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Hello Peacenow!

Welcome! You will find this group to be wonderful, supportive, and very

understanding. We talk about anything and everything here so feel free to speak

your mind. I know I am very happy to be a part of this group, read others

stories, and get feedback on whatever may be going on with me. I can tell you

that I had herniated discs from C5 - C7 3 years ago. I was treated with all of

the medications you have below and after a year of pain and anguish, they

finally did surgery. I wished that I had not gone from doctor to doctor for so

long. Typically herniation are what they are. They can not fix themselves like

bulging discs can. I am not sure how old you are or how long you have had the

herniations but I believe surgery is the only and final option to correct that

aspect of your problem. Unfortunatley in my case I can't say that surgery cured

me but it allowed to me to at least gain movement back in my arms and neck. I

have just recently been informed that

my surgery two years ago did not fix my problem but only made it more

problematic. I have always been very active and once I gained complete movement

in my neck, I took advantage of it and now I am paying for it. I have learned

not only from my own experiences but from this wonderful group that once you

have neck or back issues, you will ALWAYS have neck and back issues. With this

in mind it is very important to educate yourself on what is wrong with you and

what the best treatment options are for you. Never take the word of a first

opinion but always get a second and even a third before you make any surgical



Have you had any injections yet? What kind of doctor are you under the care of



From: peacenow56 <yonilover@...>

Subject: New to group

neck pain

Date: Saturday, February 21, 2009, 11:03 PM

Hello everyone, I am new to this group and am so glad I found it. I

have suffered with neck and back problems for years and other

orthopaedic afflictions. In fact I had one of the PAs at my doctors

office tell me I am an orthopaedic wreck.It is good to get input from

others who are going through the pain and depression that comes from a

chronic condition.I am in the midst of what is my worst flare-up ever.

It has been about three months now and very intense.I had an MRI two

weeks ago that showed ruptured disk at c5-6 and bilateral foraminal

spinal stenosis and arthritis.Is anyone familiar with this? I knew I

had the disk problem, but it has gotten much worse.My doctor has me on

antiinflammatory medication,muscle relaxers,Loritab 10mg,and

prednisone,but I am still in pain.If anyone can offer some insight

into what I may be facing I would certainly appreciate it.Hope to hear

from you soon, peacenow

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Hello Peacenow!

Welcome! You will find this group to be wonderful, supportive, and very

understanding. We talk about anything and everything here so feel free to speak

your mind. I know I am very happy to be a part of this group, read others

stories, and get feedback on whatever may be going on with me. I can tell you

that I had herniated discs from C5 - C7 3 years ago. I was treated with all of

the medications you have below and after a year of pain and anguish, they

finally did surgery. I wished that I had not gone from doctor to doctor for so

long. Typically herniation are what they are. They can not fix themselves like

bulging discs can. I am not sure how old you are or how long you have had the

herniations but I believe surgery is the only and final option to correct that

aspect of your problem. Unfortunatley in my case I can't say that surgery cured

me but it allowed to me to at least gain movement back in my arms and neck. I

have just recently been informed that

my surgery two years ago did not fix my problem but only made it more

problematic. I have always been very active and once I gained complete movement

in my neck, I took advantage of it and now I am paying for it. I have learned

not only from my own experiences but from this wonderful group that once you

have neck or back issues, you will ALWAYS have neck and back issues. With this

in mind it is very important to educate yourself on what is wrong with you and

what the best treatment options are for you. Never take the word of a first

opinion but always get a second and even a third before you make any surgical



Have you had any injections yet? What kind of doctor are you under the care of



From: peacenow56 <yonilover@...>

Subject: New to group

neck pain

Date: Saturday, February 21, 2009, 11:03 PM

Hello everyone, I am new to this group and am so glad I found it. I

have suffered with neck and back problems for years and other

orthopaedic afflictions. In fact I had one of the PAs at my doctors

office tell me I am an orthopaedic wreck.It is good to get input from

others who are going through the pain and depression that comes from a

chronic condition.I am in the midst of what is my worst flare-up ever.

It has been about three months now and very intense.I had an MRI two

weeks ago that showed ruptured disk at c5-6 and bilateral foraminal

spinal stenosis and arthritis.Is anyone familiar with this? I knew I

had the disk problem, but it has gotten much worse.My doctor has me on

antiinflammatory medication,muscle relaxers,Loritab 10mg,and

prednisone,but I am still in pain.If anyone can offer some insight

into what I may be facing I would certainly appreciate it.Hope to hear

from you soon, peacenow

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  • 2 months later...
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Hi Amy:

Welcome to the group. I'm a fairly new member as well. I am also very sensitive

to fluorescent lights, feeling faint. There aren't any in my house. Fortunately,

I am able to shop in stores without any negative health consequences. I get

headaches from laptops and phones, both cell and land-line. I've made some

adaptations and have no trouble working, at this point.

All the best,



> I'm new to this group, but really glad I found you! For the past 3 years, I

have had a terrible time with fluorescent lights. They make me feel weak,

dizzy, disoriented and terribly anxious. It started when my health crashed with

what seems to be endocrine (thyroid and adrenal problems), but as those labs

have improved, my problems with fluorescent lights have not. The problem is

worse in the morning than it is in the evening. Stores are virtually impossible

to manage. I was a teacher and the last year I taught, I had to keep the lights

off and just let the students work by natural light coming in the windows. I

LOVE teaching, but have had to quit, not only because of the light problem, but

the health mess in general. Before getting sick, I had no problems with the

lights ever. Sometimes the sun bothers me, but not too badly because I spend a

lot of time at the beach and can usually manage without sunglasses. I don't

know anyone else with this

> problem and am so tired of trying to explain it to people. : (


> I would really appreciate any advice y'all can give. Thanks! Amy







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This could be the possible explanation between emf sensitivity and metal

poisoning, as I have understood it, having experienced both quite severely. In

my case, living only 30 yards from a power tower for an extended period of time

caused my body to become negatively polorized. A normal body is towards the

positive end of this spectrum. As a result of the negative polorization I

rapidly absorbed any metal that I touched, as metal is composed of positive

ions. So my body became a metal magnet, so to speak. Hence I had metal poisoning

so severe that by the age of 35 I was often so weak that I was in bed all day.

Of course at that time I had no clue why I was so sick. Fortunatly a very

knowledgeable health food store owner told me what was wrong and sold me

chelation. I believe that she saved my life as no doctor would have ever

diagnosed me with metal poisoning in all likelihood. I noticed that whenever I

toched metal my skin broke out in terrible red

rashes and I had to give up using silverware due to this. Has anyone else

experienced this?  Hope this info helps.



From: Marc <marc@...>

Subject: Re: new to group

Date: Sunday, May 3, 2009, 10:14 PM

> Is there a general consensus on this forum for what causes fluorescent

> light problems??

There is (somewhat) a consensus that EMF sensitivity has something to do

with heavy metal poisoning, typically mercury is thought to be a culprit

(with dental fillings and fish being the main sources). But I would

also consider adrenal/thyroid problems, possibly nutritional

deficiencies (perhaps iodine, or essential fatty acids, B vitamins, or

vitamin D), also a possibility is chronic low level infections (or

parasites) dragging down your immune system. These are all things that

can be checked by doctors, although I think alternative health doctors

(naturopaths, chiropracters) seem to better with this than regular

doctors, if for no other reason than they generally take their patients

more seriously, and not try to get them on anti-depressants. The

downside is that the treatments may not be covered by insurance.

The upside is that they can work, as evidenced by several people

here who have improved considerably (including myself).


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> That's an adrenal pattern, so I'm guessing the connection may be

> adrenal, but I don't know and doctor's seem to have no idea.

You can have your cortisol levels checked -- it's a saliva test which is

done 4 times in a day to see if you are in adrenal fatigue, and at what

stage. I've had this done a couple times. When I was more sensitive,

my cortisol levels were too high throughout the day (which means the

body was constantly in " fight or flight " mode). When I became less

sensitive, my cortisol levels were normal. To become normal, I was

taking various herbs and glandular pills/capsules for adrenal support.

The test and the pills were provided by a local chiropractor who focuses

on nutrition.


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Marc -- Could that include candida??

Thanks, Amy


also a possibility is chronic low level infections (or

parasites) dragging down your immune system.


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Cheryl -- Wow, you've really been through it! What kind of chelation stuff did

the health food store owner give you? I just bought an intestinal cleanse kit

and I do have some milk thistle (that I've never used). I can't wear watches

that have any kind of metal in them or I get a real itchy rash where the metal

touches -- same for earrings etc. Would that be at all connected?

I have also read the Adrenal Fatigue book. It's wonderful. His program and

supplements brought me from low cortisol levels up to pretty much normal levels

-- but it didn't solve all my health issues, so I'm trying to dig deeper than

just adrenals.

Thanks! Amy


Hence I had metal poisoning so severe that by the age of 35 I was often so weak

that I was in bed all day. Of course at that time I had no clue why I was so

sick. Fortunatly a very knowledgeable health food store owner told me what was

wrong and sold me chelation. I believe that she saved my life as no doctor would

have ever diagnosed me with metal poisoning in all likelihood. I noticed that

whenever I toched metal my skin broke out in terrible red

rashes and I had to give up using silverware due to this. Has anyone else

experienced this? Hope this info helps.



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Marc -- I've done the saliva tests several times. Interestingly, when my light

sensitivity was at it's worst (WalMart would make me so dizzy and disoriented

that I could barely manage to get myself out of there), my cortisol levels were

low. I guess low cortisol messes with you as badly as high cortisol. Even

though my cortisol tests out as being in the normal range, I still feel like I'm

in constant fight or flight mode -- I felt that way too when it was low. The

beach (and outside in general) is the only time when I really can feel relaxed.

Your explanations about the beach made a lot of sense to me. Should we be using

negative ion generators in our homes?

Thanks for all your help! Amy


From: Marc <marc@...>

Sent: Monday, May 4, 2009 9:10:47 AM

Subject: Re: new to group

> That's an adrenal pattern, so I'm guessing the connection may be

> adrenal, but I don't know and doctor's seem to have no idea.

You can have your cortisol levels checked -- it's a saliva test which is

done 4 times in a day to see if you are in adrenal fatigue, and at what

stage. I've had this done a couple times. When I was more sensitive,

my cortisol levels were too high throughout the day (which means the

body was constantly in " fight or flight " mode). When I became less

sensitive, my cortisol levels were normal. To become normal, I was

taking various herbs and glandular pills/capsules for adrenal support.

The test and the pills were provided by a local chiropractor who focuses

on nutrition.


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> I guess low cortisol messes with you as badly as high cortisol.

Yes, low cortisol readings can be even worse than when they are high, as

that can indicate a more advanced case of adrenal exhaustion.

> Should we be using negative ion generators in our homes?

You would think so, but I have personally found negative ion generators

to be more trouble than they are worth. I never found any real benefit

from them, but I did find plenty of drawbacks, including a " pins &

needles " reaction on my skin (an ES reaction?), plus they blacken all

furniture and walls in their immediate vicinity, which indicates to me

that there are way too many ions next to the device, but probably none

further away from the device. I know that there is a really expensive

ionizer that I have not tried that claims to be better than all other

ionizers (made by Elanra), but it costs more than I'm willing to pay.

However, I have found benefits from using low-powered ozone air

purifiers. Now, you may have read that ozone is a harmful component of

pollution, but I think the media has it wrong in this case. Ozone is

also found in high amounts in the most freshest of airs -- in the

mountains, by the beach and waterfalls, and after thunderstorms

(negative ions are also high in these environments). Ozone is simply an

unstable configuration of 3 oxygen molecules, and as soon as it runs

into a pollutant, it destroys (oxidizes) it. So I have found ozone good

for reducing odors in the house from chemicals, pets, etc. and it also

can make the air smell cleaner/fresher indoors. And without destroying

the walls of furniture! Many of the ozone devices sold today actually

put out way too much ozone (as in more than a natural amount found

outdoors), which can be irritating, but with some experimentation I've

found appropriately sized models or added on/off recycle timers to limit

the amount of ozone added to a room. If you want to experiment, a cheap

good one is the Fresh Air Focus from EcoQuest, which I've seen for only

$30 - $40 online and on eBay. I also have used more expensive models

from BioZone Scientific and the Aranizers (although the Aranizers seems

to always self-destruct after about a year or two). I don't consider

any of these to be the " perfect " solution for indoor air, but they

are certainly better than all of the ionizers I've tried.


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Yes, candida can be a factor. It is one of the numerous items that falls

into the category of things that put a strain on your body and immune

system. I forgot to mention that Sue's original problem (10 years back) was

candida resulting from heavy antibiotic doses after a wisdom teeth

infection. This gave her chronic fatigue type ME, i.e. unable to walk for

than 100 yards. A severe anti-candida diet apparently cured it, but also

left behind some residual damage to the gut (which much later mainfested

itself as leaky gut syndrome and food allergies). She still gets periodic

recurrences of candida, though pretty moderate (usually if she has eaten

sugar or chocolate ...)

Most people cope with candida naturally (it is part of our normal gut flora)

but for people with a weakened immune system, the gut seems to lose some of

its normal ability to self-heal after a candida overgrowth.



From: [mailto: ] On Behalf Of Amy


Sent: 04 May 2009 16:24

Subject: Re: new to group

Marc -- Could that include candida??

Thanks, Amy


also a possibility is chronic low level infections (or

parasites) dragging down your immune system.


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Nope : ) What kind of treatment are you getting for the hashimoto's? Amy


That is so very strange-our similar circumstances in life Amy! Gee, you

don't have a husband named Dave do ya?! ;)

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Hi Amy,


I can't remember the brand of chelation I used way back when I was much sicker

than I am now as that was in the early 1990's. However, I now use the one from

" Health Resources " (www.healthresources.net) 1-800-471-4007 to order, or order

online. This seems to be a very good brand. Allergy to metal does seem to be one

one the symptoms of Electrical sensitivity. A book I read that convinced me that

that was my problem is " Electrical Sensitivity " by Lucinda Grant. That may

answer many questions you may have. It is the best book I have found on this

subject. Good luck with your healing process. I know from my own experiences how

difficult it can be.



From: Amy Green <amygreen53@...>

Subject: Re: new to group

Date: Monday, May 4, 2009, 8:30 AM

Cheryl -- Wow, you've really been through it! What kind of chelation stuff did

the health food store owner give you? I just bought an intestinal cleanse kit

and I do have some milk thistle (that I've never used). I can't wear watches

that have any kind of metal in them or I get a real itchy rash where the metal

touches -- same for earrings etc. Would that be at all connected?

I have also read the Adrenal Fatigue book. It's wonderful. His program and

supplements brought me from low cortisol levels up to pretty much normal levels

-- but it didn't solve all my health issues, so I'm trying to dig deeper than

just adrenals.

Thanks! Amy

____________ _________ _________ __

Hence I had metal poisoning so severe that by the age of 35 I was often so weak

that I was in bed all day. Of course at that time I had no clue why I was so

sick. Fortunatly a very knowledgeable health food store owner told me what was

wrong and sold me chelation. I believe that she saved my life as no doctor would

have ever diagnosed me with metal poisoning in all likelihood. I noticed that

whenever I toched metal my skin broke out in terrible red

rashes and I had to give up using silverware due to this. Has anyone else

experienced this? Hope this info helps.



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Hi, Cheryl,


I have found polarity to be an issue in my illness too.  Do you do polarity

exercises?  They seem to help me.  I can send you a site, if you don't know how

to do these.  I am mcs, too, so I didn't ever see my metal reactions in the same

light as you.  I am certainly not as sensitive to metals as you are (tho Loni

here possibly could be).  I seem however to be an " electric magnet " .  (I might

be considered also a toxin magnet!)



From: Marc <marcufoseries (DOT) com>

Subject: Re: new to group

groups (DOT) com

Date: Sunday, May 3, 2009, 10:14 PM

> Is there a general consensus on this forum for what causes fluorescent

> light problems??

There is (somewhat) a consensus that EMF sensitivity has something to do

with heavy metal poisoning, typically mercury is thought to be a culprit

(with dental fillings and fish being the main sources). But I would

also consider adrenal/thyroid problems, possibly nutritional

deficiencies (perhaps iodine, or essential fatty acids, B vitamins, or

vitamin D), also a possibility is chronic low level infections (or

parasites) dragging down your immune system. These are all things that

can be checked by doctors, although I think alternative health doctors

(naturopaths, chiropracters) seem to better with this than regular

doctors, if for no other reason than they generally take their patients

more seriously, and not try to get them on anti-depressants. The

downside is that the treatments may not be covered by insurance.

The upside is that they can work, as evidenced by several people

here who have improved considerably (including myself).


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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest guest

, I'd like to hear details about your yeast cleanse diet. Many yeast diets

are off the mark enough they don't help much. Ours is different.



> Morning,


> I'm new to the group. I just started a yeast cleanse diet 2 weeks ago.

> I did ok the first week, just tired and not feeling 100%, some

> belching. But this week I'm really not well. I woke up last Sunday was

> pains in my chest area. Lots of belching and pain. After consulting

> with my Doctor, he said this is yeast kill off stuck in my digestive track.


> Anyone else have this? It's been a week now and it's still here. Some

> days are better then others. I can feel it moving through the digestive

> track, it's in the large intestines today and painful. With sharp pains.


> Any ideas how to elivate the pain? I'm doing all the enzymes, juices

> ect that I'm supposed to.


> in MN


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I'm new too and on my 2nd week and my chest is terrible can hardly get the

phlegm up and feel like total crap, i wasn't sick before i started the diet,

feel like i have the flu too, like my whole defences are down, just not well and

have skin coming off the palms of my hands i've never had before so ,i dont know

whats wrong with me, i havnt been to a doctor on 2 and a half yrs also

temperatures and runny nose so i thought maybe its hayfever, i live in

N.IRELAND, i have no-one giving me any guidance at all, i'd a rather someone had

a plan for me to follow, the man in my health food shop who tested me for

candidas was going to monitor me and slowly introduce me back into foods again,

but he closed up shop and is gone now, so i'm still really lost, i came off

absolutely everything and just eat salads veg and meat, nothing else, its really




From: Lhunhen@...

Date: Sun, 24 May 2009 06:37:46 -0500

Subject: new to group


I'm new to the group. I just started a yeast cleanse diet 2 weeks ago.

I did ok the first week, just tired and not feeling 100%, some

belching. But this week I'm really not well. I woke up last Sunday was

pains in my chest area. Lots of belching and pain. After consulting

with my Doctor, he said this is yeast kill off stuck in my digestive track.

Anyone else have this? It's been a week now and it's still here. Some

days are better then others. I can feel it moving through the digestive

track, it's in the large intestines today and painful. With sharp pains.

Any ideas how to elivate the pain? I'm doing all the enzymes, juices

ect that I'm supposed to.

in MN


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Hi Heidi,

Welcome to Bee's group! You are certainly not alone here. At the latest count

we have over 5,000 members!

The best way to overcome candida is to read and understand so that you know how

to deal with it effectively. Curing the candida is about giving your body

proper nutrients so that it can heal itself; it's not about trying to kill off

the candida. Bee will tell you that eating a 'rotational diet' is not necessary

and it is likely that some of the foods you are 'sensitive' to are actually good

for you to eat since they help to enable healing (but are often mistaken as a

negative reaction).

Take a look at Bee's recommendations for foods we can eat:


The reason that you feel hungry is likely because you are not getting enough

fat. Bee recommends a high fat, low carb diet as well as supplements that you

can buy on your own. The good fats are really important for overall health and

they help keep you feeling satiated. The coconut oil is also antifungal, so it

helps to lower the numbers of candida.

For you, the first task is to start reading Bee's website so that you understand

how to heal yourself. Here are some articles that will help you to do that:

-How to Successfully Overcome Candida


-Curing Candida, How to Get Started


For inspiration and motivation, check out these Success Stories written by some

of our members:


Once you've had a chance to read, please get back to us with any questions you


All the best,


> Hello all, I am new to the group and very happy that I found it. I have been

sick with candida for years now but have just recently figured out what it was I

am dealing with. The past year I went from it being a nuisance to life changing.


I have so many of the symptoms on the list and finally found some folks who know

something about it and how to get rid of it. I'll probably have many questions

as I read through the site and transition to the diet. I am just very glad that

I am not alone in this and have others dealing with it to talk to finally.

> thanks,

> Heidi


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Yes it's die-off, I've been through it over and over with my various infections

(Lyme, babesiosis, candida). It will end eventually but with me they sometimes

lasted for two months. It does mean your diet is working! Try activated charcoal

or Benadryl, these may help you get through it.



> Hi




> I'm new too and on my 2nd week and my chest is terrible can hardly get the

phlegm up and feel like total crap, i wasn't sick before i

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, belching usually comes from insufficient stomach acidity; it's called

hypochlorhydria or achlorhydria. The cure is to increase stomach acid.

Your yeast cleanse diet may be aggravating it. What's in it?



> Morning,


> I'm new to the group. I just started a yeast cleanse diet 2 weeks ago.

> I did ok the first week, just tired and not feeling 100%, some

> belching. But this week I'm really not well. I woke up last Sunday was

> pains in my chest area. Lots of belching and pain. After consulting

> with my Doctor, he said this is yeast kill off stuck in my digestive track.


> Anyone else have this? It's been a week now and it's still here. Some

> days are better then others. I can feel it moving through the digestive

> track, it's in the large intestines today and painful. With sharp pains.


> Any ideas how to elivate the pain? I'm doing all the enzymes, juices

> ect that I'm supposed to.


> in MN


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Unfortunately no there is not a change of environment that can help. Some with

osteoarthritis do better in a warmer climate but rheumatoid arthritis is the

body attacking itself. Methotrexate (mtx) is a very good drug--an oldie but a

goodie. Sorry you have to be here but glad you found this group. Lots of great

people with lots of great advice.


e, mom to 'joe' 22 poly/lupus who just got hired with her first teaching

job. Woohoo! Now bring on the medical insurance!!!

From: jhill9424 <jennifershill@...>

Subject: New to group

Date: Monday, June 1, 2009, 9:46 PM


My daughter, Isabella (4), was diagnosed about 9 months ago with JIA and was

given a steroid shot in her knee for it. She looked good in November at her

follow up visit, but during her visit last week her rheumatologist said her hips

are now affected and needed to be put on MTX injections once a week starting

this Friday. We're going to do it, of course. I've spent so much time

researching since then what could be causing this and there is very limited

information, which all of you already know. There's nothing conclusive out

there, which is incredibly frustrating. Has anyone found that a change in their

living environment helps? The reason I ask is that I happen to know that the

previous owner of our house suffered from debilitating arthritis. He was an

older gentleman so it could just be a coincidence but I can't stop thinking it's

related somehow.

This is a wonderful forum that I've never used before and it's very comforting

to read about others going through this.

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Hi, and welcome. Sounds like your rheumy is being aggressive

which is good. Getting started on mtx will hopefully get the arthritis

under control and prevent the damage that may occur. It is not an easy

decision to make, but many kids have had a good response to the drug and

it can help.

As to the environment, I don't think it will really affect the JA. The

only thing I can think of is if something is causing an allergic

reaction, then the arthritis can be triggered by allergies. But it

really is another auto immune disease like allergies, so once it is

triggered by whatever cause, you have it. It can be affected by things

like weather but that is on the level of feeling more pain or not. The

underlying disease is there.

Hope this makes sense, Michele ( 22, spondy)


From: [mailto: ] On

Behalf Of jhill9424

Sent: Monday, June 01, 2009 11:46 PM

Subject: New to group


My daughter, Isabella (4), was diagnosed about 9 months ago with JIA and

was given a steroid shot in her knee for it. She looked good in November

at her follow up visit, but during her visit last week her

rheumatologist said her hips are now affected and needed to be put on

MTX injections once a week starting this Friday. We're going to do it,

of course. I've spent so much time researching since then what could be

causing this and there is very limited information, which all of you

already know. There's nothing conclusive out there, which is incredibly

frustrating. Has anyone found that a change in their living environment

helps? The reason I ask is that I happen to know that the previous owner

of our house suffered from debilitating arthritis. He was an older

gentleman so it could just be a coincidence but I can't stop thinking

it's related somehow.

This is a wonderful forum that I've never used before and it's very

comforting to read about others going through this.

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JIA is not connected with the arthritis that old people get - it's the

body's immune system going into overdrive and attacking the joints as

opposed to old person's arthritis where the joints and worn and old



From: [mailto: ] On Behalf

Of jhill9424

Sent: 02 June 2009 05:46

Subject: New to group


My daughter, Isabella (4), was diagnosed about 9 months ago with JIA and was

given a steroid shot in her knee for it. She looked good in November at her

follow up visit, but during her visit last week her rheumatologist said her

hips are now affected and needed to be put on MTX injections once a week

starting this Friday. We're going to do it, of course. I've spent so much

time researching since then what could be causing this and there is very

limited information, which all of you already know. There's nothing

conclusive out there, which is incredibly frustrating. Has anyone found that

a change in their living environment helps? The reason I ask is that I

happen to know that the previous owner of our house suffered from

debilitating arthritis. He was an older gentleman so it could just be a

coincidence but I can't stop thinking it's related somehow.

This is a wonderful forum that I've never used before and it's very

comforting to read about others going through this.

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Hi e,

Yay! Congrats to Jo!!! How exciting! What kind of school? What age are the kids?

Is she just thrilled about this?!?

Awesome ... first and now, Jo!!!!

I just got back from the doctors. Strep throat and possible pink eye and I'm

really not feeling well at all but this message definitely made me smile : )

Lots of Aloha,


New to group

Date: Monday, June 1, 2009, 9:46 PM


My daughter, Isabella (4), was diagnosed about 9 months ago with JIA and was

given a steroid shot in her knee for it. She looked good in November at her

follow up visit, but during her visit last week her rheumatologist said her hips

are now affected and needed to be put on MTX injections once a week starting

this Friday. We're going to do it, of course. I've spent so much time

researching since then what could be causing this and there is very limited

information, which all of you already know. There's nothing conclusive out

there, which is incredibly frustrating. Has anyone found that a change in their

living environment helps? The reason I ask is that I happen to know that the

previous owner of our house suffered from debilitating arthritis. He was an

older gentleman so it could just be a coincidence but I can't stop thinking it's

related somehow.

This is a wonderful forum that I've never used before and it's very comforting

to read about others going through this.

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Guest guest

Get well soon, Georgina!

and Rob 20, JAS

New to group


> Date: Monday, June 1, 2009, 9:46 PM


> Hi,


> My daughter, Isabella (4), was diagnosed about 9 months

> ago with JIA and was given a steroid shot in her knee for it.

> She looked good in November at her follow up visit, but during

> her visit last week her rheumatologist said her hips are now

> affected and needed to be put on MTX injections once a week

> starting this Friday. We're going to do it, of course. I've

> spent so much time researching since then what could be causing

> this and there is very limited information, which all of you

> already know. There's nothing conclusive out there, which is

> incredibly frustrating. Has anyone found that a change in their

> living environment helps? The reason I ask is that I happen to

> know that the previous owner of our house suffered from

> debilitating arthritis. He was an older gentleman so it could

> just be a coincidence but I can't stop thinking it's related somehow.


> This is a wonderful forum that I've never used before and

> it's very comforting to read about others going through this.





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  • 7 months later...

Hi Bee,

No, I am not on your program, but am very interested.  I signed up for this

group a while ago, but the emails were bouncing.  I thought there just was no

activity in the group.  I got an iPhone the other day, so I changed my email to

my account and now I'm getting your emails.  What a wonderful thing you

are doing.  I've just recently been reading up on yeast.  I'm pretty sure I

have it.  I took birth control pills for 10 years without missing a day.  I've

been asking doctors for over 10 years now what those spots are and no one could

every answer me. 

I read The Body Ecology diet and tried to follow it, but I didn't do very

well.  It seems a little overwhelming to and I don't get overwhelmed that

easy.  Where can I read more about your program?  For some reason the yeast

has gotton worse over the last 3 or 4 years as well as the cravings for sugar. 

Becuase of that, my weight has sky rocketed and it is starting to affect

everything in my life.  I can't even sleep well because I've gained so much

weight.  My feet hurt, my knees hurt, and my back hurts.  I have two beautiful

kids, 6 and 11, and it's starting to affect me doing things with them.  I don't

want that. I want to take back control, but it just seems so hard.


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Hi Carlyn,

You can find all the information on Bee's website:


The best thing you can do for yourself is to read and understand what candida is

and what you need to do to get rid of it. You're right, it isn't easy, but we

are here to help and support you and as you progress, it gets so much easier.

Not only that, but you will start to feel better than you have in years, so it

is well worth the time and effort.

Here are two important articles to start with:

1. How to Successfully Overcome Candida


2. Curing Candida, How to Get Started


For encouragement and inspiration see these wonderful Success Stories by members

of this group: http://www.healingnaturallybybee.com/success/index.php

All the best,

(a group moderator)


> Hi Bee,


> No, I am not on your program, but am very interested.  I signed up for this

group a while ago, but the emails were bouncing.  I thought there just was no

activity in the group.  I got an iPhone the other day, so I changed my email to

my account and now I'm getting your emails.  What a wonderful thing you

are doing.  I've just recently been reading up on yeast.  I'm pretty sure I

have it.  I took birth control pills for 10 years without missing a day.  I've

been asking doctors for over 10 years now what those spots are and no one could

every answer me. 


> I read The Body Ecology diet and tried to follow it, but I didn't do very

well.  It seems a little overwhelming to and I don't get overwhelmed that

easy.  Where can I read more about your program?  For some reason the yeast

has gotton worse over the last 3 or 4 years as well as the cravings for sugar. 

Becuase of that, my weight has sky rocketed and it is starting to affect

everything in my life.  I can't even sleep well because I've gained so much

weight.  My feet hurt, my knees hurt, and my back hurts.  I have two beautiful

kids, 6 and 11, and it's starting to affect me doing things with them.  I don't

want that. I want to take back control, but it just seems so hard.


> Carlyn


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