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Re: Pereformis Syndrome

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In a message dated 12/20/02 4:05:40 PM, jekteachme@... writes:

<< I can't remember which one of you wonderful people mentioned Pereformis

Syndrome. >>

(Shyly bowing head------NOT) IT WAS ME!!!!!!!!!

Pyraformis Syndrome sucks, but the blocks are great when they work. As a

woman, the worst ones I've had (sounds really bad I know) were the vaginal

ones (yes I was sedated). They do them in the butt for the guys.

Have missed you. By the way, where the heck has everyone (the old gang) been?

Haven't seen anything from Greg from Ireland or any of the others. Anyway,

I'm going back to read your whole email (i just skimmed) and then I'm gonna

post as I had my big doctor's appt today (neurosurgeon---re: artificial

disc). Take good care sweetie.


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Your poor thing!!!! Pyraformis Syndrome (at least for me) comes and goes. The

blocks help me the most when it gets really bad. Those are the only things

that really help. Now I just get shots in the butt. Whenever I get really bad

hip pain (that won't go away) it's usually a sign that it's come back. Of

course once it hits my butt I know it's time for an injection. I'm so sorry

you're not feeling well. Hang in there. Hope the PT helps. Maybe they can

stretch you out so it can go away.


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> Jan:

> Your poor thing!!!! Pyraformis Syndrome (at least for me) comes

and goes. The

> blocks help me the most when it gets really bad. Those are the

only things

> that really help. Now I just get shots in the butt. Whenever I get

really bad

> hip pain (that won't go away) it's usually a sign that it's come

back. Of

> course once it hits my butt I know it's time for an injection. I'm

so sorry

> you're not feeling well. Hang in there. Hope the PT helps. Maybe

they can

> stretch you out so it can go away.


> Robin

Hey now for a minute there I thought I was in an adult site, lol.


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In a message dated 12/21/02 6:14:53 AM, jekteachme@... writes:



Do you get the shots right in the muscle itself? Is a cortosteriod shot?

Who gives you the shot? Ortho? Neuro? Family doctor? Most of the doctors I go

to just look at me like I'm nuts when I describe the feeling. It definitly

irratates the sciatic..does it with you? >>


It's bad enough dealing with the damn pain, then to have to deal with the

idiot docs on top of that......you poor thing!!!!!! Yes, you get the shot(s)

in the muscle and yes it is a cortosone (sp?) or another like steroid.

Sometimes, depending on how accurately they get it) it might take a series of

three, but usually one does the trick. I've always had it done by a pain

management doctor (who most often is an anthesiologist or radiologist). Years

ago, I had a great doc who (I'm a woman and Iknow this will sound just awful

but...) sedated me and then gave them to me vaginally! On a woman,

apparently, you can feel the muscle through the vaginal wall. Those i

njections worked the best. For men (and for me after that) they are always

given in the butt. You, yourself, can usually feel (down deep) in the butt

where it is (where it hurts). Some doctors believe it's right below the butt.

That never worked for me. It's usually somewhere in the middle. The

injections usually work for about 6 months. In later years, I talked one of

my docs into giving me additional injections right into my hip (joints) too.

For some reason that helped as well greatly. Let me know what happens. Don't

give up!!!!!!!!



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In a message dated 12/21/02 6:17:59 AM, jekteachme@... writes:

<< Robin,

In your vagina? Was it burning? Caused by muscles in spasm?

How did the doctor go for the artificial disc? >>

In vaginal wall. No it wasn't burning at all. Doc told me he could actually

feel the muscle spasm there. Did you see the VERY LONG post I wrote last

night (Dec 20)?

It went great. Thanks. Turns out he wasn't an asshole at all. He was terrific

but now I'm more confused. He advocated both fusion or artificial disc as

being both terrific surgeries. (different artificial disc than the other

guy). He claimed they both have high success rates (I don't believe him).

Then again, he just invented the new cage they use in the (anterior) fusion

I'd have. Think that colors his opinion? He had a fusion 5 years ago. I asked

him if he were to have it today which would he choose? When pressed, he said

artificial disc. I asked him if I could talk to some of his former patients

and he said of course. Then I later realized he's gonna only have " success

stories " call me. So, later (when I got home) I decided, I'm going to find

out the name and number of the physical therapist his office uses and then do

the same for the other doctor (orthopedist), call both PT's and ask them

which of their patients seem to do better, the (low back) spinal fusions or

(low back) artificial disc patients.

Then I'll punt from there. lol. Take good care of yourself.



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In a message dated 12/21/02 10:01:52 AM, no_reply writes:


Tongue hanging from mouth, Yes please ladies tell us your

experiences and feel free to post pics in the photo section, lol! My

horns are coming out... >>

You goof!!! Did you miss the part about the needles going in there to inject

the muscle? Cuz I'd be more than happy to repeat it for you. lol



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> Robin,

> In your vagina? Was it burning? Caused by muscles in spasm?

> How did the doctor go for the artificial disc?

> Jan

Tongue hanging from mouth, Yes please ladies tell us your

experiences and feel free to post pics in the photo section, lol! My

horns are coming out...

-Nick <<:)

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Needles, S & M, different strokes for different folks, hehe.

Just some levity, but you have to admit the post I responded to from

a male perspective can sound somewhat erotic. Warm soft Cyberhug for


-Nick :)


> In a message dated 12/21/02 10:01:52 AM, no_reply



> <<

> Tongue hanging from mouth, Yes please ladies tell us your

> experiences and feel free to post pics in the photo section, lol!


> horns are coming out... >>


> You goof!!! Did you miss the part about the needles going in there

to inject

> the muscle? Cuz I'd be more than happy to repeat it for you. lol

> xoxooxxo

> Robin

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Hi Nick.... my poor hubby has had about all the vagina talk he can stand... poor

guy has learned more about a women's inworking than any gyn, and the only

recognition or glory he gets from it is having me... the grumpy, achy one that

started all this for him anyway!.... oh what joy!.... :-).... huggers....


Re: Pereformis Syndrome


> Robin,

> In your vagina? Was it burning? Caused by muscles in spasm?

> How did the doctor go for the artificial disc?

> Jan

Tongue hanging from mouth, Yes please ladies tell us your

experiences and feel free to post pics in the photo section, lol! My

horns are coming out...

-Nick <<:)

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Wow! Am very impressed with the research you've done. It's sad that we have

to rely so heavily on ourselves for our own diagnosis, but at the same time

it is the only responsible thing to do. I'm so sorry you're suffering so. You

know I, as well as most of the others in this group, know only too well how

you feel. I'm glad if I was able to help in some small way. You should be

very proud of yourself!!!! Once you find a pain management doc. they'll know

about how to give a pyraformis block (injection) or if there is something

better to help you.

Hang in there sweetie, and again, just know that you're not alone. Feel good.


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In a message dated 12/21/02 12:52:17 PM, no_reply writes:

<< Needles, S & M, different strokes for different folks, hehe.

Just some levity, but you have to admit the post I responded to from

a male perspective can sound somewhat erotic. Warm soft Cyberhug for

you. >>




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> He said that I do have internal hemmoroids>>>

Hi Janice,

Well, it wasn't me, but I do have a good friend that had these. Bless her

heart! She had been bleeding rectally for 3+ years.....and after a

colonoscopy, she had a growth removed that was not cancerous....thank

goodness! But....the *Butt Dr* ROFL...(hell, I dunno what they are

called! ) simply told her to use desitin to keep the area dry, stuff

cotton balls there if need be. She was almost in tears by the time she got

to my shop.. She had tried ALL of the things that the Dr recommended....so

she couldn't understand HOW these things were going to help her now. By

golly.....I put my thinking cap on and we came up with some Tub Teas to the

ones on the outside of her body, then came up with some herbal

suppositories for the ones inside. Guess what? She hasn't had ANY

bleeding since! WOOHOOO See guys, this is what keeps me doing what I

do. Sometimes Modern Medicine just doesn't work! I will dig the recipe

out at the shop & post if for you if you'd like. Or.....I can gather up

all of the herbs you'll need and the cocoa butter.....and you can put it

all together? It isn't hard...we used straws to make the round

shape. Holler at me hun if you need this K?

>..but to whoever did (Chris? Robin?) how long did it take for yours to go


Hmmm, wasn't me....heck I can't even pronounce that one! LOL I bet someone

will pop up & let you know ;)

> am starting PT for it this week. My last PT wasn't too knowledgeable

> about it. I hope all have a wonderful holiday...as well as we can. I was

> suppose to go up North to visit family but with this condition....there

> is no way I can be on a plane and sit that long :-(

>Jan >>>

Awww! I'm so sorry you can't be with your family for the Holidays

:( But..the good news is, your stuck with US instead! LOLOL Just try not

to think about it, cuz if your like me, you don't need anything else

swimming around in your mind to make you even more depressed! If this

storm moves in as they say it will, we too may be stuck without seeing

family. Last year, we had the WORST ice storm in years. I was soooo glad

that hubby talked me into NOT trekking the 2 hours in that stuff......as my

folks house lost all electric, water, phone.,.....they had to use the

bathroom in WalMart sacks!!!!!!!!! ROFL Wonder if the Customer Service

would take that sack as a return for the groceries you purchased???

LOLOL OK.....I have yakked enough, now I am getting delirious!!! Hang in

there Jan....we're here for ya hun ;)

Ask me about my new MSM lotion for aches/pains!


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>(Shyly bowing head------NOT)>>

ROFL Shyly?????????????????????? NOT indeed! LOLOL

>T WAS ME!!!!!!!!!

>Pyraformis Syndrome sucks, but the blocks are great when they work. As a

>woman, the worst ones I've had (sounds really bad I know) were the vaginal

>ones (yes I was sedated).>>

OMG!!!!!!!! OUCH!!!! I can't even imagine this one!

>hey do them in the butt for the guys.>>

Absolutely no comment on this one <EG>

> (neurosurgeon---re: artificial

>disc). >>>

Cool! Will be looking forward to this info!

Ask me about my new MSM lotion for aches/pains!


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>Have you played around at all with soy wax yet? >>

<G> Yep! I decided to since lots of folks come into the shop and look

around, asking... " Do you have any *regular* candles?! I've done an " ALL

natural line " with essential oils and paper core wicks. They come in

little black travel tins....pretty cool if I do say so myself! LOL

> There are a couple of gals here making candles that have a 2 yr old

> business. They are using soy was, and I do love how they burn, the

> length of time and the cleaness. How would it compare to gel do you think? >>

Well, in my testing, the gel burns the longest, with soy coming in right

behind it..,...and paraffin being last. I tell folks that by using the

Soy, we are supporting the American farmers...and right now, they can sure

use the help! I can do so many things with the gel that can't be done with

either of the waxes.

> I also have a great idea for you if you are interested. I am not sure

> it is being marketed in that area right now. >>

Hey, I am always open for new ideas! LOL I can't seem to help it...just

when I say.. " NO more fragrances " ! I end up with a couple of new ones here,

I blend my own which is a couple more...and the addiction goes on <G>


>............the W E one, lol>>

LOL AND???? Maybe that is why we would get along so well, as I am too W &

E at times ;)

Ask me about my new MSM lotion for aches/pains!


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> Thanks for offering the recipe. Yes, I definitly would try it out. My

> hemmroids are not bleeding.>>


This is great news! LOL My poor friend...I was very concerned for her,

afraid that with all that bleeding, it would be cancer.

>..I actually have no symptoms except this burning sensation..I poop and

>pee fine (no pain) which is why this has lead me to believe that the

>hemmroids are not the culprit. But...they are there (the doc said he

>didn't want to do anything (inject them, etc) because they were not that

>bad. I just do the cyst baths and been using the medicine he gave me. >>

And, is it working well do you thinik? I'd be happy to send you one of the

bath teas that my buddy uses.....but if you prefer, you can ask your Dr

first. Some are OK with using herbs, some are not. Don't want him to be

mad at ya ;)

>He wants me back in 2 weeks to see if anything is changed. I also have a

>colonoscomy scheduled for Jan.31st... ..what a way to bring in the new

>year! I getting pretty tired of people looking up my butt!>>

Bless your heart! I know...my Mom went thru a bunch of this.

> You are definitly right about depression. I cannot allow myself the

> 'luxury' of depression because it would consume me. I am such an active

> person and being so immobile for 6 months one really has to be creative

> in not allowing that looming sensation to overtake you. I don't want to

> do that to my husband or my daughter either.>>

GOOD! Yep...got these kiddos to think of. My poor hubby.....he is at his

wits end about all of this. I think he just expects me to be easily

*fixed*....and that is just not the case.

> Where are you located?>>

I am in Oklahoma.....where it has been getting up to the 60's as well! I'm

just hoping that we don't get that sleet/ice they are prediciting!!!!

> I lived up north when I was growing up (New Jersey, Ohio) and I still

> miss the season changes and that first snow. We just had a 'cold' spell

> down here in Miami ( got down to high 40's at night, high 60's day). But

> today is back up to low 80's.>>

LOL I have another internet bud that lives in FL....she likes to remind me

of how warm it is there while I am freezing!!!!! LOL

> Anyway...thanks for being there.>>

You betcha! Call your Dr & ask him if it is OK to try some herbal

suppositories.....and the Tub teas. I'm sure it can't hurt, and I know

that it helped more than one other person with their *butt* probs ;) If he

says no prob...then send me your snail mail in a personal email, and I'll

get ya fixed up!



Ask me about my new MSM lotion for aches/pains!


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