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In a message dated 3/27/2005 1:25:53 P.M. Central Standard Time, oboy4boys@... writes:


Lynn, I am new too!

My DS is named but prefers his middle name Logan. He is our only child with AS.

Geriwife to mom to Logan, Krista, and Abigail¸...¸ ___/ /\ \___,·´º o`·,/__/ _/\_ \__\```)¨(´´´ | | | | | | | || |l¸,.-·²°´ ¸,.-·~·~·-.,¸ `°²·-. :º°As for me and my house, we will serve the LordAdoptiveParentsSupport/

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In a message dated 3/28/2005 12:04:42 A.M. Central Standard Time, debbiap@... writes:

Hi Lynn,I'm new to the list also and have mostly beenreading. I also have a 10 yr old (3 boys, 1girl) who has not been dx yet. We just foundout that insurance will pay for his evaluation.Our boys sound similar, I wanted to tell youabout a group called the son Institute.This a group that helps gifted kids. My son hasattended the yearly gatherings and has made similar friends there. Check out their websiteand click on Young Scholars. www.ditd.orgHope this helps,Debbi

Debbi and all, have you noticed that it mostly affects our sons?

Geriwife to mom to Logan, Krista, and Abigail¸...¸ ___/ /\ \___,·´º o`·,/__/ _/\_ \__\```)¨(´´´ | | | | | | | || |l¸,.-·²°´ ¸,.-·~·~·-.,¸ `°²·-. :º°As for me and my house, we will serve the LordAdoptiveParentsSupport/

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I believe statistics show there is 1 girl for every 4 boys on the

spectrum. I have 4 boys and 1 girl. My daughter is 11 and is very

social. She was talking in full sentences before her second

birthday. Not so for my boys. My oldest son did not talk until

about 3 1/2. He always had odd behaviours and now at 13 I have come

to realize he is Aspergers. My middle child was diagnosed with

autism at 2 year of age and now at age 5 1/2 he still cannot talk.

My next son also seemed to be going down the same path. At 10 months

of age he had no eye contact and did not attempt to communicate. In

addition he had physical concerns (low weight & diarrhea). He and I

went on the GF diet (me since I was nursing) and within 2 days he had

wonderful eye contact and started babbling. Within 2 months he had

20 words. Wednesday is his 4th birthday and he has no stims, delays

or social deficits. I feel changing his diet so early saved him. My

youngest child is only 3 months so it is too soon to tell if he will

have problems. I am not vaccinating him yet and so far he is my

easiest child. I did not know it was possible to have a child sit in

a swing or bouncer and not cry. My other 3 boys needed to be bounced

constantly. My middle two cried so much twice neighbors call social

services on me.

> Debbi and all, have you noticed that it mostly affects our sons?


> Geri

> wife to

> mom to Logan, Krista, and Abigail



> ¸...¸ ___/ /\ \___

> ,·´º o`·,/__/ _/\_ \__\

> ```)¨(´´´ | | | | | | | || |l

> ¸,.-·²°´ ¸,.-·~·~·-.,¸ `°²·-. :º°

> As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord


> _AdoptiveParentsSupport/_

> (AdoptiveParentsSupport/)

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In a message dated 3/28/2005 6:47:44 P.M. Central Standard Time, cubicmonica@... writes:

I believe statistics show there is 1 girl for every 4 boys on the spectrum. I have 4 boys and 1 girl. My daughter is 11 and is very social. She was talking in full sentences before her second birthday. Not so for my boys. My oldest son did not talk until about 3 1/2. He always had odd behaviours and now at 13 I have come to realize he is Aspergers. My middle child was diagnosed with autism at 2 year of age and now at age 5 1/2 he still cannot talk. My next son also seemed to be going down the same path. At 10 months of age he had no eye contact and did not attempt to communicate. In addition he had physical concerns (low weight & diarrhea). He and I went on the GF diet (me since I was nursing) and within 2 days he had wonderful eye contact and started babbling. Within 2 months he had 20 words. Wednesday is his 4th birthday and he has no stims, delays or social deficits. I feel changing his diet so early saved him. My youngest child is only 3 months so it is too soon to tell if he will have problems. I am not vaccinating him yet and so far he is my easiest child. I did not know it was possible to have a child sit in a swing or bouncer and not cry. My other 3 boys needed to be bounced constantly. My middle two cried so much twice neighbors call social services on me.

Wow , I wonder what the GF diet has to do with it? I have another online buddy that has her kids on GF diets and their mental disorders have greatly improved.

Geriwife to mom to Logan, Krista, and Abigail¸...¸ ___/ /\ \___,·´º o`·,/__/ _/\_ \__\```)¨(´´´ | | | | | | | || |l¸,.-·²°´ ¸,.-·~·~·-.,¸ `°²·-. :º°As for me and my house, we will serve the LordAdoptiveParentsSupport/

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Hi Lynn and welcome to the group.

I am pretty new too, and this place has been great!

My son is 11 and was diagnosed with AS (finally) 2 months ago. He was diagnosed ADHD at 7. He has been med free for over a year now and doing well. Nordic Naturals ProEFA (aka ProOmega) has worked miracles for his anxiety.


I am new

Hello everyone. I just joined a few days ago and wanted to introduce myself. My name is Lynn and I am the mother of four boys who range in age from almost 19 to 8. My 10 year old, , was diagnosed formally with AS in November. He had been diagnosed ADHD since the age of 4 and had been on some form of meds ever since. He is now ADHD med free and we are working towards beginning meds for the anxiety issues and noise sensitivity issues he has. He has a lot of phobias that affect all aspects of his life, here and at school. His grades are all over the place but his IQ testing put him at 169. He does a lot of stimming and has some echolachia. He can be loud and argumentative and has no friends at all. Every new kid at school is his friend for about a week until they get to know him and then they are gone. He is currently seeing a psychiatrist for meds and evaluations, and has an in-home therapist who visits either her or at school at least 4 times a week. She is a god send and he really likes her. We are going for his IEP eligibility meeting on the 11th and I am hoping we can get some help in school. He had a 504 but we need to address the ED issues.

Thank you for letting me be long winded!


Need Tupperware?

Visit my website at www.my.tupperware.com/LynnDowns

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  • 1 month later...
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Hi there,

Where do you live? I am sure there are people who can share with you. I live in

Southern California and just started brewing and sharing(only made two batches

so far and given out 4 mushrooms). Those mushrooms are actually gerbils in

disguise and they reproduce like mad.

Good luck to you,


tlu1234 <teamconcepts@...> wrote:

Hi all

I am new to this forum and i am thinking about starting kombuchaing (

is that a word == :) !!


is there a post number i can refer to to get the start up info and

find places to obtain a mushroom culture and the other stuff i may

need to get this going?

I am trying to detox my son who i believe is mercury poisioned from

the vaccines and get him healthy so he can lead a normal life.. he is

5 and i think this may help him.

much thanks


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I live in wilmette illinois which is just north of chicago on the

shores of lake michigan.

sounds like fun.. I never can get enough of a good thing.


> Hi all

> I am new to this forum and i am thinking about starting kombuchaing (

> is that a word == :) !!


> anyway..


> is there a post number i can refer to to get the start up info and

> find places to obtain a mushroom culture and the other stuff i may

> need to get this going?


> I am trying to detox my son who i believe is mercury poisioned from

> the vaccines and get him healthy so he can lead a normal life.. he is

> 5 and i think this may help him.


> much thanks

> Tara..






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  • 10 months later...
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i am not familiar with what you are going through but i am always here to listen. i am in ohio to. this cold weather sucks doesn't it. i am always here if you need me evelynhayleybug33 <hayleybug33@...> wrote: Hi, my name is Colleen and I live in OH. I am 39 and have Crohn's Disease and was just diagnosed with Transverse Myelitis. I was wondering if anyone has either of these. I cope with my Crohn's but this new diagnosis of TM is confusing me. Anyone who has any information on this disease please let me know! I am curious about it! Some days I feel I have a hold on TM and other days I feel like I am struggling! Thanks for any info!~~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~~The Being Sick CommunityMessage

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Hey Colleen,

Im Liz, 35 and have severe Crohn's Disease....if there are any questions I can answer or you just need advice...let me know...I could write a book......lol....take care hun

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Thanks for the reply. Ohio is not the best weather right now. Today

was nice tho and I had the day off work. I am glad because I needed a

break! My daughter Hayley is 12 and has Crohn's also. It sucks

sometimes but we manage. The TM is really confusing. They are not

sure if I will end up with MS or whether I will be lucky and just have

the TM. I have back pain and numbness in my torso and legs and feet.

It has been better, so I am hopeful. The pain is my back was gone for

a while but is not back. What part of Ohio do you live in?

Thanks again for emailing me! Talk to you soon.

By the way, how are you feeling?

What illness do you have or are you taking care of someone with


Thanks again,


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  • 5 months later...

Ask about a mastoidectomy. That is what he needs now. Most doctors put kids on the wrong kind of antibiotics and fool around until stuff like this happens. Get a 2nd opinion in there is this doctor keeps fooling around.

Please be as proactive as you can. If not, you are looking at me. I have had 2 mastoidectomies and have been butchered my many because of my lack of insurance. Now with the mastoidectomies, I have had Bell's palsy, and so many sets of tubes I can't count that high. As for c-tomas, well, between the two ears, I don't have enough middle ear bone left to construct one whole set of bones. I am 33 and slowly losing my hearing for good. Your son in young; so, don't waste time. I was a little loder when my problems started. Good luck. Call me or email me if there is anything I can do to help you. I know it seems scary, but you all can kick butt!

I know too much about all of this. PE tubes, t-tubes, butterfly tubes, c-tomas, mastoidectomy, tympaonplasty, yadda...yadda.....yadda.



I am new

I am new to all this. My son has had issues with hearing since he was a

baby. I confirmed it when he started Kindergarten by the hearing

evaluations they do for this grade. Come to find that The mastoid air

cels had cloudy fluid in them bilaterally and his hearing exam showed

70% hearing loss in both ears. So, they did the tubes. He developed an

infection almost immediately and we have been battling it for 2 years

now. All the antibiotics are ineffective on him now. At 7yrs old he is

braver than me. They had to go back in on Aug. 28, 2006 to remove the

displaced tube (Same ear as the infection) but could not, would not put

a new tube in because it has left him with a huge hole. They put a new

tube in the left because the fluid keeps building and wont stop. I did

some research of ALL his sumptoms and what I hear the doctors talking

about and came up with Cholesteatoma. They have finally ordered a Ct

scan of the right mastoid area and he needs to go into the hospital to

have IV antibiotics. I am terrified. Any encouraging information would

be wonderful. Thank you, paula

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  • 10 months later...
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I have- and did also have palitations very scary. they got really bad,

and it went as far as caffine was triggering panic attaks. They had to

put me on xanex to calm it down. " xanex " is very addicting dont

recomend if your easly addicted and cant stop.

Im now on Levoxl 150mcg- which also give palpitations..

ask your doc what you can do to relex the palp's.. Best of luck- dont



> Hello everyone I am a 30 year old female amd wanted to know if anyone

> is currently or has taken 100mcg synthroid, do you have palpatations,

> and have you gotten better? Thanks


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I am on 75 mcg of levoxyl, and I get palpitations as well. To the point where they put me on beta blockers because my heart rate was so messed up. Basically, all the parts of my heart werent beating together, part of it was beating too fast. The beta blockers (if I understand it all correctly) slow down my heart rate enough for all the parts to get caught up and beat as it should. But even on those, I still get periodic palpitations and even odd chest pains at times. I've had a stress test, an echo cardiogram, and even a heart catheter, but my heart itself is fine. None of the tests showed anything odd, other than my sinus tachycardia. (which is what they call my heart beating odd) None of this happened before my thyroid went out of whack, so I know it must be related.

pamOn 7/17/07, shawalkar <shawalkar@...> wrote:

Hello everyone I am a 30 year old female amd wanted to know if anyone

is currently or has taken 100mcg synthroid, do you have palpatations,

and have you gotten better? Thanks

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  • 6 months later...


> Hello everyone I am a 30 year old female amd wanted to know if anyone

> is currently or has taken 100mcg synthroid, do you have palpatations,

> and have you gotten better? Thanks


Hi there, I had palpations when I was taking synthroid. For me they

never got better. I finally asked my doctor if I could try Armour and I

haven't had any since. Jazze22

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  • 1 month later...

WELCOME ABOARD TO THE GROUP RICHARD;; YOU WILL FIND A LOT OF NEAT & CARING FOLKS HERE & ALSO A LOT OF INFORMATION IS GIVEN;;TAKE CARE DORT FROM MICH;; Lee Holbert <rlhintexas@...> wrote: I signed up yesterday and just now getting around to sayin HOWDY !I am Lee Holbert. I am 55 and live in Fort Worth, Texas.I have Type 2 Diabetes for 10+ years and sad to say I have NOT beentaking care of myself and it is showing.I am not one much to say stuff bout myself.If anyone

has any questions you may ask and I will answer.

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Welcome . I'm and I just moved from Euless, TX about 3 months ago, and I'm so jealous you're still down there!!!! I'm trying to figure out how to get back. I'm on SSD for a list as long as your arm mainly fibro, sjogrens, and chronic back problems. I moved North because my family up here told me they'd help more (than my family down there). Questionable whether that's happened....and now I have an hours drive to doctors, down there I was 5 - 10 minutes from all my docs. What a mess for me!!!! But welcome, I don't write much (just wanted to talk to a fellow Texan!!!) but you'll learn a lot here, great group.Take Care, Lee Holbert <rlhintexas@...> wrote: I signed up yesterday and just now getting around to

sayin HOWDY ! I am Lee Holbert. I am 55 and live in Fort Worth, Texas. I have Type 2 Diabetes for 10+ years and sad to say I have NOT been taking care of myself and it is showing. I am not one much to say stuff bout myself. If anyone has any questions you may ask and I will answer. Take Care, B. in


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  • 1 month later...
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Have you read any books by Dr. Jan Kwasnieski, the Polish doctor who

wrote designed the " Optimal Diet " ? Crystal


> My name is Rysiek i am from Poland and i want to cure from multiple

sclerosis .Do you know any testimonials with

> curingMS .

> Rysiek


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> My name is Rysiek i am from Poland and i want to cure from multiple

sclerosis .Do you know any testimonials with

> curingMS .

> Rysiek


Hi Rysiek,

Do you have any amalgams on your teeth?


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Yes i was on this diet for 13 years and did not help me , from 2 months i am on

raw paleo diet .


[ ] Re: I am new

Have you read any books by Dr. Jan Kwasnieski, the Polish doctor who

wrote designed the " Optimal Diet " ? Crystal


> My name is Rysiek i am from Poland and i want to cure from multiple

sclerosis .Do you know any testimonials with

> curingMS .

> Rysiek


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> My name is Rysiek i am from Poland and i want to cure from multiple

sclerosis. Do you know any testimonials with

> curingMS.

==>Hi Rysiek. Welcome to our group. The reason Dr. Jan K's Optimal

Diet did not help you is because candida causes MS and his diet

contains many foods that feed candida and are high in carbs, i.e.

potatoes. MS responds very well to this program, which make sense.

You can't go wrong following mother nature's laws by giving your body

what it needs to heal itself, by eliminating toxins and by eliminating

foods that feed candida (they also feed cancer and other bacteria

too). It certainly won't hurt you!

The best, Bee

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==>Hi Rysiek. Welcome to our group. The reason Dr. Jan K's Optimal

Diet did not help you is because candida causes MS and his diet

contains many foods that feed candida and are high in carbs, i.e.

potatoes. MS responds very well to this program, which make sense.


And I think that he suggest to eat only cooked meat and for me it is no good .

Now I am eating only raw , lot of meat and fat

Vegetables I only drink juice and only from green wegetables

and each day a lot of eggs yolk .

What do you think about Bentonite

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> ==>Hi Rysiek. Welcome to our group. The reason Dr. Jan K's


> Diet did not help you is because candida causes MS and his diet

> contains many foods that feed candida and are high in carbs, i.e.

> potatoes. MS responds very well to this program, which make


> xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


> And I think that he suggest to eat only cooked meat and for me it

is no good . Now I am eating only raw , lot of meat and fat


> Vegetables I only drink juice and only from green wegetables


> and each day a lot of eggs yolk .


> What do you think about Bentonite

==>Hi . Please read my article " How to Successfully Overcome

Candida " because I do not recommend an all raw foods diet; meats can

be undercooked and some are okay raw, but raw vegetables are hard on

the digestive system. Also vegetable juices are not good either

because they release too many concentrated carbs/sugars into the body

quickly. Cooking some vegetables also releases more nutrients. I

recommend steaming green veggies and eating them with lemon juice and

good ocean sea salt.

Egg yolks are very good, but you can also eat the egg whites which

contain lots of amino acids (protein). I have an excellent Raw Egg

Drink: http://www.healingnaturallybybee.com/recipes/recipe167.php

I do not agree with taking bentonite clay:


Also any clay can cause digestive problems for candida sufferers.

, it is important that you understand the candida program.

Please read first and then get back to us with questions. You can

search my website for any subject too:


The best in health, Bee

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  • 1 year later...

Howdy Diane & Welcome!!  it's great to have to away from motivators (diabetes)

and the getting toward motivators (getting my sexy back!) ...  good to have you

with us!




From: " dianebruce@... " <dianebruce@...>


Sent: Sunday, August 9, 2009 8:40:57 PM

Subject: I am new


Good day, I am new to IOWL. I am reaching 40 and have gained about 5 lbs/year

since I was 20...that's 85 lbs!!!! I have tried to lose weight on and off but

never committed to it...always thought it would disapear on it's own....anyone

lucky enough for that to happen to them? I didn't think so! Now I have realized

that if I keep gaining 5 lbs/year...I will weigh 300 lbs in another 17

years...or less...I know what to do but I just don't do it so I am hoping IOWL

podcasts will help me stay on track and lose weight. My goal is to be able to do

13 " man " style pushups and 5 pull ups...and I want a sexy back!!! My mum ended

up with type 2 diabetes and that fear is present, too. I am ready to re-energize

myself! Sorry this was so long, I had a lot to say! I'm looking forward to

support and to support others!

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Howdy Diane & Welcome!!  it's great to have to away from motivators (diabetes)

and the getting toward motivators (getting my sexy back!) ...  good to have you

with us!




From: " dianebruce@... " <dianebruce@...>


Sent: Sunday, August 9, 2009 8:40:57 PM

Subject: I am new


Good day, I am new to IOWL. I am reaching 40 and have gained about 5 lbs/year

since I was 20...that's 85 lbs!!!! I have tried to lose weight on and off but

never committed to it...always thought it would disapear on it's own....anyone

lucky enough for that to happen to them? I didn't think so! Now I have realized

that if I keep gaining 5 lbs/year...I will weigh 300 lbs in another 17

years...or less...I know what to do but I just don't do it so I am hoping IOWL

podcasts will help me stay on track and lose weight. My goal is to be able to do

13 " man " style pushups and 5 pull ups...and I want a sexy back!!! My mum ended

up with type 2 diabetes and that fear is present, too. I am ready to re-energize

myself! Sorry this was so long, I had a lot to say! I'm looking forward to

support and to support others!

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  • 8 months later...
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Hello. I am from Phoenix, AZ in USA. My name is but most call me Desert

Fire, because i live in the desert and do fire art, thus the nick name. I use

bigger type because my blood sugars when are higher affect my sight. It just

makes it easier for me to use a bigger size. I do not like using all caps like

some do. I have had five failed spine fusion surgeries. I suffer with chronic

severe pain every day. I take medication and have made my own aromatherapy that

helps a lot. As a matter of fact, our own pain doctor buys it from us and calls

it a magic potion, lol. I would love to have moral support and to give support

as well. my outlook of living is a positive one.


Desert Fire

( L. Kaiser

Desert Fire's Art Gallery:


Check out our Healing Solutions page at:


Ghost/Paranormal website:


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