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I met a lady from Miss the other nite in a hep c chatroom I hang in. Her

husband has the hep and is not doing well with the treatments. May I pass

along your email addy to her? Her nickname is Sylvia.



DFW Liver Disease Newsletter


Men occasionally stumble over the truth, but most pick themselves up and

hurry off as if nothing has happened. " ---Winston Churchill

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I met a lady from Miss the other nite in a hep c chatroom I hang in. Her

husband has the hep and is not doing well with the treatments. May I pass

along your email addy to her? Her nickname is Sylvia.



DFW Liver Disease Newsletter


Men occasionally stumble over the truth, but most pick themselves up and

hurry off as if nothing has happened. " ---Winston Churchill

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  • 1 month later...

In a message dated 2/14/01 2:00:18 PM Eastern Standard Time, jayson007007@... writes:

I have read the boo and I even used to be a personal trainer. I am at a whoping 320 pounds.

My question is does anyone know the most anyone has lost to date?

I want to be 250 by June.

, its great to welcome you! Congratulations on your committment.

While I think I understand the nature of your question, I hope you'll clarify if I get this wrong. While its certainly possible to lose 70 lbs of bodyfat in 4 months, its not recommended by most medical professionals. I lost 110 lbs in one year, and an additional 20 lbs over another year. My advice is to get bodyfat testing done, first and foremost, by electron impedance and/or calipers. Then, take your before shot (as per BFL challenge), and begin following the Challenge specs. www.hussman.com/eas/ will help give you important info, too. Work from bodyfat, not pounds on a scale.

From what I know, there hasn't been such a dramatic weight loss as 70 lbs. in one challenge session. I think it took one Champion (I can't remember his name) 2 or 3 challenges to get his bodyfat down into the single digits.

Going slowly is not such a bad idea: it took years to get all that extra weight on. To expect to lose it (while staying healthy) in a matter of 4 months is a tad unrealistic, in my opinion. But keep to the committment!

Goals are great, but don't make them insurmountable. My personal goal is to cut my bodyfat by 30% (of what it is now) in 12 weeks. If I exceed that, you can bet your life I'm going to be ecstatic.


"Do not seek illumination unless you seek it

as a man whose hair is on fire seeks a pond."

-Sri Ramakrishna

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Hi Jay,

welcome! I am also fairly new on the list, but I am sure

you will find this a wonderful supportive group.

I am sure you will also be 250 by June.

Do you have your gym memebership or weights ready?

And a good understanding of food portions etc? If not ask

away and I am sure all the folks here will offer their

expert advice.



--- jayson007007@... wrote:

> Hi my name is Jay Stone. Im 23 and I live in California.

> I am

> getting ready to start the BFL 3 month challenge in less

> than two

> weeks. I have read the boo and I even used to be a

> personal

> trainer. I am at a whoping 320 pounds.


> My question is does anyone know the most anyone has lost

> to

> date?


> I want to be 250 by June.


> Thanks and good luck to all.


> j




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Hi Jay. You will love BFL, it will make you feel better all around. I

don't know about numbers, but the most dramatic transformation I've

seen to date was Mina. She is in my breifcase if you care to take a

look. I don't know how many pounds she lost, but it was well over 100

I gather. She is photo 2 and 3.

http://photos./bc/winddancer44?d & .flabel=fld1 & .src=ph


> Hi my name is Jay Stone. Im 23 and I live in California. I am

> getting ready to start the BFL 3 month challenge in less than two

> weeks. I have read the boo and I even used to be a personal

> trainer. I am at a whoping 320 pounds.


> My question is does anyone know the most anyone has lost to

> date?


> I want to be 250 by June.


> Thanks and good luck to all.


> j

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  • 3 months later...
Guest guest

Hi Everyone...

My name is Carol and I am new to this group.....I am

37 years old and live in Carthage, NC....I was

diagnosed a year ago with emphysema, but as of

yesterday I was diagnosed with Chronic Bronchitis,

emphysema, asthma and Pulmonary hypertension with

failur of the right side of the heart....I have been

pretty much home bound for the past year due to severe

breathing problems...I have recently been put on

Oxygen to sleep with and Oxygen to use during the day

as needed... I am on many medications throughout the


I live with my sister who helps me alot and is my

biggest support system... and her daughter and

granddaughter whom I help raise...so in actually they

are my kids too......they are 16 and 3 both

girls....they are my life and they keep me going.. and

yes they maybe not be biological kids but they are




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> ~~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~~


> “Hold on to what is good, even if it's a handful of

> earth. Hold on to what

> you believe, even if it's a tree that stands by

> itself. Hold on to what you

> must do even, if it's a long way from here. Hold on

> to your life, even if

> it's easier to let go. " - Pueblo Prayer


> ~~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~~




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Guest guest


I'd like to welcome you to our little family, although I'm sorry you did

have to find us. It is great that you have a support system, that is half

the battle, right? There are a lot of people on here with breathing

problems, some more severe than others. I have asthma, but not very bad.

Mainly when I get bronchitis, it acts up. I have fibromyalgia, along with

other things, but the fibromyalgia is the biggest problem along with my

irritable bowel syndrome right now. Feel free to let me know what you need

in the arena of support, and we have a great chatroom that is available!

So, again, welcome...and I'm so glad you came to be a part of this group!


RE: I am new

Hi Everyone...

My name is Carol and I am new to this group.....I am

37 years old and live in Carthage, NC....I was

diagnosed a year ago with emphysema, but as of

yesterday I was diagnosed with Chronic Bronchitis,

emphysema, asthma and Pulmonary hypertension with

failur of the right side of the heart....I have been

pretty much home bound for the past year due to severe

breathing problems...I have recently been put on

Oxygen to sleep with and Oxygen to use during the day

as needed... I am on many medications throughout the


I live with my sister who helps me alot and is my

biggest support system... and her daughter and

granddaughter whom I help raise...so in actually they

are my kids too......they are 16 and 3 both

girls....they are my life and they keep me going.. and

yes they maybe not be biological kids but they are




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> Sign Up Today - Only $9.95 per month!

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> The Being Sick Community


> Memorial Page

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> ~~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~~


> Hold on to what is good, even if it's a handful of

> earth. Hold on to what

> you believe, even if it's a tree that stands by

> itself. Hold on to what you

> must do even, if it's a long way from here. Hold on

> to your life, even if

> it's easier to let go. " - Pueblo Prayer


> ~~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~~




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Guest guest

Hi Carol,

Welcome to our group! Please feel free to write, to vent whenever you feel

like it. I do hope that you will enjoy being a part of our family!


RE: I am new

Hi Everyone...

My name is Carol and I am new to this group.....I am

37 years old and live in Carthage, NC....I was

diagnosed a year ago with emphysema, but as of

yesterday I was diagnosed with Chronic Bronchitis,

emphysema, asthma and Pulmonary hypertension with

failur of the right side of the heart....I have been

pretty much home bound for the past year due to severe

breathing problems...I have recently been put on

Oxygen to sleep with and Oxygen to use during the day

as needed... I am on many medications throughout the


I live with my sister who helps me alot and is my

biggest support system... and her daughter and

granddaughter whom I help raise...so in actually they

are my kids too......they are 16 and 3 both

girls....they are my life and they keep me going.. and

yes they maybe not be biological kids but they are




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> Sign Up Today - Only $9.95 per month!

> http://www.netzero.net


> ~~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~~

> The Being Sick Community


> Memorial Page

> http://www.dreamwater.net/lovingmemory/


> Message Archives and Digest Attachment Pictures:-

> /messages


> Chat:-

> Scheduled Daily Chats at # on IRC DALnet.




> Bookmarks:-

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> Personal Complaints or problems:-

> Please contact a moderator

> email: -owner


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> 1) Individual email - means that every email sent to

> the list you receive.

> 2) Daily Digest - sends you 25 messages in one

> single email for you to

> browse. This is an excellent option if you receive

> alot of email.

> 3) Web only/No mail - means that you can pop into

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> convenience and receive no email.


> To modify your subscription settings please visit:-

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> ~~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~~


> " Hold on to what is good, even if it's a handful of

> earth. Hold on to what

> you believe, even if it's a tree that stands by

> itself. Hold on to what you

> must do even, if it's a long way from here. Hold on

> to your life, even if

> it's easier to let go. " - Pueblo Prayer


> ~~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~~




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Guest guest

I dont know how to get into the chatrooms.... where do

I have to go

--- Don and <handd1@...> wrote:

> Carol,


> I'd like to welcome you to our little family,

> although I'm sorry you did

> have to find us. It is great that you have a

> support system, that is half

> the battle, right? There are a lot of people on

> here with breathing

> problems, some more severe than others. I have

> asthma, but not very bad.

> Mainly when I get bronchitis, it acts up. I have

> fibromyalgia, along with

> other things, but the fibromyalgia is the biggest

> problem along with my

> irritable bowel syndrome right now. Feel free to

> let me know what you need

> in the arena of support, and we have a great

> chatroom that is available!

> So, again, welcome...and I'm so glad you came to be

> a part of this group!


> Hugs,




> RE: I am new



> Hi Everyone...


> My name is Carol and I am new to this group.....I am

> 37 years old and live in Carthage, NC....I was

> diagnosed a year ago with emphysema, but as of

> yesterday I was diagnosed with Chronic Bronchitis,

> emphysema, asthma and Pulmonary hypertension with

> failur of the right side of the heart....I have been

> pretty much home bound for the past year due to

> severe

> breathing problems...I have recently been put on

> Oxygen to sleep with and Oxygen to use during the

> day

> as needed... I am on many medications throughout the

> day........

> I live with my sister who helps me alot and is my

> biggest support system... and her daughter and

> granddaughter whom I help raise...so in actually

> they

> are my kids too......they are 16 and 3 both

> girls....they are my life and they keep me going..

> and

> yes they maybe not be biological kids but they are

> mine.....


> Thanks

> Carol


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> > Sign Up Today - Only $9.95 per month!

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> > ~~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~~

> > The Being Sick Community

> >

> > Memorial Page

> > http://www.dreamwater.net/lovingmemory/

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> > Message Archives and Digest Attachment Pictures:-

> > /messages

> >

> > Chat:-

> > Scheduled Daily Chats at # on IRC DALnet.

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> >

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> to

> > the list you receive.

> > 2) Daily Digest - sends you 25 messages in one

> > single email for you to

> > browse. This is an excellent option if you receive

> > alot of email.

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> > -unsubscribe

> >

> > ~~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~~

> >

> > Hold on to what is good, even if it's a handful

> of

> > earth. Hold on to what

> > you believe, even if it's a tree that stands by

> > itself. Hold on to what you

> > must do even, if it's a long way from here. Hold

> on

> > to your life, even if

> > it's easier to let go. " - Pueblo Prayer

> >

> > ~~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~~

> >

> >

> >

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Guest guest

I dont know how to get into the chatrooms.... where do

I have to go

--- Don and <handd1@...> wrote:

> Carol,


> I'd like to welcome you to our little family,

> although I'm sorry you did

> have to find us. It is great that you have a

> support system, that is half

> the battle, right? There are a lot of people on

> here with breathing

> problems, some more severe than others. I have

> asthma, but not very bad.

> Mainly when I get bronchitis, it acts up. I have

> fibromyalgia, along with

> other things, but the fibromyalgia is the biggest

> problem along with my

> irritable bowel syndrome right now. Feel free to

> let me know what you need

> in the arena of support, and we have a great

> chatroom that is available!

> So, again, welcome...and I'm so glad you came to be

> a part of this group!


> Hugs,




> RE: I am new



> Hi Everyone...


> My name is Carol and I am new to this group.....I am

> 37 years old and live in Carthage, NC....I was

> diagnosed a year ago with emphysema, but as of

> yesterday I was diagnosed with Chronic Bronchitis,

> emphysema, asthma and Pulmonary hypertension with

> failur of the right side of the heart....I have been

> pretty much home bound for the past year due to

> severe

> breathing problems...I have recently been put on

> Oxygen to sleep with and Oxygen to use during the

> day

> as needed... I am on many medications throughout the

> day........

> I live with my sister who helps me alot and is my

> biggest support system... and her daughter and

> granddaughter whom I help raise...so in actually

> they

> are my kids too......they are 16 and 3 both

> girls....they are my life and they keep me going..

> and

> yes they maybe not be biological kids but they are

> mine.....


> Thanks

> Carol


> > No Banner Ads and Unlimited Access

> > Sign Up Today - Only $9.95 per month!

> > http://www.netzero.net

> >

> > ~~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~~

> > The Being Sick Community

> >

> > Memorial Page

> > http://www.dreamwater.net/lovingmemory/

> >

> > Message Archives and Digest Attachment Pictures:-

> > /messages

> >

> > Chat:-

> > Scheduled Daily Chats at # on IRC DALnet.

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> >

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> > Personal Complaints or problems:-

> > Please contact a moderator

> > email: -owner

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> > Subscription Details:-

> > 1) Individual email - means that every email sent

> to

> > the list you receive.

> > 2) Daily Digest - sends you 25 messages in one

> > single email for you to

> > browse. This is an excellent option if you receive

> > alot of email.

> > 3) Web only/No mail - means that you can pop into

> > eGroups at your

> > convenience and receive no email.

> >

> > To modify your subscription settings please

> visit:-

> > /join

> >

> > To subscribe or unsubscribe please email:-

> > -subscribe

> > -unsubscribe

> >

> > ~~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~~

> >

> > Hold on to what is good, even if it's a handful

> of

> > earth. Hold on to what

> > you believe, even if it's a tree that stands by

> > itself. Hold on to what you

> > must do even, if it's a long way from here. Hold

> on

> > to your life, even if

> > it's easier to let go. " - Pueblo Prayer

> >

> > ~~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~~

> >

> >

> >

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  • 5 months later...

Hello Arlene, My name is Angie. I post somewhat regularly here. I had simple partial seizures and took Dilantin for several years. I have had MRI's and EEG's and doctor's found no reason for the seizures I was having. They just said "here take this" and I did, with limited success. After doing research on my own via the internet, and this website, I have been taking B Complex, and taurine (an amino acid). I believe that my seizures were caused by a deficiency in B Vitamins. I also had a rare tongue disorder called Glossydinia which I also diagnosed myself (doctor's said I had Geographical Tongue) but I researched and found they were wrong. My point here is that Glossydinia is also caused by a B vitamin deficiency. So I put two and two together and decided that B vitamin deficiency was causing both my seizures and my little tongue problem. Although my neurologist says all alternative treatments for seizures are bull shit, I did not believe him, and am doing well off my meds for 4 months. I did have one grand mal after going off my meds, but it was during a very stressful life event that it occurred. Right now, I take my vitamins, keep my stress under control and am doing well. There are other stories like mine, that you will find here. I am not a doctor, I just know what worked for me. I will look through my folders and send a link that may be helpful to you about things to rule out and tests to be done when someone is diagnosed with seizures which may help to determine the cause. You see that is the problem, my doctors simply treated the seizures with meds, --tried to cover them up, rather than searching for a cause.

Best of luck to you.

alvst2@... wrote: Hello,My name is Arlene. My dh, Troy, started having seizures 9 years ago. The mds did all the testing and came to the diagnosis of 'idopathic seizure disorder', which means absolutely nothing. He was put on dilantin. His grand mals are under control - however, several times a week, he has petit mals. I am no longer terrified by them - just slightly unnerved. I knew he needed my help, not fear.My first thoughts about his seizures: they are somehow related to his allergies and sleep apnea. Since I was basically disreguarded by mds, I went looking for myself. It took YEARS for the mds to agree to a sleep study. Last summer, it was finally done - he stops breathing every minute!! He is now on a CPAP machine. I can tell his seizure activity is slowing down a little ... Have any of you had experience with diet, herbs, essential oils, etc? Why would a healthy 32yr old suddenly start having seizures for no apparent reason - no head injury, drugs, etc?I am excited about this group and look forward to getting to know you.Arlene

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Here is the link I spoke of:

good article:http://edelsoncenter.com/epilepsy.htm

alvst2@... wrote: Hello,My name is Arlene. My dh, Troy, started having seizures 9 years ago. The mds did all the testing and came to the diagnosis of 'idopathic seizure disorder', which means absolutely nothing. He was put on dilantin. His grand mals are under control - however, several times a week, he has petit mals. I am no longer terrified by them - just slightly unnerved. I knew he needed my help, not fear.My first thoughts about his seizures: they are somehow related to his allergies and sleep apnea. Since I was basically disreguarded by mds, I went looking for myself. It took YEARS for the mds to agree to a sleep study. Last summer, it was finally done - he stops breathing every minute!! He is now on a CPAP machine. I can tell his seizure activity is slowing down a little ... Have any of you had experience with diet, herbs, essential oils, etc? Why would a healthy 32yr old suddenly start having seizures for no apparent reason - no head injury, drugs, etc?I am excited about this group and look forward to getting to know you.Arlene

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Hi Arlene,

Welcome to the group. My name is Zoe. I had uncontrollable

seizures for many years and have been seizure free for going on four

years now with no drugs. I also found taurine to be useful.

It may help you and Troy to keep in mind that " epilepsy " means that

a person has seizures, it is a symptom only, not a disease.

" Idiopathic, " means the doctors don't know the cause, and it sounds

like it is up to Troy to do the looking. There are many things that

can cause seizures and about 1/3 of all people with apnea have

seizures (disorders in breathing can trigger seizures). Seizures can

also affect breathing. Aspartame, the artificial sweetner, is also

another possible " hidden " cause of seizures as is low blood sugar


There are a few books out you may find of help in understanding and

finding ways to deal with seizures.

Epilepsy: A New Approach, by Adrienne and Reiter

The Challenge of Epilepsy, by Sally Fletcher-she overcame her

seizures by learning to control her own brain wave activity with

neurofeedback training (EEG biofeedback) which I found helpful also.

Epilepsy: The Natural Way, by Fiona Marshall

These books may be in your library. If not, you can probably get them

from inter library loan, or order them through Amazon.com

Cardiac arrhythmias can also cause seizures, and is easily

misdiagnosed as epilepsy. Some drugs used for seizures can aggravate

heart disorders. Below are some web sites where you can find more

information. Best of luck to Troy.






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I don't know where my head was at, but I forgot to reply to what

you said about allergies, which may well be related to his developing

seizures (maybe the apnea as well?). You may want to find two books

by Fried, " Breathe Well, Be Well, " (recent) and " The Breath

Connection. "

Food intolerances as well as allergies may be linked to seizures.

This is especially true in gluten intolerance. Gluten is a protein

found in wheat, oat, barley, rye, spelt and a few other grains. If

his allergies affect his breathing, this may be triggering seizures

and Fried's books can give more understanding on it.





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  • 3 months later...

Welcome .. My name is .. i have 2 girls.. oldest will be 8 on tuesday

and youngest will be 5 in June.. I have pretty much been overweight most of my

life not to the extent i am now tho.. I gained 80lbs with my first daughter lost

most of it.. got pregnant again.. lost more weight when i was pregnant with her

then gained it all back plus some.. This time im getting it off for good.. :)


TidyMommy@... wrote: Hi everyone....I am new to this group and though I

would introduce myself.

My name is , I am married (9 years next week!) and have 2 kids ages 5

and 7. I live in California in the Bay Area.

I was a thin and trim person for most of my life and started gaining weight

as an adult. I gained 80 pounds with my 1st pregnancy, lost it and got

pregnant again. The second time I was on a program and only gained 30 and

lost it within a few months.

5 years later and I am heavier than I have ever been, even while pregnant. I

had this image in my mind how I looked and was shocked when I saw a video of

myself how obese I have become. I had no idea. Guess the fact that only 1

pair of sweats and a few shirts fit did not tip me off to the fact that I had

gained so much weight. I got on the scale and was horrified to see that I am

about 100 pounds overweight.

I saw on the View and was very impressed with his interview.

I was moved when he was talking about lobbying for rights.....for PE classes

and better school lunches. What a great thing he is doing for all the


Anyway....I picked up his Deal A Meal at Target....is someone sending me a

sign??? I have not opened it yet but will in the morning when I can really

look through it.

Looking forward to meeting all of you,

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>>From: <TidyMommy@...>

A " neat freak " ?? Uh, oh!

> Hi everyone....I am new to this group and though I would introduce myself.

Welcome, , to our little corner of .

> My name is , I am married (9 years next week!)

So you're another youngun' comin' 'round here. I'm one of the old ladies of

the list, married 25 years this coming November.

and have 2 kids ages 5

> and 7. I live in California in the Bay Area.

One kid, 18 going on 45, urban NJ born and raised, with a 10 month stop in

Disney country, Kissimmee, FL. We'll be returning there for good when the

kid graduates college in 5 years (he starts in Sept)

> gained so much weight. I got on the scale and was horrified to see that I


> about 100 pounds overweight.

Welcome to the club. I was heavy my entire life, but some physical ailments

a few years ago stopped me from all my exercise and I ballooned up to almost

300 in Nov. 2000. I've since gotten down to 250 and still have another

hundred to go. Even at 150, it's a weight I hadn't see since around the time

I graduated elementary school 35 years ago. At this point of my life I'll be

delerious with joy to just get down to 200 again.

> I saw on the View and was very impressed with his


Short and sweet. I was hoping he would be on longer - 5 minutes is *not*

enough for him. Next week he'll be on 2 other morning shows - locally at

NYC's WB11's morning show (7-9am) on the 8th and Good Morning America (ABC)

on the 11th. He pre-recorded these this past week when he was in town, I


> I was moved when he was talking about lobbying for rights.....for PE


Not just rights for children but he also stressed rights for the overweight,

something we've done a lot of talking baout on various size acceptance

mailing lists. Fat people have been discriminated against for far too long

and maybe with someone like lobbying for us we'll finally be treated

like humans by society.

> Anyway....I picked up his Deal A Meal at Target....

Somebody is still selling Deal A Meal cards? Wow!

Do you have any of his videos, or other exercise tapes you like to do? I

know running around with 2 kids is a workout, but a regular exercise routine

is esential.

> Looking forward to meeting all of you,

Don't forget to stop by this list's page on at

100-plus and take a peek at the Bookmarks and

Files sections. I noticed you also signed on to RSDeal. That list's page is

rsdeal .

Sue in NJ

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In a message dated 2/1/02 10:49:34 AM Pacific Standard Time,

susang@... writes:

> >>From: <TidyMommy@...>


> A " neat freak " ?? Uh, oh!

No, no no, this screen name is to MOTIVATE me and inspire me, not describe

me!! :o)


> ballooned up to almost

> 300 in Nov. 2000. I've since gotten down to 250

Congratulations on the 50 pound weight loss..........that is more than my 7yo

daughter weighs! You lost a first grader!!!!!


> Do you have any of his videos, or other exercise tapes you like to do? I

> know running around with 2 kids is a workout, but a regular exercise

> routine

> is esential.


I have heard his (and others) stress this. Right now I have no exercise

program and am pretty seditary. My daughter goes to school right down the

street and I drive there to drop her off and pick her up. How pathetic is

that????? On Friday I did walk to get her.......my goal for next week is to

walk every day to her school. I think round trip it is a little over 1/4


Thanks for the welcome,


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