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New to Group....and how to sort out hip pain

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Hi Everyone...my name is and I have had a resurface on my right hip six

years ago...i can help you sort out your hip pain from back. First step would be

just to get a simple xray of your hip. It will tell you immediately if you have

a hip problem. Most docs assume if you have back problems that this is what is

causing the hip ....not true. I have stenosis of both cervical and lumbar area

and spondy in both areas. I have had most of the problems in the lumbar area

and they blamced my back, which i knew was not the problem at the time..a simple

xray showed i had no cartliage left in my hip and it was bone on bone. Now that

i am pain free for six years the ugly truth about my back is back and i have

tingling and numbness down my arms into my fingers....the cervical spine has

fused by itself the C5 and C6 and the C7 almost but it slanted toward the spinal

cord....with stenois in my neck, i guess i have nerve root compression. I had a

cat scan done and have an appointment with the spinal/nerurosurgeon after the

pain management doc looked at the cat scan and went nuts! I have a whole

pharmacy of meds the pain management doc prescribed for me and none of the

muscle relaxants work...i am on 600 mg of motrin 4 times a day and that is it.

I have tingling and weakness in my right leg and have had that for 2 years which

i have ignored. PM referred me to spinal doc.

I am an old dancer and am in great shape....i do pilates, and see a pt

regularly. I have degenerative osteoarthritis of most of the bones in my body

due to years of dance from age 5 to 60....repitive motion gets you in the


A neurosurgeon can sort out your problems for you so i am counting down days

before i see him.

The last thing they want to do is surgery and they are looking at my abiltiy to

walk and move my arms before they do anything....please send

feedback....negative positive makes no difference...we all have to walk the walk

and all information is helpful and thanks for the board....their i a board

called surface hippy that might help people with their hip problems...moderatior

is Brewster....

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