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Congrats... You have taken the first step.. This is a great group! It's a shock

when a person does realize how bad they are. I think what was so bad to me, in a

way is the fact that my DH was always so great about my weight. Only near the

very end (of my BAD eating), to the new journey (of going on the food mover),

did he say Honey I worried about you. I want you to be here for us. After

showing him that I am doing something like this and succeeding. He is now

starting a new journey of his, quitting smoking!! I am SO HAPPY. He has been

saying for over 5 years now that he wants to quit. I love the fact that he

actually trying to and really putting forth a great effort! I love him so.


The New Me Is Showing

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  • 1 month later...
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> 70lbs, to date and have close to 25 more to lose. I need the daily

Congrats on the loss, but you're near the end of a journey all of us here

are just beginning.

> motivation of friends to share & stay motivated.

It looks like you're the one who should be motivating *us*! :)

Glad to have you around. Now tell us how you did it and what tips you used

to *stay* on the weight loss path.

Sue in NJ

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> > 70lbs, to date and have close to 25 more to lose. I need the daily


> Congrats on the loss, but you're near the end of a journey all of

us here

> are just beginning.



> > motivation of friends to share & stay motivated.


> It looks like you're the one who should be motivating *us*! :)



> Glad to have you around. Now tell us how you did it and what tips

you used

> to *stay* on the weight loss path.




Sue in


Hello Sue and everybody!!!

Thanks for the reply! Yes I can support you and although you

are all just starting out on your journey; you can help me too!! What

tips did I use? Baby Steps and telling myself how very badly I wanted

this. I had done every diet there is and I mean every diet. I was

always a very BIG fan of s, but did not get into his eating

plan until the foodmover came out. Porttion controlk and closing

those windows did it for me. I have a lot of training in nutrition;

but I had to excercise portion control. I started last year and the

last pounds are coming slowly. I measure my success in a number of

ways. How my day went, how I feel and inches lost. The numbers on the

scale do not always tell the true story for me.

We can help each other. You will all reep success. I will be here!!

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> tips did I use? Baby Steps

Good old Baby Steps! That what we keep repeating to ourselves here a lot. :)

> this. I had done every diet there is and I mean every diet.

I think between all of us we've covered every diet scheme ever in existence,

from cabbage soup to speed.

I was

> always a very BIG fan of s,

The " old " is still a big factor in my life, even though I don't

follow his food plan right now. The newer, corporate-flunkie is a

totally different person and not on my list of favorite right now.

I measure my success in a number of

> ways. How my day went, how I feel and inches lost. The numbers on the

> scale do not always tell the true story for me.

Same here. Last month I only lost 2 pounds, but my measurements show quiet a

few inches gone in various places. That's what a decent exercise program can

do for a person, especially one who hates to do *any* exercise. ;)

Sue in NJ

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Sue: I liked when had his show back in the very early 80's. I

do like the foodmover though. I saw on QVC last Fri. and I was

not as motivated by him this time as I always am watching him on QVC. I

am not a fan of the website making the changes to not including things

that were once free. I am here for the long haul and want to see all of

you suceed.

I am leader for my TOPS group come April 1st. I am looking forward.


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  • 4 weeks later...
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Welcome! My daughter Kate is 7 and was dx. with severe poly at age 3

(though now the dr. thinks she may have had it earlier than that)

Polyarticular affects 5 or more joints--usually on both sides of the

body. There are different degrees--some may have 5 or 6 etc... joints

affected and some like Kate are affected in every single joint. Kate's

been on Naprosyn, Methotrexate but had to be removed from them due to

reactions. She's currently on Enbrel, Ibuprofen and Prilosec. She has

another problem with both of her hips called Avascular Necrosis so she's

unable to take steroids and some other drugs.

She has her good days and bad days. Today her fingers and wrists are

very swollen. She also is very affected by weather changes. Usually with

her case--something is always hurting--sometimes not too bad other times

pretty bad. She still goes to school and plays basketball and

softball--we just make whatever adjustments we need if she's in a flair.

She has removable handsplints and legcasts that she sleeps in, goes to

ot and pt therapy twice a week and swim therapy once a week. To look at

her you'd never realize all the things going on. This disease can be

very consuming emotionally, physically and timewise for everyone--but

you learn to take things as they come--one day at a time. This is a

wonderful group to vent, talk, laugh and cry with. We've all had

experiences with this disease and want to be there to help others get

through this (as well as help ourselves!) once again, WELCOME to the


and Kate--7severe poly and AVN

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Hi, thanks for welcoming me. na has the same problems with her fingers and wrist and her fingers and wrist and knees have stayed swollen and the swelling ever since she has had it has only reduced very little and no remission. The doctor said that na has it in almost every joint and if you saw her web page I wrote that she never crawled she started scooting on her bottom instead and that is how she got around for a long time until she finally started walking at 18 months old. na has been on Enbrel since about the 1st of october(one month after she started walking). It dosent seem to be helping much but she has improved slightly with being stiff and her swelling in her knees seem to improving but she still has alot of pain,irratability and stiffness and she walks like she has stiffness too. She just turned 2 on March 9th of 2002. They first had her on the methotrexate tablets and naproxen, then they swithched to the methotrexate injections and and prednisone and finally the enbrel.She is currently taking the enbrel, naproxen, prednisone and iron supplement because we just found out she is anemic and she had a touch of anemia when she was an infant. It just seems that nothing is working but I may be expecting too much too soon. I also saw an ad in the web md website that said that if arthrtis isn't found in a person soon enough that the person will not respond to medicine as well. Has your daughter ever went into remission and what is AVN? Thank You for welcoming me!

nLilly@... wrote: Welcome! My daughter Kate is 7 and was dx. with severe poly at age 3(though now the dr. thinks she may have had it earlier than that)Polyarticular affects 5 or more joints--usually on both sides of thebody. There are different degrees--some may have 5 or 6 etc... jointsaffected and some like Kate are affected in every single joint. Kate'sbeen on Naprosyn, Methotrexate but had to be removed from them due toreactions. She's currently on Enbrel, Ibuprofen and Prilosec. She hasanother problem with both of her hips called Avascular Necrosis so she'sunable to take steroids and some other drugs.She has her good days and bad days. Today her fingers and wrists arevery swollen. She also is very affected by weather changes. Usually withher case--something is always hurting--sometimes not too bad other timespretty bad. She still goes to school and plays basketball andsoftball--we just make whatever adjustments we need if she's in a flair.She has removable handsplints and legcasts that she sleeps in, goes toot and pt therapy twice a week and swim therapy once a week. To look ather you'd never realize all the things going on. This disease can bevery consuming emotionally, physically and timewise for everyone--butyou learn to take things as they come--one day at a time. This is awonderful group to vent, talk, laugh and cry with. We've all hadexperiences with this disease and want to be there to help others getthrough this (as well as help ourselves!) once again, WELCOME to thegroup! and Kate--7severe poly and AVN

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Dear Jona,

I'm sorry to hear that na isn't doing so well, but sometimes these

meds take a while to work and what works good for one child might not

work for another. Kate did go into remission--once-- for about 8 weeks

while on Methotrexate. She was so loose and limber! Unfortuately she was

one of the few who couldn't tolerate the Methotrexate and her liver

counts litterlly went through the roof! The Naprosyn too helped some but

after a year she started bruising very easily (just brushing against

something left a huge black mark) and her skin became very " fragile " and

just rubbing it would start to leave sores. (She still has small scars

on her cheeks where she would rub her handsplints across her face at

night.) Please don't let this scare you as like I said everyone reacts

differently to these meds.

As for her AVN (avascular necrosis of hips) It's where the blood

suppply from the thigh bone is cut off to the hip (due to extreme

inflammation) and the rounded top part of the thigh bone that fits in

the hip socket isn't getting " fed " and sort of dies out and collapses.

So instead of hers being rounded and rolling in the socket--hers is flat

and jerks around. She also developed splinters of bone from it that are

floating around in the joints--and since the blood flow has returned

it's now " feeding " those and causing them to grow or fuse together.

We've been told that she will face some kind of hip surgeries--but her

dr.is doing everything possible to keep from doing it while she's so

young. (one of those--wait till there's no more hope deals!) Usually

it's seen in kids on high doses of steroids--but she's never been on

them. That's why she can't take them or some of the other meds as it

would only make things worse. The dr. actually found all of this by

accident as she got very sick (around age 4) and couldn't keep even

water down (at first they thought it was her appendix) so they found it

after doing endoscopy, sigmoidoscopy, and flexoioscopy (checking her

colon, stomach, esophagus ultrasounds,catscans and x-rays. They finally

determined the reason that she was sick was due to a reflux-ulcer

problem so she was put on Zantac (which she couldn't keep down) and is

now on Prilosec.

But let me be the first to say that while she has her bad times she has

more good time than anything! She has a very high pain tolerance, is

extremely determined and naturally bullheaded! I've found with her that

if we deal with things more matter of fact that it helps her to cope.

There are times I do " baby " her (she's also the youngest of 3 girls) but

she usually won't let me do it for long! lol! I've found as she's gotten

older--she has a very mature attitude about all this, and when she has a

bad day she gets more mad than anything! Everychild is different and I'm

sure you and na will figure out your roles as this plays out. I've

found it helps to be very honest with them--no matter how young--and if

they're scared or afraid something 's going to hurt--don't tell them it

won't (don't panic them either!) just try to explain it the best way

that she'll understand. Kate had a doll that she took with her when she

was younger and if she got labs,therapy,etc..so did the doll! It really

helped her alot in those early days!

I hope things do get better for you guys and na starts to show

some improvement. Please keep us posted! :)

and Kate--7severe poly and AVN

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Dear and Kate,

Thank You for helping me understand more about Kate, and na : ) na was on the methotrexate too and the symptoms that you described sounds about the same as the ones that na was having from the med. She had the sores when she was on the methotrexate and the sores eventually stopped after she stopped the MXT and(UPDATE) she is still on the naproxen and isn't having any trouble from that and we just took her to her ped. rumy. at shriners on wednesday april 24th(this week) and Dr. Mier increased her naproxen to 4 ml. twice a day from 3 ml twice a day and he increased her enbrel fom 2 to 3 and he decreased her prednisone from 3ml to 2 ml (so I take it that he is trying to wean her off of it). He said that since he increased the enbrel and naroxen that she should be getting better( I hope so) Back to the MXT,na also had liver functions from the MXT back when she was taking it and she couldn't tolerate it either. She was on it from 10 months old to almost 19 months old. Then they started the Enbrel at 19 months old and she is now 2 years old; her b-day was March 9th. One more thing about the new update from her visit to lexington, na seen an eye doc up there at UK medical center the same day (referred by Dr.Mier) and they had to check nas eyes to make sure that they were o.k because of the risk with JRA and eye problems and it was good news, although na was scared to death; Ifelt so bad for her she cried so much when they had to put the dialating drops in her eyes and when she had to put her head in the thing so they could look at her eyes: ( But all of the results were good on her eyes ans the doc said to just take her to a local eye doc in no less than 1 yr. Oh and thats great about how your daughter took the doll with her and I think we are going to try that; Thats a great idea! And that reminds me when you mentioned the doll; Shriners gave na 2 books and a monkey that you can stick its fingers or toes in its mouth, ears, and nose LOL! They are so nice up there; they give the children everything everytime they come up there.

I wish the very best for you and Kate: ) Thank You! " jayclovely and na 2 poly JRA"

nLilly@... wrote: Dear Jona,I'm sorry to hear that na isn't doing so well, but sometimes thesemeds take a while to work and what works good for one child might notwork for another. Kate did go into remission--once-- for about 8 weekswhile on Methotrexate. She was so loose and limber! Unfortuately she wasone of the few who couldn't tolerate the Methotrexate and her livercounts litterlly went through the roof! The Naprosyn too helped some butafter a year she started bruising very easily (just brushing againstsomething left a huge black mark) and her skin became very "fragile" andjust rubbing it would start to leave sores. (She still has small scarson her cheeks where she would rub her handsplints across her face atnight.) Please don't let this scare you as like I said everyone reactsdifferently to these meds. As for her AVN (avascular necrosis of hips) It's where the bloodsuppply from the thigh bone is cut off to the hip (due to extremeinflammation) and the rounded top part of the thigh bone that fits inthe hip socket isn't getting "fed" and sort of dies out and collapses.So instead of hers being rounded and rolling in the socket--hers is flatand jerks around. She also developed splinters of bone from it that arefloating around in the joints--and since the blood flow has returnedit's now "feeding" those and causing them to grow or fuse together.We've been told that she will face some kind of hip surgeries--but herdr.is doing everything possible to keep from doing it while she's soyoung. (one of those--wait till there's no more hope deals!) Usuallyit's seen in kids on high doses of steroids--but she's never been onthem. That's why she can't take them or some of the other meds as itwould only make things worse. The dr. actually found all of this byaccident as she got very sick (around age 4) and couldn't keep evenwater down (at first they thought it was her appendix) so they found itafter doing endoscopy, sigmoidoscopy, and flexoioscopy (checking hercolon, stomach, esophagus ultrasounds,catscans and x-rays. They finallydetermined the reason that she was sick was due to a reflux-ulcerproblem so she was put on Zantac (which she couldn't keep down) and isnow on Prilosec.But let me be the first to say that while she has her bad times she hasmore good time than anything! She has a very high pain tolerance, isextremely determined and naturally bullheaded! I've found with her thatif we deal with things more matter of fact that it helps her to cope.There are times I do "baby" her (she's also the youngest of 3 girls) butshe usually won't let me do it for long! lol! I've found as she's gottenolder--she has a very mature attitude about all this, and when she has abad day she gets more mad than anything! Everychild is different and I'msure you and na will figure out your roles as this plays out. I'vefound it helps to be very honest with them--no matter how young--and ifthey're scared or afraid something 's going to hurt--don't tell them itwon't (don't panic them either!) just try to explain it the best waythat she'll understand. Kate had a doll that she took with her when shewas younger and if she got labs,therapy,etc..so did the doll! It reallyhelped her alot in those early days! I hope things do get better for you guys and na starts to showsome improvement. Please keep us posted! :) and Kate--7severe poly and AVN

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Dear Jona,

Sorry it's took so long to read your post. My middle daughter just

turned 16, (party time!) and our weather has been terrible--80's one

day--rainy and 40's the next--and Kate's been taking a beating! She's

been falling asleep on the school bus home--coming in and sleeping for

4-5 hours---then going back to bed! Then yesterday she had to take a

cushion to school as her tailbone was hurting her. I've also had the

" wonderful pleasure " of dealing with our insurance co. for the past

week! Kate's been on Enbrel for a long time and it really works for

her--but with the shortage we can't get any--and now it's been 2 weeks

since she's had any and she's fading fast! (like I said --the weather

isn't helping either) I found out the children's hospital that we go to

has some supplies--but while our insurance is through them--our pharmacy

coverage isn't! (now that's just plain crazy!) So we're trying to get an

" over ride " from our insurance co. so we can get her back on it. I

think that not only is this disease so frustrating--but all the

insurance and paper work, red tape, etc.. that comes with it too. Her

dr. is doing everything she can to help us--but is at the point that if

worse comes to worse then will put her on low dose steroids (which we're

praying won't make her hips worse) Sorry to vent---I'm just totally

frustrated! I apologize if I'm getting you down as I really don't mean

to! These are the times you take it a day at a time and remember there's

always a rainbow after the storm! :)

I'm glad things are getting better for you . I can totally relate to the

eye checks--Kate hates the dilating drops! She wears glasses for her

vision (unrelated to jra) so has to go quite a bit due to that and the

jra checks. She's doing better as our hospital gives them occassional

" prizes " and stickers every time (she's got an album she puts them

in--after 4 years she's on number 6!) She's very proud of her

" collection! " Okay--looks like I've went on again! Take care and keep

me posted on how things are going! :)

and Kate--severe poly and AVN

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Dear ,

Hi, Don't ever hesitate to vent ; I think thats how a lot of people get through life. And our weather has been pretty bad at times too; some people had alot of serious damage to their homes and stuff and na has been acting a little more grouchy too maybe because of the weather changes and she has a runny nose now. And I am sorry to hear about Kate having so much pain and I hope it gets better; and for the Enbrel na has a few shots left and the pharmasist said that He didnt know how long it would be before na could get hers when she runs out and he said that one man has been waiting over 2 weeks.I hope you get everything straigtened out with the insurance and stuff. na has medicaid and it was a hassle when she first got her disability but now shriners hospital or Dr.Mier seems to get all the stuff done for na on the insurance. My goodness thats a lot of stickers! na always just plays with her stickers and tears them up. I hope the best for you and keep me posted on you all too. Jona, mom of na 2 poly

nLilly@... wrote: Dear Jona,Sorry it's took so long to read your post. My middle daughter justturned 16, (party time!) and our weather has been terrible--80's oneday--rainy and 40's the next--and Kate's been taking a beating! She'sbeen falling asleep on the school bus home--coming in and sleeping for4-5 hours---then going back to bed! Then yesterday she had to take acushion to school as her tailbone was hurting her. I've also had the"wonderful pleasure" of dealing with our insurance co. for the pastweek! Kate's been on Enbrel for a long time and it really works forher--but with the shortage we can't get any--and now it's been 2 weekssince she's had any and she's fading fast! (like I said --the weatherisn't helping either) I found out the children's hospital that we go tohas some supplies--but while our insurance is through them--our pharmacycoverage isn't! (now that's just plain crazy!) So we're trying to get an"over ride" from our insurance co. so we can get her back on it. Ithink that not only is this disease so frustrating--but all theinsurance and paper work, red tape, etc.. that comes with it too. Herdr. is doing everything she can to help us--but is at the point that ifworse comes to worse then will put her on low dose steroids (which we'repraying won't make her hips worse) Sorry to vent---I'm just totallyfrustrated! I apologize if I'm getting you down as I really don't meanto! These are the times you take it a day at a time and remember there'salways a rainbow after the storm! :) I'm glad things are getting better for you . I can totally relate to theeye checks--Kate hates the dilating drops! She wears glasses for hervision (unrelated to jra) so has to go quite a bit due to that and thejra checks. She's doing better as our hospital gives them occassional"prizes" and stickers every time (she's got an album she puts themin--after 4 years she's on number 6!) She's very proud of her"collection!" Okay--looks like I've went on again! Take care and keepme posted on how things are going! :) and Kate--severe poly and AVN

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Dear Jona,

Thanks for your reply--it couldn't have come at a better time as I was

sitting here thinking about how bad this week probably will be as it's

been 75 and now cold and rain coming again! (okay--I slipped on that

take it one day at a time thing! lol!) Hoping to get some good news

tomorrow about getting some enbrel. Kate's been doing " decent " but been

VERY grouchy--especially when she's pushed it--but it's hard not to let

her play outside when you only have one or two warm sunny days a month!

lol! Okay-now enough of that! Just wanted to say thanks again as it

helps to know people care and understand--sometimes you tend to feel

very alone with this stuff! Hope things are going well for you too!

and Kate-- 7--severe poly and AVN

:) :) :) :)

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Dear ,

Thank You for replying too because I to feel alone with this also. I ordered this book from the arthritis foundation, back when na was first diagnosed, called "Raising a Child With Arthritis, A Parents Guide"and on page 114 it says ("The childs age at the onset of arthritis will play a role in how she feels about having arthritis. Babies and small children will not remember life without arthritis. However, when the onset of arthritis occurs in an older child, the child will experience greif over the loss of the ability to do certain activties.") That is so sad and I don't know which is the most sadening; if they get it when they are young or when they are old! I dont know I just dont understand this disease. Any way, I hope you all get the enbrel tomarrow I dont understand about why they are having a shortage and Dr. Miers nurse rhonda Weiler said that by the time na ran out of her enbrel they will probably be able to get her some so maybe it won't be much longer.I hope its not much longer! Oh and if you don't mind me asking what state you live in because of what we were talking about the weather? I live in Kentucky. I hope Kate starts to feel better soon Best wishes and prayers for you and Kate!

Jona, mom of na2poly

nLilly@... wrote: Dear Jona,Thanks for your reply--it couldn't have come at a better time as I wassitting here thinking about how bad this week probably will be as it'sbeen 75 and now cold and rain coming again! (okay--I slipped on thattake it one day at a time thing! lol!) Hoping to get some good newstomorrow about getting some enbrel. Kate's been doing "decent" but beenVERY grouchy--especially when she's pushed it--but it's hard not to lether play outside when you only have one or two warm sunny days a month!lol! Okay-now enough of that! Just wanted to say thanks again as ithelps to know people care and understand--sometimes you tend to feelvery alone with this stuff! Hope things are going well for you too! and Kate-- 7--severe poly and AVN:) :) :) :)

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  • 4 weeks later...
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Dear Jona,

Sorry it's taken so long to reply! It's been VERY hectic here to say

the least! First my husbands work had called and they were taking him

to the E.R. because they thought he'd had a stroke! After 2 days of

tests determined he had sudden onset migraines and moderately high blood

pressure--he's now doing better and is on meds for both. That same week

my 16 yr. old daughter started complaining of severe abdominal pain--so

she was sent to the E.R.--with them thinking it was appendicitis! After

many tests determined she had an ovarian cyst that ruptured! She was

lucky as it didn't hurt her ovary (which had swelled to 3x's it's normal

size). She's doing fine now and her ovary is " back to normal " . As if

that wasn't enough--my mother who is 71 is going to have a knee

replacement done due to severe arthritic damage--and now they're looking

closely into maybe doing the other one too! I've been trying to help her

as much as I can as my dad has Parkinson's--(a mild case ) and he shakes

so it's sometimes hard for him to help her with things. We've also been

trying to get our barn and field cleaned out--so I'm definetly ready for

a vacation! (Calgon take me awaaaaaaaay!!!!!!)

Kate's strting to do a little better--finally got her Enbrel! (won't go

into detail about conversations I had with insurance co.--children may

be reading! LOL!) She's had a lot of trouble with her feet

now--especially the bottoms. Therapist thinking it's coming more from

hip problems. Hoping the Enbrel will start to kick in soon! Finally have

warm weather! Been around 80's past couple of days and not too much


Wanted to let you know that we're neighbors! I live in Indiana. Husband

has family in Bardstown and E-town (town) and brother-in-law is

from Sommerset. Well guess will stop here as I have to clean the rabbit

cages and want to get some work done outside as it's BEAUTIFUL today!

Will try to keep in touch a little better now! :)

and Kate--7 severe poly and AVN

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  • 5 months later...

In a message dated 11/18/2002 8:54:45 PM Eastern Standard Time,

jolley1@... writes:

<< I have acid reflux really bad and we

are hoping this diet will help. I am just having a hard time starting.. Any

suggestions on getting started? Also I would like some breakfast ideas. >>

Stop drinking coffee, orange juice, etc. Stop eating grains, sweet rolls,

bread, jelly, etc. Eat protein and fat. Drink lots of water!!! Your reflux

ought to stop then.

I eat eggs, maybe bacon (well killed), left over steak, maybe a slice of EZ

bread and butter. Green tea, water, etc.

Go for it.


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cool, i love meeting the newbies.

ACID REFLUX.......here's the stuff that GIVES me acid reflux

VINEGAR........salsa, pickled stuff(veggies/pickles), condiments

(mustard...any corn-syrup based sauces).....

HIGH ACID FRUITS(THE AVOIDS....i.e oranges, apples, kiwis)

straight sugary foods.....you know it when you eat it.

DRINKS........i don't drink anything except water

anywasys....corn=syrup based crap does it to me.

Also, don't eat too fast. If i do, the stuff tends to jump back up

later on.....ick

I recommend you buy the mini-booklet to take with you to the

grocery....with the nicely arranged columns about the various foods.

?What to do for breakfast? here's a rather UNREALISTIC idea......but

one i've used for over a year. I prepare buckets of steamed

meat/veggies for 3 days at a time. The foods are then arranged in

them RUBBERMAID buckets. I have 4 buckets set per day. I just throw

the buckets into the cooker with plenty of butter & oil.....and

BOOM!! quick meal. but, if you're rushed, eat it cold(if you're

hungry you'll LEARN TO LOVE IT)

enjoy(sorry i don't know much about Dr. Peppah addiction, but i

recommend you see DR. MERCOLA'S website about EFT.....he claims you

can get over soda addiction with it)

> Hi my name is Regina and I am new here. I am O- and my doctor has


> the Eat right for your blood type diet. I have acid reflux really

bad and we

> are hoping this diet will help. I am just having a hard time

starting.. Any

> suggestions on getting started? Also I would like some breakfast

ideas. I

> need something I can grab in the morning and take to work with me.

I never

> have time to eat before going to work. So once I get to work I end

up having

> donuts :( I am also a Dr. Pepper addict and I don't know what to

drink to

> replace it that will be as satisfying.


> Thanks


> Regina

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Thank you :) Another hard hurdle is I am not a huge veggie fan.

A question I do have is that with the O diet it says that we need Iodine and

that we can get it from fish. I am highly allergic to shell fish because of

the Iodine. If my blood type needs it so bad why am I allergic to it?


Re: I am new

> cool, i love meeting the newbies.


> ACID REFLUX.......here's the stuff that GIVES me acid reflux


> VINEGAR........salsa, pickled stuff(veggies/pickles), condiments

> (mustard...any corn-syrup based sauces).....


> HIGH ACID FRUITS(THE AVOIDS....i.e oranges, apples, kiwis)


> straight sugary foods.....you know it when you eat it.


> DRINKS........i don't drink anything except water

> anywasys....corn=syrup based crap does it to me.


> Also, don't eat too fast. If i do, the stuff tends to jump back up

> later on.....ick


> I recommend you buy the mini-booklet to take with you to the

> grocery....with the nicely arranged columns about the various foods.


> ?What to do for breakfast? here's a rather UNREALISTIC idea......but

> one i've used for over a year. I prepare buckets of steamed

> meat/veggies for 3 days at a time. The foods are then arranged in

> them RUBBERMAID buckets. I have 4 buckets set per day. I just throw

> the buckets into the cooker with plenty of butter & oil.....and

> BOOM!! quick meal. but, if you're rushed, eat it cold(if you're

> hungry you'll LEARN TO LOVE IT)


> enjoy(sorry i don't know much about Dr. Peppah addiction, but i

> recommend you see DR. MERCOLA'S website about EFT.....he claims you

> can get over soda addiction with it)



> > Hi my name is Regina and I am new here. I am O- and my doctor has

> suggested

> > the Eat right for your blood type diet. I have acid reflux really

> bad and we

> > are hoping this diet will help. I am just having a hard time

> starting.. Any

> > suggestions on getting started? Also I would like some breakfast

> ideas. I

> > need something I can grab in the morning and take to work with me.

> I never

> > have time to eat before going to work. So once I get to work I end

> up having

> > donuts :( I am also a Dr. Pepper addict and I don't know what to

> drink to

> > replace it that will be as satisfying.

> >

> > Thanks

> >

> > Regina




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Are you allergic to dulse/kelp etc.?

Other sources: swiss chard, turnip greens, watercress, garlic, egg yolk,

pineapple, artichoke, pear, seafood.

What happens when you eat shellfish?

Re: Re: I am new

Thank you :) Another hard hurdle is I am not a huge veggie fan.

A question I do have is that with the O diet it says that we need Iodine


that we can get it from fish. I am highly allergic to shell fish because


the Iodine. If my blood type needs it so bad why am I allergic to it?


Re: I am new

> cool, i love meeting the newbies.


> ACID REFLUX.......here's the stuff that GIVES me acid reflux


> VINEGAR........salsa, pickled stuff(veggies/pickles), condiments

> (mustard...any corn-syrup based sauces).....


> HIGH ACID FRUITS(THE AVOIDS....i.e oranges, apples, kiwis)


> straight sugary foods.....you know it when you eat it.


> DRINKS........i don't drink anything except water

> anywasys....corn=syrup based crap does it to me.


> Also, don't eat too fast. If i do, the stuff tends to jump back up

> later on.....ick


> I recommend you buy the mini-booklet to take with you to the

> grocery....with the nicely arranged columns about the various foods.


> ?What to do for breakfast? here's a rather UNREALISTIC idea......but

> one i've used for over a year. I prepare buckets of steamed

> meat/veggies for 3 days at a time. The foods are then arranged in

> them RUBBERMAID buckets. I have 4 buckets set per day. I just throw

> the buckets into the cooker with plenty of butter & oil.....and

> BOOM!! quick meal. but, if you're rushed, eat it cold(if you're

> hungry you'll LEARN TO LOVE IT)


> enjoy(sorry i don't know much about Dr. Peppah addiction, but i

> recommend you see DR. MERCOLA'S website about EFT.....he claims you

> can get over soda addiction with it)



> > Hi my name is Regina and I am new here. I am O- and my doctor has

> suggested

> > the Eat right for your blood type diet. I have acid reflux really

> bad and we

> > are hoping this diet will help. I am just having a hard time

> starting.. Any

> > suggestions on getting started? Also I would like some breakfast

> ideas. I

> > need something I can grab in the morning and take to work with me.

> I never

> > have time to eat before going to work. So once I get to work I end

> up having

> > donuts :( I am also a Dr. Pepper addict and I don't know what to

> drink to

> > replace it that will be as satisfying.

> >

> > Thanks

> >

> > Regina




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I am not sure about kelp I have been scared to try it. If I eat shell fish

my eyes swell shut and I can't breath. I didn't even know I was allergic to

it until I went into to the hospital with a kidney infection. They used

iodine dye for the xrays.. I thought I was going to die.. then later I had

shrimp dip and got really sick and started to not be able to breath.. so I

don't try anything now with iodine.. it scares me..


Re: I am new



> > cool, i love meeting the newbies.

> >

> > ACID REFLUX.......here's the stuff that GIVES me acid reflux

> >

> > VINEGAR........salsa, pickled stuff(veggies/pickles), condiments

> > (mustard...any corn-syrup based sauces).....

> >

> > HIGH ACID FRUITS(THE AVOIDS....i.e oranges, apples, kiwis)

> >

> > straight sugary foods.....you know it when you eat it.

> >

> > DRINKS........i don't drink anything except water

> > anywasys....corn=syrup based crap does it to me.

> >

> > Also, don't eat too fast. If i do, the stuff tends to jump back up

> > later on.....ick

> >

> > I recommend you buy the mini-booklet to take with you to the

> > grocery....with the nicely arranged columns about the various foods.

> >

> > ?What to do for breakfast? here's a rather UNREALISTIC idea......but

> > one i've used for over a year. I prepare buckets of steamed

> > meat/veggies for 3 days at a time. The foods are then arranged in

> > them RUBBERMAID buckets. I have 4 buckets set per day. I just throw

> > the buckets into the cooker with plenty of butter & oil.....and

> > BOOM!! quick meal. but, if you're rushed, eat it cold(if you're

> > hungry you'll LEARN TO LOVE IT)

> >

> > enjoy(sorry i don't know much about Dr. Peppah addiction, but i

> > recommend you see DR. MERCOLA'S website about EFT.....he claims you

> > can get over soda addiction with it)

> >

> >

> > > Hi my name is Regina and I am new here. I am O- and my doctor has

> > suggested

> > > the Eat right for your blood type diet. I have acid reflux really

> > bad and we

> > > are hoping this diet will help. I am just having a hard time

> > starting.. Any

> > > suggestions on getting started? Also I would like some breakfast

> > ideas. I

> > > need something I can grab in the morning and take to work with me.

> > I never

> > > have time to eat before going to work. So once I get to work I end

> > up having

> > > donuts :( I am also a Dr. Pepper addict and I don't know what to

> > drink to

> > > replace it that will be as satisfying.

> > >

> > > Thanks

> > >

> > > Regina

> >

> >

> >

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In a message dated 11/19/2002 8:07:53 AM Eastern Standard Time,

jk@... writes:

<< I recently experienced a " food sensitivity " reaction to shrimp (i.e.

intestinal cramping, pain, and ultimately evacuation). >>

Sounds like salmonella from spoiled food. Shrimp spoil easily and you only

need to eat one bad part of one out of a meal. Same idea as the errant small

piece of uncooked hamburger left outside all afternoon during the cookout and

accidently consumed. Man, nowadays, if any food tastes a little funny, it's

out of my mouth right now. A fishy tasting shrimp, funny oyster, or pastey

hamburger goes right in the trash.

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It's probably not the iodine you're allergic to but other components of the

fish. You can eat kelp tablets to get your iodine - or just iodised salt,




Re: Re: I am new

Thank you :) Another hard hurdle is I am not a huge veggie fan.

A question I do have is that with the O diet it says that we need Iodine and

that we can get it from fish. I am highly allergic to shell fish because of

the Iodine. If my blood type needs it so bad why am I allergic to it?


Re: I am new

> cool, i love meeting the newbies.


> ACID REFLUX.......here's the stuff that GIVES me acid reflux


> VINEGAR........salsa, pickled stuff(veggies/pickles), condiments

> (mustard...any corn-syrup based sauces).....


> HIGH ACID FRUITS(THE AVOIDS....i.e oranges, apples, kiwis)


> straight sugary foods.....you know it when you eat it.


> DRINKS........i don't drink anything except water

> anywasys....corn=syrup based crap does it to me.


> Also, don't eat too fast. If i do, the stuff tends to jump back up

> later on.....ick


> I recommend you buy the mini-booklet to take with you to the

> grocery....with the nicely arranged columns about the various foods.


> ?What to do for breakfast? here's a rather UNREALISTIC idea......but

> one i've used for over a year. I prepare buckets of steamed

> meat/veggies for 3 days at a time. The foods are then arranged in

> them RUBBERMAID buckets. I have 4 buckets set per day. I just throw

> the buckets into the cooker with plenty of butter & oil.....and

> BOOM!! quick meal. but, if you're rushed, eat it cold(if you're

> hungry you'll LEARN TO LOVE IT)


> enjoy(sorry i don't know much about Dr. Peppah addiction, but i

> recommend you see DR. MERCOLA'S website about EFT.....he claims you

> can get over soda addiction with it)



> > Hi my name is Regina and I am new here. I am O- and my doctor has

> suggested

> > the Eat right for your blood type diet. I have acid reflux really

> bad and we

> > are hoping this diet will help. I am just having a hard time

> starting.. Any

> > suggestions on getting started? Also I would like some breakfast

> ideas. I

> > need something I can grab in the morning and take to work with me.

> I never

> > have time to eat before going to work. So once I get to work I end

> up having

> > donuts :( I am also a Dr. Pepper addict and I don't know what to

> drink to

> > replace it that will be as satisfying.

> >

> > Thanks

> >

> > Regina




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I recently experienced a " food sensitivity " reaction to shrimp (i.e. intestinal

cramping, pain, and ultimately evacuation). I asked the lady in charge of the

fish department at the grocery store where I had bought it about the possibility

of nitrates having been used to preserve the shrimp. She said that there were no

nitrates had been used and that the shrimp had been flash-frozen using liquid

nitrogen. However, she did say that, since shrimp are scavengers, it was more

likely what the shrimp had eaten .. which was passed on to me.

She had recently had a similar experience with lobster, also a scavenger, which

she had eaten her whole life. We are both New Englanders and seafood has been a

part of our staple diet for decades. I agree with her, there have been many

alterations in and to the shrimp and lobster's diet .. and, therefore, those

changes affect us.

Re: I am new

> cool, i love meeting the newbies.


> ACID REFLUX.......here's the stuff that GIVES me acid reflux


> VINEGAR........salsa, pickled stuff(veggies/pickles), condiments

> (mustard...any corn-syrup based sauces).....


> HIGH ACID FRUITS(THE AVOIDS....i.e oranges, apples, kiwis)


> straight sugary foods.....you know it when you eat it.


> DRINKS........i don't drink anything except water

> anywasys....corn=syrup based crap does it to me.


> Also, don't eat too fast. If i do, the stuff tends to jump back up

> later on.....ick


> I recommend you buy the mini-booklet to take with you to the

> grocery....with the nicely arranged columns about the various foods.


> ?What to do for breakfast? here's a rather UNREALISTIC idea......but

> one i've used for over a year. I prepare buckets of steamed

> meat/veggies for 3 days at a time. The foods are then arranged in

> them RUBBERMAID buckets. I have 4 buckets set per day. I just throw

> the buckets into the cooker with plenty of butter & oil.....and

> BOOM!! quick meal. but, if you're rushed, eat it cold(if you're

> hungry you'll LEARN TO LOVE IT)


> enjoy(sorry i don't know much about Dr. Peppah addiction, but i

> recommend you see DR. MERCOLA'S website about EFT.....he claims you

> can get over soda addiction with it)



> > Hi my name is Regina and I am new here. I am O- and my doctor has

> suggested

> > the Eat right for your blood type diet. I have acid reflux really

> bad and we

> > are hoping this diet will help. I am just having a hard time

> starting.. Any

> > suggestions on getting started? Also I would like some breakfast

> ideas. I

> > need something I can grab in the morning and take to work with me.

> I never

> > have time to eat before going to work. So once I get to work I end

> up having

> > donuts :( I am also a Dr. Pepper addict and I don't know what to

> drink to

> > replace it that will be as satisfying.

> >

> > Thanks

> >

> > Regina




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Well I am also allergic to most seafood - well was for many years, but eat

kelp tablets without a prob. they help me quite a bit actually.


Re: Re: I am new

I recently experienced a " food sensitivity " reaction to shrimp (i.e.

intestinal cramping, pain, and ultimately evacuation). I asked the lady in

charge of the fish department at the grocery store where I had bought it

about the possibility of nitrates having been used to preserve the shrimp.

She said that there were no nitrates had been used and that the shrimp had

been flash-frozen using liquid nitrogen. However, she did say that, since

shrimp are scavengers, it was more likely what the shrimp had eaten .. which

was passed on to me.

She had recently had a similar experience with lobster, also a scavenger,

which she had eaten her whole life. We are both New Englanders and seafood

has been a part of our staple diet for decades. I agree with her, there have

been many alterations in and to the shrimp and lobster's diet .. and,

therefore, those changes affect us.

Re: I am new

> cool, i love meeting the newbies.


> ACID REFLUX.......here's the stuff that GIVES me acid reflux


> VINEGAR........salsa, pickled stuff(veggies/pickles), condiments

> (mustard...any corn-syrup based sauces).....


> HIGH ACID FRUITS(THE AVOIDS....i.e oranges, apples, kiwis)


> straight sugary foods.....you know it when you eat it.


> DRINKS........i don't drink anything except water

> anywasys....corn=syrup based crap does it to me.


> Also, don't eat too fast. If i do, the stuff tends to jump back up

> later on.....ick


> I recommend you buy the mini-booklet to take with you to the

> grocery....with the nicely arranged columns about the various foods.


> ?What to do for breakfast? here's a rather UNREALISTIC idea......but

> one i've used for over a year. I prepare buckets of steamed

> meat/veggies for 3 days at a time. The foods are then arranged in

> them RUBBERMAID buckets. I have 4 buckets set per day. I just throw

> the buckets into the cooker with plenty of butter & oil.....and

> BOOM!! quick meal. but, if you're rushed, eat it cold(if you're

> hungry you'll LEARN TO LOVE IT)


> enjoy(sorry i don't know much about Dr. Peppah addiction, but i

> recommend you see DR. MERCOLA'S website about EFT.....he claims you

> can get over soda addiction with it)



> > Hi my name is Regina and I am new here. I am O- and my doctor has

> suggested

> > the Eat right for your blood type diet. I have acid reflux really

> bad and we

> > are hoping this diet will help. I am just having a hard time

> starting.. Any

> > suggestions on getting started? Also I would like some breakfast

> ideas. I

> > need something I can grab in the morning and take to work with me.

> I never

> > have time to eat before going to work. So once I get to work I end

> up having

> > donuts :( I am also a Dr. Pepper addict and I don't know what to

> drink to

> > replace it that will be as satisfying.

> >

> > Thanks

> >

> > Regina




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It just says fish. Not necessarily shell fish. Also, are you allergic to

kelps like dulse, nori, bladderwack and others? I don't know where you live,

but they are high in iodine, along with fish. Have you had your thyroid

checked? Not all O's are deficient. We just have a tendency to have a low


> the O diet it says that we need Iodine and

> that we can get it from fish. I am highly allergic to shell fish because


> the Iodine. If my blood type needs it so bad why am I allergic to it?


> Regina

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I think REgina, accidentally, helped support Dr. d'Adamo's " kinda "

recommendations AGAINST eating shellfish. Sure, it might be NEUTRAl

for non-secretors like me, but there's always the tendency of

allergies to appear with them darn lectins everywhere. Imean, my

MEGA SPEED READING tapes even mentioned how shrimp contains

those " confusion capabilities " .....

Iodine.....try iodized sea salt. Yum yum.

I hate fish, but i LOVE shellfish. Probably eat it once every few

months when i get the need to SPLURGE.

REad LIVE RIGHT.......not EAT RIGHT.....you'll get better updated

goodies, Regina. Also, on the www.dadamo.com site, someone asked a

question about shellfish on the ON THE DIET board, which had a more

coherent answer. I don't do coherent.

> Regina,

> It just says fish. Not necessarily shell fish. Also, are you

allergic to

> kelps like dulse, nori, bladderwack and others? I don't know where

you live,

> but they are high in iodine, along with fish. Have you had your


> checked? Not all O's are deficient. We just have a tendency to have

a low

> thyroid.



> > the O diet it says that we need Iodine and

> > that we can get it from fish. I am highly allergic to shell fish


> of

> > the Iodine. If my blood type needs it so bad why am I allergic to


> >

> > Regina

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