully respect everyone's right to

their own personal opinion, everybody has to act according to their

own personal conscience and in this one avenue towards a clinical

trial I must back out. Once again, please respect my view as I do

yours. Enough .. move on.

I wish each and every one of you only the very best .. always



> >You know months ago now I talked about starting the petition and


> >negative attitudes like a we can't do anything attitude and it's

all the

> >big pharma companies fault crap…. Now someone has gone ahead and

started a

> >petition and someone has to be so small minded as to think a

petition re:

> >LDN has anything to do with supporting abortion!!!! I suggest you

go back

> >and take a good look at the petition the petition has nothing to

do with

> >abortion and suggesting so is actually libelous!

> >

> >

> >----------

> >From: mboylebradley [mailto:mboylebradley@v...]

> >Sent: Friday, March 26, 2004 1:46 AM

> >low dose naltrexone

> >Subject: [low dose naltrexone] Cannot support LDN Petition

> >

> > and All .. This is a copy of an email I sent all of my

> >contacts whom I asked to support the petition .. it hurts so bad as

> >nobody wants this more than me .... but the only issue that will


> >really get inside me is abortion. I cannot support pro abortion

> >groups in any shape or form despite my eager ambition for an LDN

> >trial. Life is life and that is my choice. Please respect my views


> >I will everyone else's .. such is my stance.

> >

> >

> >Hi All ... I apologize and thought I had read all of the fine print

> >and I did, but only saw what I wanted to see. We desperately need a

> >petition for LDN to add credibility but I cannot align myself with

> >care2.com due to their very active connection with abortion. I am

> >going to contact and tell her my stance and have her


> >my name from the petition. If any of you signed and feel similar


> >email is

> >@y...

> >


> >

> >Join Planned Parenthood Federation of America (PPFA) for the March

> >for Women's Lives on April 25, 2004 in Washington DC! The March for

> >Women's Lives unites women and men from across the United States


> >the world to advance the right to choose in the fullest sense.

> >Reproductive freedom is allied to social, economic, political, and

> >human rights, and PPFA joins in solidarity with those who are

> >committed to such rights in an effort to advance choices for

> >everyone. Find out more!

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >----------

> >

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Too bad on that you couldn’t decide

to back out without poisoning the issue with everyone else. A petition for LDN

is just that for LDN not abortion. You have your issues with Care2.com fine

deal with them but stop trying to make others feel uncomfortable just as you

don’t like people talking to you on your views negatively no one wants to

hear your negative views either. Now you’ve made it as though people

saying yes to the petition are saying yes to abortion I think that’s

absolutely awful and totally disgusting! Care2 is about human rights you have yours

as well as others you choose to say negative things on this I choose to say

negative things about you doing this!

From: mboylebradley


Sent: Friday, March 26, 2004 4:05



low dose naltrexone

Subject: [low dose naltrexone] Re:

Cannot support LDN Petition

Listen folks .. like it or not care2.com is pro abortion. I was very

upset when I disovered this as I have been in

touch with the Irish

Government and I really want the petition for

credibility. I realize

that the petition is only using care2.com as a

vehicle but it is a

vehicle that I personally am not prepared to use.

My intent is not to

impose my views on anyone else .. I fully respect

everyone's right to

their own personal opinion, everybody has to act

according to their

own personal conscience and in this one avenue

towards a clinical

trial I must back out. Once again, please respect

my view as I do

yours. Enough .. move on.

I wish each and every one of you only the very

best .. always



> >You know months ago now I talked about

starting the petition and


> >negative attitudes like a we can't do

anything attitude and it's

all the

> >big pharma companies fault crap….

Now someone has gone ahead and

started a

> >petition and someone has to be so small

minded as to think a

petition re:

> >LDN has anything to do with supporting

abortion!!!! I suggest you

go back

> >and take a good look at the petition the

petition has nothing to

do with

> >abortion and suggesting so is actually


> >

> >

> >----------

> >From: mboylebradley


> >Sent: Friday, March 26, 2004 1:46 AM

> >low dose naltrexone

> >Subject: [low dose naltrexone] Cannot

support LDN Petition

> >

> > and All .. This is a copy of an

email I sent all of my

> >contacts whom I asked to support the

petition .. it hurts so bad as

> >nobody wants this more than me ... but

the only issue that will


> >really get inside me is abortion. I

cannot support pro abortion

> >groups in any shape or form despite my

eager ambition for an LDN

> >trial. Life is life and that is my

choice. Please respect my views


> >I will everyone else's .. such is my


> >

> >

> >Hi All ... I apologize and thought I had

read all of the fine print

> >and I did, but only saw what I wanted to

see. We desperately need a

> >petition for LDN to add credibility but I

cannot align myself with

> >care2.com due to their very active

connection with abortion. I am

> >going to contact and tell her my

stance and have her


> >my name from the petition. If any of you

signed and feel similar


> >email is

> >@y...

> >


> >

> >Join Planned Parenthood Federation of America (PPFA)

for the March

> >for Women's Lives on April 25, 2004 in Washington DC!

The March for

> >Women's Lives unites women and men from

across the United States


> >the world to advance the right to choose

in the fullest sense.

> >Reproductive freedom is allied to social,

economic, political, and

> >human rights, and PPFA joins in

solidarity with those who are

> >committed to such rights in an effort to

advance choices for

> >everyone. Find out more!

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >----------

> >

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Removing all the BS that was stated in this confused posting it

basically reads... " I cannot support pro abortion

groups in any shape or form despite my eager ambition for an LDN

trial. "

Ok, so if a woman becomes pregnant from a rape, she's going to love

that baby, made from rage and hate, I doubt it. Yes it would be

part of her, but it would also be a part of her attacker, and could

also be born with who knows how many possible problems, MS, crack

addiction, Cerebal Palsy, even possibly prediposed to violence.

By the way, I have NO political stance. My husband is an MS

patient, and I was so pleased to see the petition to push for the


Stem cell research is a possible way to halt, and down the road

completely erase all forms of cancer, MS, Spina Bifida, Alzheimers,

and countless other diseases. Not to mention the possibility of

creating body parts for amputees (which I an a bi-lateral, one above

knee & one below knee).

So abortion is bad.....no it is not. It is a CHOICE, a right

to life, a woman's right as to what happens to her body and the

fertilized EGG in it. So, can I assume that you'd rather see

countless, LIVING, breathing animals that can not rationlize what is

happening to them tortured with countless hazardous drugs??? Oh my,

where's your fur coat?

, take your soapbox back over to the anti-abortion postings.

My husband has MS, and ANYTHING that may help him or anyone else

deserves to be tried.

May God bless you never having to go through amputations, or Ms, or

being raped.

> and All .. This is a copy of an email I sent all of my

> contacts whom I asked to support the petition .. it hurts so bad as

> nobody wants this more than me .... but the only issue that will


> really get inside me is abortion. I cannot support pro abortion

> groups in any shape or form despite my eager ambition for an LDN

> trial. Life is life and that is my choice. Please respect my views


> I will everyone else's .. such is my stance.



> Hi All ... I apologize and thought I had read all of the fine print

> and I did, but only saw what I wanted to see. We desperately need a

> petition for LDN to add credibility but I cannot align myself with

> care2.com due to their very active connection with abortion. I am

> going to contact and tell her my stance and have her


> my name from the petition. If any of you signed and feel similar


> email is

> @y...




> Join Planned Parenthood Federation of America (PPFA) for the March

> for Women's Lives on April 25, 2004 in Washington DC! The March for

> Women's Lives unites women and men from across the United States


> the world to advance the right to choose in the fullest sense.

> Reproductive freedom is allied to social, economic, political, and

> human rights, and PPFA joins in solidarity with those who are

> committed to such rights in an effort to advance choices for

> everyone. Find out more!

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I am just out of bed and have come online to notice your reply to the

rumours you started off yesterday. I feel even sicker now!

care2.com hosts our petition along with thousands of other Petitions

on the Net. If you read their disclaimer you would have noticed they

do not endorse any petitions or advertisements that they host !!!!

Like everywhere else of the Net there are many advertisements

everywhere and if you had any brain you'd know this.

You don't realsie how much crap and rumours you are after spreading

and how much I cried yesterday as I read so many hurtful mails in my

inbox. I got mails from many around the world wanting their

signatures removed as they said they heard we are closely linked with

pro abortion. this made me so sick as it's so WRONG. I have replied

to every mail I got telling them the proper facts. I have also

received some lovely mails too from people thanking me for launching

this petition and telling me not to mind these weirdos like yourself

who have no intelligence to understand the proper facts.

I could write loads on this, but the fact is I don't feel very

well and I'm too tired to type anymore and I'm not going wasting

anymore energy on you.

Might just add that I've noticed you have an MSN email account. MSN

have numerous advertisements and I've noticed pro abortion

advertisements there in the past, also they have thousands of MSN

Groups and I'm sure there are ones on Pro Abortion and god knows what

else. Maybe you better get rid of your MSN account too and while your

at it I've advise you to take the phone cable out of the back of yoyr

computer and never connect to the World Wide Web again as there are

millions of advertisements on the Net you may get upset over.

I'm so shocked to think you support Pro Life more than a trial for

LDN and especially since there is no connection between the two.

And by the way I won't respect your stance.

Sorry to anyone reading this mail if they are new here or if my mail

has upset them, but I'm a fello MSer with a brain and I want to stand

up for all of us here and not let someone spread rumours about our

Petition which aren't true!!!

And I'd like to thank each and everyone of you who are supporting us

all and thank u for the lovely mails I've received, it means alot !

-- In low dose naltrexone , " mboylebradley "

<mboylebradley@v...> wrote:

> Listen folks .. like it or not care2.com is pro abortion. I was


> upset when I disovered this as I have been in touch with the Irish

> Government and I really want the petition for credibility. I


> that the petition is only using care2.com as a vehicle but it is a

> vehicle that I personally am not prepared to use. My intent is not


> impose my views on anyone else .. I fully respect everyone's right


> their own personal opinion, everybody has to act according to their

> own personal conscience and in this one avenue towards a clinical

> trial I must back out. Once again, please respect my view as I do

> yours. Enough .. move on.

> I wish each and every one of you only the very best .. always

> Sincerely

> Bradley

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I am so sorry that I upset you so. It pains me deeply. You know I

care for you and you know more than anyone my passion for the LDN

cause. We are two of many key players in the Irish campaign and if

nothing else we have to be honest with eachother .. I desperately

want us to be united but I am in a personal moral dilema. I called

care2.com to find out their stance and they are pro choice. I never

meant abortion to be politicized in this forum .. it is not the

place. I hold nothing against anyone who has had an abortion or

anyone of any race, culture or creed. I can only act according to

what I believe and by signing the petition I feel I would be

supporting a group that is pro choice. Once again I respect all that

are and see that many will never see the connection. You know that

LDN has given me my life back through my husband, Mom and Uncle. I

have put much effort into getting the word out and a trial underway.

My stance was posted here to share personally with the group .... not

to politicize a personal belief. I am so sorry that that happened. I

admire your spirit and all that emailed me in venomous

although passionate form. I asked for it. I put myself out there. As

a result of all 172 emails I am questioning myself and my actions

with regard to the greater good but am still in a state of dilema.

That is as honest as I can be. I apologize for all the upset ..

> > Listen folks .. like it or not care2.com is pro abortion. I was

> very

> > upset when I disovered this as I have been in touch with the


> > Government and I really want the petition for credibility. I

> realize

> > that the petition is only using care2.com as a vehicle but it is


> > vehicle that I personally am not prepared to use. My intent is


> to

> > impose my views on anyone else .. I fully respect everyone's


> to

> > their own personal opinion, everybody has to act according to


> > own personal conscience and in this one avenue towards a clinical

> > trial I must back out. Once again, please respect my view as I do

> > yours. Enough .. move on.

> > I wish each and every one of you only the very best .. always

> > Sincerely

> > Bradley

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Who cares what care2.com thinks about anything?

They provide a forum for a frank and open discussion about LDN.

That is what we are concerned about here.

Don't muddy the LDN pages with your opinions.

Opinions are like assholes. Everyone has one.

Let's stick to the facts about LDN.

I'm tired of reading through crap to get to what I am here for.

And that is information on MS and LDN that can help people live better lives.


“Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the

moments that take our breath away.”

-- Carlin

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I'm going to jump in here. Here is something else you may want to

consider if you are truly suffering a moral dilemma. You stated:

" You know that LDN has given me my life back through my husband, Mom

and Uncle. "

Now, having said that, did you know that naltrexone's original

indication was to treat heroin addicts and alcoholics? Of course

you know that. Now you are supporting a drug for yourself and your

family that was designed to treat malefic misfits such as these? I

would venture to say that even some of those people for whom

naltrexone was originally prescribed even had abortions, and yes,

supported the pro-choice stance. How does that make you feel? Are

you comfirtable allowing the use of naltrexone for yourself and your

family considering it's history? Should you now discontinue its use

and repent of your ways for using and supporting such an " evil " drug?

I know this message may sound somewhat harsh, but that is truly not

my intent here. My intent is to show how anyone can make absurb

connections such as the above and end up not only defeating

themselves, but others as well. I truly hope you reconsider your

reasons for your actions. Take care and I do wish you the best.


I would also like to express my appreciation for your initiative in

starting the petetion. I signed it several days ago, and I do

support it 100%! :)

> > > Listen folks .. like it or not care2.com is pro abortion. I


> > very

> > > upset when I disovered this as I have been in touch with the

> Irish

> > > Government and I really want the petition for credibility. I

> > realize

> > > that the petition is only using care2.com as a vehicle but it


> a

> > > vehicle that I personally am not prepared to use. My intent is

> not

> > to

> > > impose my views on anyone else .. I fully respect everyone's

> right

> > to

> > > their own personal opinion, everybody has to act according to

> their

> > > own personal conscience and in this one avenue towards a


> > > trial I must back out. Once again, please respect my view as I


> > > yours. Enough .. move on.

> > > I wish each and every one of you only the very best .. always

> > > Sincerely

> > > Bradley

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