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Re: Stressing!

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lvjamaica2004 wrote:

I have taken three Loratab! No relief and the dr will not give me

anything stronger. Said I will get addicted.


The Doctor is right.

No one ever died of pain.

I am a recovering alcholic and addict of 14-1/2 years and NOTHING

narcotic will ever get in to my system again.

Pain is temporary.

Life is permanent.

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I can't let this slide anymore. You post all the time about people getting

hooked on pain killers. You know what, some of us need the pain medicine that we

take and we don't have a problem with stopping it, changing it or just plain

choosing not to take it. So, while I am sorry you have a problem. Stop preaching

to those of us who need the medicine and telling people like her that drugs are

not the answer.

Cause' sometimes they are!!!!! Back off!! whew.



 It is better to be hated for who you are than liked for who you aren't.

I have taken three Loratab! No relief and the dr will not give me

anything stronger. Said I will get addicted.


The Doctor is right.

No one ever died of pain.

I am a recovering alcholic and addict of 14-1/2 years and NOTHING

narcotic will ever get in to my system again.

Pain is temporary.

Life is permanent.

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I agree with shayna. My dad kept telling mr not to take them and my problems and

pain got worse without them. The pain meds help your body heal so it's not in a

constant state of stress and tentiom and so I can do the movements I need to do

to return to normal. I just gradually take little half pieces here and there as

needed. My friend who's a nurse told me that if taken for pain that addition

won't occur. If you take it for a high that's a different story.



On Dec 26, 2008, at 6:18 PM, Shayna <shaynal2003@...> wrote:

I can't let this slide anymore. You post all the time about people getting

hooked on pain killers. You know what, some of us need the pain medicine that we

take and we don't have a problem with stopping it, changing it or just plain

choosing not to take it. So, while I am sorry you have a problem. Stop preaching

to those of us who need the medicine and telling people like her that drugs are

not the answer.

Cause' sometimes they are!!!!! Back off!! whew.


It is better to be hated for who you are than liked for who you aren't.

I have taken three Loratab! No relief and the dr will not give me

anything stronger. Said I will get addicted.


The Doctor is right.

No one ever died of pain.

I am a recovering alcholic and addict of 14-1/2 years and NOTHING

narcotic will ever get in to my system again.

Pain is temporary.

Life is permanent.

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I want to ask you a question. Do you know what it is like to be in pain every

minute of the day? I am not talking about headache pain that you can take an

tylenlol and go to bed and it goes away. I am talking about pain that you can't

even function. I know a man who is in pain for the past 20 years after 3 back

surgeries. Would you tell him that his pain is temporary?


I do not have an addiction problem and I never had. I am sorry that you do and I

understand why you can not take pain meds, but do not presume to tell me that my

pain is temporary when I have had this pain since 2001. Let me ask you, do you

call this temporary.


Another thing, life is not permanent! We all die. The after life is permanent

and there I will not have pain so I will not have to worry about pain meds will



I had to get this off my chest, this really has made me angry!!!!!


Dawn E.

I would rather be hated for who I am

than to be like for who I am not ~Author Unknown

I have taken three Loratab! No relief and the dr will not give me

anything stronger. Said I will get addicted.


The Doctor is right.

No one ever died of pain.

I am a recovering alcholic and addict of 14-1/2 years and NOTHING

narcotic will ever get in to my system again.

Pain is temporary.

Life is permanent.

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Dawn E.

I would rather be hated for who I am

than to be like for who I am not ~Author Unknown

I have taken three Loratab! No relief and the dr will not give me

anything stronger. Said I will get addicted.


The Doctor is right.

No one ever died of pain.

I am a recovering alcholic and addict of 14-1/2 years and NOTHING

narcotic will ever get in to my system again.

Pain is temporary.

Life is permanent.

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Dawn wrote:

Do you know what it is like to be in pain every minute of the day?


Good Lord, people - get a grip. LOL.

I certainly am not minimizing anyone's personal distress.

We all have our limits, and we all need assistance at one time or


There are SOOO many different methods to help relieve pain besides

narcotics...and most of you are adults and fully aware.

Reiki Healing, meditation, journaling, aromatherapy, painting, giving

a hug, receiving a hug, looking your grand child in their eyes...the

list is endless.

Much of my pain was emotional...you know, the kind which builds and

builds over the years and there are no pills which will stop the mind.

For me, it took a sincere desire to change my way of living;

listen to others who've gone before me; follow a few easy Steps

enabling a much better quality of life....and my pain subsides


On a daily basis.

Some times minute by minute.****

Dawn wrote:

I know a man who is in pain for the past 20 years after 3 back

surgeries. Would you tell him that his pain is temporary?

****I've had 3 cervical bulging discs going on 16 years and boy

oh boy, does my neck ever hurt at times! Cervical radiculopathy,

degenerative disc disease, spinal stenosis and many other health

issues have cropped up.

I just some how endure utilizing Prayer, sharing with others, and


Some times there simply is no cure and I lay engulfed with my own

pain for hours on end...yet I am at peace with myself.

I am a sick woman with a lot of illnesses, and at a young age. And I

sincerely believe God only gives me what He knows I can handle.****

Dawn wrote:

I do not have an addiction problem and I never had. I am sorry that

you do

***I am not sorry. I am grateful - grateful because I can pass on my

success to others who still suffer.****

Dawn wrote:

and I understand why you can not take pain meds, but do not

presume to tell me that my pain is temporary when I have had this

pain since 2001.

****I did not tell you your pain is temporary.

Popping a pill is supposed to mean instant relief, instant

gratification. It's what people expect. What they don't expect is the

pain associated with many illnesses. When a person is sick, there

will be pain.


Dawn wrote:

Another thing, life is not permanent! We all die.

****I live one day at a time - and that is permanent...and I do

respect your beliefs.****

Dawn wrote:

The after life is permanent and there I will not have pain so I will

not have to worry about pain meds will I?

****I do not know. I am still alive.

It is through my very pain...and coming out the other side, each and

every single time...I am able to appreciate the sanctity of life; the

essence; the privaledge.

I am forever grateful.****

Dawn wrote:

I had to get this off my chest, this really has made me angry!!!!!

****Pain, indeed, is a motivator...****

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Hi Dawn,

I hope you are feeling better by the time this reaches you... Your

doctor doesn't want to prescribe anything else for some reason. Maybe

you might want to start looking for referrals for another doctor that

will treat you pain properly. Have you read the " Pain Patients Bill

of Rights? " I get a news letter in the mail from the Pain Foundation,

and I occasionally donate to them when I can. You can go to thier site

and they have a lot of information. I think it is pain.com. Or you

could google Pain Foundation. But I would check into getting another

doctor that will treat your pain properly.

I really do hope you are feeling better Dawn, gentle ((((HUGS)))), and

God Bless you.



> The pain is now in another place. Before it was only in my right


> Now it is from my back straight down to my toes. I am in so much pain

> right now. I need more pain meds or something. I can not deal with

> it!!!!!!


> I have taken three Loratab! No relief and the dr will not give me

> anything stronger. Said I will get addicted.


> So what, at least I will be able to handle the pain better. I hope

> everyone is having a better day than me.


> Dawn


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I agree totaly! My doctor told me that being is pain all the time

is traumatic for

the body and stressful. I would not be able to do anything productive

without my pain

meds and tobe honest at age 57_ I don't care if I do become addicted. Some


are never going to heal and I want to feel at least feel as if I am alive.


In a message dated 12/26/08 7:06:44 PM Eastern Standard Time,

loangoddess1961@... writes:

> I agree with shayna. My dad kept telling mr not to take them and my

> problems and pain got worse without them. The pain meds help your body heal so


> not in a constant state of stress and tentiom and so I can do the movements I

> need to do to return to normal. I just gradually take little half pieces

> here and there as needed. My friend who's a nurse told me that if taken for


> that addition won't occur. If you take it for a high that's a different

> story.


> Thanks!

> Rhonda








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I won't even discuss the doctor, however, people DO die from pain!!!

I'm sorry that you were addicted and you have every right to choose

not to take the addictive pain meds. ALSO, what do you call

temporary? I've been in constant pain (many times without pain

killers) since late 1989. So if pain is temporary, when is mine going

to stop?

I've been without pain killers for over a month and I do hurt ALOT

worse without them than with them, but I hurt every stinking day of

my life!!! If pain is temporary, when is it going to STOP???

Don't mean to ride you hard, but you did the same to the rest of us

that need the relief, even if it is just partial relief!!! Think

about what you say before you say it!!!


> The Doctor is right.


> No one ever died of pain.


> I am a recovering alcholic and addict of 14-1/2 years and NOTHING

> narcotic will ever get in to my system again.


> Pain is temporary.


> Life is permanent.



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Ok, so you picked me out to take each statement or sentence I made comments..

You must really not have a life. Judging from all the replies that we received

by the group I not the only one who was irate about your reply!


I am not saying that there are not other pain relief techniques that are

available. I have tried many. To list a few, accupuncture, meditation, epidural

injections, nerve block injections, spinal decompression treatments (which put

me in debt over $5000.00) and pain meds. Everything has failed except for the

pain meds.


The way you came to us in this first reply made it sound that our pain is not

real. It made us sound that we are " crying wolf " . Our pain is real, let me tell

you. I wish we had an active group modertor so you could be taken out of the



I am not saying that what you have been though in life was not important to you.

But do not presume to tell me or to break down my reply!





Dawn E.

I would rather be hated for who I am

than to be like for who I am not ~Author Unknown

I had to get this off my chest, this really has made me angry!!!!!

****Pain, indeed, is a motivator... ****

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Good golly Miss PAT?!!!! You said:

" Good Lord, people - get a grip. LOL.

I certainly am not minimizing anyone's personal distress. and then :

We all have our limits, and we all need assistance at one time or

another. "

Reiki Healing, meditation, journaling, aromatherapy, painting, giving

a hug, receiving a hug, looking your grand child in their eyes...the

list is endless.... "

Good gosh!!!! That WORKS??? You said, " Much of my pain was emotional...you

know, the kind which builds and

builds over the years and there are no pills which will stop the mind. "

WELL my pain is NOT in my mind. My back is messed up. I FEEL it every day. I

sometimes wonder if I can get out of bed and still walk in the middle of the

night or in the morning. It is a constant fear. YES I did wake up one morning

parylized... LIMITS??? That was one for me. I AM IN PAIN. Drugs help me and

never have I wanted or have looked for a " high " because of them. I actually have

put off using them for a very long time because I knew someday I would need

them. Which is now.

Your comment: " LOL " ...

my pain and the years I have had to deal with it (since 1990). I do, don't

find anything to laugh about.


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_dawn.brooks05@..._ (mailto:dawn.brooks05@...) writes: << You

must really not have a life.>>

I *thought* this was a support group.

I'm sorry, I've been reading this thread and while I agree that some of the

statements made early on were not choice verbiage, I do not recall seeing

anywhere in that post where it was a direct attack to anyone through use of the

word " you " . I simply saw 2 statements that were wide open and could have been

interpreted any way someone chose to do so. If someone took them personally,

then that is their interpretation. I did not, nor do I agree with them. That

does not give anyone the right to turn it into a personal attack.

WE ALL HAVE OUR OWN PROBLEMS, and many of us do not have friends or family

that we can share the experiences with. We are blessed to be here together.

Please don't lose sight of what's really important - having a place to go, a

safe haven to share our problems without judgment or being made to feel worse

about ourselves than we already do.

Best regards,

Patty A


Above text © 2008 PEA. . Any copying, transcription or

redistribution outside this list without express written permission is not


**************One site keeps you connected to all your email: AOL Mail,

Gmail, and Mail. Try it now.

(http://www.aol.com/?optin=new-dp & icid=aolcom40vanity & ncid=emlcntaolcom00000025)

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_tpowell1977@..._ (mailto:tpowell1977@...) writes: << Who are

you directing this to Patty?>>

Honestly? Basically anyone participating in the mud slinging. One person

made a post, one person replied - in neutral. Although that reply was not well

taken by many other members here, it was neutral. The word " you " was never

used. They referred to themselves. I think it is awful for anyone to ever say to

another person that they need to get a life, or must not have a life. That is

clearly a direct personal attack. We all have lives and until any one of us

has ever walked in anyone else's shoes...there will always be differences of

opinions with large groups, that is inevitable.

Best regards,

Patty A


Above text © 2008 PEA. . Any copying, transcription or

redistribution outside this list without express written permission is not


**************One site keeps you connected to all your email: AOL Mail,

Gmail, and Mail. Try it now.

(http://www.aol.com/?optin=new-dp & icid=aolcom40vanity & ncid=emlcntaolcom00000025)

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Message #16698 was posted December 26th, 2008 at 7:41pm and you asked

me many questions, Dawn...so I courteously took the time and

replied. :)

I'm tickled to learn of all the alternative methods you've attempted

to aide in reducing your distress. Thank you for sharing with us.

I find it interesting that you want me " taken out of the group "

because we make different personal behaviorial choices.

And I only hope your pain is not as severe as mine as I wouldn't want

any one to hurt the way I do at times.

Any of you.


> I had to get this off my chest, this really has made me angry!!!!!

> ****Pain, indeed, is a motivator... ****




















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Thank you for your kind response, .

I appreciate it. :)



> I won't even discuss the doctor, however, people DO die from


> I'm sorry that you were addicted and you have every right to choose

> not to take the addictive pain meds. ALSO, what do you call

> temporary? I've been in constant pain (many times without pain

> killers) since late 1989. So if pain is temporary, when is mine


> to stop?


> I've been without pain killers for over a month and I do hurt ALOT

> worse without them than with them, but I hurt every stinking day of

> my life!!! If pain is temporary, when is it going to STOP???


> Don't mean to ride you hard, but you did the same to the rest of us

> that need the relief, even if it is just partial relief!!! Think

> about what you say before you say it!!!



> >

> > The Doctor is right.

> >

> > No one ever died of pain.

> >

> > I am a recovering alcholic and addict of 14-1/2 years and NOTHING

> > narcotic will ever get in to my system again.

> >

> > Pain is temporary.

> >

> > Life is permanent.

> >

> >

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Addiction does not happen so simply. Too bad your doc

is uneducated about this. Unless you have an addictive

personality, you don't just become addicted to pain

medications. In the doctor's office where I work, I

see this with patients all the time, they just aren't

informed and there's no many fallacies regarding the

use of pain meds and the risks.

And Pat, you have an addictive personality, so the doc

would be right in regards to someone like you. But

this is most definitely not the case with most



--- pat040394 <ltpat228@...> wrote:

> lvjamaica2004 wrote:


> I have taken three Loratab! No relief and the dr

> will not give me

> anything stronger. Said I will get addicted.


> ~~~~~~~


> The Doctor is right.


> No one ever died of pain.


> I am a recovering alcholic and addict of 14-1/2

> years and NOTHING

> narcotic will ever get in to my system again.


> Pain is temporary.


> Life is permanent.






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And for the record, I worked long hours with

improperly treated pain and I developed tachycardia

and arrythmias from it. I was in such agony and pushed

myself through it, my doc didn't want me to start

narcotics so I got by with Ultram. I worked 12 hour

shifts in the OR with a back brace on and a TENS unit

underneath and sometimes ice under it too. But I had

an episode of syncope (passing out) and my blood

pressure went high and I developed the heart

condidiond. I had to start my leave a few weeks

before surgery bacause my health was at a serious



--- Rhonda <loangoddess1961@...> wrote:

> I agree with shayna. My dad kept telling mr not to

> take them and my problems and pain got worse without

> them. The pain meds help your body heal so it's not

> in a constant state of stress and tentiom and so I

> can do the movements I need to do to return to

> normal. I just gradually take little half pieces

> here and there as needed. My friend who's a nurse

> told me that if taken for pain that addition won't

> occur. If you take it for a high that's a different

> story.


> Thanks!

> Rhonda


> On Dec 26, 2008, at 6:18 PM, Shayna

> <shaynal2003@...> wrote:


> I can't let this slide anymore. You post all the

> time about people getting hooked on pain killers.

> You know what, some of us need the pain medicine

> that we take and we don't have a problem with

> stopping it, changing it or just plain choosing not

> to take it. So, while I am sorry you have a problem.

> Stop preaching to those of us who need the medicine

> and telling people like her that drugs are not the

> answer.

> Cause' sometimes they are!!!!! Back off!! whew.


> Shayna


> It is better to be hated for who you are than liked

> for who you aren't.




> I have taken three Loratab! No relief and the dr

> will not give me

> anything stronger. Said I will get addicted.


> ~~~~~~~


> The Doctor is right.


> No one ever died of pain.


> I am a recovering alcholic and addict of 14-1/2

> years and NOTHING

> narcotic will ever get in to my system again.


> Pain is temporary.


> Life is permanent.


> [Non-text portions of this message have been

> removed]








> [Non-text portions of this message have been

> removed]



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Who are you directing this to Patty?

--- NCGorgeous1963@... wrote:


> _dawn.brooks05@..._

> (mailto:dawn.brooks05@...) writes: << You

> must really not have a life.>>


> I *thought* this was a support group.

> I'm sorry, I've been reading this thread and while I

> agree that some of the

> statements made early on were not choice verbiage, I

> do not recall seeing

> anywhere in that post where it was a direct attack

> to anyone through use of the

> word " you " . I simply saw 2 statements that were wide

> open and could have been

> interpreted any way someone chose to do so. If

> someone took them personally,

> then that is their interpretation. I did not, nor do

> I agree with them. That

> does not give anyone the right to turn it into a

> personal attack.


> WE ALL HAVE OUR OWN PROBLEMS, and many of us do not

> have friends or family

> that we can share the experiences with. We are

> blessed to be here together.

> Please don't lose sight of what's really important -

> having a place to go, a

> safe haven to share our problems without judgment or

> being made to feel worse

> about ourselves than we already do.



> Best regards,

> Patty A

> --------------------------

> Above text © 2008 PEA. . Any

> copying, transcription or

> redistribution outside this list without express

> written permission is not

> permitted.




> **************One site keeps you connected to all

> your email: AOL Mail,

> Gmail, and Mail. Try it now.


(http://www.aol.com/?optin=new-dp & icid=aolcom40vanity & ncid=emlcntaolcom00000025)



> [Non-text portions of this message have been

> removed]



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I agree Patty, but sometimes an issue needs to be

addressed head on, especially if it's been brewing for

a while. " Nip it in the bud " if you will.


--- Babbitt <tpowell1977@...> wrote:

> Who are you directing this to Patty?


> --- NCGorgeous1963@... wrote:


> >

> > _dawn.brooks05@..._

> > (mailto:dawn.brooks05@...) writes: << You

> > must really not have a life.>>

> >

> > I *thought* this was a support group.

> > I'm sorry, I've been reading this thread and while

> I

> > agree that some of the

> > statements made early on were not choice verbiage,

> I

> > do not recall seeing

> > anywhere in that post where it was a direct attack

> > to anyone through use of the

> > word " you " . I simply saw 2 statements that were

> wide

> > open and could have been

> > interpreted any way someone chose to do so. If

> > someone took them personally,

> > then that is their interpretation. I did not, nor

> do

> > I agree with them. That

> > does not give anyone the right to turn it into a

> > personal attack.

> >

> > WE ALL HAVE OUR OWN PROBLEMS, and many of us do

> not

> > have friends or family

> > that we can share the experiences with. We are

> > blessed to be here together.

> > Please don't lose sight of what's really important

> -

> > having a place to go, a

> > safe haven to share our problems without judgment

> or

> > being made to feel worse

> > about ourselves than we already do.

> >

> >

> > Best regards,

> > Patty A

> > --------------------------

> > Above text © 2008 PEA. . Any

> > copying, transcription or

> > redistribution outside this list without express

> > written permission is not

> > permitted.

> >

> >

> >

> > **************One site keeps you connected to all

> > your email: AOL Mail,

> > Gmail, and Mail. Try it now.

> >


(http://www.aol.com/?optin=new-dp & icid=aolcom40vanity & ncid=emlcntaolcom00000025)

> >

> >

> > [Non-text portions of this message have been

> > removed]

> >

> >






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NCGorgeous1963 wrote:

I simply saw 2 statements that were wide open and could have been

interpreted any way someone chose to do so.

Please don't lose sight of what's really important - having a place

to go, a safe haven to share our problems without judgment or being

made to feel worse about ourselves than we already do.

Best regards,

Patty A


I know you know where I'm coming from.

Thank you.

Pat W.

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It must of been me since my email address was above my post. I wish I had never

started this post!

Dawn E.

I would rather be hated for who I am

than to be like for who I am not ~Author Unknown


> _dawn.brooks05@ ymail.com_

> (mailto:dawn.brooks05@ ymail.com) writes: << You

> must really not have a life.>>


> I *thought* this was a support group.

> I'm sorry, I've been reading this thread and while I

> agree that some of the

> statements made early on were not choice verbiage, I

> do not recall seeing

> anywhere in that post where it was a direct attack

> to anyone through use of the

> word " you " . I simply saw 2 statements that were wide

> open and could have been

> interpreted any way someone chose to do so. If

> someone took them personally,

> then that is their interpretation. I did not, nor do

> I agree with them. That

> does not give anyone the right to turn it into a

> personal attack.


> WE ALL HAVE OUR OWN PROBLEMS, and many of us do not

> have friends or family

> that we can share the experiences with. We are

> blessed to be here together.

> Please don't lose sight of what's really important -

> having a place to go, a

> safe haven to share our problems without judgment or

> being made to feel worse

> about ourselves than we already do.



> Best regards,

> Patty A

> ------------ --------- -----

> Above text © 2008 PEA. . Any

> copying, transcription or

> redistribution outside this list without express

> written permission is not

> permitted.




> ************ **One site keeps you connected to all

> your email: AOL Mail,

> Gmail, and Mail. Try it now.


(http://www.aol. com/?optin= new-dp & icid= aolcom40vanity & ncid=emlcntaolco




> [Non-text portions of this message have been

> removed]



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It's ok Dawn, please don't feel upset! we are all

grownups here and I think we can all handle a little

healthy controversy now and then can't we. It's done

and over with my dear. You've done nothing wrong.


--- Dawn <dawn.brooks05@...> wrote:

> It must of been me since my email address was above

> my post. I wish I had never started this post!



> Dawn E.

> I would rather be hated for who I am

> than to be like for who I am not ~Author Unknown




> >

> > _dawn.brooks05@ ymail.com_

> > (mailto:dawn.brooks05@ ymail.com) writes: << You

> > must really not have a life.>>

> >

> > I *thought* this was a support group.

> > I'm sorry, I've been reading this thread and while

> I

> > agree that some of the

> > statements made early on were not choice verbiage,

> I

> > do not recall seeing

> > anywhere in that post where it was a direct attack

> > to anyone through use of the

> > word " you " . I simply saw 2 statements that were

> wide

> > open and could have been

> > interpreted any way someone chose to do so. If

> > someone took them personally,

> > then that is their interpretation. I did not, nor

> do

> > I agree with them. That

> > does not give anyone the right to turn it into a

> > personal attack.

> >

> > WE ALL HAVE OUR OWN PROBLEMS, and many of us do

> not

> > have friends or family

> > that we can share the experiences with. We are

> > blessed to be here together.

> > Please don't lose sight of what's really important

> -

> > having a place to go, a

> > safe haven to share our problems without judgment

> or

> > being made to feel worse

> > about ourselves than we already do.

> >

> >

> > Best regards,

> > Patty A

> > ------------ --------- -----

> > Above text © 2008 PEA. . Any

> > copying, transcription or

> > redistribution outside this list without express

> > written permission is not

> > permitted.

> >

> >

> >

> > ************ **One site keeps you connected to all

> > your email: AOL Mail,

> > Gmail, and Mail. Try it now.

> >

> (http://www.aol. com/?optin= new-dp & icid=

> aolcom40vanity & ncid=emlcntaolco m00000025)

> >

> >

> > [Non-text portions of this message have been

> > removed]

> >

> >



















> [Non-text portions of this message have been

> removed]



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