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Nope... I'm so outta here. I've just been hanging out and reading some

posts...deleting some...rarely responding unless I have something useful to

say...waiting to see if there IS a place for me here as many had stated ...the

first time I come back online this is what I get??? I don't get it...I really

don't. What the heck did I ever do to deserve this??? All for helping

people...well I won't make that mistake again!

And yes, that " person " who caused a ton of strife in this group really did the

job he intended...and why? Becuse people ALLOW it. Some folks have a hair across

their a** now...well I am all set with that.

I really hope you all find peace and comfort here.--- Babbitt


From: April <nanny04@...>

spinal problems

Sent: Sunday, September 6, 2009 9:20:00 PM

Subject: Re: group


What the hell is this about now. I absolutely can not believe this is

happening again. I thought we cleared this up. I wish you all would stop

bringing this up!!! I would not want to put up with this for another

moment if I were you !!! I am so thankful for all you have done for

me, but if I were you then I wouldnt want to put up with this shit for

another moment. Hang in there girl! April


> spinedisorderssuppo rtgroup@gro ups.com

> Date: Friday, September 4, 2009, 8:58 PM







> I surely hope, everybody has forgotten and buried in their mind

that total .... errr can't say it here, " person " , that tried to wreck

our very nice group. He did a good job though. Worked too... Wrecked

it. People like that are good at it.


> People like me, hesitate or simply do not get into discussions that

I know nothing about. Is that a bad thing??? Maybe I should of. I

spend many hours researching my problems/disease. I am not a Dr. or a

medical person. I delete hundreds of emails a day, not just from this

group. The spinal disorders group is one of the few groups I am on

that I get all the individual emails (or whatever it is called). I

care about you guys. Yes I have a spinal disorder. But this

" disruption " makes me feel like an outsider.... which I was anyway.


> Are we all gonna let him sit tight in Germany with a smug smile on

his face and laugh in his mug of German beer??? He was probably

sitting in a run down apt. in the slums of a city somewhere (I was

gonna say a " where " but who knows how many of our 'group' live

there!!) in the US. I dunno, I have been thinking of tracking the

weasel down, and having one of my internet " terminators " friends

track him down. But he isn't worth it.


> I just hope, if he is in the military, he just cleans out toilets

and garbage cans. And does not fly a helicopter, or have a finger on

a button where he can do something really stupid. Blow something up.

Something. Besides wrecking our group. :(


> JMO... in NH



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Hi all! 


 Dr. Bob here. Chiropractic Physician, member of the American Academy of Pain

Management, and i hope, a welcome new member of this site. I am a Chrisitian if

it matters--- it should not.  Most importantly tho, I am a pain SURVIVOR. i have

had a cervical fusion and two lumbar discectomies in 8 months and will undergo a

full lumbar fusion mid-nov. hopefully, that will diminish the 8+/10 pain i

endure daily.


 I have lived with pain for so long now I try to remember a time that I didnt

hurt but cannot remember so far back. I am 48 years old and have been a

practicing Chiropractor forr over 10 years. Before that, I did xray, CAT scans,

MRI's and operative fluoro for over 20 years.


If I have learned anything in all that time its that arguments over religion and

who has the bigger boo-boo have never done anything to promote healing and

wellness. Sites like this are great--they provide an outlet where anyone

afflicted with intractiable pain, whether traumatically or physiologically

induced, can open up without fear of indictment or interrrogation from those

of a Spanish Inquisition/Gingrichian-Bush lean. Forgive me.. see how easy it is

to politicize a totally apolitical subject. It can happen to everyone if



It really sickens me to think that those who espouse the teachings of Christ as

the foundation upon which they build their lives and assume i therefore must

live mine, fail or refuse to see the humanitarian, forgiving and all-accepting

side of Christianity.  Folks like this are the number one reason we are a

sovereign nation.....our glorious ancestors would not allow one to speak for and

of all. Just think " Pilgrims " and go from there.  This is a site/blog for pain

sufferers. There are thousands more for those who look for religious guidance,

acceptance or indoctrination. I suggest any who seeks this type of help look

elsewhere. There is enough pain here already, your addition of more is not

appreciated or welcome.


To my fellow members seeking knowledge, treatment guidelines, advice or just a

shoulder, please don' hesitate to contact me.


Dr. Bob  Kirby

From: April <nanny04@...>

Subject: Re: group

spinal problems

Date: Sunday, September 6, 2009, 5:20 PM


What the hell is this about now. I absolutely can not believe this is

happening again. I thought we cleared this up. I wish you all would stop

bringing this up!!! I would not want to put up with this for another

moment if I were you !!! I am so thankful for all you have done for

me, but if I were you then I wouldnt want to put up with this shit for

another moment. Hang in there girl! April


> spinedisorderssuppo rtgroup@gro ups.com

> Date: Friday, September 4, 2009, 8:58 PM







> I surely hope, everybody has forgotten and buried in their mind

that total .... errr can't say it here, " person " , that tried to wreck

our very nice group. He did a good job though. Worked too... Wrecked

it. People like that are good at it.


> People like me, hesitate or simply do not get into discussions that

I know nothing about. Is that a bad thing??? Maybe I should of. I

spend many hours researching my problems/disease. I am not a Dr. or a

medical person. I delete hundreds of emails a day, not just from this

group. The spinal disorders group is one of the few groups I am on

that I get all the individual emails (or whatever it is called). I

care about you guys. Yes I have a spinal disorder. But this

" disruption " makes me feel like an outsider.... which I was anyway.


> Are we all gonna let him sit tight in Germany with a smug smile on

his face and laugh in his mug of German beer??? He was probably

sitting in a run down apt. in the slums of a city somewhere (I was

gonna say a " where " but who knows how many of our 'group' live

there!!) in the US. I dunno, I have been thinking of tracking the

weasel down, and having one of my internet " terminators " friends

track him down. But he isn't worth it.


> I just hope, if he is in the military, he just cleans out toilets

and garbage cans. And does not fly a helicopter, or have a finger on

a button where he can do something really stupid. Blow something up.

Something. Besides wrecking our group. :(


> JMO... in NH



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