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Since he was a baby I have been taking him to Dr afte Dr telling them something was not right. I was told by Dr.'s that I was making up things for attention and my son would have "attacks" for attention.

Now, 15 yrs later after seeing the peds rheumatologist (his pediatrician decided he needed to see the RA Dr. because of swollen joints) he found what was going on. He also detected a heart problem and sent him to a cardiologist who diagnosed my son with mitral valve prolapse and regurgitation. He ordered major amounts of blood work and tests. He also discovered a pulmonary defect. So we have just finally gotten diagnosis' and starting treatments.

We are in West Texas.

Thanks for the support.

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Hi and welcome to the group. I admit I do

not much about what your son was diagnosed with, but I would be curious to know

what meds he is on and his symptoms. You have found a great group of people with

kids of varying ages and types of rheumatic disease. Everyone has lots of info

and are willing to share what they have learned, along with just being here for

each other when it all gets too much. Feel free to ask any questions you may

have or vent whenever you need to. I see you have asked about Plaquenil. I am

sure there are others here on that. Let us know how your son is doing, Michele

( 20, spondy)

From: [mailto: ] On Behalf Of Posey family

Sent: Thursday, August 16, 2007

7:56 AM

Subject: New to group

My 16 yr old son has been diagnosed with LUPUS


I am still researching that and the meds he has prescribed.

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  • 3 weeks later...

> Here goes. I guess you all get this with every new person. " What the heck is

going on? "

> I've been dealing with MCS for afew years now I get a real computer (I'm on


> and I get sick instantly!

Welcome Judi (although I'm sure you'd rather not be here!),

Reacting to a computer is similar to reacting to chemicals -- they both seem to

have (more or less) the same cause, and also the same cure. That is, they seem

(for the most part) to be due to excessive buildup of toxins (acidic wastes)

in the body, and also inadequate nutrition (or if you're eating well, poor

absorption). The " cure " is to (slowly) remove the buildup of toxins within

the body, either by taking substances which remove it from the body (chelators),

or by supporting your organs of elimination (liver, kidneys) so that they

can deal with it in the way a person with normal health would.

However, a cure is a long-term solution, and most people merely want to

feel better in the short-term. For that, you can eliminate all wireless

electronics from your house (wireless internet, cordless phones), replace

all energy-efficient compact florescent light bulbs with incandescents,

try to keep a distance from all electronics and power outlets, and increase

your intake of antioxidants, essential fatty acids, minerals, etc. You

may also have luck with certain EMF protection devices on the market (although

in some cases, these may actually make your symptoms worse). Also, the removal

of metal objects on your person (including dental work) will make you less

of an " antenna " for nearby electromagnetic fields.

Note that a person with normal health probably wouldn't have any difficulty

with your computer, so one cannot technically blame the computer, but rather

the blame should be on the poor health of the person experiencing the symptoms.

Of course, there are cases where people are exposed to high levels of

radiation, which could be caused by faulty electronics or faulty wiring.

In such cases an electrician would be need to fix the wiring, or the

electronics replaced with something else.


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Given the MCS it is possible fumes, dust, or residue on the keyboard

are to blame. Try leaving the keyboard outside (not in the rain) for a week

or so. Same with the computer and monitor.

But it could be the RF, ELF or microwaves. Make sure any wireless features

are disabled. Then see if it's better keeping the screen and computer as

far from you as possible. Also the cords and power supplies.

I try to make time when the computer is used by my 5 year old the exception,

not the rule.


On 9/3/07, judi_mcpherson <judibugs@...> wrote:


> Here goes. I guess you all get this with every new person. " What the

> heck is going on? "

> I've been dealing with MCS for afew years now I get a real computer (I'm

> on webtv.)

> and I get sick instantly!

> I've been going to a holistic Doctor for about 6 months and she uses an

> EDM machine on me. Is that a problem?

> I have a 5yo girl and she loves the computer. What do I do to make her

> safe?

> I'm 50 so I'm not surprized things are catching up with me but she has a

> long way to go.

> Thanks for being here.

> Yours in peace from the chemically insane, Judi




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Have you tried the ketogenic diet ? Sue

mirandag1981 <mirandag1981@...> wrote:

Hi, my name is Miranda and I am writing in regards to my 4 y/o

daughter, Hailey. She has had a severe case of epilepsy for 2 1/2

years now. She had developed typically until the age of 2 1/2. We have

tried a number of different things to help her over the years

including 7 AED's, herbs (from an Amish dr.), a number of vitamin

supp., chiropractors, cranio sacral, GFCF diet, and currently the

ketogenic diet. Her diagnosis is generalized onset epilepsy. She

currently has between 50-200 myoclonic seizures per day, down from

about 500. She also has tonic clonic seizures, but those have been

pretty well controlled lately, has not had one for about a month, but

they were daily. She has recently lost the ability to walk and talk,

due to med. toxicity. There is no known cause for her seizures and at

first they told me that she would grow out of it. Now, the prognosis

has changed dramatically. They always tell me to expect for her to get

worse and expect some form of mental retardation... which I will not.

We will do anything in our power to prevent that.

So anyway, we have recently been looking into HBOT. We think it

could be very promising for her, based on the research we have done.

Though we would do anything for our our daughter, money is tight. We

are in Kentucky and have Passport (Medicaid). If it is possible to get

this covered, I would love to hear how. I have always had a very

difficult time w/ Passport, even getting prescriptions refilled or

going out of state for treatment. Please help us find a way to

possibly get this covered. It would obviously be a tremendous help.

Thank you so much in advance for any help and we are eager to

here back.

Miranda Goranflo


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So many of us are in the same boat. Thusfar some have been able to finangle

reimbursement, but certainly not the majority. This group is full of

parents who are tenacious fighters on behalf of their children---sounds like

you are a good fit!

HBOT has made a tremendous difference for Dawson, but I must say that doing

it in conjunction with a neurodevelopmental program is what we've found to

be the most effective. Giving input to the brain at the same time as giving

it the healing benefits of oxygen has been very powerful for us. I really

recommend looking into www.familyhopecenter.org They use hbot as part of

their program---but it's also so much more. They have a unique view of

seizures and I think you would really appreciate it.

To keep everything " above board " ---yes, I have been trained by FHC. No, I

do not get ANY payment for referring people to them. I pursued training

from them because I believe in their program and have seen it work so well.

I refer folks to them for the exact same reason.

At the very least, I would recommend that you read their website and give

them a call. I know they could help.

On 9/12/07, mirandag1981 <mirandag1981@...> wrote:


> Hi, my name is Miranda and I am writing in regards to my 4 y/o

> daughter, Hailey. She has had a severe case of epilepsy for 2 1/2

> years now. She had developed typically until the age of 2 1/2. We have

> tried a number of different things to help her over the years

> including 7 AED's, herbs (from an Amish dr.), a number of vitamin

> supp., chiropractors, cranio sacral, GFCF diet, and currently the

> ketogenic diet. Her diagnosis is generalized onset epilepsy. She

> currently has between 50-200 myoclonic seizures per day, down from

> about 500. She also has tonic clonic seizures, but those have been

> pretty well controlled lately, has not had one for about a month, but

> they were daily. She has recently lost the ability to walk and talk,

> due to med. toxicity. There is no known cause for her seizures and at

> first they told me that she would grow out of it. Now, the prognosis

> has changed dramatically. They always tell me to expect for her to get

> worse and expect some form of mental retardation... which I will not.

> We will do anything in our power to prevent that.

> So anyway, we have recently been looking into HBOT. We think it

> could be very promising for her, based on the research we have done.

> Though we would do anything for our our daughter, money is tight. We

> are in Kentucky and have Passport (Medicaid). If it is possible to get

> this covered, I would love to hear how. I have always had a very

> difficult time w/ Passport, even getting prescriptions refilled or

> going out of state for treatment. Please help us find a way to

> possibly get this covered. It would obviously be a tremendous help.

> Thank you so much in advance for any help and we are eager to

> here back.


> Miranda Goranflo





Donna Bateman

Neurodevelopmental Specialist


Mom to 23, Katy 21, Preston 18, Annie 16, Kent 14, Callie 11 (cured

from dyslexia), Carson 9, Dawson 7 (brain injured--was severe now mild!)

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Dear Hailey's Mom,

Welcome to the group. Have you read through all the

pdfs you received upon joining? That's really where you need to start.

Seizures generally occur from hyper-perfusion, or excessive blood

flow to one area of the brain. Because cerebral blood flow and brain

metabolism are coupled, Hailey's brain is overloaded in the one

section or place--thus the hyper-functioning of her brain, i.e.,


While HBOT forces the growth of new capillaries, it also smooths out

the cerebral blood flow and eliminates the hyper-perfusion, creating

more regular blood flow. This has been documented a number of times

and can be documented for Hailey herself if she receives SPECT-scan

imaging before/after HBOT.

SPECT is a functional brain imaging technique that measures cerebral

blood flow. A good resource is Dr. Uszler's website at http://

www.DrSPECTscan.com .

A short answer as to whether Medicaid/Passport should cover HBOT:

Yes. Absolutely. However, in order for this to occur as expeditiously

as possible, it's critical that you understand the battlefield on

which you're entering.

You should have received a series of pdf files upon joining the

group. Please take the time, invest the time, to read each and every

one. You do have some institutional barriers to overcome, and

sometimes it can seem impossible, but it is not. If you look


medicaid/files/ ,

you'll find documentation from 18 states who now cover off-label HBOT

for pediatric brain-injury.

That's 1700% more states than when this group started just a few

years ago when it was just one, Virginia.

While you can learn about HBOT here just like on other HBOT groups,

the bigger problem for most families is figuring out how to pay for it.

It turns out that most disabled children automatically qualify for

Medicaid. Not only that but Medicaid--for children--EPSDT--was

specifically created to help disabled children access nontraditional

interventions. Even if something is considered " experimental and

investigational, " under Federal law, state Medicaid agencies are

required to pay for it if " it " is determined " necessary to correct or

ameliorate. "

That's not " medically necessary to correct or ameliorate, " just

" necessary to correct or ameliorate. " There's a huge difference, and

it's explained in your pdfs. Please read them.

Now, the Kentucky Passport folks most likely do not even know what

the Federal law states. That's why they're already giving you a hard

time about the prescriptions. This is why it's critical for Hailey

for you to know what the law states because you're going to have to

educate the Passport people. Many times the state Medicaid folks have

caved in once they realize they're dealing with somebody who really

does know what they're talking about.

That would be you, once you've educated yourself on how your state's

system now works and how it's supposed to really work.


[ ] new to group


> Hi, my name is Miranda and I am writing in regards to my 4 y/o

>daughter, Hailey. She has had a severe case of epilepsy for 2 1/2

>years now. She had developed typically until the age of 2 1/2. We have

>tried a number of different things to help her over the years

>including 7 AED's, herbs (from an Amish dr.), a number of vitamin

>supp., chiropractors, cranio sacral, GFCF diet, and currently the

>ketogenic diet. Her diagnosis is generalized onset epilepsy. She

>currently has between 50-200 myoclonic seizures per day, down from

>about 500. She also has tonic clonic seizures, but those have been

>pretty well controlled lately, has not had one for about a month, but

>they were daily. She has recently lost the ability to walk and talk,

>due to med. toxicity. There is no known cause for her seizures and at

>first they told me that she would grow out of it. Now, the prognosis

>has changed dramatically. They always tell me to expect for her to get

>worse and expect some form of mental retardation... which I will not.

>We will do anything in our power to prevent that.

> So anyway, we have recently been looking into HBOT. We think it

>could be very promising for her, based on the research we have done.

>Though we would do anything for our our daughter, money is tight. We

>are in Kentucky and have Passport (Medicaid). If it is possible to get

>this covered, I would love to hear how. I have always had a very

>difficult time w/ Passport, even getting prescriptions refilled or

>going out of state for treatment. Please help us find a way to

>possibly get this covered. It would obviously be a tremendous help.

> Thank you so much in advance for any help and we are eager to

>here back.


> Miranda Goranflo



2948 Windfield Circle

Tucker, GA 30084-6714

770-491-6776 (phone)

404-725-4520 (cell)

815-366-7962 (fax)



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Yes, she has been on the keto diet now for 3 months at a 4:1 ratio. We are a

part of the keto support group. We have seen some improvement, but not as

much as we would like. She is also on Keppra and Klonopin. She gets lots of

O.T., P.T. and speech. She is currently seeing a chiropractor and also gets

cranio sacral therapy. We are also trying several other massage tecniques w/

her. Do you have a little one on the diet?


Sue DuPart <gaduparts@...> wrote: Have you

tried the ketogenic diet ? Sue

mirandag1981 <mirandag1981@...> wrote:

Hi, my name is Miranda and I am writing in regards to my 4 y/o

daughter, Hailey. She has had a severe case of epilepsy for 2 1/2

years now. She had developed typically until the age of 2 1/2. We have

tried a number of different things to help her over the years

including 7 AED's, herbs (from an Amish dr.), a number of vitamin

supp., chiropractors, cranio sacral, GFCF diet, and currently the

ketogenic diet. Her diagnosis is generalized onset epilepsy. She

currently has between 50-200 myoclonic seizures per day, down from

about 500. She also has tonic clonic seizures, but those have been

pretty well controlled lately, has not had one for about a month, but

they were daily. She has recently lost the ability to walk and talk,

due to med. toxicity. There is no known cause for her seizures and at

first they told me that she would grow out of it. Now, the prognosis

has changed dramatically. They always tell me to expect for her to get

worse and expect some form of mental retardation... which I will not.

We will do anything in our power to prevent that.

So anyway, we have recently been looking into HBOT. We think it

could be very promising for her, based on the research we have done.

Though we would do anything for our our daughter, money is tight. We

are in Kentucky and have Passport (Medicaid). If it is possible to get

this covered, I would love to hear how. I have always had a very

difficult time w/ Passport, even getting prescriptions refilled or

going out of state for treatment. Please help us find a way to

possibly get this covered. It would obviously be a tremendous help.

Thank you so much in advance for any help and we are eager to

here back.

Miranda Goranflo


Catch up on fall's hot new shows on TV. Watch previews, get listings,

and more!

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Thanks so much for your reply. I will check it out now.


Donna Bateman <donna.bateman@...> wrote:


So many of us are in the same boat. Thusfar some have been able to finangle

reimbursement, but certainly not the majority. This group is full of

parents who are tenacious fighters on behalf of their children---sounds like

you are a good fit!

HBOT has made a tremendous difference for Dawson, but I must say that doing

it in conjunction with a neurodevelopmental program is what we've found to

be the most effective. Giving input to the brain at the same time as giving

it the healing benefits of oxygen has been very powerful for us. I really

recommend looking into www.familyhopecenter.org They use hbot as part of

their program---but it's also so much more. They have a unique view of

seizures and I think you would really appreciate it.

To keep everything " above board " ---yes, I have been trained by FHC. No, I

do not get ANY payment for referring people to them. I pursued training

from them because I believe in their program and have seen it work so well.

I refer folks to them for the exact same reason.

At the very least, I would recommend that you read their website and give

them a call. I know they could help.

On 9/12/07, mirandag1981 <mirandag1981@...> wrote:


> Hi, my name is Miranda and I am writing in regards to my 4 y/o

> daughter, Hailey. She has had a severe case of epilepsy for 2 1/2

> years now. She had developed typically until the age of 2 1/2. We have

> tried a number of different things to help her over the years

> including 7 AED's, herbs (from an Amish dr.), a number of vitamin

> supp., chiropractors, cranio sacral, GFCF diet, and currently the

> ketogenic diet. Her diagnosis is generalized onset epilepsy. She

> currently has between 50-200 myoclonic seizures per day, down from

> about 500. She also has tonic clonic seizures, but those have been

> pretty well controlled lately, has not had one for about a month, but

> they were daily. She has recently lost the ability to walk and talk,

> due to med. toxicity. There is no known cause for her seizures and at

> first they told me that she would grow out of it. Now, the prognosis

> has changed dramatically. They always tell me to expect for her to get

> worse and expect some form of mental retardation... which I will not.

> We will do anything in our power to prevent that.

> So anyway, we have recently been looking into HBOT. We think it

> could be very promising for her, based on the research we have done.

> Though we would do anything for our our daughter, money is tight. We

> are in Kentucky and have Passport (Medicaid). If it is possible to get

> this covered, I would love to hear how. I have always had a very

> difficult time w/ Passport, even getting prescriptions refilled or

> going out of state for treatment. Please help us find a way to

> possibly get this covered. It would obviously be a tremendous help.

> Thank you so much in advance for any help and we are eager to

> here back.


> Miranda Goranflo





Donna Bateman

Neurodevelopmental Specialist


Mom to 23, Katy 21, Preston 18, Annie 16, Kent 14, Callie 11 (cured

from dyslexia), Carson 9, Dawson 7 (brain injured--was severe now mild!)

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No. I am thinking of the craniosacral therapy for my daughter . She is 12 yrs

old and seems to have left temporal lobe seizures- hesitating in speech. You can

tell the neurologist that failure to control seizures on one drug is grounds to

consider surgery. Have you heard of the vagus nerve stimulator? Sue

miranda goranflo <mirandag1981@...> wrote:


Yes, she has been on the keto diet now for 3 months at a 4:1 ratio. We are a

part of the keto support group. We have seen some improvement, but not as

much as we would like. She is also on Keppra and Klonopin. She gets lots of

O.T., P.T. and speech. She is currently seeing a chiropractor and also gets

cranio sacral therapy. We are also trying several other massage tecniques w/

her. Do you have a little one on the diet?


Sue DuPart <gaduparts@...> wrote: Have you

tried the ketogenic diet ? Sue

mirandag1981 <mirandag1981@...> wrote:

Hi, my name is Miranda and I am writing in regards to my 4 y/o

daughter, Hailey. She has had a severe case of epilepsy for 2 1/2

years now. She had developed typically until the age of 2 1/2. We have

tried a number of different things to help her over the years

including 7 AED's, herbs (from an Amish dr.), a number of vitamin

supp., chiropractors, cranio sacral, GFCF diet, and currently the

ketogenic diet. Her diagnosis is generalized onset epilepsy. She

currently has between 50-200 myoclonic seizures per day, down from

about 500. She also has tonic clonic seizures, but those have been

pretty well controlled lately, has not had one for about a month, but

they were daily. She has recently lost the ability to walk and talk,

due to med. toxicity. There is no known cause for her seizures and at

first they told me that she would grow out of it. Now, the prognosis

has changed dramatically. They always tell me to expect for her to get

worse and expect some form of mental retardation... which I will not.

We will do anything in our power to prevent that.

So anyway, we have recently been looking into HBOT. We think it

could be very promising for her, based on the research we have done.

Though we would do anything for our our daughter, money is tight. We

are in Kentucky and have Passport (Medicaid). If it is possible to get

this covered, I would love to hear how. I have always had a very

difficult time w/ Passport, even getting prescriptions refilled or

going out of state for treatment. Please help us find a way to

possibly get this covered. It would obviously be a tremendous help.

Thank you so much in advance for any help and we are eager to

here back.

Miranda Goranflo


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and more!

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  • 1 month later...

At 08:49 PM 10/19/2007, you wrote:

>Good eveing everyone,

>I just joined the group. Thanks for having me.

Welcome to the group. my name is Dave. If you go to the groups home

page, under files, neck and back pain stories, Dave's story you'll

read my whole story, excuse me for not retyping it here. Short story

3 fusions on lower back, one in neck. Chronic pain. Shots never

worked for me. I'm on narcotic pain killers but nightly what saves

me is massage with a hand held percussion unit, and Ice bags. Ice

bags wrapped in towels dull the pain. You'll find a wonderful group

here who understands your pain and struggles. Glad you joined

us. Dave in Reading, PA

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At 08:49 PM 10/19/2007, you wrote:

>Good eveing everyone,

>I just joined the group. Thanks for having me.

Welcome to the group. my name is Dave. If you go to the groups home

page, under files, neck and back pain stories, Dave's story you'll

read my whole story, excuse me for not retyping it here. Short story

3 fusions on lower back, one in neck. Chronic pain. Shots never

worked for me. I'm on narcotic pain killers but nightly what saves

me is massage with a hand held percussion unit, and Ice bags. Ice

bags wrapped in towels dull the pain. You'll find a wonderful group

here who understands your pain and struggles. Glad you joined

us. Dave in Reading, PA

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Hi Dave,

Thanks for the welcome. I have these gel packs from work that I can rather

freeze or put in the microwave to heat up. I have several packs, so I have some

in the freezer, and keep some out to stick in the microwave. Sometimes it helps

to alternate with the heat and cold. Right now the pain is more in my left knee.

The left knee is degenerating as well. Thought I would write before going to

work this morning.

I work in housekeeping at a hospitol, and I work on a busy floor. So that

doesn't always help either. But I hurt more if I don't move. We have had alot of

rain here this past week, so I know that is what's making me hurt more as well.

Hope everyone has a great Saturday. I will be on-line later.


Dave Cruikshank <d.cruikshank@...> wrote:

At 08:49 PM 10/19/2007, you wrote:

>Good eveing everyone,

>I just joined the group. Thanks for having me.

Welcome to the group. my name is Dave. If you go to the groups home

page, under files, neck and back pain stories, Dave's story you'll

read my whole story, excuse me for not retyping it here. Short story

3 fusions on lower back, one in neck. Chronic pain. Shots never

worked for me. I'm on narcotic pain killers but nightly what saves

me is massage with a hand held percussion unit, and Ice bags. Ice

bags wrapped in towels dull the pain. You'll find a wonderful group

here who understands your pain and struggles. Glad you joined

us. Dave in Reading, PA


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Hi Dave,

Thanks for the welcome. I have these gel packs from work that I can rather

freeze or put in the microwave to heat up. I have several packs, so I have some

in the freezer, and keep some out to stick in the microwave. Sometimes it helps

to alternate with the heat and cold. Right now the pain is more in my left knee.

The left knee is degenerating as well. Thought I would write before going to

work this morning.

I work in housekeeping at a hospitol, and I work on a busy floor. So that

doesn't always help either. But I hurt more if I don't move. We have had alot of

rain here this past week, so I know that is what's making me hurt more as well.

Hope everyone has a great Saturday. I will be on-line later.


Dave Cruikshank <d.cruikshank@...> wrote:

At 08:49 PM 10/19/2007, you wrote:

>Good eveing everyone,

>I just joined the group. Thanks for having me.

Welcome to the group. my name is Dave. If you go to the groups home

page, under files, neck and back pain stories, Dave's story you'll

read my whole story, excuse me for not retyping it here. Short story

3 fusions on lower back, one in neck. Chronic pain. Shots never

worked for me. I'm on narcotic pain killers but nightly what saves

me is massage with a hand held percussion unit, and Ice bags. Ice

bags wrapped in towels dull the pain. You'll find a wonderful group

here who understands your pain and struggles. Glad you joined

us. Dave in Reading, PA


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Welcome to the group, my name is Gerald I wish you the best at

dealing with your knee. I'm glad you are still able to work that

gives any person a valued feling in this world. I again welcome you

and wish you the Very Best! I think you can read all about my

condition's under " I'll tell my story "



> >Good eveing everyone,

> >I just joined the group. Thanks for having me.


> Welcome to the group. my name is Dave. If you go to the groups


> page, under files, neck and back pain stories, Dave's story you'll

> read my whole story, excuse me for not retyping it here. Short


> 3 fusions on lower back, one in neck. Chronic pain. Shots never

> worked for me. I'm on narcotic pain killers but nightly what saves

> me is massage with a hand held percussion unit, and Ice bags. Ice

> bags wrapped in towels dull the pain. You'll find a wonderful


> here who understands your pain and struggles. Glad you joined

> us. Dave in Reading, PA






> __________________________________________________


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Welcome to the group, my name is Gerald I wish you the best at

dealing with your knee. I'm glad you are still able to work that

gives any person a valued feling in this world. I again welcome you

and wish you the Very Best! I think you can read all about my

condition's under " I'll tell my story "



> >Good eveing everyone,

> >I just joined the group. Thanks for having me.


> Welcome to the group. my name is Dave. If you go to the groups


> page, under files, neck and back pain stories, Dave's story you'll

> read my whole story, excuse me for not retyping it here. Short


> 3 fusions on lower back, one in neck. Chronic pain. Shots never

> worked for me. I'm on narcotic pain killers but nightly what saves

> me is massage with a hand held percussion unit, and Ice bags. Ice

> bags wrapped in towels dull the pain. You'll find a wonderful


> here who understands your pain and struggles. Glad you joined

> us. Dave in Reading, PA






> __________________________________________________


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Welcome to the group, my name is Gerald I wish you the best at

dealing with your knee. I'm glad you are still able to work that

gives any person a valued feling in this world. I again welcome you

and wish you the Very Best! I think you can read all about my

condition's under " I'll tell my story "



> >Good eveing everyone,

> >I just joined the group. Thanks for having me.


> Welcome to the group. my name is Dave. If you go to the groups


> page, under files, neck and back pain stories, Dave's story you'll

> read my whole story, excuse me for not retyping it here. Short


> 3 fusions on lower back, one in neck. Chronic pain. Shots never

> worked for me. I'm on narcotic pain killers but nightly what saves

> me is massage with a hand held percussion unit, and Ice bags. Ice

> bags wrapped in towels dull the pain. You'll find a wonderful


> here who understands your pain and struggles. Glad you joined

> us. Dave in Reading, PA






> __________________________________________________


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Welcome to the group, my name is Gerald I wish you the best at

dealing with your knee. I'm glad you are still able to work that

gives any person a valued feling in this world. I again welcome you

and wish you the Very Best! I think you can read all about my

condition's under " I'll tell my story "



> >Good eveing everyone,

> >I just joined the group. Thanks for having me.


> Welcome to the group. my name is Dave. If you go to the groups


> page, under files, neck and back pain stories, Dave's story you'll

> read my whole story, excuse me for not retyping it here. Short


> 3 fusions on lower back, one in neck. Chronic pain. Shots never

> worked for me. I'm on narcotic pain killers but nightly what saves

> me is massage with a hand held percussion unit, and Ice bags. Ice

> bags wrapped in towels dull the pain. You'll find a wonderful


> here who understands your pain and struggles. Glad you joined

> us. Dave in Reading, PA






> __________________________________________________


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I just joined the group. Thanks for having me. I have herniated

disk in my spine as well as bad arthritis.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Hope I can learn alot from all of you.


Hi Lorraine,Welcome to the group. This is a great group of people that will

always be here for you.

We all have the same thing in common.

We all suffer from chronic pain from disease,or injury to the neck or back.[or


Everyone here knows what it' like to have pain 24/7.

There will always be someone here to respond to you when you have a question

,or you need to vent when you are having a bad time of it.

So,come here often.

Let me close with a great big ole TEXAS, WELCOME TO THE GROUP!!!!!

Take as best care as you can and be safe.

Larry from Cowtown,That's Ft. Worth,Texas, " Where the West Begins "





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  • 1 month later...


Welcome to the group-sorry you have to join us, but it is a very helpful place.

The docs are finding that autoimmune diseases are very much related. And yes,

you can have JRA activity with normal labs and you can have crazy labs and the

joints in a good place. It is a strange disease that way. When your daughter was

on the MTX was she taking folic acid with it? It can make a big difference with

side effects. And to try to take it at night on a weekend so she can get a good

nights sleep. I hope she is feeling much better soon.

e, mom to 'joe' 20 poly/lupus


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Thank you, e.

No. She wasn't on any folate supplements. I will ask

her doc about it when we see her in a couple of weeks.

She is hoping to start the MTX again then. I am glad

I found this group!




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Just wanted to say welcome, but of course sad to welcome yet another

mom of a child with JIA.

I definitely believe that auto-immune issues tend to run in families

and that JIA research is beginning to point to this direction. I

think there is a genetic suseptibility and then a " trigger " of sorts

happens and any number of auto-immune diseases can manifest

themself. In my daughter's case, several virus in a row at age 2

(one of which was Parvo19, AKA " 5th's Disease " , which has been shown

to be connection in some cases), and then bamm, JIA in her left

knee. Another year and a half and it spread to 3 more joints. She

is on MTX now and it has worked wonders for her (knock on my head!).

I hope all works out well with your next try on MTX. Someone else

already mentioned taking Folic Acid along with it to reduce

symtptoms, but that is a biggy.

All the best to you and your daughter... -Hadley (Isabelle, 3.5 yrs.



> I am glad I found this group! My 6 year old daughter was diagnosed

with JIA this summer.

> She has had swelling in one ankle since she was walking, toeing in

and toe walking too.

> We were followed by an orthopedic doc and when she wasn't showing

any signs of

> " growing out of it " we pressed harder with our pediatrician and

she referred us to

> rheumatology. We had not even thought of this as a possibility but

knew something was

> wrong and wanted answers. Although our daughter's blood work has

all been normal, the

> swelling and pain have persisted. She has been on naprosyn with no

improvement and

> then had injections in her anklel and knee. (the Peds

Rheumatologist found problems with

> her knee as well) Those seemed to work for a little while. We

started Methotrexate and

> only did that for a few weeks because she was not feeling well most

of the time and was

> also sleepy most of the time. Her doctor wants to have a clean

break from the

> Methotrexate and then try it again to see if the malaise was from

an illness and not the

> medicine.

> For the first time tonight she is complaining of pain in her

shoulders. Could this be

> related?

> Are there any others with a child who has normal blood work but

other symptoms and has

> been diagnosed with JIA?

> Our son has eosinophilic esophagitis as well as my husband. We

can't help but wonder

> about a possible connection since there is a genetic factor and the

arthritis and Eos are

> both autoimmune. Can anyone weigh in on this?


> Wow! That is a lot for a first post and introduction. I look

forward to hearing from others.


> Melinda


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Hi Melinda, welcome to our group. Everyone here is very nice and

supportive. They are also very knowledgeable about arthritis. Just

like others have said, the autoimmune disorders do tend to run in

families. My mom has autoimmune issues and now my daughter. I have

asthma. As for the mtx, the folic acid has really helped Elaney to

feel better when she is on mtx. We upped the folic acid not to long

ago because she was getting headaches and stomach pains. It worked

like a charm. She takes extra folic acid the day before, the day of,

and the day after her mtx injection. Elaney also had the

corticosteroid injections in her knee and ankle. They worked well. We

did that when we first started the mtx. The injections work fast and

the mtx takes a while before it starts helping. Since being on the

mtx Elaney has not needed any more steroid injections. I do not know

if any of this answers any questions but I just want you to know that

you are welcome here. Take care.--- & Elaney (13 w/ JIA

[extended oligoarticular], heart defects[TGA and bicuspid aortic

valve-needs valve replacement], scoliosis)


> I am glad I found this group! My 6 year old daughter was diagnosed

with JIA this summer.

> She has had swelling in one ankle since she was walking, toeing in

and toe walking too.

> We were followed by an orthopedic doc and when she wasn't showing

any signs of

> " growing out of it " we pressed harder with our pediatrician and

she referred us to

> rheumatology. We had not even thought of this as a possibility but

knew something was

> wrong and wanted answers. Although our daughter's blood work has

all been normal, the

> swelling and pain have persisted. She has been on naprosyn with no

improvement and

> then had injections in her anklel and knee. (the Peds

Rheumatologist found problems with

> her knee as well) Those seemed to work for a little while. We

started Methotrexate and

> only did that for a few weeks because she was not feeling well most

of the time and was

> also sleepy most of the time. Her doctor wants to have a clean

break from the

> Methotrexate and then try it again to see if the malaise was from

an illness and not the

> medicine.

> For the first time tonight she is complaining of pain in her

shoulders. Could this be

> related?

> Are there any others with a child who has normal blood work but

other symptoms and has

> been diagnosed with JIA?

> Our son has eosinophilic esophagitis as well as my husband. We

can't help but wonder

> about a possible connection since there is a genetic factor and the

arthritis and Eos are

> both autoimmune. Can anyone weigh in on this?


> Wow! That is a lot for a first post and introduction. I look

forward to hearing from others.


> Melinda


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  • 1 month later...

Hello Trena. Sounds like you have a lot to deal with. Do you know what your

specific spine concerns are? Have you had an x-ray? Most chiropractors require

you to have standard x-rays (full length from side and front) for about $165

before they will even touch you, and that's probably a basic way to start to

know if anything obvious is going on. You are not required to have an

adjustment just for visiting a chiropractor and getting x-rays done. Or you

might consider getting basic x-rays done somewhere else, but usually that

requires a doctor visit/counsultation, which would add to the cost. The only

benefit that I see in getting x-rays done at a chiropractor's office is that

they take them while you are standing up (weight bearing) and that tends to show

more accurately what is happening to your spine. Most hospitals take them with

you laying down and that does not give a very accurate view, from a positioning


From what I've seen in the lay-on-this-and-it-will-fix-your-spine gadgets, they

usually aren't what you want to spend $ on. When considering a " tool " that is

claimed to help spine problems, look for how long the product has been out on

the market (that eliminates about 90% of the get-rich-quick gadgets) and for

actual satisfied customers (not paid commercial kind).

Other problems you have that exacerbate your spine? I have those too, including

hip bursitis on one side and knee problems on the other. :) Not fun! But it

sure does help when some of the other problems can be taken care of and provide

progress in your overall general health.

Wow, 7 years going to the same doctor . . . I think my record was 5 and that was

in my childhood. <G> Wouldn't hurt to get a different opinion from somebody

else and see what they have to say. Some clinics will have a discount rate for

your first visit - they are hard to find but out there.

Debbie Dahl

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Hello Trena. Sounds like you have a lot to deal with. Do you know what your

specific spine concerns are? Have you had an x-ray? Most chiropractors require

you to have standard x-rays (full length from side and front) for about $165

before they will even touch you, and that's probably a basic way to start to

know if anything obvious is going on. You are not required to have an

adjustment just for visiting a chiropractor and getting x-rays done. Or you

might consider getting basic x-rays done somewhere else, but usually that

requires a doctor visit/counsultation, which would add to the cost. The only

benefit that I see in getting x-rays done at a chiropractor's office is that

they take them while you are standing up (weight bearing) and that tends to show

more accurately what is happening to your spine. Most hospitals take them with

you laying down and that does not give a very accurate view, from a positioning


From what I've seen in the lay-on-this-and-it-will-fix-your-spine gadgets, they

usually aren't what you want to spend $ on. When considering a " tool " that is

claimed to help spine problems, look for how long the product has been out on

the market (that eliminates about 90% of the get-rich-quick gadgets) and for

actual satisfied customers (not paid commercial kind).

Other problems you have that exacerbate your spine? I have those too, including

hip bursitis on one side and knee problems on the other. :) Not fun! But it

sure does help when some of the other problems can be taken care of and provide

progress in your overall general health.

Wow, 7 years going to the same doctor . . . I think my record was 5 and that was

in my childhood. <G> Wouldn't hurt to get a different opinion from somebody

else and see what they have to say. Some clinics will have a discount rate for

your first visit - they are hard to find but out there.

Debbie Dahl

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