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In a message dated 03/24/2004 3:11:30 PM Eastern Standard Time, tcarroll@... writes:

Kerry Statement on ADAPT"The following press release is provided by the Kerryfor President campaign.AAPD is non-partisan and shares information aboutcandidates' disability-related policy positions foreducational purposes. YoungJFA Moderator, AAPD======================For Immediate Release March 22, 2004Statement from KerryWashington, DC - Kerry, Democratic Candidate forPresident, issued the following statement on ADAPT's demandto be "heard" on removing the institutional bias inMedicaid."I applaud the more than 400 ADAPT activists uniting inWashington, D.C. to demand their voices be heard regardingthe critically important issue of ending the immoralinstitutional bias in the Medicaid program. We must nolonger treat Americans with disabilities as second classcitizens by failing to respect the fundamental human andcivil rights of people with disabilities of all ages tolive where they choose.""President Bush has promised New Freedom for people withdisabilities. But, the policies he's pursuing undercut the"real freedom" that people with disabilities deserve andare entitled to by virtue of their citizenship. Like allof us, people with disabilities want to live the AmericanDream. But many lack even the choice as to where they live."I have heard your voices loud and clear, and havedemonstrated this with my vision for Americans withDisabilities based on Freedom, Independence, and Choices.I believe that all Americans, including those withdisabilities, have an inherent right to be treated as firstclass citizens, and that is why I have strenuously opposedthe far right's efforts to undermine the Americans withDisabilities Act and other critical civil rights laws.""I am firmly opposed to the Bush administration's proposalsto turn Medicaid into a block grant to the States. Ibelieve we must strengthen and protect Medicaid, not tearit apart. We should help states carry out the Olmsteaddecision and enact MiCASSA and the Money Follows the PersonAct. As with racial segregation, we must put an end to theinstitutional bias in Medicaid that prevents millions ofAmericans of all ages from experiencing freedom,independence and choice.""Finally, I promise as President one of my first orders ofbusiness will be to adopt a Community First policy bycreating a national bipartisan Community First Commissionmade up of Members of Congress, Governors, distinguishedolder Americans, veterans, people with disabilities andother experts to work to assure that all people with andwithout disabilities have the freedom, independence andchoice they rightfully deserve."# # #=====================JOIN AAPD! There's strength in numbers! Be a part of anational coalition of people with disabilities and joinAAPD today. http://www.aapd-dc.orgJFA ARCHIVES. All JFA postings from 1995 to present areavailable at:http://www.aapd-dc.org/JFA/JFAabout.htmlNOTE: Some Internet Providers (including AOL, Earthlink andJuno) may see JFA postings as spam because of the largevolume of JFA mail recipients and fail to deliver theposting. If this happens, the JFA system may automaticallyunsubscribe some email addresses. Should you stop receivingJFA Alerts, please subscribe to JFA again as per theinstructions at http://www.aapd-dc.org/JFA/JFAsubscribing.htmlYou may also need to contact your service provider to findout how to prevent JFA postings from being recognized asspam.PLEASE EMPTY YOUR EMAIL INBOX REGULARLY. JFA automaticallydeletes subscribers that are over their message quota.If you stop using an account please unsubscribe that oldaccount.With hundreds of inbound emails and thousands of outboundemails daily, JFA can not respond to every message.We thank you for your understanding and continuedoutstanding advocacy!JUSTICE FOR ALL -- A Service of theAmerican Association of People with Disabilitieshttp://www.aapd-dc.org/JFA/JFAabout.html===================================================================== Justice-For-All FREE Subscriptions To subscribe or unsubscribe, send mail to majordomo@... with one or the other in the body of your message: subscribe justice unsubscribe justice

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