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Thoracic Outlet Syndrome

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My doctor just told me that I have Thoracic Outlet Syndrome and is sending me to


Hopkins for surgery. Has anyone else had the surgery for this? I've been living

with this for

years and didn't know it. I also have 4 other spinal disorders, but this seems

the worse (as of


Any thoughts?

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I am so sorry that you are having to deal with this. Nine years! You must be

some kind of gal! Wish that I had that strength.

We made a little progress today on daughter's TOS. Apparently I talked to

somebody that could get something going yesterday, or sounded desperate enough,

or my PCP got things moving after we left his office this morning for my own

appointment. This afternoon we got a call - with an apologetic assistant on the

other end - saying that we can schedule a CT with contrast for my daughter ASAP.

They were very kind about it; now we have to get this on the calendar and nail

down exactly what they are testing for. Also said it is not the kind of test

that requires prior approval (to be covered by insurance) so there is no reason

to wait. That is great! Usually we have to wait about 3-4 weeks for the


It is a step in the right direction. And we have a medical appointment set up

for her in a few weeks, and did go ahead to schedule a psychological

consultation with her PCP, even though the earliest they could get a 45-minute

appointment was the first part of May! They will call us if an opening comes

before then. This PCP is GOOD, and people know it; so we have to be patient on

his calendar.

Debbie Dahl

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What kind of symptoms does your daughter have. My

daughter has alot of the same symptoms I do, so I'm

worried. She's only 8 but has been having muscle spasm

in her neck and shoulders for the past year and a

half. It got so bad a couple of times that they gave

her valium to help her sleep. Her pediatrician

scheduled the TOS test for her at my request. I hope

she doesn't have it. It's a horrible thing to deal


--- Debbie Dahl <gpages@...> wrote:

> I am so sorry that you are having to deal with this.

> Nine years! You must be some kind of gal! Wish

> that I had that strength.


> We made a little progress today on daughter's TOS.

> Apparently I talked to somebody that could get

> something going yesterday, or sounded desperate

> enough, or my PCP got things moving after we left

> his office this morning for my own appointment.

> This afternoon we got a call - with an apologetic

> assistant on the other end - saying that we can

> schedule a CT with contrast for my daughter ASAP.

> They were very kind about it; now we have to get

> this on the calendar and nail down exactly what they

> are testing for. Also said it is not the kind of

> test that requires prior approval (to be covered by

> insurance) so there is no reason to wait. That is

> great! Usually we have to wait about 3-4 weeks for

> the authorization.


> It is a step in the right direction. And we have a

> medical appointment set up for her in a few weeks,

> and did go ahead to schedule a psychological

> consultation with her PCP, even though the earliest

> they could get a 45-minute appointment was the first

> part of May! They will call us if an opening comes

> before then. This PCP is GOOD, and people know it;

> so we have to be patient on his calendar.


> Debbie Dahl


> [Non-text portions of this message have been

> removed]





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  • 10 months later...


I am not that well versed on this subject at all- but most  of the PT's are--

they have had lots of schooling and education-- almost like  a PA for the body's

bones, muscles. etc.

So I would go with him but still is it possible to get an MRI??? Google it too.



A poet is, after all, to see

From: e <JBrewe@...>

Subject: Thoracic Outlet Syndrome

neck pain

Date: Monday, January 5, 2009, 2:07 PM

Okay, just got back from PT. My PT thinks that what I have is thoracic outlet

syndrome. He does not believe I have a herniated disc. I don't have any

pain or numbness going down my arm, however...I do have some weakness when using

the left arm. Also when he pushes on my shoulders in a laying down position, my

left arm will go numb rather quickly. This tells him that my muscles in my

pectoral area are extremely tight. He thinks that if I can strengthen my neck

muscles, along with my trap, rhomboid and everything upper that my symptoms will

go away. Why am I not convinced?

Anyone else have TOS?

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Only a trained medical professional can tell you if you have TOS. You will need

to have X-rays and an MRI done. I too was told that I have TOS. Turns out I have

two additional bulging discs above my C5-C7 fusion. Also, there is a simple

surgery to fix TOS as well. You should also have a nerve test completed.


Good luck!

From: e <JBrewe@...>

Subject: Thoracic Outlet Syndrome

neck pain

Date: Monday, January 5, 2009, 2:07 PM

Okay, just got back from PT. My PT thinks that what I have is thoracic outlet

syndrome. He does not believe I have a herniated disc. I don't have any pain or

numbness going down my arm, however...I do have some weakness when using the

left arm. Also when he pushes on my shoulders in a laying down position, my left

arm will go numb rather quickly. This tells him that my muscles in my pectoral

area are extremely tight. He thinks that if I can strengthen my neck muscles,

along with my trap, rhomboid and everything upper that my symptoms will go away.

Why am I not convinced?

Anyone else have TOS?

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Well that is my next step, what kind of doctor/specialist should I go to?

Thoracic Outlet Syndrome

neck pain

Date: Monday, January 5, 2009, 2:07 PM

Okay, just got back from PT. My PT thinks that what I have is thoracic outlet

syndrome. He does not believe I have a herniated disc. I don't have any pain or

numbness going down my arm, however...I do have some weakness when using the

left arm. Also when he pushes on my shoulders in a laying down position, my left

arm will go numb rather quickly. This tells him that my muscles in my pectoral

area are extremely tight. He thinks that if I can strengthen my neck muscles,

along with my trap, rhomboid and everything upper that my symptoms will go away.

Why am I not convinced?

Anyone else have TOS?

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