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Ringworm is a fungus so it's no wonder the abx didn't work. Ozonated

olive oil does though :)

Nail fungus responds to colloidal silver and DMSO, and a bunch of

other things.

You still have a lot of carbs in your diet (rye oats potatoes); they

will slow you down considerably and possibly prevent recovery and

they may be causing the consipation, one symptom of dysbiosis. More p

[syllium, inulin, and if the constipation is very bad, a dose of

epsom salts.

Salt is fine but please make it NOT table salt for general health




> Hello,


> This is my first time in treating my candidiasis. I've had a


> of nail fungal infections in the past and now have ring worm that

> was resistant to antibiotics, so now am trying the natural route.

> Minus bloating that comes from yogurt and milk, I have not noticed

> too many physical symptoms from my previous diet, but do know I


> felt better when I've stuck to more natural foods.


> Currently, I have taken out of my diet: wheat, gluten, sugar (of


> kinds), fruit, dairy, coffee and caffeine, alcohol, and soda. My

> diet now consists of meat and poultry, vege's (including potatoes),

> legumes, rice (including pasta and cakes), rye, oatmeal, and

> cammomile and rosehip tea.


> I have also started taking borage oil, EPA, Capryl, Bentonite, and

> Psyllium powder.


> A few questions:


> 1. I have been constipated since I started the supplements and


> have been before in my life. Is this common and what may be the

> reason(s)? I'm curious about the effects of the Psyllium and

> Bentonite.

> 2. What about salt? Does that exacerbate candida? I haven't

> removed that?

> 3. What about rye and potatoes?


> Any input would be greatly appreciated :) Thanking you in advance


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Thank you for your response. One more question, re: the epsom salts (which I

have and have not used yet) do you mean to take as a laxative?

Thank you, Lulu

Duncan Crow <duncancrow@...> wrote:

Ringworm is a fungus so it's no wonder the abx didn't work. Ozonated

olive oil does though :)

Nail fungus responds to colloidal silver and DMSO, and a bunch of

other things.

You still have a lot of carbs in your diet (rye oats potatoes); they

will slow you down considerably and possibly prevent recovery and

they may be causing the consipation, one symptom of dysbiosis. More p

[syllium, inulin, and if the constipation is very bad, a dose of

epsom salts.

Salt is fine but please make it NOT table salt for general health




> Hello,


> This is my first time in treating my candidiasis. I've had a


> of nail fungal infections in the past and now have ring worm that

> was resistant to antibiotics, so now am trying the natural route.

> Minus bloating that comes from yogurt and milk, I have not noticed

> too many physical symptoms from my previous diet, but do know I


> felt better when I've stuck to more natural foods.


> Currently, I have taken out of my diet: wheat, gluten, sugar (of


> kinds), fruit, dairy, coffee and caffeine, alcohol, and soda. My

> diet now consists of meat and poultry, vege's (including potatoes),

> legumes, rice (including pasta and cakes), rye, oatmeal, and

> cammomile and rosehip tea.


> I have also started taking borage oil, EPA, Capryl, Bentonite, and

> Psyllium powder.


> A few questions:


> 1. I have been constipated since I started the supplements and


> have been before in my life. Is this common and what may be the

> reason(s)? I'm curious about the effects of the Psyllium and

> Bentonite.

> 2. What about salt? Does that exacerbate candida? I haven't

> removed that?

> 3. What about rye and potatoes?


> Any input would be greatly appreciated :) Thanking you in advance


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Right , epsom salts is a laxative; it also relaxes the hepatic

ducts and bile duct to allow liver and gallstones to pass more

easily; it's part of the liver/gallbladder flush for that reason.


> >

> > Hello,

> >

> > This is my first time in treating my candidiasis. I've had a

> number

> > of nail fungal infections in the past and now have ring worm that

> > was resistant to antibiotics, so now am trying the natural route.

> > Minus bloating that comes from yogurt and milk, I have not


> > too many physical symptoms from my previous diet, but do know I

> have

> > felt better when I've stuck to more natural foods.

> >

> > Currently, I have taken out of my diet: wheat, gluten, sugar (of

> all

> > kinds), fruit, dairy, coffee and caffeine, alcohol, and soda. My

> > diet now consists of meat and poultry, vege's (including


> > legumes, rice (including pasta and cakes), rye, oatmeal, and

> > cammomile and rosehip tea.

> >

> > I have also started taking borage oil, EPA, Capryl, Bentonite,


> > Psyllium powder.

> >

> > A few questions:

> >

> > 1. I have been constipated since I started the supplements and

> never

> > have been before in my life. Is this common and what may be the

> > reason(s)? I'm curious about the effects of the Psyllium and

> > Bentonite.

> > 2. What about salt? Does that exacerbate candida? I haven't

> > removed that?

> > 3. What about rye and potatoes?

> >

> > Any input would be greatly appreciated :) Thanking you in advance

> >








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Oh Duncan, I love all this stuff you write. I'm learning so much from reading

your posts and saving them all.


Re: New Member

Right , epsom salts is a laxative; it also relaxes the hepatic

ducts and bile duct to allow liver and gallstones to pass more

easily; it's part of the liver/gallbladder flush for that reason.


> >

> > Hello,

> >

> > This is my first time in treating my candidiasis. I've had a

> number

> > of nail fungal infections in the past and now have ring worm that

> > was resistant to antibiotics, so now am trying the natural route.

> > Minus bloating that comes from yogurt and milk, I have not


> > too many physical symptoms from my previous diet, but do know I

> have

> > felt better when I've stuck to more natural foods.

> >

> > Currently, I have taken out of my diet: wheat, gluten, sugar (of

> all

> > kinds), fruit, dairy, coffee and caffeine, alcohol, and soda. My

> > diet now consists of meat and poultry, vege's (including


> > legumes, rice (including pasta and cakes), rye, oatmeal, and

> > cammomile and rosehip tea.

> >

> > I have also started taking borage oil, EPA, Capryl, Bentonite,


> > Psyllium powder.

> >

> > A few questions:

> >

> > 1. I have been constipated since I started the supplements and

> never

> > have been before in my life. Is this common and what may be the

> > reason(s)? I'm curious about the effects of the Psyllium and

> > Bentonite.

> > 2. What about salt? Does that exacerbate candida? I haven't

> > removed that?

> > 3. What about rye and potatoes?

> >

> > Any input would be greatly appreciated :) Thanking you in advance

> >








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Hi everyone,

I am new to the group - I did try to mail you all before but my message

failed as it was not sent in plain text.

Anyway if you care to scroll down you will see my own details and my reasons

for joining. I very much appreciate all your help and advice.

Duncan - firstly thank you very much for your earlier feedback which is very

exciting to me. I have a few more specific questions I would appreciate

yours or others feedback on,

1) as previously, we are thinking seriously of going full steam ahead with

the BED diet for our son, Inulin does play a part in the diet and I will be

sure to add this in - given that my four year old son is eating a lot of

high inuline veg. as part of his anti-candida diet - what dosing should we

be thinking about (12-15 grams??) - could you have a look at the BED diet

inulin product (Ecobloom - see https://shop.bodyecology.com/ ), and give me

your feedback on same, seems very similar to the NOW Inulin product

2) while I'm asking about inulin - still a bit confused about FOS - the Now

GR-8 probiotic you mention seems to contain FOS - we have been very careful

to avoid probiotics containing FOS - so is the FOS in the GR-8 product

strictly Inulin or is it ok to use and why so?

3) we did a CDSA (stool analysis) with Great Smokies lab back in August 2005

on my then almost 3 year old son and it showed up dysbiosis - i.e. No growth

for Lactobacillus and more significantly from all you say No growth for

Bifidobacterium -- we have been dosing with probiotics on and off for many

months now (e.g. a lot from Klaires Lab prothera range) at dosages of about

100 bn cfu's daily - what do you think of this - would you suggest we just

supplement with the inulin while keeping at least some bifido. probiotics

going - i.e. the inulin should kick start new growth and take care of the

everything else

4) the attraction of the BED was that we can give the Inulin and indeed the

whey, both of which are recommended on the diet (what do you think of the

undenatured product, see

https://shop.bodyecology.com/prodinfo.asp?number=WW004 - again seems to fit

your recommendations fully) while also introducing the probiotic fermented

foods (cultured vegetables, coconut water kefir using Vita CoCo product, raw

butter, good animal based proteins).

5) Regarding the grains (seeds really) allowed on the BED, we are currently

giving quinoa, buckwheat, millet and flax seeds - should we stop these

altogether - are veg. carbs the only carbs allowed

6) finally could you give a brief summary of the general diet we should be

following to support the Inulin, Whey and Selenium protocol - right now we

would seem to have plenty of all the ok veg, have started making and using

cultured veg. (i.e. sauerkraut) also, quality eggs, fish, chicken and some

lean red meat, some of the right type of olive oil, and just today some

pumpkin seed oil, some coconut oil for sauteeing, some butter, and then of

course the grains which we give as simple water only added porridge.

Apologies for the length of the mail but am very anxious to get on the right

path as soon as possible so would really appreciate any feebback,

Thanks very much,

From: Duncan Crow <duncancrow@...>

Quinlan <mkldc@...>

Subject: Re: FW: New member

Date: Sun, 11 Feb 2007 17:15:29 -0800

>Hi ,


>You CAN get enough inulin from the diet, but this entails using

>the high-inulin foods as staples foods, which most people can not

>do. Several high-inulin foods are in the chart on my inulin page:

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Hi ,

For a four-year-old I think one tsp four times daily, about 6 grams

daily should be about right; going higher presents no hazard at all.

The Ecobloom inulin is 3x the price of the Now inulin but otherwise

the same thing. The Body Ecology site writers aren't too bright. the

description calls it " fructooleosaccharides " ; there's no such thing.

Each capsule of GR8 Dophilus contains 8 billion organisms so there's

little room left for FOS, less than the natural amount present in a

tbsp of native inulin. This isn't enough to materially contribute to

the program either way. FOS ferments more quickly, fermenting more

in the proximal colon, and causing more discomfort in humans, but

there is no reason for caution. You wouldn't want to use FOS instead

of inulin at 12 grams per day though.

100 bn cfus daily is a fine starter culter proposal but without the

inulin you haven't made lactobacilli and bifidobacteria a viable part

of the ecology. Yes, continue with it and adding the inulin will

start to make a difference.

The RenewPro whey is a good product but I note it's 6 times the price

of the equivalent,

Source Naturals' True whey http://tinyurl.com/2w8koq

and 13 times the price of the

Jarrow Whey http://tinyurl.com/yj8nop

The price may deter your use of 30 grams or so per person.

Quinoa buckweat millet and flax on the Body Ecology diet are high-

carbohydrate foods. As you guessed I would suggest avoiding them.

A brief summary is to avoid carbohydrate intake, use lots of low-

carb, high-fiber veggies and whey protein, probiotics, inulin, a

mineral supplement, selenium, vitamin C, E, D, A, and cod-liver or

wild fish EPA/DHA oil.


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Hi Duncan,

Thanks for that clear advice. Only starting out with the inulin and whey but

cost, as always is a factor and I will bear the significant price

differences in mind when ordering future supplies.

We are living in Ireland and regularly get stuff from the States and Canada.

I'm assuming I can order the Now products from your referenced sites and

that even after shipping costs the price would still be as good as there is

out there.

Thanks again for all the advice.

>From: " Duncan Crow " <duncancrow@...>



>Subject: Re: FW: New member

>Date: Thu, 15 Feb 2007 16:56:41 -0000


>Hi ,

>For a four-year-old I think one tsp four times daily, about 6 grams

>daily should be about right; going higher presents no hazard at all.


>The Ecobloom inulin is 3x the price of the Now inulin but otherwise

>the same thing. The Body Ecology site writers aren't too bright. the

>description calls it " fructooleosaccharides " ; there's no such thing.

>Each capsule of GR8 Dophilus contains 8 billion organisms so there's

>little room left for FOS, less than the natural amount present in a

>tbsp of native inulin. This isn't enough to materially contribute to

>the program either way. FOS ferments more quickly, fermenting more

>in the proximal colon, and causing more discomfort in humans, but

>there is no reason for caution. You wouldn't want to use FOS instead

>of inulin at 12 grams per day though.


>100 bn cfus daily is a fine starter culter proposal but without the

>inulin you haven't made lactobacilli and bifidobacteria a viable part

>of the ecology. Yes, continue with it and adding the inulin will

>start to make a difference.


>The RenewPro whey is a good product but I note it's 6 times the price

>of the equivalent,

>Source Naturals' True whey http://tinyurl.com/2w8koq

>and 13 times the price of the

>Jarrow Whey http://tinyurl.com/yj8nop


>The price may deter your use of 30 grams or so per person.


>Quinoa buckweat millet and flax on the Body Ecology diet are high-

>carbohydrate foods. As you guessed I would suggest avoiding them.


>A brief summary is to avoid carbohydrate intake, use lots of low-

>carb, high-fiber veggies and whey protein, probiotics, inulin, a

>mineral supplement, selenium, vitamin C, E, D, A, and cod-liver or

>wild fish EPA/DHA oil.





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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Will,

The foundaton of our bowel health therapy is inulin, high vegetables,

reasonable protein and saturated fat, low-carbing, undenatured whey

and selenium.

In your case especially the bowel lining can be glutathione-depleted,

so the undenatured whey and selenium could help a lot.

If you react at first to the inital gas from the inulin, bear with

it; all it's doing is correcting a bad bowel ecology and that takes

several days or so.

Several people have told me that their bopwel has been better in ten

days to a month than in the previous ten years. You'kll probably see

a lot of comments along those lines from people on this list too.



> As a member of the CrohnsColitis group, I see a lot of cross

> messaging with this group so I thought I would check it out. One of

> your members (Bonnie) also suggested I give it a shot.


> Here's my story, the short version:


> I'm a male in my 50's with a history of Crohn's Disease since my

> teens. I've had 8 abdomonal surgeries including 3 bowel resections

> which left me with about 1/3 or less of my small intestine & about

> 60% of my colon. My last surgery was in 1994 but my Crohn's


> which was quiescent for 12 years, came back with a vengence in 2006.


> For most of my adult life I have had frequent bouts of severe

> diarrhea. So much so, that a day with only 3-5 bowel movements is a

> great day for me! Some days it gets up to 15-20 BM's a day. Those


> baaad days!


> Even when my Crohn's disease was inactive, I still had frequent

> diarrhea which I always attributed to Short Bowel Syndrome. But

> recently, I've been reading messages on group boards and I've


> thinking there might be more to it. And there might be something to

> probiotics.


> I certainly qualify as a newbie in this field but I have an open


> & I'm willing to listen & learn. Comments appreciated.


> Will


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Will, have you read Patient Heal Thyself by Jordan S. Rubin, N.M.D. Ph.D.? It's

a very informative book, and you may find some real help in his experience. I've

been reading it again, in regard to candidiasis, and have found it quite

interesting. His story and pictures are very dramatic!!!


Will <xrman55@...> wrote:

As a member of the CrohnsColitis group, I see a lot of cross

messaging with this group so I thought I would check it out. One of

your members (Bonnie) also suggested I give it a shot.

Here's my story, the short version:

I'm a male in my 50's with a history of Crohn's Disease since my

teens. I've had 8 abdomonal surgeries including 3 bowel resections

which left me with about 1/3 or less of my small intestine & about

60% of my colon. My last surgery was in 1994 but my Crohn's Disease,

which was quiescent for 12 years, came back with a vengence in 2006.

For most of my adult life I have had frequent bouts of severe

diarrhea. So much so, that a day with only 3-5 bowel movements is a

great day for me! Some days it gets up to 15-20 BM's a day. Those are

baaad days!

Even when my Crohn's disease was inactive, I still had frequent

diarrhea which I always attributed to Short Bowel Syndrome. But

recently, I've been reading messages on group boards and I've started

thinking there might be more to it. And there might be something to


I certainly qualify as a newbie in this field but I have an open mind

& I'm willing to listen & learn. Comments appreciated.



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Many people as well as Gastroenterology journal raise issues with the

use of soil bacteria and bacteria associated with cancer (bacillus

licheniformis) in a probiotic such as the one Jordan Rubin designed.

A lot can be accomplished with bacteria that are normal for the human



> As a member of the CrohnsColitis group, I see a lot of


> messaging with this group so I thought I would check it out. One of

> your members (Bonnie) also suggested I give it a shot.


> Here's my story, the short version:


> I'm a male in my 50's with a history of Crohn's Disease since my

> teens. I've had 8 abdomonal surgeries including 3 bowel resections

> which left me with about 1/3 or less of my small intestine & about

> 60% of my colon. My last surgery was in 1994 but my Crohn's


> which was quiescent for 12 years, came back with a vengence in 2006.


> For most of my adult life I have had frequent bouts of severe

> diarrhea. So much so, that a day with only 3-5 bowel movements is a

> great day for me! Some days it gets up to 15-20 BM's a day. Those


> baaad days!


> Even when my Crohn's disease was inactive, I still had frequent

> diarrhea which I always attributed to Short Bowel Syndrome. But

> recently, I've been reading messages on group boards and I've


> thinking there might be more to it. And there might be something to

> probiotics.


> I certainly qualify as a newbie in this field but I have an open


> & I'm willing to listen & learn. Comments appreciated.


> Will








> ---------------------------------

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Hi Duncan,

I respect and agree with many of your posts, but have to chime in with

my experience re: Primal Defense. I've taken PD now for the last five

years or so and I am a SIX year cancer survivor. And I have had no


Best regards,


> > As a member of the CrohnsColitis group, I see a lot of

> cross

> > messaging with this group so I thought I would check it out. One of

> > your members (Bonnie) also suggested I give it a shot.

> >

> > Here's my story, the short version:

> >

> > I'm a male in my 50's with a history of Crohn's Disease since my

> > teens. I've had 8 abdomonal surgeries including 3 bowel resections

> > which left me with about 1/3 or less of my small intestine & about

> > 60% of my colon. My last surgery was in 1994 but my Crohn's

> Disease,

> > which was quiescent for 12 years, came back with a vengence in 2006.

> >

> > For most of my adult life I have had frequent bouts of severe

> > diarrhea. So much so, that a day with only 3-5 bowel movements is a

> > great day for me! Some days it gets up to 15-20 BM's a day. Those

> are

> > baaad days!

> >

> > Even when my Crohn's disease was inactive, I still had frequent

> > diarrhea which I always attributed to Short Bowel Syndrome. But

> > recently, I've been reading messages on group boards and I've

> started

> > thinking there might be more to it. And there might be something to

> > probiotics.

> >

> > I certainly qualify as a newbie in this field but I have an open

> mind

> > & I'm willing to listen & learn. Comments appreciated.

> >

> > Will

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > ---------------------------------

> > The fish are biting.

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> >

> >

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Hi allison,

congratulations on your six years!

I was just diagnosed in nov 06 had surgery and now am

going thru chemo.

Do you think the PD helped you with the cancer? I

tried threelac and did not have good results although

i was not sure why. I beleive my body was trying to

shed something foreign, which was the cancer while i

was on the threelac. This was made me aware of

something is not right here.

ANy suggestions would be appreciated.





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Alison, it was actually the presence in Primal Defense of the

bacillus associated with cancer that affected my sensibilities more

than the rest of the soil bacteria; I note that a similar concern

might well appeal to others. The soil-based organism blend from Now

Foods which does not contain the cancer organism bacillus

licheniformis or its extracts, might resonate with people with this

similar view.


Speaking of resonance, note that in the Rife forums, this particular

bacteria is directly targeted in the cancer frequency sets.


> > > As a member of the CrohnsColitis group, I see a lot


> > cross

> > > messaging with this group so I thought I would check it out.

One of

> > > your members (Bonnie) also suggested I give it a shot.

> > >

> > > Here's my story, the short version:

> > >

> > > I'm a male in my 50's with a history of Crohn's Disease since


> > > teens. I've had 8 abdomonal surgeries including 3 bowel


> > > which left me with about 1/3 or less of my small intestine &


> > > 60% of my colon. My last surgery was in 1994 but my Crohn's

> > Disease,

> > > which was quiescent for 12 years, came back with a vengence in


> > >

> > > For most of my adult life I have had frequent bouts of severe

> > > diarrhea. So much so, that a day with only 3-5 bowel movements

is a

> > > great day for me! Some days it gets up to 15-20 BM's a day.


> > are

> > > baaad days!

> > >

> > > Even when my Crohn's disease was inactive, I still had frequent

> > > diarrhea which I always attributed to Short Bowel Syndrome. But

> > > recently, I've been reading messages on group boards and I've

> > started

> > > thinking there might be more to it. And there might be

something to

> > > probiotics.

> > >

> > > I certainly qualify as a newbie in this field but I have an


> > mind

> > > & I'm willing to listen & learn. Comments appreciated.

> > >

> > > Will

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > ---------------------------------

> > > The fish are biting.

> > > Get more visitors on your site using Search Marketing.

> > >

> > >

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Hi sue,

Best wishes for a VERY speedy recovery! Hope the chemo goes well.

If you ever find you'd like an alternative, check out herbhealers.com

and also bevanpotter.com. Herbhealers has been shut down by the US

Gov't--they offer a cancer treatment that works, is cheap, and comes

with a 100% money back guarantee. That says it all. I took their

Cansema Tonic for 18 months at a slightly reduced dose since I am

quite sensitive, and it killed the internal cancer.

If you need to order something for the cancer, you can still do so

through bevanpotter--the Cansema and other lines of things featuring

graviola work quite well and at this point I'll say I was recommended

to try these over chemo, as my immune system was already in shut-down

from the Candida when I was diagnosed with big C.

The PD I take specifically for my gut problems, and it has really made

the difference. My gut--and I--are much healthier with no recurrence

of cancer at all (internal or external).

All the best,

Alison :-)



> Hi allison,


> congratulations on your six years!


> I was just diagnosed in nov 06 had surgery and now am

> going thru chemo.


> Do you think the PD helped you with the cancer? I

> tried threelac and did not have good results although

> i was not sure why. I beleive my body was trying to

> shed something foreign, which was the cancer while i

> was on the threelac. This was made me aware of

> something is not right here.


> ANy suggestions would be appreciated.




> Love

> Sue









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Hi Duncan,

Thanks for your $.02. I can only speak from experience. Everyone's

different. But I've had a grand old time on Primal Defense. It has

made a real difference for me!

Alison :-)

> > > > As a member of the CrohnsColitis group, I see a lot

> of

> > > cross

> > > > messaging with this group so I thought I would check it out.

> One of

> > > > your members (Bonnie) also suggested I give it a shot.

> > > >

> > > > Here's my story, the short version:

> > > >

> > > > I'm a male in my 50's with a history of Crohn's Disease since

> my

> > > > teens. I've had 8 abdomonal surgeries including 3 bowel

> resections

> > > > which left me with about 1/3 or less of my small intestine &

> about

> > > > 60% of my colon. My last surgery was in 1994 but my Crohn's

> > > Disease,

> > > > which was quiescent for 12 years, came back with a vengence in

> 2006.

> > > >

> > > > For most of my adult life I have had frequent bouts of severe

> > > > diarrhea. So much so, that a day with only 3-5 bowel movements

> is a

> > > > great day for me! Some days it gets up to 15-20 BM's a day.

> Those

> > > are

> > > > baaad days!

> > > >

> > > > Even when my Crohn's disease was inactive, I still had frequent

> > > > diarrhea which I always attributed to Short Bowel Syndrome. But

> > > > recently, I've been reading messages on group boards and I've

> > > started

> > > > thinking there might be more to it. And there might be

> something to

> > > > probiotics.

> > > >

> > > > I certainly qualify as a newbie in this field but I have an

> open

> > > mind

> > > > & I'm willing to listen & learn. Comments appreciated.

> > > >

> > > > Will

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > ---------------------------------

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest guest


I suggest you go to the files in the group and read Duncan's suggestions.

A lot of info is on his website (search for Duncan Crow)

I and many others have had major improvements taking Undenatured whey powder,


and Selenium.



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  • 2 months later...
Guest guest

-My 6 yr. old son has had seizures since he was a baby. About a year

ago his seizures were worse than they'd ever been and nothing (almost

every medication and combinations of meds, ketogenic diet, VNS) was

controlling the seizures. We started hyperbaric oxygen treatments and

his condition greatly improved. He still has seizures, but not nearly

as often or as many as he did, and he's on much less medication. We

have done 60 dives and plan to do more. you might look into it.

best wishes.


-- In , " josephine7962 "

<medicalmissionary@...> wrote:


> just wondering if anyone has had any luck with alternative therapy?


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  • 1 month later...
Guest guest

" My son, age 44 has been diagnosed with PBC. Am I at the right place? "

you are very welcome here; there are people with PBC here as well as with

autoimmune hepatitis.

You can also go to this website, http://pbcers.org/, for more PBC-specific

information. The PBC Digest website is

http://pbcers.org/digest.htm, and there is also a wonderful group for

Family Members and Friends Of PBCers:

JOIN the Family & Friends (Leave text box of e-mail blank)

Our support group listbot is a wonderful source of help and support for family

members and friends of those who suffer from Primary Biliary Cirrhosis (PBC).

Please NO PBCers in this group.

In the PBCers Family Members and Friends Support Group we:

a.. Openly discusses the ups and downs of our PBC family member or friend.

b.. Learn more about caring for our PBCer.

c.. Learn more about PBC the disease and it's many symptoms.

d.. Help our PBCer cope with depression and daily living.

e.. Ask questions of the other members.

f.. Share personal experiences.

g.. Help one another cope with our own fears and insecurities of PBC.

h.. Build lasting friendships.

Kay_TX, AIH 1995 and AMA negative PBC, 1999, stage 2

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Welcome to the group. Kay probably has told you we're pretty diverse group

(a bag of mixed nuts).

I'm ne AKA SunE Birds Mom, or Geo. I'm the old lady of the

group. I have AIH stage 3 and despite everything doing not so bad. I live in

Broomfield Co. just out side Denver.

I have 2 grown sons 40 and 35 and I'm 60. SunE is an Umbrella Cockatoo, my

only child at home currently.

I must go now the big mouth is screaming,

Love and Peace,

Geo and SunE

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  • 1 month later...

In answer to --I too was dx for AIH at the Center for Liver Disease in

Pittsburg. I became very ill in 8/03--extreme fatigue, jaundice, nausea

etc..Was admitted to local hospital in upstate NY where I live and had every


you mentioned and then some but was released with no dx. My hep had me in

for blood work for two months and finally said we know your liver is failing

but don't know why so can't help you and suggested Pittsburg. My daughter

(whose name is also ) contacted Pittsburg through their web-site, made


appt., gathered up all my medical records and we flew to Pittsburg. I was

very impressed with the hep. He did a little more blood work and said I had

AIH. He said it's a chronic disease but can be controlled " you will feel

better but it will take a long time. " He was right on both counts. I was put


20 mg of prednisone--had blood work done weekly and faxed to Pittsburg. By

January I was feeling somewhat better and my liver tests were improving. He

gradually tapered the pred to 5mg and added 50mg of azathioprine. To answer

your question, you will get a lot of your energy back I am sure and willsoon

feel a lot better. I have had a few flares and my main complaint is the side

effects of going up and down on the pred. The people on this website are

great and a real morale booster as well as having useful info. One thing that


have never seen mentioned that almost did me in was sleep deprivation.

Don't know what your liver has to do with it but I was exhausted and could not

sleep day or night and this was before I was on any meds. My PCP gave me some

sleep meds and it really helped although I still have a problem with it.

wishing you good health soon.Beulah

************************************** Get a sneak peek of the all-new AOL at


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Hi and welcome. I was diagnosed with AIH in 1996 at UPMC in the DDC. My

doctor was Dr. Balan and he has since left.

I also went through a lot of test before getting the dx of AIH. By that time

my numbers were in the thousands and they weren't very hopeful for me.

I have been on Prednisone on and off for the last 11yrs. I am right now on a

tapering dose and am at 30 mg. I also take Imuran and am taking100mg daily. I

will stay on this for maybe forever according to my G.I. Everytime I come off

the meds I relapse.

The prednisone causes different reactions in different people. Some get real

jittery and hyper,can't sit still and can't sleep.

At the time of my original dx I also was very tired and slept all the time. It

was hard for me to even make the bed. As time went on and I improved so did my

energy levels. I still quite often need to take a nap and get worn out easier

than I used to.

As I said we all react differently to the medicines we are on so I can only

tell you how I did. I am sure others will tell you their stories. I also have

gained over a 100lbs and am now being checked for type 2 diabetis.

I will be glad to answer any questions you have if I can.

I hope you feel better soon.

the WV hillbilly

nancymerlin <nmerlin@...> wrote:

Hello to all,

My name is and I am new to the group. I was just dx in March

after two months of tests--80 vials of blood, ultrasound, doplar,

MRI, CT and biopsy. In January by liver enzyme count was 700 and was

over 1300 before I had a DX. (normal under 30) Two different paths

read the biopsy and could not come up with a dx. I started with an

endocrinologist who first did the test. I was dx with diabetes in

November during a pre-op for gallbladder surgery. Liver was good in

November. Next, sent to a GI who sent me to the Center for Liver

Disease in Pittsburgh, PA. All the tests were coming back normal. I

was in Europe for three weeks in Oct and they were even testing me

for parasites from Eastern Europe!! That's how far they were

stretching for a DX. My liver count was still going up 100 to 200 a


Finally the hep said he would look at the path slides himself. He

knew what markers he was looking for. AIH was confirmed and he

started me on 30 pred and 50 imuran in March 07. I am down to 10

pred and 50 imuran now. Hope to start lowering pred later this month.

I would like to know how you feel now after you have been on the meds

for awhile. What symptoms of the disease to you still have.

I still get tired. My good time is 11 am to 3 pm. I do go to work

during that time. I come home, rest, prepare dinner, rest, and

mayabe do a load of laundry.

Shopping makes me very tired. I do not like to drive far or after 7

at night. Sometimes just taking a shower just wears me out. Are

these normal? Will my energy level every come back to normal?

Has anyone in this group been treated at the Center for Liver Disease

in Pittsburgh, PA?

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  • 4 weeks later...

-Hi anne and welcome.My name is a and my daughter Jordan was

diagnosed 10 months ago with Systemic.We went through many months of

not knowing what was wrong as we continued back and forth trips to the


Jordan as of now is only on Kineret, a daily injection.Awonder drug

for us.The Dr.s want to start her on methotrexate so that there is

something in place if the Kineret stops working.We have to wait to see

the specialist for her Liver first before we start.

I understand the alone feeling but I can tell you this is a great

place to come when you are feeling alone and afraid. I have had some

great advice given me on here when I had nowhere else to turn.

Once again, welcome.


-- In , " jzngsmama " <davemarejz@...> wrote:


> ~I posted but don't see my message so I will try again. hello! I am


> Mom of a three year old systemic jra diagnosed son... feeling lost


> very very alone! Look forward to chatting with someone.

> ann


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  • 3 weeks later...

I have not tried that diet but i think it would be worth a try. I am at

Cleveland Clinic with Hannah as we speak, they are doing a multitude of

tests on her and one I have requested is a blood test for celiac disease. I

have a friend who had nonspecific tendon and joint pain for many years. She

had the celiac disease test done and it was positive. She went on the gluten

free diet and is pain free after 3 weeks. She said she is not said at all to

give up wheat if she feels good. Just my thoughts. - Martha

>From: " dwsmom1996 " <dwsmom1996@...>



>Subject: [ ] New Member

>Date: Fri, 28 Sep 2007 20:31:55 -0000




> Hello All,


> I just joined the group and have a question. I have a 6 year old boy

>who is Autistic and has ab seizures and on meds for it. After reading

>some posts I wanted to ask if anyone goes to a Alternative Med doctor.

>I take my kids to one and when I told him my son was having ab seizures

>he said to do the gf/cf diet and eliminate sugar as well until we see

>him again. Has anyone ever tried it? I asked why and he said the sugar

>is causing the seizures. I'm just looking for advice and not to upset





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I would strongly encourage you to try gluten/casein and soy free[soy

is a protein much like casein]. My 22 year old pdd-nos daughter has

dealt with seizures since age 9. Meds did little for her. The

ketogenic diet helped but I could not get family cooperation for it.

She went through a celiac work up at age 11 - positive blood work

but her biopsy was 'negative' so the advice was to eat as usual. At

age 16 I came across the diet link through Seroussi's and '

books. She has been a good responder. She still will seize, usually

8-12 hours after she eats an offending food, of she gets any of

above. Summer 2006 at camp they used a gluten containing sunscreen

on her and she came home with lots of withdrawal seizures. When we

began the gfcfsf pattern it was like dt withdrawals. She several

days of multiple seizures. I was very scared. After day 5 the

seizures were gone. We had a lot of sorting out to do to get her

diet pure. Even tegretol, her med at the time, had a unlisted casein

component. Chocolate, peanut, and some other foods will put her

close to seizures. The gut and brain are quite related imo. Have you

read Dr. McCandless' book - 'Children with Starving Brains'? She's a

big advocate of gfcfsf.

, " dwsmom1996 " <dwsmom1996@...> wrote:




> Hello All,


> I just joined the group and have a question. I have a 6 year old


> who is Autistic and has ab seizures and on meds for it. After


> some posts I wanted to ask if anyone goes to a Alternative Med


> I take my kids to one and when I told him my son was having ab


> he said to do the gf/cf diet and eliminate sugar as well until we


> him again. Has anyone ever tried it? I asked why and he said the


> is causing the seizures. I'm just looking for advice and not to


> anyone.


> Kathy


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