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In a message dated 7/20/2003 9:13:36 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

diane.bennett@... writes:

> Charlyne, Been a way for a few days but wanted to respond that I am glad

> this crazy criminal case has been dismissed. Good luck with the school.


Hi Diane,

I am very relieved this is over too. I can now move on to secure Zeb an


Thanks for thinking of us.


Mom to Zeb 10 DS/OCD ?

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest guest

Diane, I am sorry to hear your husband is so sick. Hope your husband

gets his liver soon. Take care of you. Your husband needs and loves you

too! -NH

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  • 4 weeks later...

In a message dated 8/23/2003 10:21:35 AM Eastern Standard Time,

NSUrunningmom@... writes:

> Diane, the sky is still the limit for Kody :-)

Pattie, I do agree with you. A diagnosis of anything doesn't label you as

far as how many people you can touch or love.


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In a message dated 8/23/2003 10:21:20 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

NSUrunningmom@... writes:

> This life is but a blink of an eye to God.....it

> seems so durn long to us, doesn't it? When I feel stressed, I try to think

> of the eternal life and the cross. Things may have changed here ion Earth

> for

> you and for Kody, but the eternal life in Heaven (the sky, as it were) has

> not

> changed.



This is so true. Thanks for reminding me!!! Sometimes it is so hard to see

past your circumstances and this is when we need these reminders the most!


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We will also pary for Kody. My 3rd cousin had a child diagnosed with autism

and she found a specialist that would work with him. He has helped her son

" come out " of the autisum. Look into finding someone who has worked with this

illness. Believe in yourself and your family. God will be with you.

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In a message dated 8/25/2003 4:45:07 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

shbrutus@... writes:

> We will also pary for Kody. My 3rd cousin had a child diagnosed with

> autism

> and she found a specialist that would work with him. He has helped her son

> " come out " of the autisum. Look into finding someone who has worked with

> this

> illness. Believe in yourself and your family. God will be with you.



Thank you so much. We really do believe that this is a medical/organic cause

for the autism, I'm praying we find the cause soon, and that with appropriate

schooling and treatments that this may not be a permanent thing for him. I

hope. But you are right, God is with us indeed.

Diane, Mom to Kody

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Dear Diane,

This may be the second letter....I'm not doing well with the computer right now...

I certainly can understand your frustration - my husband would be climbing the walls at this point! Most of my issues are not considered in meld scoring either. Did Gene's score go down or is he "on hold" until his other health issues are more in control? You both sound like you must be totally exhausted, physically and mentally.

I hold you both close to my heart and send love from my heart to you.


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  • 11 months later...

Diane I'm one town north of Rohnert Park! I live in Santa if

you've ever heard of it :) I have considered quitting my job and

just doing temp work. Is temp work fun? My only worry is that I'm

not doing well with my panic attacks and anxiety and I think having

to go into a new work situation would only make it worse. Charisse

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  • 3 weeks later...


Thank you!

and Rob 15 Spondy

On Mon, 30 Aug 2004 11:59:43 EDT dbornscheu@... writes:


I'm so sorry to hear about this awful new challenge Rob has to face. My

prayers are with you.

Diane (, 5, pauci)

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  • 3 months later...

Diane -

I don't have an answer for you, I just felt compelled to write b/c our story

sounds so familiar. I started at 283 and I had surgery in June of 2000 - so

I am 2 months behind you. I also got down to 135 - but I haven't gained any

back. I float within a 5 lb up or down. I have been very very sick for the

last year or so, with fibromyalgia.I just found out that the root of my

fibromyalgia is 2 viruses - Parvo and Epstein Barr. Now that I am being

treated for that, I expect to feel better within 6-8 weeks. So, I feel so

terrible lately that I haven't been eating. I am interested to know if I

will gain weight once I feel normal again ?

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  • 1 month later...

Hi Diane

Thanks so much for the links. I tried doing a search on the internet

last night for info in our County but sometimes those government sites

are hard to find. I'll check those links out.


RE: Update - Unclaimed Package?

Go to small claims. If you win, the sheriff has the authority to


property to pay off what they owe you. Or, if you know where they bank,


sheriff can pay you out of that.

My info is 20 years out of date, here are a couple of links that can







" Never say 'can't' when there's a 'How About This' still to be tried! "

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, if it's all in the attitude.....my attitude sucks right now!! :>)

RE: Any shadows???


I live on LI, maybe it's a bit easier here, to be optimistic. On the


hand, it's really a choice to look forward, to watch spring moving


us, rather than focus on the last of the winter. If you see everything

around you as even a distant sign of spring, then spring will seem to


much faster. It's all attitude!



" Never say 'can't' when there's a 'How About This' still to be tried! "

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I'm sorry to hear that ! Did I at least get you to smile? Everyone

around me thinks my take on this is pretty funny, though some are coming

around to my way of thinking. I was shocked the other day when my

daughter seriously told me that she could smell spring in the air, and she

lives in NH! Hmmmmm... I wonder what kind of reaction I can get out of her


Did I get you to smile this time? Huh? Huh? Did I?



" Never say 'can't' when there's a 'How About This' still to be tried! "

RE: Any shadows???


I live on LI, maybe it's a bit easier here, to be optimistic. On the


hand, it's really a choice to look forward, to watch spring moving


us, rather than focus on the last of the winter. If you see everything

around you as even a distant sign of spring, then spring will seem to


much faster. It's all attitude!



" Never say 'can't' when there's a 'How About This' still to be tried! "

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Oh, you got me to smile alright. I was just being facetious because I

hate winter so much. Whenever my husband and I complain about winter we

always remind ourselves that at least we aren't fighting 2 feet of snow

this year. Our signs for Spring are when we look out the kitchen window

and can start seeing the pool cover appear from underneath the snow.

Can't see it yet. :<(

RE: Diane

I'm sorry to hear that ! Did I at least get you to smile? Everyone

around me thinks my take on this is pretty funny, though some are coming

around to my way of thinking. I was shocked the other day when my

daughter seriously told me that she could smell spring in the air, and


lives in NH! Hmmmmm... I wonder what kind of reaction I can get out of



Did I get you to smile this time? Huh? Huh? Did I?



" Never say 'can't' when there's a 'How About This' still to be tried! "

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This might help when you do have 2 feet of snow:

Snowmen fall from heaven unassembled.



RE: Diane

I'm sorry to hear that ! Did I at least get you to smile? Everyone

around me thinks my take on this is pretty funny, though some are coming

around to my way of thinking. I was shocked the other day when my

daughter seriously told me that she could smell spring in the air, and


lives in NH! Hmmmmm... I wonder what kind of reaction I can get out of



Did I get you to smile this time? Huh? Huh? Did I?



" Never say 'can't' when there's a 'How About This' still to be tried! "

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  • 1 month later...
Guest guest

Oh, yeah! We have proof -- we have pictures of our Dick the Darling. Check him out on our photo site.


Faith is the ability to not panic.

-----Original Message-----From: Diane Wilkinson [mailto:funkycaucasian@...] Sent: Friday, March 25, 2005 1:39 PMHepatitis CSupportGroupForDummies Subject: Re: Re: My Treatment Diary/My Lab Tracker


I am glad to hear that testing is routine at VA facilities. Also, I have no doubt that you are a very good looking grandfather :)


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  • 7 months later...


You're absolutely right. I've seen that, too. You stand there and

scratch your head. The government was the one that stepped up and

insisted that the stores post these " price comparison " signs. Now I

think the government should step back up and make them all use uniform

measurements for the type of container they're in.

Re: bigger is cheaper

Here's a better one: cost per pound and cost per quart. Unless you can

weigh products, or know their specific gravity, there IS no way to

compare prices! You can get close, but you can't get a good comparison.



" Never say 'can't' when there's a 'How About This' still to be tried! "

Ask me about our sister company for website development, accepting

credit cards, and other Internet services

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I agree! What say we all call our state reps and NYS consumer affairs

and tell them how we feel.



" Never say 'can't' when there's a 'How About This' still to be tried! "

Ask me about our sister company for website development, accepting credit cards,

and other Internet services

Murray wrote:




>You're absolutely right. I've seen that, too. You stand there and

>scratch your head. The government was the one that stepped up and

>insisted that the stores post these " price comparison " signs. Now I

>think the government should step back up and make them all use uniform

>measurements for the type of container they're in.





> Re: bigger is cheaper



>Here's a better one: cost per pound and cost per quart. Unless you can

>weigh products, or know their specific gravity, there IS no way to

>compare prices! You can get close, but you can't get a good comparison.





> " Never say 'can't' when there's a 'How About This' still to be tried! "


>Ask me about our sister company for website development, accepting

>credit cards, and other Internet services





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In a message dated 10/30/2005 11:59:17 PM Eastern Standard Time,

discuss@... writes:

I agree! What say we all call our state reps and NYS consumer affairs

and tell them how we feel.


Now, that's a campaign I can get involved with.


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  • 2 years later...


I am still trying to catch up on the list here as we were away for a while and

after responding to your post on IVIG, have found and read your introductory

post... you sound like an amazing mom and Maggie sounds like an amazing child.

I pray that the IVIG does its job and helps get her immune system back on track

so she quits getting these serious infections and can begin the Enbrel.

Anyway, a very late welcome to this wonderful group of parents.

(, 17, poly, cvid, migraines)

Diane Wiederholt <hockeytough@...> wrote:


We are keeping our fingers crossed. It initially

was supposed to be more for immune purposes.

She is fighting off yet another infection only

this one is bigger than the Pseudomonas bacteria that

seems to like to take up residenency in her lungs and

even kidneys, she has Active Disseminated

Histoplasmosis which is a fungal infection in her

bloodstream apparently from bird droppings that are

found in the soil in this parts of the Midwest. (never

heard of it before now!)

Her Rheumatologist was hoping though that she

would get some relief for her Arthritis as well. I

hope she is right!

They have her on a pretty hefty dose right now, but

maybe the shots would be something she could go to in

the future as well!

My fingers are crossed!!

Thank you!

Diane and Maggie age 10 (OI,CP,inflammatory

arthritis, poly JIA, Uveitis)

--- nancy barnes <nancyb315@...> wrote:

> Diane,


> My daughter has been on IVIG (switched to subQ

> application 18 months ago) but for cvid, a Primary

> Immune Deficiency. It has not helped with her

> arthritis, but obviously it must be beneficial for

> some, or it would not be an accepted therapy for

> arthritis.


> I do hope it is of great benefit for Maggie!!


> (, 17, poly, cvid, migraines)


> Diane Wiederholt <hockeytough@...> wrote:

> Good Evening Everyone,

> I guess this message would be for anyone who could

> give me any information on the benefits of IVIg

> infusions for arthritis.

> Maggie had her first infusion this last Tuesday,

> they are using this for two reasons.,First for a

> disease modifier and second to help with

> inflammation.

> I understood the first one but was thrown a bit by

> the

> second. It would be awesome if this works for both

> but

> I have never heard of anyone using it for

> arthritis.

> Have any of you or your children had success with

> IVIg for inflammation?

> If so how long did it take before you noticed a

> change?

> We seem to be learning something new every day!!


> Diane and Maggie 10 (OI,CP,Inflammatory

> Arthritis,Polyarticular JIA,Uveitis)





> Never miss a thing. Make your home page.

> http://www./r/hs







> ---------------------------------

> Never miss a thing. Make your homepage.


> [Non-text portions of this message have been

> removed]




Be a better friend, newshound, and

know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now.



Never miss a thing. Make your homepage.

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  • 4 weeks later...
Guest guest

Hi Diane,

Welcome to the group!

I'm ne (AKA Geo or ). I have AIH and am currently experiencing a

rise in my liver profile. You can find me in Broomfield, CO my tele # is

303.429.7365. Currently I am owned by an umbrella cockatoo or u2. His name is

SunE, he posts frequently.

So pinch you nose and jump in feet first.

Love and Peace

Geo and SunE </HTML>

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  • 6 months later...

Would you two please take this conversation off-line?

On Sun, Sep 21, 2008 at 11:34 PM, Rapid Recovery Hyperbarics <

hyperbaric1@...> wrote:

> Diane, Listen me, please listen to me well. Look beyond the box you are

> sitting in.

> No one is beyond learning, not you, nor I. This is not just another

> internet argument between soft and hard chamber owners. This my friend is

> real. go to the college of oceaneering, or long beach memorial hospital,

> take the basic courses in pressure vessels and beginning HBOT.

> Learn all that you can about the all the aspects of HBOT. safety

> underpressure, any pressure.

> I am not going away, I mean this with all my heart. First off I want to

> apologize for calling you a fool and a idiot. I want to invite you to call

> me, ( off the list) 909-889-7626 collect if you like. At least let me mail

> you a full packet of information. Heck, I'll buy you the book, read absorb

> it. allow what you learn help and protect the people that you sell soft

> chambers to.

> Now I mean this from the bottom of my heart. You will not be able to live

> with yourself if something happens to someone whom you sold a chamber to.


> I stand by my word. call me, write me, send me your address!

> hyperbaric1@... <hyperbaric1%40earthlink.net>

> [ ] Re: HBOT Recommendations


> >I didn't answer those questions because none of those issues apply to

> > portable chambers. Those issues only apply to hard chambers.

> >

> > Diane

> >

> >

> > ------------------------------------

> >

> > " So I say to you: Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will

> find;

> > knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives;


> > he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened. "

> [Luke

> > 11: 9-10]

> > ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

> >

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HBOT safety is not off-topic on this forum, but is in fact very much on-topic.

Conflict resolution is also not off-topic but is very much on-topic.

Conflict resolution, particularly in debates, sharpens our advocacy skills as we

fight for our children.

If disagreements and conflicts are disagreeable to you, then God bless you and

your child. Unfortunately, for the rest of us, we have all had to fight for

everything our children get--despite laws that are etched in stone that

guarantee the rights of our disabled children--whether it's the Americans with

Disabilities Act, EPSDT, or special education laws.

If you are so adverse to conflicts, you might re-consider your own worthiness to

participate on this forum, as you don't know what a conflict is until you've

gone through a battle with Medicaid to get extra oxygen for your oxygen-deprived



Re: [ ] Diane


>Would you two please take this conversation off-line?








>On Sun, Sep 21, 2008 at 11:34 PM, Rapid Recovery Hyperbarics <

>hyperbaric1@...> wrote:


>> Diane, Listen me, please listen to me well. Look beyond the box you are

>> sitting in.

>> No one is beyond learning, not you, nor I. This is not just another

>> internet argument between soft and hard chamber owners. This my friend is

>> real. go to the college of oceaneering, or long beach memorial hospital,

>> take the basic courses in pressure vessels and beginning HBOT.

>> Learn all that you can about the all the aspects of HBOT. safety

>> underpressure, any pressure.

>> I am not going away, I mean this with all my heart. First off I want to

>> apologize for calling you a fool and a idiot. I want to invite you to call

>> me, ( off the list) 909-889-7626 collect if you like. At least let me mail

>> you a full packet of information. Heck, I'll buy you the book, read absorb

>> it. allow what you learn help and protect the people that you sell soft

>> chambers to.

>> Now I mean this from the bottom of my heart. You will not be able to live

>> with yourself if something happens to someone whom you sold a chamber to.


>> I stand by my word. call me, write me, send me your address!

>> hyperbaric1@... <hyperbaric1%40earthlink.net>

>> [ ] Re: HBOT Recommendations


>> >I didn't answer those questions because none of those issues apply to

>> > portable chambers. Those issues only apply to hard chambers.

>> >

>> > Diane

>> >

>> >

>> > ------------------------------------

>> >

>> > " So I say to you: Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will

>> find;

>> > knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives;


>> > he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened. "

>> [Luke

>> > 11: 9-10]

>> > ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

>> >

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Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

Re: [ ] Diane


>Would you two please take this conversation off-line?








>On Sun, Sep 21, 2008 at 11:34 PM, Rapid Recovery Hyperbarics <

>hyperbaric1@...> wrote:


>> Diane, Listen me, please listen to me well. Look beyond the box you are

>> sitting in.

>> No one is beyond learning, not you, nor I. This is not just another

>> internet argument between soft and hard chamber owners. This my friend is

>> real. go to the college of oceaneering, or long beach memorial hospital,

>> take the basic courses in pressure vessels and beginning HBOT.

>> Learn all that you can about the all the aspects of HBOT. safety

>> underpressure, any pressure.

>> I am not going away, I mean this with all my heart. First off I want to

>> apologize for calling you a fool and a idiot. I want to invite you to call

>> me, ( off the list) 909-889-7626 collect if you like. At least let me mail

>> you a full packet of information. Heck, I'll buy you the book, read absorb

>> it. allow what you learn help and protect the people that you sell soft

>> chambers to.

>> Now I mean this from the bottom of my heart. You will not be able to live

>> with yourself if something happens to someone whom you sold a chamber to.


>> I stand by my word. call me, write me, send me your address!

>> hyperbaric1@... <hyperbaric1%40earthlink.net>

>> [ ] Re: HBOT Recommendations


>> >I didn't answer those questions because none of those issues apply to

>> > portable chambers. Those issues only apply to hard chambers.

>> >

>> > Diane

>> >

>> >

>> > ------------------------------------

>> >

>> > " So I say to you: Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will

>> find;

>> > knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives;


>> > he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened. "

>> [Luke

>> > 11: 9-10]

>> > ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

>> >

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  • 3 weeks later...

My dearest Sister! I'm surprised honey! I thought you had gotten

that report all ready. So when do you go to the pulmonary doc? I

wish you lived closer to me, I'd go with you. Please let me know how

you're doing, if you need anything, if Chuck needs anything. I'll be

praying for you darling.

Take care and be well. I'm off to Temple.


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