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Hi Heidi,

Hello from another former vegetarian! It sounds to me like you're

going way too fast with some of Bee's program. By the second, you

probably shouldn't already be taking raw garlic. Also, there is no

point in taking probiotics yet either. Bee will probably give you

links to her articles which outline why, if you haven't read them

already. Going more slowly will ease the die-off symptoms and make

it easier to function every day. It's not a race.

Anyway, I wanted to comment on your moods. I think there is a

process of 'mourning' that goes along with a radical diet change,

which would explain the crying over cutting cheddar. Also, giving up

sugar and yeast for someone with candida is like a drug addict giving

up drugs. There is a real addiction there and it can be difficult to

overcome. Some of the members have also experienced anger from

taking coconut oil because it releases toxins that have an affect on

our mood and personality.

In our house, the whole family is on Bee's program. I can only

imagine how difficult it is to watch family members load up on carbs

while you sit and watch. It's gotta be torture! Any chance of

converting them?

Best of luck,


> Hello everyone,


> I'm new to this forum. What a wonderful support network and wealth


> information. I have been on a sugar/yeast-free diet for 3 weeks


> and am starting to see incredible results which is most


> Even my partner has already noticed changes in my ability to keep

> focussed. I see how managing the die-off symptoms is a real

> balancing act, which I am finding is a full time job, only second


> food preparation. Second week on the diet, I increased coconut oil

> and raw garlic to find nightly chest pressure/burning and


> rushes so bad I landed in an emergency ward. A day later, I had


> thrush which seems to now be under control. I'm assuming this was


> part of die-off. Keeping a daily journal of foods I eat to monitor

> the level of die-off reaction has been helpful at pinpointing what


> need to add or pull back from.


> First question is this... I've always suffered from constipation,


> it seems to be worse with my increased protein. I've been


> for 20 years and have now started eating chicken on this diet and

> although I feel much better, I just can't seem to move things

> through me despite the mounds of salad and vegetables, herbal tea


> water. I'm taking probiotics and " Ultra Flora " before and after

> meals. Any tips?


> Also, I'm known for my cheery, positive disposition. I feel so

> frustrated and angry on this diet, something I rarely feel. Is


> normal frustration as foods are so limited in the beginning? I

> actually exploded into tears while cutting a piece of cheddar for

> someone yesterday and even though I'm feeling physically better, I


> beside myself with anger at the supper table as others heap their

> plates with carbs.


> Thanks,

> Heidi


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I just wanted to add that I too have been terribly emotional this past

week. Just crying & crying something that I dont really do. I like to

keep my emotions inside coz i was always taught to be strong & not show

how I feel.

Well, this is definitely interesting to know that it could be part of

the diet & healing.


> Anyway, I wanted to comment on your moods. I think there is a

> process of 'mourning' that goes along with a radical diet change,

> which would explain the crying over cutting cheddar. Also, giving up

> sugar and yeast for someone with candida is like a drug addict giving

> up drugs. There is a real addiction there and it can be difficult to

> overcome. Some of the members have also experienced anger from

> taking coconut oil because it releases toxins that have an affect on

> our mood and personality.

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I have also a change in my mood as well. For the most part, I feel a

much more positive outlook on life since starting Bee's program (even

on the days when I feel like crap!). I also have sudden outburts of

anger. I do think your crying is part of the process. I have heard

(although I have no proof) that emotional release can be very

important in clearing toxins from the body. I think it goes along

with something called " cell memory " .

I don't have specific details, but when I was studying massage

therapy, our teachers cautioned us on the fact that sometimes people

will have an emotional release from touching different parts of their

body. They talked about the body remembering past traumas (which

would have been stored in the cells' memory) and when certain muscles

finally got a chance to relax, the memories came flooding back


I wish I knew more about it or knew of some books written on the

subject. But all of this is to say that the emotional body isn't

separated from the physical body, so it makes sense that as you are

detoxing the physical body, the emotions will also start to release.

The best thing to do, in that case, is to let them out and let them


I hope that makes sense.


> I just wanted to add that I too have been terribly emotional this


> week. Just crying & crying something that I dont really do. I like


> keep my emotions inside coz i was always taught to be strong & not


> how I feel.


> Well, this is definitely interesting to know that it could be part


> the diet & healing.


> Shirin





> > Anyway, I wanted to comment on your moods. I think there is a

> > process of 'mourning' that goes along with a radical diet change,

> > which would explain the crying over cutting cheddar. Also,

giving up

> > sugar and yeast for someone with candida is like a drug addict


> > up drugs. There is a real addiction there and it can be

difficult to

> > overcome. Some of the members have also experienced anger from

> > taking coconut oil because it releases toxins that have an affect


> > our mood and personality.


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>Heidi said: I am beside myself with anger<

Oh Heidi I know exactly what you are talking about. When I first started

this diet I sometimes joked to my family that I was going crazy. I felt

completely irrational and sometimes felt that it was all I could do to keep

a lid on my anger. I especially felt overwhelmed by anything extra that was

expected of me (other than food prep). 4-6 pm were my worst times but I

eventually figured out that if I had a teaspoon of Coconut oil (I just eat

it straight off the spoon) with something small to eat I could make it

through the food preparation without fear of murdering anyone.

The good news is that once I got over the initial stages and found more of a

routine around my food, things settled down for me. In fact I feel more

level headed than ever before. I now feel very centred in my body, and

whereas in the past I have been quite erratic in my activity levels and

moods (running around full of energy, full of love for my family one day and

flat and bored by life the next), I am now very stable.

As far as constipation goes, my suggestion is to eat a lot more fat. Fat

also helps to fill my tummy and stops me craving carbs.

Hope that helps

(Homeschooling mum of two teens)

Adelaide Australia

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> Hello everyone,


> I'm new to this forum. What a wonderful support network and wealth


> information.

++Hello Heidi. Welcome to our forum!

>I have been on a sugar/yeast-free diet for 3 weeks now and am

starting to see incredible results which is most encouraging.

> Even my partner has already noticed changes in my ability to keep

> focussed. I see how managing the die-off symptoms is a real

> balancing act, which I am finding is a full time job, only second

to food preparation. Second week on the diet, I increased coconut

oil and raw garlic to find nightly chest pressure/burning and

adrenaline rushes so bad I landed in an emergency ward. A day later,

I had oral thrush which seems to now be under control. I'm assuming

this was all part of die-off. Keeping a daily journal of foods I eat

to monitor the level of die-off reaction has been helpful at

pinpointing what I need to add or pull back from.

+++Hopefully you have also eliminated other foods including grains,

as I recommend on my program, along with taking supplements. Most

candida diets aren't correct since they allow many foods that feed

candida, and not enough " good " fats which cleanse the body naturally,

and provide energy instead of carbs.


> First question is this... I've always suffered from constipation,

but it seems to be worse with my increased protein. I've been

vegetarian for 20 years and have now started eating chicken on this

diet and although I feel much better, I just can't seem to move

things through me despite the mounds of salad and vegetables, herbal

tea and water. I'm taking probiotics and " Ultra Flora " before and

after meals. Any tips?

+++One of the main reasons you are having constipation is because you

have lowered your carbs, but haven't been able to increase

your " good " fats to the proper level yet. That's because many of

the " good " fats like coconut oil, butter, lard, etc. are antifungal,

so it takes time to increase them in order to minimize die-off

reactions. See " Curing Candida, How to Get Started " :


+++For help with constipation see this article:


+++Salads and raw vegetables are not recommended, since they are hard

for the body to digest. At the beginning vegetables should be

steamed or cooked.

+++This program is in Steps, for very good reasons: Steps 1 & 2 are

Diet & Supplements, including coconut oil. After you are able to

tolerate 6 tbl. of coconut oil without getting severe die-off

symptoms you add 1 other antifungal, Step 3. After your die-off

symptoms lessen taking at antifungal, you would add Probiotics, Step

4. If you take probiotics too soon the body isn't able to implant

them properly, and probiotics also kill off candida causing more die-

off symptoms.

> Also, I'm known for my cheery, positive disposition. I feel so

> frustrated and angry on this diet, something I rarely feel. Is


> normal frustration as foods are so limited in the beginning? I

> actually exploded into tears while cutting a piece of cheddar for

> someone yesterday and even though I'm feeling physically better, I


> beside myself with anger at the supper table as others heap their

> plates with carbs.

+++Emotional upsets are very common, since the toxins are high and

circulating throughout the body, including the brain, which affects

moods a great deal. Many members of this group have reported exactly

the same reactions as you have. Here's any article that explains the

emotional issues involved in natural healing:


Hang in there Heidi. This too shall pass. Many nutrients on this

program also help with emotional issues so do ensure you are taking

all of the supplements recommended.

The best in health, Bee

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> I just wanted to add that I too have been terribly emotional this


> week. Just crying & crying something that I dont really do. I like to

> keep my emotions inside coz i was always taught to be strong & not


> how I feel.


> Well, this is definitely interesting to know that it could be part of

> the diet & healing.

Hi Shirin. Yes, emotional issues, depression, anxiety, etc. are all

part of the healing process. To understand more about emotions see

this article: http://www.healingnaturallybybee.com/articles/heal10.php

The best, Bee

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  • 5 months later...
Guest guest


> Hi there: Could someone tell me what 'oil swishing (oil pulling )'is; the

reason to do it; and how to do it, please. I don't think I've ever heard the

terms before??? Also - (2) does 'tracing' happen only in sequence or

can it be random also?

++Hi Marjorie. Here's the article on oil pulling, which explains why you do it

and how:


I've found that sometimes a person doesn't not retrace is sequence, going

backwards in time exactly, so sometimes it is random.


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  • 8 months later...


> Hello Bee,

> I've been on the program for about 8 months now and my skin is still itching

(still using coconut oil for that). The kinesiologist has diagnosed me with

intestinal parasites for which I am taking wormwood and clove. Are parasites

common to people with candida?

+++Hi Lynn. Most candida sufferers do not have parasites. The only way to

confirm parasites is by a stool sample test. After you find out the exact kind

of parasite, then treatment can be recommended. If your kinesiologist didn't do

one, his diagnosis is probably wrong.

+++If you can get pregnant or " are " pregnant do not take wormwood!


> Also, is spirulina something that I can tolerate on the candida diet?

+++It is totally unnecessary on this program. Why do you want to take it?

All the best, Bee

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I can add to Bee's comment and tell you that my chiropractor/nutritionist had me

take a stool/saliva test to test for bacteria, candida, parasites, etc. and I

had abundant yeast, some scary bacteria but no parasistes. Search for Diagnos

techs, is the lab. I also had taken several months' worth of diatamaceous

earth before I read Bee's opinion on it and have not had any since this diet.

Good luck,



> +++Hi Lynn. Most candida sufferers do not have parasites. The only way to

confirm parasites is by a stool sample test. After you find out the exact kind

of parasite, then treatment can be recommended. If your kinesiologist didn't do

one, his diagnosis is probably wrong.


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  • 1 month later...


> Hello, I'm new to the group. :) I want to start the candida program, but I was

wondering: is it more costly to be eating these particular foods and taking

these particular supplements than the average person buying the average food and


+++Hi Dana. Welcome to our group. There are actually many ways that you save

money when you do this program, which has been discussed many times on this

group - to read them do a Search for Message Nos. 83290 and 83306.

++There are only 6 supplements in addition to ocean sea salt and unrefined

coconut oil.


> Also:


> The MAIN reason I want to do this is because of IBS, or whatever you want to

call it. Please tell me, is there ANY ONE out there who had true,

diagnosed-by-a-G.I. IBS, but is now TOTALLY CURED of it thanks to this program?

No gas, no bloating, no abdominal cramps/pain/discomfort/spasms, no

constipation, no diarrhea, and especially no incomplete evacuation (my worse

problem, next to the gas)? I really, truly am desperate and absolutely sick

of... being sick!

+++Yes, there are many people who have totally cured their digestion problems,

including me and my brother, as well as many people on this group. I had IBS,

acid reflux, stomach ulcers, etc. My brother, who is 61 years old, had Crohn's

Disease (inflammation of the large colon and diarrhea) for over 20 years. Since

natural healing takes 1 month for every year you've been unhealthy, his diarrhea

and symptoms finally stopped after 20 months on my program.

Also see these Success Stories by members of this group:


Please ensure you read two important articles so you understand candida, and

know what you need to do and why:

1) How to Successfully Overcome Candida


2) Curing Candida, How to Get Started


The best in health, Bee

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  • 2 weeks later...


> Hi Bee, I see you are dedicated as ever. I havent visited here for a long time

as I've had computer problems. I would like to know why do you reccomend not

taking a probiotic until the last stage of the diet plan? I do remember reading

that in the past. I've heard of so many people being helped with probiotics


+++Hi Valiegal. Welcome back. I don't recommend taking any probiotics now, so

I'm working on my candida article to change that.

+++First, I believe our bodies are smart enough to create any probiotics it

requires when, and if, they are needed, just like our bodies balance out all

nutrients when given the basics (diet and supplements).

+++Second, I found out that it is impossible to implant probiotics in the large

colon, which is where they are " supposedly " needed by taking them orally. If

probiotics need to be implanted they must be done with an enema.

+++Third, my research indicates probiotics are created in the intestines to

handle undigested foods coming out of the small intestines, particularly

undigestible cellulose (fibres) in plant foods, and proteins. On this program I

recommend cooking vegetables so the cellulose cell walls are broken down making

them easier to digest, and ensuring you have enough stomach acid is most

important for digesting proteins (and also eliminating foods that interfere with

protein digestion).

+++Of course stomach acid is important for digestion of all foods, since there

must be enough mixed in foods coming out of the stomach, along with fluids, in

order to trigger the pancreas to do its job. And first the pancreas must make

the mixture alkaline by pouring on lots of baking soda, and then it produces

digestive enzymes which only work on an alkaline mixture.

> Also, I'd like to know if there are any newer nonstick pans that are safe to

use? I've thrown out my teflon and use stainless steel and cast iron, but

sometimes certain things stick to the pan such as eggs. What about anodized

(sp)? Some of the better priced fry pans do not say teflon on them, but I still

wonder if we are being decieved.

+++I don't know much about anodized cookware, so to be safe I think you should

stick to the " tried and true " stainless steel, cast iron, glass, or stone


+++When eggs stick to the pan it is because the pan hasn't been heated enough

before putting in the eggs. To test when it has been heated enough sprinkle

water in the fat (be sure not to get spit on) and if it spits it is hot enough.

All the best, Bee

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  • 2 months later...
Guest guest


> Hi Bee, I forgot to ask in my last post what happens if you don't lower

vitamin C gradually after taking large doses?

+++Hi Ann. Your body becomes somewhat dependent upon the higher doses, so your

body has to react suddenly to such a drastic change, which may cause unpleasant

and confusing reactions.

Also my 13 year old daughter who is on the diet as well wanted me to ask you if

your related to Ingalls-Wilder?

+++ was married to Almonzo Wilder, who, as far as we know, was not a

direct descendant along the same lineage as we are, but he may have come from a

different branch of Wilders way back when.


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  • 9 months later...


> 1. Can I eat left-overs? How important is it that each meal be freshly



> 2. Do I count all consumed fat(assuming it's from a good source) towards my

daily requirements? For instance, do I count the fat from eggs that is not


+++Hi there. What is your name please?

1) Yes, you can eat leftovers, but if they are more than 2 days old, it is

better to freeze them.

2) Yes, you include all fat consumed, including fat that isn't saturated. Eggs

also contain carbs so you'd include that in your carb count.


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  • 1 month later...

1. I made tofu. So far is not stinking (day 3). I was hesitant to use a chili

paste because it has oil. Is it OK to use oil to ferment veggies? Tofu kimchi

style......or add it later. Tofu needs to sit in flavor.

2. I made two jars of mung beans. One of the jar shows a heavy white buildup

floating on top. What should I do. Sorry I am so naive. I saw a video making

pickles and they remove the floating buildup. And why this happens to one an

not the other. Mung beans are not organic. Maybe the jar was not tightly

closed. Thank you

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