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Hi ,

I hope it works for you. I know my life has changed - I'm actually

able now to go out and do things. I didn't realize how virtually

housebound I had become. Basically, I only went out for dr appts.,

the library and groceries and would be completely exhausted by the

time I got home.

Now I've been out a lot more than I used to - actually am struggling

to decide if I want to go to a friend's holiday party or a friend's

concert we have tickets for on the same night. Normally, I would

dread the thought of going to either.

Let us know how you make out.

Happy Holidays!

Sandy C.


> Thanks Sandy


> I went back to my Rhumy and he gave me 225 mg



> Thanks


> in Montreal



> ---------------------------------

> Be smarter than spam. See how smart SpamGuard is at giving junk

email the boot with the All-new



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I have been on Lyrica for about 6 mos. I also have Fibromyalgia but started

taking it for nerve pain in my left lower leg due to a fall down the stairs in

January which we could find no other reason and even Vicoden was just

temporarily relieving it for a few hours. I did get all the side effects,

starting on 75 mg once a day, to twice a day, upping to 150 mg twice a day. Due

to the nature of the pain, and after putting up with it for 6 mos., it had

become quite debilitating so I was willing to put up with the side effects and

am now doing ok. I take it at 6 am, set my alarm and take it at bedside and

then go back to sleep for several hours. I take it again at 6 pm and then go to

bed. It was making me quite drowsy and dizzy but now even with 50 mg benadryl,

it takes me 2-3 hours to get sleepy so I am assuming that the side effects have

worn off. Try working up to 150 mg, 2/day, for a few weeks before giving up.

It is really worth it if it works, I would not give it up now!!

Hugs, Michele - Nana & DayCare provider to

Twins is and , 18 mos., Zachary, 3 yrs.,

Ethan, 7 yrs., and Tony, 11 yrs.

----- Original Message -----

From: " nlraccount " Sent: Saturday, December 29, 2007 12:17 AM

> I was recently diagnosed with Fibromyalgia and the beginnings of

> Rheumatoid Arthritis. I'm only 39, but I have been asking Dr.'s for

> several years, why am I so tired? Why do I feel like I worked out

> when only doing minimal stuff? Why does my neck and back always

> hurt? Why am I swelling? I felt like a 90 year old wrapped up in a

> younger person. I switched family doctors and found one that is

> smart, and listens to the patient. He referred me to a Rheumatologist.

> The Rheumatologist I went to wanted me to start on Lyrica, 150 mg

> 1xday, then 2xday after 2 weeks. I'm on day 8, and so far nothing. I

> haven't had much dizziness or problems with my vision, which are the

> common side effects. I guess it takes around 300mg a day before any

> pain relief is experienced. Has anyone tried it? Has anyone had any

> pain relief from Lyrica?

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I AM GOING TO SAY I HAVE TRIED IT TWICE. ALTHOUGH IT WORKED FOR ME, I WAS ALLERGIC TO IT. I WANTED TO TRY A SECOND TIME JUST TO BE SURE IT WASN'T ME HAVING A REACTION TO SHELL FISH... IT WAS THE LYRICA. DRATS! I REALLY CAN SAY I HAD NO PAIN THE SHORT TIME I WAS ON IT THE FIRST TIME.nlraccount <nlraccount@...> wrote: I was recently diagnosed with Fibromyalgia and the beginnings of Rheumatoid Arthritis. I'm only 39, but I have been asking Dr.'s for several years, why am I so tired? Why do I feel like I worked out when only doing

minimal stuff? Why does my neck and back always hurt? Why am I swelling? I felt like a 90 year old wrapped up in a younger person. I switched family doctors and found one that is smart, and listens to the patient. He referred me to a Rheumatologist.The Rheumatologist I went to wanted me to start on Lyrica, 150 mg 1xday, then 2xday after 2 weeks. I'm on day 8, and so far nothing. I haven't had much dizziness or problems with my vision, which are the common side effects. I guess it takes around 300mg a day before any pain relief is experienced. Has anyone tried it? Has anyone had any pain relief from Lyrica?

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HI i had horroilble experiencve on lyrica lost har almost killed me I was recently diagnosed with Fibromyalgia and the beginnings of > Rheumatoid Arthritis. I'm only 39, but I have been asking Dr.'s for > several years, why am I so tired? Why do I feel like I worked out > when only doing minimal stuff? Why does my neck and back always > hurt? Why am I swelling? I felt like a 90 year old wrapped up in a > younger person. I switched family doctors and found one that is > smart, and listens to the patient. He referred me to a Rheumatologist.> The Rheumatologist I went to wanted me to start on Lyrica, 150 mg > 1xday, then 2xday after 2 weeks. I'm on day 8, and so far nothing. I > haven't had much dizziness or problems with my vision, which are the > common side effects. I guess it takes around 300mg a day before any > pain relief is experienced. Has anyone tried it? Has anyone had any > pain relief from Lyrica?>

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I took Lyrica before it was approved for FM for nerve pain that I

have in my hands from osteoarthritis. I noticed it helped some but

found it too expensive to purchase. I asked my Dr. if there was an

older, similar drug and he gave me Neurotin. I do notice some help

with the pain of FM but not all of my pain.


> I was recently diagnosed with Fibromyalgia and the beginnings of

> Rheumatoid Arthritis. I'm only 39, but I have been asking Dr.'s for

> several years, why am I so tired? Why do I feel like I worked out

> when only doing minimal stuff? Why does my neck and back always

> hurt? Why am I swelling? I felt like a 90 year old wrapped up in a

> younger person. I switched family doctors and found one that is

> smart, and listens to the patient. He referred me to a


> The Rheumatologist I went to wanted me to start on Lyrica, 150


> 1xday, then 2xday after 2 weeks. I'm on day 8, and so far nothing.


> haven't had much dizziness or problems with my vision, which are the

> common side effects. I guess it takes around 300mg a day before any

> pain relief is experienced. Has anyone tried it? Has anyone had any

> pain relief from Lyrica?


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I have had pain relief from Lyrica. I've been taking it for about 3 months now. And like you, I have been fortunate to have not experienced any unpleasant side effects.



I was recently diagnosed with Fibromyalgia and the beginnings of Rheumatoid Arthritis. I'm only 39, but I have been asking Dr.'s for several years, why am I so tired? Why do I feel like I worked out when only doing minimal stuff? Why does my neck and back always hurt? Why am I swelling? I felt like a 90 year old wrapped up in a younger person. I switched family doctors and found one that is smart, and listens to the patient. He referred me to a Rheumatologist.The Rheumatologist I went to wanted me to start on Lyrica, 150 mg 1xday, then 2xday after 2 weeks. I'm on day 8, and so far nothing. I haven't had much dizziness or problems with my vision, which are the common side effects. I guess it takes around 300mg a day before any pain relief is experienced. Has anyone tried it? Has anyone had any pain relief from Lyrica?

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Hello - I'm new here so I'm just jumping in! I am and I am in Phx Arizona. I have been diagnosed with both Fibromyalgia and Neuropathy. I am on 300 mg/day of Lyrica and have had pretty good pain relief. He thinks I will need to get to 500 or 600 for max relief but we are taking the dosage increases very very slowly. I have had side effects but the higher the dosage, the less they last with each increase. I've been on it since the end of August and have just increased to 300mg. in PhxPam Horne <pmarshall@...> wrote: I have had pain relief from Lyrica. I've been taking it for about 3 months now. And like you, I have been fortunate to have not experienced any

unpleasant side effects. Pam

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Hi I am on lyrica i take 450 mg a day and that is the max my doctor will allow for me. it helps tremendously and some minor side affects that disappeared after time. shelly in AZ <oriana_az@...> wrote: Hello - I'm new here so I'm just jumping in! I am and I am in Phx Arizona. I have been diagnosed with both Fibromyalgia and Neuropathy. I am on 300 mg/day of Lyrica and have had pretty good pain relief. He thinks I will need to get to 500 or 600 for max relief but we are taking the dosage

increases very very slowly. I have had side effects but the higher the dosage, the less they last with each increase. I've been on it since the end of August and have just increased to 300mg. in PhxPam Horne <pmarshallnc (DOT) rr.com> wrote: I have had pain relief from Lyrica. I've been taking it for about 3 months now. And like you, I have been fortunate to have not experienced any unpleasant side effects. Pam Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Search.

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I have taken Lyrica before also and I did notice a little difference only because it maded me sleep all the time, I have also taken Neurontin and was up to 1800 mg a day and still never noticed a difference so now I am on Darvocets and they seem to be helping but I have to take them on time otherwise I feel terrible. I work at a Docs office and we have a new dr who is Holistic and she is going to help me swirch over from the pain meds to an Holistic way of doing things so I will let you all know if it helps


On Dec 29, 2007 8:20 AM, teresalinger <linger01@...> wrote:

I took Lyrica before it was approved for FM for nerve pain that Ihave in my hands from osteoarthritis. I noticed it helped some but

found it too expensive to purchase. I asked my Dr. if there was anolder, similar drug and he gave me Neurotin. I do notice some helpwith the pain of FM but not all of my pain.>> I was recently diagnosed with Fibromyalgia and the beginnings of> Rheumatoid Arthritis. I'm only 39, but I have been asking Dr.'s for

> several years, why am I so tired? Why do I feel like I worked out> when only doing minimal stuff? Why does my neck and back always> hurt? Why am I swelling? I felt like a 90 year old wrapped up in a

> younger person. I switched family doctors and found one that is> smart, and listens to the patient. He referred me to aRheumatologist.> The Rheumatologist I went to wanted me to start on Lyrica, 150

mg> 1xday, then 2xday after 2 weeks. I'm on day 8, and so far nothing.I> haven't had much dizziness or problems with my vision, which are the> common side effects. I guess it takes around 300mg a day before any

> pain relief is experienced. Has anyone tried it? Has anyone had any> pain relief from Lyrica?>

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I've been taking Lyrica for almost two years, and it's funny how different

people's reactions

are to it. I can only take a small dose, as more than three 75 milligram

capsules interfere with

my sleep, but I get some pain relief.

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Hi - Lyrica can decrease glutamate, but not necessarily gaba, from

what I've read. Lyrica is not necessarily an update on neurontin,

but just a different form, as neurontin's patent was running out.

They do affect the same set of neurotransmitters, but at different

levels. Sort of like different SSRIs.

Weight gain and edema seem to be the main complaints of people,

although there is a whole lists of other possible side effects, but

that's true of about every neurological drug. Some people have few

side effects from it. It can be of great help with pain in some

people, and also anxiety and sleep. On the other hand, if you have

problems with it, it might be worth trying neurontin, as some people

claim neurontin doesn't have the amount of side effects as lyrica

does. - Mark

> > >

> > > Hey Mark,

> > > I haven't posted for awhile. I am now taking 150 mg of Lyrica

> twice

> > a

> > > day. It relieves my head symptoms, but doesn't seem to be


> > > anything. The neuro. wants me to take it for a year. I went to

> > China

> > > in early Dec. and got some herbs that are supposed to improve

> blood

> > > circulation. I haven't started taking them yet because I am

> taking

> > > some herbs to loose weight first. I have lost 13 lbs but also

> doing

> > > NutriSystem, so don't know if the herbs are good for anything

> > except

> > > to empty your pockets.

> > >

> > > Any thoughts on the Lyrica and why it clears symptoms but isn't

> > curing

> > > the underlying problem?

> > >

> > > a Carnes

> > >


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Hi a,

Interesting that the Lyrica is relieving your head symptoms, as almost all the

people I've

spoken to or read about who are taking it experience a worsening of brain fog --


extreme, so they have to quit the drug. Like Mark says, some are doing okay on


My two cents on why it clears some symptoms isn't curing the underlying problem


because it probably doesn't address the underlying problem...just the symptoms

of high

glutamate toxicity...and not WHY is the glutamate so high.

I had an amino acid profile done years ago which showed my glutamate to by high,


the inhibitory or calming aminos like glycine and taurine (which both help detox

the liver

by the way) were very low. Your post reminded me I should get back on them.

In fact, taurine might be a good alternative...just a guess though. It does

help lower

glutamate excitotoxicity...


....as does manganese and b-6...from what I've read.

Not a doctor, just my two cents.



> Hey Mark,

> I haven't posted for awhile. I am now taking 150 mg of Lyrica twice a

> day. It relieves my head symptoms, but doesn't seem to be fixing

> anything. The neuro. wants me to take it for a year. I went to China

> in early Dec. and got some herbs that are supposed to improve blood

> circulation. I haven't started taking them yet because I am taking

> some herbs to loose weight first. I have lost 13 lbs but also doing

> NutriSystem, so don't know if the herbs are good for anything except

> to empty your pockets.


> Any thoughts on the Lyrica and why it clears symptoms but isn't curing

> the underlying problem?


> a Carnes

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Dan and Mark,

I feel " better " on Lyrica like someone with major surgery feels

better on pain killers. The Lyrica relieves the awful 18 month head

pressure. I still have a constant stiff neck. The brain confusion is

worse on Lyrica but I feel spacey enough that I don't care.

I haven't gained weight. In fact I've been doing NutriSystem and lost

12 pounds so far. I also am walking a lot even though I don't feel

like walking.

I don't know what is going on with me the past 19 months.



> Hi a,


> Interesting that the Lyrica is relieving your head symptoms, as

almost all the people I've

> spoken to or read about who are taking it experience a worsening of

brain fog -- usually

> extreme, so they have to quit the drug. Like Mark says, some are

doing okay on it.


> My two cents on why it clears some symptoms isn't curing the

underlying problem is

> because it probably doesn't address the underlying problem...just

the symptoms of high

> glutamate toxicity...and not WHY is the glutamate so high.


> I had an amino acid profile done years ago which showed my

glutamate to by high, while

> the inhibitory or calming aminos like glycine and taurine (which

both help detox the liver

> by the way) were very low. Your post reminded me I should get back

on them.


> In fact, taurine might be a good alternative...just a guess

though. It does help lower

> glutamate excitotoxicity...


> http://www.cababstractsplus.org/google/abstract.asp?AcNo=20053113242


> ...as does manganese and b-6...from what I've read.


> Not a doctor, just my two cents.


> Dan






> >

> > Hey Mark,

> > I haven't posted for awhile. I am now taking 150 mg of Lyrica

twice a

> > day. It relieves my head symptoms, but doesn't seem to be fixing

> > anything. The neuro. wants me to take it for a year. I went to


> > in early Dec. and got some herbs that are supposed to improve


> > circulation. I haven't started taking them yet because I am


> > some herbs to loose weight first. I have lost 13 lbs but also


> > NutriSystem, so don't know if the herbs are good for anything


> > to empty your pockets.

> >

> > Any thoughts on the Lyrica and why it clears symptoms but isn't


> > the underlying problem?

> >

> > a Carnes


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a you might wish to check your blood pressure drop. Laying ws standing.if

drops upon standing you are low in cortisol.



Re: Lyrica

Dan and Mark,

I feel " better " on Lyrica like someone with major surgery feels

better on pain killers. The Lyrica relieves the awful 18 month head

pressure. I still have a constant stiff neck. The brain confusion is

worse on Lyrica but I feel spacey enough that I don't care.

I haven't gained weight. In fact I've been doing NutriSystem and lost

12 pounds so far. I also am walking a lot even though I don't feel

like walking.

I don't know what is going on with me the past 19 months.



> Hi a,


> Interesting that the Lyrica is relieving your head symptoms, as

almost all the people I've

> spoken to or read about who are taking it experience a worsening of

brain fog -- usually

> extreme, so they have to quit the drug. Like Mark says, some are

doing okay on it.


> My two cents on why it clears some symptoms isn't curing the

underlying problem is

> because it probably doesn't address the underlying problem...just

the symptoms of high

> glutamate toxicity...and not WHY is the glutamate so high.


> I had an amino acid profile done years ago which showed my

glutamate to by high, while

> the inhibitory or calming aminos like glycine and taurine (which

both help detox the liver

> by the way) were very low. Your post reminded me I should get back

on them.


> In fact, taurine might be a good alternative...just a guess

though. It does help lower

> glutamate excitotoxicity...


> http://www.cababstractsplus.org/google/abstract.asp?AcNo=20053113242


> ...as does manganese and b-6...from what I've read.


> Not a doctor, just my two cents.


> Dan






> >

> > Hey Mark,

> > I haven't posted for awhile. I am now taking 150 mg of Lyrica

twice a

> > day. It relieves my head symptoms, but doesn't seem to be fixing

> > anything. The neuro. wants me to take it for a year. I went to


> > in early Dec. and got some herbs that are supposed to improve


> > circulation. I haven't started taking them yet because I am


> > some herbs to loose weight first. I have lost 13 lbs but also


> > NutriSystem, so don't know if the herbs are good for anything


> > to empty your pockets.

> >

> > Any thoughts on the Lyrica and why it clears symptoms but isn't


> > the underlying problem?

> >

> > a Carnes


This list is intended for patients to share personal experiences with each

other, not to give medical advice. If you are interested in any treatment

discussed here, please consult your doctor.

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Hi - Elevated serum glutamate is supposedly unrelated to brain levels:

" Glutamate concentration in brain interstitial fluid is only a

fraction of that of plasma and is maintained fairly independently of

small fluctuations in plasma concentration. "


Assuming, of course your blood-brain barrier is in working order. :) -



> Hi a,


> Interesting that the Lyrica is relieving your head symptoms, as

almost all the people I've

> spoken to or read about who are taking it experience a worsening of

brain fog -- usually

> extreme, so they have to quit the drug. Like Mark says, some are

doing okay on it.


> My two cents on why it clears some symptoms isn't curing the

underlying problem is

> because it probably doesn't address the underlying problem...just

the symptoms of high

> glutamate toxicity...and not WHY is the glutamate so high.


> I had an amino acid profile done years ago which showed my

glutamate to by high, while

> the inhibitory or calming aminos like glycine and taurine (which

both help detox the liver

> by the way) were very low. Your post reminded me I should get back

on them.


> In fact, taurine might be a good alternative...just a guess

though. It does help lower

> glutamate excitotoxicity...


> http://www.cababstractsplus.org/google/abstract.asp?AcNo=20053113242


> ...as does manganese and b-6...from what I've read.


> Not a doctor, just my two cents.


> Dan



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I've had drops in blood pressure for years, but this is a new symptom.

When I first had a tilt table test my cortisol levels were also

elvatuated that year, and cortisol was normal.

Low blood sugar is playing some role, as I feel better after I eat.



> a you might wish to check your blood pressure drop. Laying ws

standing.if drops upon standing you are low in cortisol.

> bw

> Nil

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Since the football games were boring today, I tried searching for the

symptoms " head pressure " and " stiff neck " . Unfortunately, there are

a lot of people with this problem, and many are also unable to find a

diagnosis. The closest I came to finding one, is that symptoms could

be due to irritation of the occipital nerves. I.e. that's it some

form of occipital neuralgia. On one web page it was claimed that the

head pressure symptom is referred pain from those nerves, that are in

the neck. FWIW, some people have found a lot of help from Cymbalta

for this disorder. I wasn't aware that Cymbalta could be used for

nervous pain. In any event, I hope you can find other remedies that

can be of further help for you. - Mark

> > >

> > > Hey Mark,

> > > I haven't posted for awhile. I am now taking 150 mg of Lyrica

> twice a

> > > day. It relieves my head symptoms, but doesn't seem to be


> > > anything. The neuro. wants me to take it for a year. I went to

> China

> > > in early Dec. and got some herbs that are supposed to improve

> blood

> > > circulation. I haven't started taking them yet because I am

> taking

> > > some herbs to loose weight first. I have lost 13 lbs but also

> doing

> > > NutriSystem, so don't know if the herbs are good for anything

> except

> > > to empty your pockets.

> > >

> > > Any thoughts on the Lyrica and why it clears symptoms but isn't

> curing

> > > the underlying problem?

> > >

> > > a Carnes

> >


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Cranial manipulation via either OMT or CST have helped me with this. No

drugs, both non invasive. mjh

Posted by: " Mark London " _mrl@... _

(mailto:mrl@...?Subject= Re:%20Lyrica) _whoopandado _


Sun Jan 6, 2008 6:52 pm (PST)

Since the football games were boring today, I tried searching for the

symptoms " head pressure " and " stiff neck " . Unfortunately, there are

a lot of people with this problem, and many are also unable to find a

diagnosis. The closest I came to finding one, is that symptoms could

be due to irritation of the occipital nerves. I.e. that's it some

form of occipital neuralgia. On one web page it was claimed that the

head pressure symptom is referred pain from those nerves, that are in

the neck. FWIW, some people have found a lot of help from Cymbalta

for this disorder. I wasn't aware that Cymbalta could be used for

nervous pain. In any event, I hope you can find other remedies that

can be of further help for you. - Mark

**************Start the year off right. Easy ways to stay in shape.


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I have this problem. It started as head pressure and within 3 or 4 years time

frame I think I am now having Cervical dystonia Dirk mentions.My head makes

backward movements(muscle contraction felt at neck) while I am in lying position

and trying to relax. I had this since the last four years and the incidence and

strength of movements are progressively increasing. Lately couple of times I had

it at sitting position. Noticed that massaging the head helps,especially the

bottom part of the scalp.Strangely my head pressure is felt on the left side

only and when this muscle contraction occurs my head always goes mainly

backwards but also slightly towards the right,right side of my face also gets

some muscle contraction.



Re: Lyrica

Since the football games were boring today, I tried searching for the

symptoms " head pressure " and " stiff neck " . Unfortunately, there are

a lot of people with this problem, and many are also unable to find a

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One of the confounding problems is that similar symptoms may have

varying causes. I've been going to a chiropractor for several months

now. It helps for about 2-3 days then gradually creeps back before

the next apointment. My case started with a throat infection that

damaged my vestibular nerves on both sides of my head. My hearing is

fine but my balance has not recovered, and the head pressure, brain

fog and neck stiffness have not cleared up. I've had all the tests

there are, I think. No diagnosis. I've tried months of various

antibiotics with only slight improvement on penicillin and then it

stopped working. I plan to start a Chinese herb for circulation in

another week. I've lost weight - no change.

Maybe I should watch more football and drink a few beers! Thanks,

everyone for ideas. I also am interested in the massage ideas if I

can afford them. At least I would feel good for awhile.



> Hi mjh


> What is omt and cst?

> thanks.

> Nil

> Re: Lyrica



> Cranial manipulation via either OMT or CST have helped me with

this. No

> drugs, both non invasive. mjh






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Hi - Arg, sorry to hear. Looks like neck pain and head pressure can

be associated with inner ear problems. See these discussion threads:



I guess it's good that at least your hearing is still ok. A couple

of years ago my sister unknowingly caught mono from her daughter, so

when she saw a doctor, he assumed she had strep and gave her an

antibiotic. Wrong move when one has mono. She developed a major

full body allergic reaction and ended up in the ER. One of her inner

ears got affected and she had to sleep sitting in a chair for many

weeks because she couldn't take lying down. Her balance is ok now,

but she's lost some hearing in that ear. - Mark


> One of the confounding problems is that similar symptoms may have

> varying causes. I've been going to a chiropractor for several


> now. It helps for about 2-3 days then gradually creeps back before

> the next apointment. My case started with a throat infection that

> damaged my vestibular nerves on both sides of my head. My hearing


> fine but my balance has not recovered, and the head pressure, brain

> fog and neck stiffness have not cleared up. I've had all the tests

> there are, I think. No diagnosis. I've tried months of various

> antibiotics with only slight improvement on penicillin and then it

> stopped working. I plan to start a Chinese herb for circulation in

> another week. I've lost weight - no change.


> Maybe I should watch more football and drink a few beers! Thanks,

> everyone for ideas. I also am interested in the massage ideas if I

> can afford them. At least I would feel good for awhile.


> a



> >

> > Hi mjh

> >

> > What is omt and cst?

> > thanks.

> > Nil

> > Re: Lyrica

> >

> >

> > Cranial manipulation via either OMT or CST have helped me with

> this. No

> > drugs, both non invasive. mjh

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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