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Re: New to Group - lower back pain

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Hello Lynn,

Wellcome to our group. Sorry to hear you are having such a hard time

though... I'm not too familiar with the problem area you are

having. Mine is in my neck and L4-5, and I do have a LOT of

arthritis everywhere. But enough about me... When you have an

incident happen like you did when you were on the couch, ICE it right

away. Actually, anytime you get a sudden incident of pain try the

ice. If you cannot afford to buy the fancier things they sell at

physical therapy places(or online) that have a gel like substance

inside it that kind of forms to your body.....What I used to do

before I bought one myself, is fill a large ziploc bag with water

(put a dash of salt in) and put it in the freezer. Depending on

where on my body I was going to use it, I would use something to put

it on to make it freeze to a certain shape. For something like what

you had, I think ice would work wonders for you. It really does take

away a good amount of pain. And if you do get the injections, you

can use the ice to take the sting and swelling down.

But, take a deep breath. I know you are stressing, you have things

to be stressed about. Is it possible for you to take in a renter to

help with the finances?? Just an idea for ya.

I know you are tired, probably exhausted at times, but if you are not

happy with the place you are going for care right now, trust me, it

is worth the effort. I changed doctors a couple of years ago, and I

am soooooo happy I did. Well, once again, wellcome to the group,

there are lots of people, well... lots of nice people Sorry I

couldn't be to much help, hope I gave you some ideas.

Take care & gentle hugs


> Hi group,


> This is my first writing. I was diagnosed with a bulging disc at


> s1 back in August. I woke up one morning and couldn't bend over.


> was having terrible muscle spasms. I went to my orthopedic surgeon

> who diagnosed me with a bulging disc and some arthritis in the


> area. He prescribed the epidural steroid shot, which I shyed away

> from at first. I went to the chiropractor who was able to minimize

> the pain and since then it has been painful but manageable. This

> past weekend I had a Saturday with hardly no pain, then on Saturday

> night I was lying on the couch and I felt something move. My back

> tightened up and the pain that was on the right side returned. I


> taking flexeril and tramadol for the pain but it just doesn't seem


> be working anymore. I am at my wits end. I have to work but it

> seems the only comfort I get is lying down on a semi-hard service.


> So I called my orthopedic dr this morning to schedule the shots


> get 3 shots over the course of 6 weeks, each shot 2 weeks apart).


> called the dr.s office and that good-for-nothing receptionist he


> (who I have complained to about many times) told me the next

> scheduled shot date is next Thurday. I told her that would take


> protocol into the holidays and will shots then be given. I don't

> want to go on about her -- I'll just call back when someone else is

> there that can help. I am too tired, at this point, to seek out

> another dr.


> I live alone and believe it or not one of my dogs has disc disease

> and I have to crate her for 8 weeks and carry her out to the yard


> take care of her business. I'm sure carrying her (even though


> only 15 lbs.) has not helped.


> I am so upset that all this is bringing me to tears. I get very

> little support at work. My boss left me a pile of files (on my

> floor) to send off site but first I have to catalog them. So now I

> have to get people to help me lift the files off the floor. So

> incensitive.


> I would go out on disability until this is resolved but I can't

> afford to do that with me being my sole support and having to


> my bills and my mortgage.


> Thanks for listening. If anyone has any advice, please let me know.


> Lynn


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Of course now keep in mine that this is just my opinion, I'm not a doctor. The

first thing I would do is see if your dr. would Rx something stronger than

tramadol, because I have heard it more than once that it worked great for a

little while, same thing happened to me, and I did try every strength. Now the

flexeril is great I use that also, but only at night,  because its so strong to





The dog has seldom been successful in pulling man up to its level of sagacity,

but man has frequently dragged the dog down to his. Thurber


From: lynngems <lynngems@...>

spinal problems

Sent: Tuesday, November 25, 2008 10:42:50 AM

Subject: New to Group - lower back pain

Hi group,

This is my first writing. I was diagnosed with a bulging disc at l5-

s1 back in August. I woke up one morning and couldn't bend over. I

was having terrible muscle spasms. I went to my orthopedic surgeon

who diagnosed me with a bulging disc and some arthritis in the sacro

area. He prescribed the epidural steroid shot, which I shyed away

from at first. I went to the chiropractor who was able to minimize

the pain and since then it has been painful but manageable. This

past weekend I had a Saturday with hardly no pain, then on Saturday

night I was lying on the couch and I felt something move. My back

tightened up and the pain that was on the right side returned. I am

taking flexeril and tramadol for the pain but it just doesn't seem to

be working anymore. I am at my wits end. I have to work but it

seems the only comfort I get is lying down on a semi-hard service.

So I called my orthopedic dr this morning to schedule the shots (you

get 3 shots over the course of 6 weeks, each shot 2 weeks apart). I

called the dr.s office and that good-for-nothing receptionist he has

(who I have complained to about many times) told me the next

scheduled shot date is next Thurday. I told her that would take the

protocol into the holidays and will shots then be given. I don't

want to go on about her -- I'll just call back when someone else is

there that can help. I am too tired, at this point, to seek out

another dr.

I live alone and believe it or not one of my dogs has disc disease

and I have to crate her for 8 weeks and carry her out to the yard to

take care of her business. I'm sure carrying her (even though she's

only 15 lbs.) has not helped.

I am so upset that all this is bringing me to tears. I get very

little support at work. My boss left me a pile of files (on my

floor) to send off site but first I have to catalog them. So now I

have to get people to help me lift the files off the floor. So


I would go out on disability until this is resolved but I can't

afford to do that with me being my sole support and having to manage

my bills and my mortgage.

Thanks for listening. If anyone has any advice, please let me know.


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From: lynngems <lynngems@...>

Subject: New to Group - lower back pain

spinal problems

Date: Tuesday, November 25, 2008, 10:42 AM

Hi group,

This is my first writing. I was diagnosed with a bulging disc at l5-

s1 back in August. I woke up one morning and couldn't bend over. I

was having terrible muscle spasms. I went to my orthopedic surgeon

who diagnosed me with a bulging disc and some arthritis in the sacro

area. He prescribed the epidural steroid shot, which I shyed away

from at first. I went to the chiropractor who was able to minimize

the pain and since then it has been painful but manageable. This

past weekend I had a Saturday with hardly no pain, then on Saturday

night I was lying on the couch and I felt something move. My back

tightened up and the pain that was on the right side returned. I am

taking flexeril and tramadol for the pain but it just doesn't seem to

be working anymore. I am at my wits end. I have to work but it

seems the only comfort I get is lying down on a semi-hard service.

So I called my orthopedic dr this morning to schedule the shots (you

get 3 shots over the course of 6 weeks, each shot 2 weeks apart). I

called the dr.s office and that good-for-nothing receptionist he has

(who I have complained to about many times) told me the next

scheduled shot date is next Thurday. I told her that would take the

protocol into the holidays and will shots then be given. I don't

want to go on about her -- I'll just call back when someone else is

there that can help. I am too tired, at this point, to seek out

another dr.

I live alone and believe it or not one of my dogs has disc disease

and I have to crate her for 8 weeks and carry her out to the yard to

take care of her business. I'm sure carrying her (even though she's

only 15 lbs.) has not helped.

I am so upset that all this is bringing me to tears. I get very

little support at work. My boss left me a pile of files (on my

floor) to send off site but first I have to catalog them. So now I

have to get people to help me lift the files off the floor. So


I would go out on disability until this is resolved but I can't

afford to do that with me being my sole support and having to manage

my bills and my mortgage.

Thanks for listening. If anyone has any advice, please let me know.


Dear Lynn,

I read your story and my heart goes out to you. After three years of chronic

back pain the one for sure thing I know is that stress and negative emotions

make the muscle spasms and nerve pain worse.  The rest of the world even those

with chronic pain will never feel or know truely how much pain you are in,

physical pain is a lonely place to be. Pain is a island.

I have a bulding disc at L4 and 5 with stenosis from bone growth. The ligment,

well one of the many in our back is calcifying. I've been taking opiates, xanax

and Lyrica for three years. I've developed a tolerance to the drugs and my

doctor won't increase or change them. I've had the epiduals treatments with the

series of three shots twice. They were 700.00 a treatment and brought no releif.

I curled up for three years, lost weight and muscle mass. The pain controlled my

life. My hamstrings shortened and all my muscle atrophied to the poiint getting

up in the morning was a nightmare. Finally after reading a message on here about

exercise and swimming I decided I was going to get my body back. I got a

physicans referal to a health club so I got a hugh discount. I'm eating better

now, 6 small meals a day and take a handfull of supplements. I found out that I

don't drink near enough water which was deprving my muscles and nerves the

lubrication they needed.

I attend a senoir citizens water exercise class, hey, those seniors have some

great bodies there! I swim laps and go to yoga even though I though it would

kill me at first. I started weight training last week which set me back because

I didn't have my machine on the right settings but I'm not gona give up.

I'm even after a couple of weeks starting to become proud of my body again. My

core muscles are coming back and I do feel better mentally and spiritually. I

still hurt but I feel like I'm in control of my health not so dependent on the

doctors. I still hurt, I still cry and mostly I still find myself fighting

negative emotions which come with chronic pain.

My work situation is much like yours. Mine is a very physical, stressful job. My

co-workers act like I'm putting on and ignore me. I was even deined taking off

to go to the ER last week as I was dealing with a kidney stone. So I sat

outside, cried, got mad and went and did another 16 hours of hell.

The only adivce I can give you is to take control of your life don't let the

doctors control your treatment, keep looking on the message boards and educate

your self on your condition. Don't measure your self worth by how others treat

you. There is a plan and purpose for your life, you are worthy of dignity and

the respect of others. And more importantly you deserve to love and respect your


You will find people who will listen on here and that helps. Knowing you are not

alone helps so much.

Keep fighting to get your life back. One day the light at the end of the tunnel

won't be a train.


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Hi Lynn,


I'm new to the group too.  I am diagnosed with a very bad herniated disc at l5

s1.  The drs wanted to do surgery but didn't know what he would do until he

opened me up.  I went to 2 options my insurance co sent me to the same ortho

office but another dr.  He recommended surgey but couldn't guarantee anything. I

had surgery in Jan 08 for the same thing.


Anyway I'm on pain meds and did one steroid shot (the drs can't get me in for

another month for the 2nd one).  I got tired of getting the run around from the

drs so I am now trying the spinal decompression treatment.  I have to say my 1st

appointment was on Weds and I just had my 2nd today I feel so much better then I

have in the last 2 months doing just what my drs was having me doing.  I can

actually walk straight instead of hunched over.  I know it doesn't work for all

but i thought I would give it a try and so far have been very pleased.( my

insurance won't come it)


I have seven dogs and haven't been able to take care of them either.  I did get

to feed them this morning something I haven't been able to do since Oct 08.


Please take care of yourself and don't give up sometimes you have to take

matters into your own hands.


Good luck


Tammy L


You might 



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Hi Lynn,

Yes, like Tery said, chronic pain is a very lonely place to be.

People can't see your pain from the outside (except when I'm hunched

over like I'm 90 yrs old when I'm only 35) and only you can feel it...

people who do not have chronic pain do not understand. That's why I

joined this group. When I tell people I have degenerative disc

disease with 4 bad levels and have been in pain for 10 yrs, they say

" oh, I have low back pain sometimes but I just take an Aleve and do

some stretches and I feel better - have you tried that? " - I'm like,

you have NO idea. And they don't. I wish that I could just take an

Aleve and feel better - if I could, I would. I hate the way pain has

changed my personality - I am not as fun loving as I could be, or in a

good mood like I could be, or a mover and a shaker like I could be...

I wish I could take my 3 yr old and 9 month old to the park every day

or play with them on the floor... but it is what it is. I deal with it

the best way I can - take my meds, see my docs, limit my activities to

what I know I can do, and hope for the best. We all understand what

you're going through, and I'm so sorry you are in such pain. It's just

not fair.

The epidurals have not worked for me (or the facet blocks, or nerve

blocks, etc) but I know MANY people who have gotten relief from them.

My father had one years ago and has been in minimal pain since. I know

they seem scary but give them a try - I have tried every single thing

under the sun, both medical and nontraditional - I think it's worth it

to try anything because you never know what might give you some

relief. Believe me, I know that the more things you try that don't

work makes you feel like " why am I even trying?! " but please don't

give up. : )


> Hi group,


> This is my first writing. I was diagnosed with a bulging disc at l5-

> s1 back in August. I woke up one morning and couldn't bend over. I

> was having terrible muscle spasms. I went to my orthopedic surgeon

> who diagnosed me with a bulging disc and some arthritis in the sacro

> area. He prescribed the epidural steroid shot, which I shyed away

> from at first. I went to the chiropractor who was able to minimize

> the pain and since then it has been painful but manageable. This

> past weekend I had a Saturday with hardly no pain, then on Saturday

> night I was lying on the couch and I felt something move. My back

> tightened up and the pain that was on the right side returned. I am

> taking flexeril and tramadol for the pain but it just doesn't seem to

> be working anymore. I am at my wits end. I have to work but it

> seems the only comfort I get is lying down on a semi-hard service.


> So I called my orthopedic dr this morning to schedule the shots (you

> get 3 shots over the course of 6 weeks, each shot 2 weeks apart). I

> called the dr.s office and that good-for-nothing receptionist he has

> (who I have complained to about many times) told me the next

> scheduled shot date is next Thurday. I told her that would take the

> protocol into the holidays and will shots then be given. I don't

> want to go on about her -- I'll just call back when someone else is

> there that can help. I am too tired, at this point, to seek out

> another dr.


> I live alone and believe it or not one of my dogs has disc disease

> and I have to crate her for 8 weeks and carry her out to the yard to

> take care of her business. I'm sure carrying her (even though she's

> only 15 lbs.) has not helped.


> I am so upset that all this is bringing me to tears. I get very

> little support at work. My boss left me a pile of files (on my

> floor) to send off site but first I have to catalog them. So now I

> have to get people to help me lift the files off the floor. So

> incensitive.


> I would go out on disability until this is resolved but I can't

> afford to do that with me being my sole support and having to manage

> my bills and my mortgage.


> Thanks for listening. If anyone has any advice, please let me know.


> Lynn

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