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Re: [Spinal Disorders Support]

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Hey connie I should have said HMO medicaid this HMO was the company I was

working for when I got hurt so they did everything possible to not get me

approved to see someone with their insurance until my Medicare came through when

I could go see who I wanted to and didn't have to see one of their docs. They

were very biased because they knew I was on workman's comp then medicaid that my

company offered for people who had medicaid. Yes I was very thankful for

medicaid for my medicines. Right now I have no coverage for meds and I am

getting some through the pharmecuticals. I'm from michigan not from fla/cal.

What has happened is I won my social security disability this past Jan. In march

I received my monies and it was not right. They thought I was still on workman's

comp and if that was the case I was only able to get approx. 1/2 of social

security disability due to me.Workman's comp stopped paying me backin dec. 2001

and I am getting only 1/2 of my social security disability $500 sonot much to

live on. I have to borrow approx. 600 a month from a special person to just make

it meet. No frills, thrills, just enough. Sometimes its not enough depending on

what all is due. I do not have medicaid right now either. So things are kinda

rough. My attorney sent them the info they needed to straighten it out back in

march. Nothing yet. So I took it hand delivered into my local office and now it

is on back log. Big help huh. So hopefully it wont take much longer. I cant hold

out much longer. Anyways that is why I had so much trouble with medicaid/HMO

tho. Chris


> > I don't know whether I have told my story or not about how I became

involved with this group. I was injured at work in 2000. Previously I had a

cervical laminectomy diskectomy done in 1997 for C5-6. It went well

postoperatively and I returned to work and no more pain or nothing. Then doing

the same thing at work hanging my headover the desk and computer for 12hrs. this

day it finally gave again. C6-7 was herniated this time. I went for therapy and

an mri was ordered. Found was c6-7 herniated and impingement. I had a cernical

fusion with no hardware(my neck is very short and fat) and from the moment I

awoke from the surgery I had a different pain, stabbing and burning between the

should blades. I would lay in bed for hours, days and not be able to get up. I

cried all the time. No one would listen to me. I had a workman's comp nurse (has

anyone had one?) if so you'll know what I am talking about here. Well, this

nurse was male, and she really took to cecil and I and was


> er

> y

> > friendly and little did I know what was going to happen to me and not

to trust him. He had done so much to help me, I thought he was helping me, ya

sure and then sure by good luck. Well, he did get me in to see a pain clinic

doc, Dr. Bez who is wonderful as far as I am concerned. He said to the

nurse that I probably was suffering from radiculopathy pain and my own

gp/internist and him decided that they would put me on long term oxycontin to at

least take some of the pain away, by then I was extremely depressed and didn't

do anything but stay in bed(worse thing for me but didn't know that) and I was

evaluated by a psychologist and he said basically my depression was due to the

chronic pain and since we were dealing with that with oxycontin then close my

case there is nothing more that can be done. My neurosurgeon was one of these

kind that did not want to get involved and said if you are fusing then you are

ok and I do not treat work worry about anyother pain or


> in

> s

> > you may have. What a you know what. Well, once the workmans comp nurse

closed my case, I had no insurance, no job to go back to, because this has gone

on over 1 1/2hrs. time and paid me up until then when nothing could be done

anymore. So no health insurance, no help with meds, etc. I finally got my social

security approved and got my medicare so I could go see another neurosurgeon

this past month. He feels that there is something in there casue this pain, and

that yes it was work related all doctors said so from day one, even their doc,

and they found a doc they sent me to and I wonder how much they paid him to say

she could return to work, ya right!!!! I could've have slapped him in his face

and the wc nurse too. O so looking out for me ya right. Well, I know am seeing

the top of neurosurgeons and am getting a better picture of things and he hopes

this myleogram will prove and show that there is somekind of damage or something

going on in there. After awhile you b


> in

> g

> > to think its all in your head and then you get someone who knows how

you feel and relates and knows and says no its not in your head, its real, we'll

find it. I really don't want any more surgery, afraid I'll be worse off lthan I

am right now, but if I'm told a good percentage of help then I'll go for it. I

am awaiting to see him this week and hope I have something to take to court. I

have been putting off all court trials till I had a neurosurgeon who would stick

up for me, but of course if nothing found on this myleogram I don't know how

much he will stick up for me or not yet. But he truly feels it is work related

and the insurance company is just trying to get out of paying me, I havnt had

any income since Dec. 2001. My neurosurgeon said they knew I didn't have the

neurosurgeon who did the operation to stick up for me so they figured just stop

paying her and she'll give up and try to find a job. Mind you, I had lost my job

where I got hurt, because I was out for mo


> t

> ha

> > n 6 months, I worked there 22yrs. Its not like I was trying to not

work, I loved my job, and as you get older you settle in more and begin to know

the ins and outs of the job and it is much easier for me to do back then when I

first began on the job 22yrs. ago. I worked in the health industry. Its funny

how they want good patient care, take away employees for money purposes, cant

afford so many, then chit on you when you get hurt and said its alright we'll

find another sucker, when that one gets hurt that's alright we'll get another

and on and on it goes. They want us to care for their patients but they don't

give a hoot about their employees when they get hurt. As you can see I have a

grudge on my shoulders but after all I have been through, some day when I get my

court hearing I hope to let it go once they get what's coming to them. My

attorney now feels we have a very good case and I surely hope to stick it to the

insurance company, its not my employer at this poin


> t

> he

> > y are out of the picture, and even my supervisor where I worked doesn't

believe the crap I have had to endure. Your employer really does not know what

goes on after awhile, especially when they know you are coming back, they don't

see the chit the insurancee company really gives to their employee's. Sorry I

needed to vent. Take care all and I'm lurking around. Chris

> >

> >

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  • 3 months later...

go into ...sign in..and then go to " my groups " . click on this

group, and when your in on the right hand side it will say " leave this group "

and away you go :)

please unsubscribe me, thank you yellowsbug@...

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  • 5 months later...
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Hi Larry. I totally agree with you about our government. They need to start

focusing on our country because the way I see it, we are falling apart.The

acconomy has sky rocketed and minimum wage has not increased in years. And yes I

too have seen people walk into the ssi office and walk out with a check in

there hand because they have a learning disabilaty, or for some reason they


hold down a job because they have a mental condition. Give me a break. It took

me a little over 2 years and a whole lot of proof to finally get approved. My

mother and step father support me and my children during thos 3 years.Like I

said a little while ago, I have worked and paid into ssi since i was 17, but

since I didn't work the last 5 years straight in a row, I didn't have enough

points to get total disabilaty. Now mind you I tried to work during those 5

years but my problems only got worse, and I had surgery, and I fought with them

for over 2 years. So no I didn't work 5 years straight. And that is why they

felt that even though I paid all my working life into it , I could get by on

$564.00 a month raising 3 kids on my own with a no good ex husband (who I might

add never did like to work so didn't) who sends no child support. So I get a

welfare check for my children, a whole $232.00 a month,and food stamps. Thats


much to live off of, but our government wonders why so many people are

homeless, and so many children go hungry, because to them it's all about getting

money, not giving it. I'm sorry I get mad this time of the month trying to


out if I should buy toilet paper, soap and household items, or should I pay

the light bill.Keep fighting the system Larry til you get the ssi. The only

real good thing about having it is having insurance to cover medical cost. I

don't know what I would do without it.I have had 3 surgeries and I will find out

tomarrow if there is more to come.I'm sure I do because of all the extra pains

I am feeling. It is really sad to me, My brain tells me I'm still young and

can bend over and pick something up off the floor, but when I do my body reminds

me that it feels about 80.lol I'll be 40 next month, and wow was that a hard

climb to the top of that hill.lol Now I have to figure out how to go down that

hill without falling on my face, and rolling. lol

And I want to say by the way, I am so glad I found this group. I hate it that

anyone has to suffer, but at least the people in this group know the true

meaning of pain and suffering, and can be here to support one another. I just

gets to me to see someone complain so much over a pulled muscle that will go

away. I just want to tell them so badly " well walk in my shoes for a day, that

is if it is a good day and you can actually get out of bed and walk. " But I

don't im not a mean spirited person. Nope not me, here i go with my crippled up

body crawling over to them to give them sympothy " Oh you will feel better in a

couple of days, just gets some rest. " lol I guess that is the mother in me.

Well I wish you alot of luck Larry and you are in my thoughts, but i have

probably made your eyes blurry from all this rambling. Just be lucky we aren't

talking face to face, cuz I would talk your ears off. That is one thing that

stills works on me, that is my mouth.lol


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well hon the way i look at it is you must be a sweetheart, because anyone

that can put up with my boring emails has to be a sweety. and yes i know and

see what your talking about trust me...



> Hi Larry. I totally agree with you about our government. They need to


> focusing on our country because the way I see it, we are falling apart.The

> acconomy has sky rocketed and minimum wage has not increased in years. And

yes I

> too have seen people walk into the ssi office and walk out with a check in

> there hand because they have a learning disabilaty, or for some reason

they can't

> hold down a job because they have a mental condition. Give me a break. It


> me a little over 2 years and a whole lot of proof to finally get approved.


> mother and step father support me and my children during thos 3 years.Like


> said a little while ago, I have worked and paid into ssi since i was 17,


> since I didn't work the last 5 years straight in a row, I didn't have


> points to get total disabilaty. Now mind you I tried to work during those


> years but my problems only got worse, and I had surgery, and I fought with


> for over 2 years. So no I didn't work 5 years straight. And that is why


> felt that even though I paid all my working life into it , I could get by


> $564.00 a month raising 3 kids on my own with a no good ex husband (who I


> add never did like to work so didn't) who sends no child support. So I get


> welfare check for my children, a whole $232.00 a month,and food stamps.

Thats not

> much to live off of, but our government wonders why so many people are

> homeless, and so many children go hungry, because to them it's all about


> money, not giving it. I'm sorry I get mad this time of the month trying to


> out if I should buy toilet paper, soap and household items, or should I


> the light bill.Keep fighting the system Larry til you get the ssi. The


> real good thing about having it is having insurance to cover medical cost.


> don't know what I would do without it.I have had 3 surgeries and I will

find out

> tomarrow if there is more to come.I'm sure I do because of all the extra


> I am feeling. It is really sad to me, My brain tells me I'm still young


> can bend over and pick something up off the floor, but when I do my body


> me that it feels about 80.lol I'll be 40 next month, and wow was that a


> climb to the top of that hill.lol Now I have to figure out how to go down


> hill without falling on my face, and rolling. lol

> And I want to say by the way, I am so glad I found this group. I hate it


> anyone has to suffer, but at least the people in this group know the true

> meaning of pain and suffering, and can be here to support one another. I


> gets to me to see someone complain so much over a pulled muscle that will


> away. I just want to tell them so badly " well walk in my shoes for a

day, that

> is if it is a good day and you can actually get out of bed and walk. " But


> don't im not a mean spirited person. Nope not me, here i go with my

crippled up

> body crawling over to them to give them sympothy " Oh you will feel better

in a

> couple of days, just gets some rest. " lol I guess that is the mother in


> Well I wish you alot of luck Larry and you are in my thoughts, but i have

> probably made your eyes blurry from all this rambling. Just be lucky we


> talking face to face, cuz I would talk your ears off. That is one thing


> stills works on me, that is my mouth.lol


> Alisa




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Well Larry They stuck it to me again.Nuerosurgeon told me that the constant

headachs I have had since my neck surgery is not caused from my neck surgery.

and the lump I have in my throat where he cut me open is not the reason that i

choak everytime i lay down or eat or drink anything. oh yea and as far as my

llower back pain, nothing he can do. the pain between my shoulders well I do

have degenerative disk disease. Lets try physical therapy. I'm so sick of

physical therapy. Does no good and waste of time and gas.I'm trying to get busy

and send that letter out to all the government agencies to try to get the

governement to take notice of us who need better health care, and for poeple who

have to fight to p[rove their disabilities.Some body has to notice what is

becoming of our health care not to mention our country. Well I'm in need of

laying down Im hurting so bad right now and because the docotrs are scared of

giving pain meds, I am left to suffer. So I will talk to you later, and yes I do

enjoy getting your mail. Take care. In my thoughts always


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> Well I'm in need of laying down Im hurting so bad right now and because the

docotrs are scared of giving pain meds, I am left to suffer. <

Alisa...I am so sorry that you are having to go thru this, and for all others

whose stories are the same.

Viv in GA

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This is not meant as a snide comment, but rather as a statement of true

fact. In order for physical therapy to help you, a positive attitude is

necessary. I agree that it takes a lot of energy, but it can be helpful if

you decide to try and make it work.

Just my two cents.

>...the pain between my

>shoulders well I do

>have degenerative disk disease. Lets try physical therapy.

>I'm so sick of

>physical therapy. Does no good and waste of time and gas.

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ya know alisa, your dr is scared to give you pain meds is almost as bad as a

dr saying no meds on earth can help you and turn to walk out of the exam

room.....until i say hey wait a dam minute.... i hurt and i don't care what

you give me if its a straight boose pill or codine but your giving me

something or why else did i bother coming in .....HELLO im alive here not

some piece of meant you can just defrost and throw away here . . so yeah he

sounds pretty much like my wacky dr. so i went to the other one and now this

one says i can have as much pain meds as i need and want. but mind you he

has my MRI too!!. so he gave me my prescription and it is helping with the

pain FINALLY and i do thank god he led me to this dr. but i still have my

neurosurgon app. the 12 and thats coming up. so i will keep you posted. talk

later ok alisa.



> Well Larry They stuck it to me again.Nuerosurgeon told me that the


> headachs I have had since my neck surgery is not caused from my neck


> and the lump I have in my throat where he cut me open is not the reason

that i

> choak everytime i lay down or eat or drink anything. oh yea and as far

as my

> llower back pain, nothing he can do. the pain between my shoulders well I


> have degenerative disk disease. Lets try physical therapy. I'm so sick of

> physical therapy. Does no good and waste of time and gas.I'm trying to get


> and send that letter out to all the government agencies to try to get the

> governement to take notice of us who need better health care, and for

poeple who

> have to fight to p[rove their disabilities.Some body has to notice what is

> becoming of our health care not to mention our country. Well I'm in need


> laying down Im hurting so bad right now and because the docotrs are scared


> giving pain meds, I am left to suffer. So I will talk to you later, and

yes I do

> enjoy getting your mail. Take care. In my thoughts always


> Alisa




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> In order for physical therapy to help you, a positive attitude is necessary.

I agree that it takes a lot of energy, but it can be helpful if you decide to

try and make it work. <

Understandable...but when that is the doc's first choice of treatment for every

twinge, instead of actually doing something...PT for the 3rd, 4th, or 5th

time...it does get discouraging and frustrating, as well as a waste of my time,

gas, and money.

What's the saying...it's time to poop or get off the pot?

Viv in GA

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Hey Larry I wish you luck at the nuerosurgeon.I have a family docotr that

doesn't give pain meds and a nuerosurgeon that does give them so I'm screwed


in bed for 2 days now, almost to the point I can barely walk to my pc. Hands

hurt with every key I hit. I guess I'm gonna have to get into my bill money

and find someone who knows someone that sells them on the street. I can't

function like this, and for some reason my pian has increased. I have 3 kids to

finish raising how do they expect me to do this. Depression has got a hold of


right now, I'm sorry for that. These doctors don't know what it is like to

live this way. I don't ask for meds that often, but this is one time that i'm

going to get them one way opr another.

Physical therapy is just another way to screw the insurance company. I have

not been able to work on that letter that needs to be sent out yet, but i

will. Something has to be done. Take care Larry


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I agree with that. My docotor needs to get off the pot and quit reminding me

that I have degenerative disk disease, and do something about it. At least let

me live a little more comfortable. I will take on 3,4 or 5 more surgeries if

I know it is going to give me some what of a life. As it is right now, i'm

slipping into nothingness. My bed is my comfort zone. I usually fight this every

step of the way but something has gone totally wrong for me to be hurting from

my head down to my toes. Something has to be done.As soon as i can actually

see straight from the pain in my head i will get back to work on those letters.

I started looking up addresses but that is as far as I have gotten. Take care



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I agree physical therapy helps, but to do it over and over and over again, it

has not stopped my disc from popping or from my arms and hands and head to

stop hurting. There has got to be something else


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alisa, 16 + years ago when my neurologist was giving me meds he wasn't even

sure of what they would do, i just counted it as being his gini pig but

never the less he was giving me this meds . i was having all kinds of side

effects. until i finally stopped due to they wouldn't do nothing for me.

well as time went on i would try what ever i had at my disposal. yes i know

people and even some on here will say they don't like doing that well i

don't blame them however if your in as much pain as i am. believe all of

what they say goes right out the window due to they as in people don't and

didn't know my body so yes i would try what ever helped. so i was introduced

to (( MIDOL ))) by whom you ask my wife however i took 2 one nite and much

to my suprise it worked swelling went down so i repeated the dose and lo and

behold my swelling started going down and then the tylenol could do its job

but i had to get threw the swelling first. thats what the dam dr wasn't

telling me and we pay these people and eor what . yeah right whatever.

anyway. last year i was introduced to a medication and im still on it it was

prescribed for someone else in my fam. and i took some of it and it took ,

well lets just say it took alot of the edge off the pain and now when i go

to my dr i changed to i told him what i was taking and why and he then

looked at my MRI and said larry you can have all the ((( ULTRUM )) you want

yes alisa it is " ULTRUM and it really works but it is by prescription only

and also he gave me " IBUPROFEN " so now i take ULTRUM which the real name

is ((( TRAMADOL ))) so now i take tramadol and ibuprofen 3 times a day and

its wonderful. so now i call him and he just gets out my chart and says oh

yes just give larry some ultrum and make that with 3 refills. and ibuprofen

as well. so if it will work for you you might want to try it but if it don't

then of course do take it. you see i am alergic to VICODINE and this what im

taking , to me is wonderful !!!!. well just so you know what i take thought

you would like to know. talk later ...



> I agree with that. My docotor needs to get off the pot and quit reminding


> that I have degenerative disk disease, and do something about it. At least


> me live a little more comfortable. I will take on 3,4 or 5 more surgeries


> I know it is going to give me some what of a life. As it is right now, i'm

> slipping into nothingness. My bed is my comfort zone. I usually fight this


> step of the way but something has gone totally wrong for me to be hurting


> my head down to my toes. Something has to be done.As soon as i can


> see straight from the pain in my head i will get back to work on those


> I started looking up addresses but that is as far as I have gotten. Take


> everyone


> Alisa




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Thank you Larry. I might suggest it to my doctor. I need something that is

not going to knock me out but yet like you say take the edge off. I can't spend

most my days in bed, because we all know that only adds to the pain when we

try to get up and our muscles are tired. It took 3 tylenol 3's for me to be up

now and it is5:30 pm a waste of a beautiful day. I appreciate your input, I

might even try the midol. I have 2 girls so I have a supply of that around here

somewhere.lol Thanks again Larry.


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alisa you are so much more than welcome i sure hope it works for you i do

mean that from the bottom of my heart , i have lived with this crap most of

my life (( and ))) have tried almost every thing but the ultram really works

for me and i know it works for my wifes mother and i hope it works for you

alisa it only comes in 50 mg ok so don't be looking for a higher dosage it

doesn't exit. may you have luck in finding it but they should have it there

too.. your friend ...Larry


> Thank you Larry. I might suggest it to my doctor. I need something that is

> not going to knock me out but yet like you say take the edge off. I can't


> most my days in bed, because we all know that only adds to the pain when


> try to get up and our muscles are tired. It took 3 tylenol 3's for me to

be up

> now and it is5:30 pm a waste of a beautiful day. I appreciate your input,


> might even try the midol. I have 2 girls so I have a supply of that around


> somewhere.lol Thanks again Larry.


> Alisa




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