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Re: GH

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GH is very expensive and still relatively new so they try not to

make it the wonder drug just yet. Basically they treat children with

dwarfism and adults with pituitary problems with 2 or more hormones

(such as testosterone, cortisol, thyroid deficiency). It does help

in many areas. Side effects can be prevented with proper dosage,

otherwise over use you may get symptoms like carpel tunnel, bones or

organs growing to much, joint pain, increased glucose levels, may

increase growth of tumors, etc... Now face it if you have to low of

a GH you experience problems too. Well I hope it all works out for

you. I left messages over a week ago for my Doctor to switch to

topomax, never got a call back. They are all the same.



> >In my readings GH helps with bones and DDD. The cost factor is the

> >biggest drawback. Until recently it was used only in children for

> >dwarfism, now adult gh deficiencies. >>


> Hey Nick.....I guess I need to do some reading on this, but as


> gathered from my last post....my Dr's don't like me knowing more

than they

> do ;) Are there any side effects of GH? This is all news to me!




> Ask me about my new MSM lotion for aches/pains!

> http://www.scentsappeal.net



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Hi ,

I had a pituitary adenoma removed over a year ago. My hormones

are " hypo " . GH was less then .1 and IGF-1 which is a steadier method

of testing is 135. For my age I should be 250-350. I was wondering

if an infection could weaken the spine and cause this tumor in the

brain at the same time. Remember it all happened at once for me. So

that is why I asked if they do a pathology report for the cervical

disectomy/ endoscopic procedures.


> Here is a link for you guys..........www.topamax.com

> Nick.......which part are you hoping to grow??? <WEG>


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>Here is a link for you guys..........www.topamax.com>>

Thanks dear,.,....as soon as I get this darned printer hooked up, I will be

printing it up & sending it to the PCP <G> Won't he love me then! LOL

>Nick.......which part are you hoping to grow??? <WEG>>>

ROFL You are indeed E & W!!!!

Ask me about my new MSM lotion for aches/pains!


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What is E & W?



> >Here is a link for you guys..........www.topamax.com>>


> Thanks dear,.,....as soon as I get this darned printer hooked up, I

will be

> printing it up & sending it to the PCP <G> Won't he love me then!



> >Nick.......which part are you hoping to grow??? <WEG>>>


> ROFL You are indeed E & W!!!!




> Ask me about my new MSM lotion for aches/pains!

> http://www.scentsappeal.net

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quick note, caffeine is a natural diuretic, it does not retain

fluid rather expels it.

-Nick :)



> I am so so sooooooooooo very glad you will not be having a seizure

in Santa's lap at the Tulsa mall, or doing other things that could

cause you to chomp down hard......well you know. I took Triam as a

diuretic and spironolactone. Both make you pee like crazy. I don't

know if they will work for you or not. I hope they will lower your

dosage. You would think that drinking a lot of water would make it

worse but it won't. It flushes out your system and makes you go

more often and actually helps a lot. Caffeine will make you retain

fluids also, tea, coffee, soda, and anything salty. Read the labels

because even a can of green beans has added salt. I put in a

request to my friend from Skiatook for the names of some other docs

in the Tulsa area that he uses that are really great. He only has

the best and he is a very demanding man (translation....damn

frustrating, lol). He would know or could find out for us. Just

some more resources for you in case you need them. It never hurts

to build your resource base of information. Do you think those moon

boots that let you hang upside down would help with the fluid

leaving your feet? :P~~~~~~~~ Do you have ted stockings still from

surgery? If you do put those one dear one, they will help force the

fluid from that area and make other parts of your body reabsorp it.

Now if we could just get the fluid to stay only in the breast area

wouldnt we have accomplished something incredible? Did you find out

if you could break your 600s in half or just take one a day instead

of more? I cannot wait to meet you we could cause so much

trouble together, lol.


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Hi I'll respond below each comment.

> Nick........

> Use caffeine in moderation or avoid if possible, it can quickly

deplete your vitamin stores.

Yes because of the diuretic properties it will get rid of your water

soluble vitamins. Oil based like A-D-K- and E are a little


> Avoid caffeine - Even though caffeine does not cause PMS, it can

aggravate some symptoms such as headaches, anxiety, swelling, and

breast tenderness. Taper off of your caffeine intake one or two

weeks before your period begins. Stopping abruptly or completely may

make your symptoms worse.

Depending upon study caffeine can prevent headaches and withdrawal

will definately give them. I don't have peroids and don't want them,


> First, by not drinking enough water, you can actually cause your

body to retain fluid. Four or five cups of coffee in the morning, a

glass of wine at lunch, another cup of coffee or a soft drink in the

afternoon, a cocktail before dinner and a couple of cups of coffee

after dinner isn't what I'm talking about.

In normal situations maybe your body would retain fluid however we

are talking about the induction of caffeine and now alcohol which

both dehydrates.

> People who drink like this say they are always thirsty. Their body

is being deprived of the water needed to keep itself healthy and it

reacts by retaining almost every drop of the tiny bit it is allowed

by your stopping at the water cooler once or twice each day. The

body often gets puffy and swollen as a result. The extra weight you

think of as fat may not be fat at all.

Again they are thristy because they are losing fluids which is the

defense mechanism to crave more fluids. Your body gets puffy from

salt intake not diuretics.

> Wine, gin, coffee, tea, fruit juices, and soft drinks are all

fluids, but they don't have the same chemical properties as ordinary

water. Alcohol and soda pop contains too much sugar, so to a lesser

extent do fruit juices. The caffeine in coffee and tea is bad for

your heart and blood pressure. Even diet soda contains sodium which

contributes to water retention. Cut down on coffee, drink sugarless

drinks if you like them, but most importantly, drink 10-12 eight

ounce glasses of water daily.

Wont argue here.

> Restricting your water can promote fat deposits. Your body uses

water as the major component of blood to transport nutrients and

wastes. A lack of water in the system can cause fats and other

toxins, that are normally disposed of, to remain in your body -

including that dimpled fat commonly referred to as cellulite.


> Your kidneys have a difficult time processing contaminated water

so your liver has to detoxify it. This means your liver can't do its

main task, which is to process your blood and help break down fat.

Thus, as you store water, the fat you eat can be stored in fat cells

instead of being broken down in the liver. You become bloated,

waterlogged, and obese.

Your kidneys work harder with diuretics because more are flushed

through it. I agree when the liver is in overload it backs other

things up to. However the liver reguvenates itself and has other

functions like producing growth hormone to help. Speaking of

cleansing colonics are the key.

> Caffeine and salt may cause water retention, and when you are

drinking that much water, you don't want to retain it.

Caffeine no, salt yes.


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Post the link to the WHOLE artical. This is a fragmant that you

forgot to include is probably about a certain condition called

fibrocystic breasts. The caffeine causes more estrogen and then

swollen breasts. I can show you at least 100 articles to your one

showing caffeine is a diuretic. Now your clip below illustrates

breasts only, what does that have to do with the rest of the body?

Thats what makes me beleive it is fibrocystic breasts.



> Is there anything I can do to prevent fluid build up? " It has

recently been shown that substances which contain caffeine or

caffeine related products such as theobromide (chocolate) or

theophylline (tea) can make the fluid retention in the breast worse.

If caffeine is present, it will almost always be on the list of

ingredients of whatever you are eating or drinking. If your breast

tissue tends to retain more fluid than usual, discontinuing these

substances may help decrease the fluid retention. In addition,

anything you eat that makes you feel peppy is suspect. We've listed

many of the most common items containing caffeine and caffeine-like

products on the inside of the back page.

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-- In spinaldisorderssupport , on

<gainsavoir@y...> wrote:


> This is from a totally separate article. When I was pregnant and

my feet and legs were swelling and I was having absolutely NO salt

intake at all, my ob/gyn said that it was caffeine causing it. I

eliminated all caffeine and the problem went away. I agree that

when I had dural headaches, caffeine did help and I do not have a

problem with swelling in my legs/feet. I did for a time at the

beginning of my injury start to have swelling but Triam worked

wonders. has a real bad swelling problem and being that she

has breasts and a uterus, caffeine affects her differently than

every guy with a swinging dick. I was merely offering her every

option she might want to try to ease her pain. The swelling in the

legs and feet can get so severe the fluid will come out of the pores

in the legs and it is indeed very painful. A friend of mine's

father had lumbar fusion a few weeks ago and is suffering from the

very same thing right now.

> I am not anti-caffeine so don't be picketing on my lawn. I just

want well so she can kick you in the butt without hurting.


> PS, why does Nick know so much about women's health issues?


, Your kind heart and intentions are not what is being

questioned, I for one always appreciate it. However your rebuttles

show that you can't be wrong, corrected, or challenged. I know when

I am wrong and would admit it. The first time I mentioned nicely

that caffeine is a diuretic you had to come up with a clip of an

article (no links) from a rare medical case that would cause

caffeine to influence additional hormones to cause the fluid

retention. The bottomline still is that the caffeine did not cause

the retention the estrogen did. You rebut again about a pregnant

woman were still the estrogen caused the problem not the caffeine.

Now kick your own but and swallow your pride. Better yet just tell

your Doctor that caffeine is not a diuretic and why.


PS regarding your PS any swinging dick can use the internet.

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" Some women also find that reducing their caffeine intake by

avoiding coffee, tea, chocolate, and soft drinks decreases water

retention and breast discomfort. However, this is a controversial

topic among healthcare professionals because studies linking breast

pain and caffeine have been inconsistent. "

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>I am so so sooooooooooo very glad you will not be having a seizure in

>Santa's lap at the Tulsa mall, or doing other things that could cause you

>to chomp down hard......well you know. >>

<VBSEG> Who knows, Santa might enjoy my seizure whilst IN his lap!

LOLOL Uh Oh...no chomping down eh? LOLOL

> I took Triam as a diuretic and spironolactone. Both make you pee like

> crazy. I don't know if they will work for you or not.>>

He has me on Lasix 20mg now.....this is the second one I've tried for

getting rid of the swelling.

> I hope they will lower your dosage. You would think that drinking a

> lot of water would make it worse but it won't. It flushes out your

> system and makes you go more often and actually helps a lot. Caffeine

> will make you retain fluids also, tea, coffee, soda, and anything

> salty. Read the labels because even a can of green beans has added

> salt. I put in a request to my friend from Skiatook for the names of

> some other docs in the Tulsa area that he uses that are really great. He

> only has the best and he is a very demanding man (translation....damn

> frustrating, lol). He would know or could find out for us. Just some

> more resources for you in case you need them.>>

And I apprecaite that! So far, I am happy with this latest Neuro. Seems

interested enough to try & fix someone else's mistake. Most of them won't

even see me!

> It never hurts to build your resource base of information. Do you think

> those moon boots that let you hang upside down would help with the fluid

> leaving your feet? :P~~~~~~~~ Do you have ted stockings still from

> surgery? If you do put those one dear one, they will help force the

> fluid from that area and make other parts of your body reabsorp it.>>

LOL OUCH!!!! That sounds painful. I never got any of those stockings

that your talking about. I guess I am still stuck on the " Let's try

something different so that you don't have to take another pill "

syndrome. I do think that he will let me try something new.

> Now if we could just get the fluid to stay only in the breast area

> wouldnt we have accomplished something incredible? >>

ACKKKKKKKKK! LOL No way for me, thankyouverymuch! I don't need any help

in that dept....46DD! Hmmm, hubby might enjoy that tho! LOL

>Did you find out if you could break your 600s in half or just take one a

>day instead of more?>>

I'm sure if I had one of those pill cutter thingies I could do it. Still

gonna cross my fingers that he will just give me the Topamax....and that it

WILL work. Positive affirmations abound!

> I cannot wait to meet you we could cause so much trouble

> together, lol. >>

Moi??????????? Troubel??????????? Nah! LOL It would be great to meet

several fo the folks on this list! Name the place!

Ask me about my new MSM lotion for aches/pains!


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>has a real bad swelling problem and being that she has breasts and a

>uterus, caffeine affects her differently than every guy with a swinging

>dick. I was merely offering her every option she might want to try to

>ease her pain. The swelling in the legs and feet can get so severe the

>fluid will come out of the pores in the legs and it is indeed very

>painful. A friend of mine's father had lumbar fusion a few weeks ago and

>is suffering from the very same thing right now.

>I am not anti-caffeine so don't be picketing on my lawn. I just want

>well so she can kick you in the butt without hurting.>>

And I thank BOTH of you for offering your advice. I think that is what

makes this group so great, is we have all had problems, and as the title

suggest " Spinal Disorders Support " I hope that we can all just take a deep

breath in......hold for 5 counts, exhale to 8 counts. Now....doesn't that

feel better? <G> Both of you just keep sending in that info....and we ALL

can agree to disagree....K?

Ask me about my new MSM lotion for aches/pains!


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>OH HECK, we would take up the whole booth for just our breasts with 38DD

>and 46DD, no room for elbows on the table, lmao. Could we have the big

>round table in the corner please?>>

ROFL Gosh, with the 2 of us, there won't be any room for any of the guys!!!

>I agree, a spiney reunion sometime would be excellent. My son is into

>marine biology and when I say my spiney friends he has visions of sea

>urchins.......I figure we are all just old barnacles anyway so its all the

>same thing. :)>>>

<G> Yep, I agree here ;) My almost 20 YO DD started wanting to do Marine

Biology....and now has ended up going for Dentistry! LOL Kids....sheesh!

Ask me about my new MSM lotion for aches/pains!


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  • 2 years later...

I know Max - your O diet is so easy yet I am shocked to see how many

people are having an issue understanding it.

The other thing to get the GH level high is weight training - Heavy

weights and low reps. Also, 8 to 10 hours of sleep.

ABO Specifics Inc. - http://www.foodforyourblood.com


Well got me curious about Human Growth Hormone so I started


One of the interesting things I've come across so far is the suggested


Here is an excerpt:

But often we do not consider the proper ingredients necessary for our


cellular chemical reactions / bodily functions.

The Healthy & Hormone Friendly diet we recommend has plentiful protein,

sufficient GOOD fat & moderate carbohydrates.

Eat sufficient protein, lots of vegetables & fruits and minimal

processed (

sugars / white bread ) carbohydrates.

No magic diet is suggested here .. just intelligent, planned &


nutrient consumption.

Including sufficient protein & good fat / oil is conducive to tissue /


growth, proper hormonal secretions, optimized cognition and mood.

Sound familiar?

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I could easily have 8 to 10 hours if I could go to sleep at 1a.m. or so and

sleep in the morning. Unfortunately, work doesn't allow that.


Well got me curious about Human Growth Hormone so I started


One of the interesting things I've come across so far is the suggested


Here is an excerpt:

But often we do not consider the proper ingredients necessary for our


cellular chemical reactions / bodily functions.

The Healthy & Hormone Friendly diet we recommend has plentiful protein,

sufficient GOOD fat & moderate carbohydrates.

Eat sufficient protein, lots of vegetables & fruits and minimal

processed (

sugars / white bread ) carbohydrates.

No magic diet is suggested here .. just intelligent, planned &


nutrient consumption.

Including sufficient protein & good fat / oil is conducive to tissue /


growth, proper hormonal secretions, optimized cognition and mood.

Sound familiar?

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Sharon Ferris wrote:

> I could easily have 8 to 10 hours if I could go to sleep at 1a.m. or so and

sleep in the morning. Unfortunately, work doesn't allow that.

Change your job if necessary.

I had to do that and I do sleep in the mornings.

It has turned my health around and I am so glad I did choose health over

job. I had to study for a different degree and be self-employed to

achieve it - but I am glad I did.



Irene de Villiers, B.Sc; AASCA; MCSSA; D.I.Hom.

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Sharon Ferris wrote:

> I am self-employed also.

So then you have control over when you sleep or work - not so?



Irene de Villiers, B.Sc; AASCA; MCSSA; D.I.Hom.

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Being self-employed means you can choose your own hours...as long as it's at

least 20 hours a day :)

In my experience, Sometimes it's nice and you can take a break, but usually

it's much more demanding than a 9-5 job, at least if you want to have any

kind of success. Late nights are pretty much a given. Vacations aren't

someting you just put in a calendar a few weeks ahead, they're something you

have to fight for, tooth and claw every step of the way.

I suppose it depends on what your line of business is. Server's don't make

an appointment with you before they crash.

Re: GH

Sharon Ferris wrote:

> I am self-employed also.

So then you have control over when you sleep or work - not so?



Irene de Villiers, B.Sc; AASCA; MCSSA; D.I.Hom.

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No I don't because I have to be at the client's or available on the phone. Most

times I am expected to work business hours.

Re: GH

Sharon Ferris wrote:

> I am self-employed also.

So then you have control over when you sleep or work - not so?



Irene de Villiers, B.Sc; AASCA; MCSSA; D.I.Hom.

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Amen, .

I am a consultant and work with clients doing process mapping, business process

improvement & documentation.

I was in Tampa the first week in Jan., in PA last week and back in Tampa next



Sharon (Ontario) Canada

Re: GH

Sharon Ferris wrote:

> I am self-employed also.

So then you have control over when you sleep or work - not so?



Irene de Villiers, B.Sc; AASCA; MCSSA; D.I.Hom.

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Does this have to be 8-10 hours of uninterrupted sleep? Besides being exercise

intolerant, I am unable to sleep for this long without waking in pain, even

though I am on 2 pain meds, Celebrex once a day and Darvocet as needed. Am

taking supplements but have not found the magic combination yet, for me anyway..


Michele T.


----- Original Message -----

From: THOMAS DEKANY Sent: Wednesday, January 19, 2005 12:03 PM

I know Max - your O diet is so easy yet I am shocked to see how many

people are having an issue understanding it.

The other thing to get the GH level high is weight training - Heavy

weights and low reps. Also, 8 to 10 hours of sleep.

ABO Specifics Inc. - http://www.foodforyourblood.com

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wrote: It is quite a leap to hand things off, when

> you're used to doing everything yourself,

True and the hardest is that nobody will do it the way you would!

> but it's worth it.


Good luck! MAKE it happen :-)



Irene de Villiers, B.Sc; AASCA; MCSSA; D.I.Hom.

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