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Re: Digest Number 156

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Hi Kelley and everyone! i don't write much, just mainly listen to what

evyone else says, but when you mentioned your daughter having pain in

her neck, I thought of my son. He complains of the same thing and I

just always thought it was the way he slept. Sometimes it doesnt bother

him, but other times it will hurt for hours. He is 6 yrs old. I also

have news for others that I have talked to (, Kat, Amy,etc.), who

know the trouble I have been having getting my son on SSI. i appealed

and our date to go in front of the judge is March 7, so wish us luck.


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  • 2 months later...
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Hi, Everyone.............Congratulations, Donna. Hope you and DH had a nice

evening. Gail.......glad you and Seth are better.

Maureen.........can I get an hour or 2 of your free time for a visit?!?!?

Kayte.......... is like Gareth. He cannot stand

movies or theaters.............way too loud. He is also scared to death of

swimming. He loves taking baths and kiddy pools to wade in, but nothing

more. He's got such a death grip around your neck if you try to take him in

deeper water. OK........need some med advice.

Gareth's Luvox is wearing off and raising it only makes him angry and

agitated. Zyprexa, Zoloft, and Prozac don't work for his OCD. Anyone try

any other drugs for OCD? What is this Buspar? Is that for OCD or just

anxiety? OCD.........obscessive/compulsive disorder.

About the schooling issue and placement. We decided to put Gareth in an LD

(Learning Disabled) class. They are usually only 8-10 kids and each child is

taught according to their IEP and independent levels. A lot of the kids in

these classes are 'normal' kids who just can't 'get it' with school. They

have scattered levels of skills in math, reading, writing, etc. Gareth will

eat lunch and do music and PE with his regular class. If you don't want your

child dropped off in regular classes and forgotten, resource room is too

hard, or placed in a life skill setting, perhaps you can ask your district

about an LD class. The thing I like about the LD class is that it promotes

academics, not life skills. They cannot tell you an MR child can't be

placed in these classes. That is illegal and discriminating.

Loriann......... sounds like Gareth academically. He's

reading/comprehension is higher than Math. He also learned cursive in 3rd

grade through OT.........his therapist was very pleased with herself!!!

This got kinda long tonight. Can you tell I'm on my own!!!!

Take care, everyone. Margaret

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In a message dated 5/7/00 3:03:58 PM Pacific Daylight Time,

egroups writes:

<< What kind of dose is on and for how long? Has the doc recommended

increasing the dose?



is on .50mg at bedtime and another .50mg in the am before

school.......he DID sleep better and earlier at the beginning, but it seems

to have worn off, like every other damned drug we've been trying for the last

year.....doc will NOT increase dose....says we have to try BM

therapy.....'s next appt. is this Tues.....honestly don't think that will

help him to calm down...maybe other behaviors, but not for calming him

down......we'll see.....calling the ins. co. tomorrow for more doctor

referrals......this one's for the birds.......

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> is on .50mg at bedtime and another .50mg in the am before

> school.......he DID sleep better and earlier at the beginning, but

> it seems

> to have worn off, like every other damned drug we've been trying for

> the last

> year.....doc will NOT increase dose....says we have to try BM

> therapy.....'s next appt. is this Tues.....honestly don't think

> that will

> help him to calm down...maybe other behaviors, but not for calming

> him

> down......we'll see.....calling the ins. co. tomorrow for more

> doctor

> referrals......this one's for the birds.......




Have you looked into possible food allergies causing behavioral problems.

We discovered that Matt is allergic to red food dye. Docs have told me I

am crazy, they dont' actually cause hyperactivity, but I am here to tell

you that within 10 minutes of anything with red food dye, he is

litterally bouncing himself off a wall. He is dangerous. Plus he gets a

red face rash. (As a toddler, I thought it was due to drooling!) Red is

one of the more common allergens in the food dye range, and eliminating

it has helped alot. Just a thought.




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In a message dated 5/7/00 7:00:41 PM Central Daylight Time, mfroof@...


<< Maureen.........can I get an hour or 2 of your free time for a visit?!?!?


Margaret -- ABSOLUTELY! Just waiting 'till 's out of her cast - 9 more


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I wonder if the adderall could be the reason is not experiencing a good

result from Risperdal. I know that , who was diagnosed with ADHD also,

did not do well on adderall. Although it did help her to focus, we found out

later that it had been making her behavior problems worse. When we took her

off adderall, she calmed down so much. Then we put her on Risperdal a few

weeks later and saw even more improvement. I don't know if the adderall is

's problem, but eliminating it for a trial period might be worth a try.

This was just 's experience, but I thought I'd share. Good luck!


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  • 6 months later...

Thanks so much, Patty, I will relay this information to my friend. I

think it will at the very least, let her know that she isn't alone as

far as getting shunned by the Tucson rheumatologists. It's such ashame

that there isn't a dr there and that we still have so much trouble

finding medical care even after all of this time and all of the reports

of poor health from implanted women. I hope she will have some luck

with the drs you recommended. Thanks again,



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  • 10 months later...


come here no snow till march!!! It will be 60 in dec and jan.

I found out that my diabetes is called insulin-resistant, my body

produces enough insulin,but, my cells won't let it in. Also i'm on watch

for ketoacidosis, hep c related hyperglycemia is goin to be a pain. I've

started on avandia but it can take up to 3 months to work. I have

research this form of diabetes and its scary! Please all of you get

checked out if you haven't yet. Also interferon and diabetes aren't very

safe together. Accordng to my research i wil have to go on insulin

during it.

But please have your drs check, mine came on due to the flu i had, and

it hits fast


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Sounds good to me. We usually have it piled up pretty

high by then. Sorry to hear of you diabetes troubles.

I'm finding out that having hepatitis is just half the

story. We seem very susceptible to complications from

other illnesses, or side effects from the tx. Is the

diabetes related to hcv? or are we just more

susceptible to it? Thanks for the warning, and I will

pray for a speedy recovery for you. -dz-

--- WTM4@... wrote:

> dz

> come here no snow till march!!! It will be 60 in

> dec and jan.

> I found out that my diabetes is called

> insulin-resistant, my body

> produces enough insulin,but, my cells won't let it

> in. Also i'm on watch

> for ketoacidosis, hep c related hyperglycemia is

> goin to be a pain. I've

> started on avandia but it can take up to 3 months to

> work. I have

> research this form of diabetes and its scary! Please

> all of you get

> checked out if you haven't yet. Also interferon and

> diabetes aren't very

> safe together. Accordng to my research i wil have to

> go on insulin

> during it.

> But please have your drs check, mine came on due to

> the flu i had, and

> it hits fast

> Terri




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Hi Terri

Sorry about your Diabetes. They check mine about every 1 or 2 months. It

usually runs in the 70's. The last time I was at the clinic the nurse wished

that her glucose was that low.

Re: [ ] Digest Number 156

> dz

> come here no snow till march!!! It will be 60 in dec and jan.

> I found out that my diabetes is called insulin-resistant, my body

> produces enough insulin,but, my cells won't let it in. Also i'm on watch

> for ketoacidosis, hep c related hyperglycemia is goin to be a pain. I've

> started on avandia but it can take up to 3 months to work. I have

> research this form of diabetes and its scary! Please all of you get

> checked out if you haven't yet. Also interferon and diabetes aren't very

> safe together. Accordng to my research i wil have to go on insulin

> during it.

> But please have your drs check, mine came on due to the flu i had, and

> it hits fast

> Terri





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  • 9 months later...

Sandy....speaking of waiting....I found out I had hep c last Dec...saw the

liver doctor in Feb, had the biopsy in March...from March till June my liver

doctor and primary doctor argued back and forth about the proper way of

getting the medication for me.....then someone from this group told me about

the list and I called and got stuff going...then called my doctor and told

them what I had done...they said...oh really.....heck a person could die

just waiting for them to learn to communicate....I don't like to wait

either...if we haqve to do the treatment...I want to get on with


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Sandy....speaking of waiting....I found out I had hep c last Dec...saw the

liver doctor in Feb, had the biopsy in March...from March till June my liver

doctor and primary doctor argued back and forth about the proper way of

getting the medication for me.....then someone from this group told me about

the list and I called and got stuff going...then called my doctor and told

them what I had done...they said...oh really.....heck a person could die

just waiting for them to learn to communicate....I don't like to wait

either...if we haqve to do the treatment...I want to get on with


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  • 1 month later...

>I am also VERY tired all of the time. I used to be able to go on 6-7

hours of sleep without a problem. Now, even with 8 hours I still feel

tired & run down.

I find that if I watch more than 3 hours of television at night I get tired

the next day. I have to watch my emotional stress levels as well, which

means restricting social activity. Avoiding grains have helped eliminate

much of my tiredness. Do you take vitamins? I've found that since taking a

multivitamin daily I have more energy.

Asthma makes you very tired. It makes the muscles less able to work too.

Having to breathe consciously is very tiring.

>I too am feeling tired more than what I think is normal. I learned that

>I am also anemic, so this may be part of the problem. Now they want me

>to take three iron pills a day. Just what I need, more medicines!

You could eat more red meat instead, unless your a vegetarian. I did this

and noticed an immediate effect on my level of tiredness - this was after

15 days of heavy menstrual bleeding though, an abnormal condition for me.

Feeling tired and run down can definitely be attributed to diet - I find a

quick fix is eating mostly raw food. Too much meat can be exhausting too.

DIgestion takes a lot of energy.

The Snow white email is a virus that seems to circulate every few months.

It's been around for ages. I get it regularly. Don't ever open attachments

you are not expecting, even from friends or family. I got three viruses

yesterday, one that is so new it ain't on the virus scans yet, but I bet it

is now. I use Eudora, as it doesn't open emails or attachments

automatically. I never open attachments where the file has several

extensions eg beverley.doc.pdf.gif - that's a dead giveaway you're looking

at a worm or virus.

all the best,


Author of " The Chimaera Conspiracy " , new Australian YA action-packed sci-fi

mystery novel. http://chimaera.topcities.com available from


" Getting Started with Homeschooling " and " Learning in the Absence of

Education " available from


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  • 2 months later...

Hi, Lorian...How much time do you have? As a child I had the spine fused at Shriner's Hosp. in Ma. They didn't put any rods or hardware in, just did the fusions. I had 32 years without pain and did anything and everything I wanted, which may not have been such a good idea. But I was told that my back was stronger than a normal person's. When the pain started in 1992 it was mostly in my upper back, neck and head. I would get such terrible headaches that I would be sick. I finally went to Boston and saw Dr. . He said I was all at the wrong angle and that one of the fusions had let go. In 1994 he operated - just from the posterior - changed the position of the curve, fixed the broken down fusions (there turned out to be 3) and took out the back of 6 ribs on the right side to get rid of some of the hump. That was horrible surgery because I had such poor nursing care at New England Baptist. My husband had to do most of the care. There were a lot of complaints from patients and their families at this time and the next time I went back things were a lot better. I did all right for a little over a year, then the pain became back with a vengeance. I could not get Dr. Right to pay attention to me so I finally switched doctors and went to Dr. Rand. In 1997 he redid the surgery because he felt the angle still was not right and there was one fusion that would not heal because the hooks weren't placed in the right direction. He did posterior and anterior surgery and I was in ICU for 5 days. He also continued the fusion right down to the sacrum and put bolts across the sacrum for support. These bolts caused a lot of pain and in 1998 he removed them. All the tests and scans I had done before the surgery showed that all the fusions were healed. I was only home 2 days before one of them broke. It wasn't healed enough. I have never had such pain as that in the lower back. I couldn't even move my right leg. To go to the bathroom I had to have my husband hold that leg up and still it hurt enough to make me cry. So in 1999 Dr. Rand had to redo the whole thing, front and back. Directly after this surgery is when my SI joints started hurting but I thought it was just a result of the surgery so let it go until the pain started going to my head. It's hard to imagine that the SI joint could cause pain up into the head but that's what proved to be the cause. In 2000 Dr. Rand fused the SI joints and put loooong bolts across to prevent them from moving so the fusions could heal. After the surgery he told me that he was able to move my whole pelvis because the joints were completely gone. Unfortunately one of the bolts came loose so the fusions could not heal and in 2001 he redid the surgery and put 2 bolts in each side, made the fusions larger and used steel instead of titanium because he said the steel would be stronger. He also had me wear a bone stimulator 4 hours a day for 9 months to help the bone to heal. About your question about how long did it take for the SI joints to go bad, I suspect that they started in 1992 but didn't get bad enough to be able to make an accurate diagnosis until the end of 1999. But even in 1997 my primary care physician would give me injections in that area intermittently. I think I am running out of space so will close but if I can answer any more questions please let me know. from the very cold state of Maine.

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What were your symptoms as related to SI joint problems?

And, if you would share, whereabouts in Maine do you live? My husband's

family is from Maine, and I absolutely love the state, feel like I must have

lived there in a previous life.




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  • 1 year later...


You should never be embarrased by your workout if you did do one. Not every day

can be high intensity...which is actually good for your body. I do the walk at

home tapes here and there when I just want to zone out or I'm tired but still

want to get some exercise in. I've been REALLY busy at work bexcause of a

conference we are hosting this weekend...so my workouts have been kind of

lackluster. Although yesterday I did try a live Jazzercise class and loved

it....maybe because there were 50+ people but the instructor still fawned over

me a bit. Love that. I also did a that CIA kickboxing tape FINALLY (need too

much room for it..grrrr). However, today's workout was walking three miles so I

could go to the bank and deposit a check. Tomorrow and Saturday will be no

workout days as I will be working from 8-9 with no lunch or anything. :-(

I still have three new yoga/pilates tapes I have yet to view....I need more


I'll be back on in a couple of days! Take care everyone!




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