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Are You a Patient of This Endo Doc?

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" " ; I was able to get an appt. with Dr. Bruce Rind, from National

Integrated Health Associates on Wisconsin Avenue in Washington, DC. I have seen

him three times now. He is very expensive ($410 was the initial fee in 10/07

when I first saw him and $210 follow up visits). He does not take insurance but

will give statements to file claims. Most of his treatment involves prescribing

supplements that are sold by Dove Products, a company his owns. He put me on

Adrenal Rebuilder, EngyGest, Pregnonelone, Bioflavinoid C, Iodine, Cod Liver

Oil, and Folic Acid. I felt no better after taking these supplements for 3


and stopped in February.

I have read on the Internet that Dr. Rind is a Quack and that the MD licensing

board file charges against him for not keeping accurate patient files. Some

patients sing his praises and say he is cutting edge and willing to listen to

patients. He does take the time to listen and he blasts the pharmaceutical

industry. I just don't know if I should continue to see him. I am extremely

anxious about the appt. tomorrow. I really can't tell if he's a quack or cutting

edge. I have not gotten better since I first saw him in October. He told me to

come off the birth control pills and Cytomel which I did. Now I take T4, 100

mcg. of Unithroid and I feel awful. I also have Sjogren's Syndrome, which is a

new diagnosis.

I have an appt. with Dr. Rind is 9:30 am tomorrow morning! Does anyone have

any information or experience or insights with Dr. Bruce Rind that you can share

with me? I don't know if I should go to the appt. or cancel it and find someone

else? Please share your thought with me.


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