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Health & Nutrition Newsletter Vol. 9 Issue 6a- Spirit of Health - 3 June 2005***THE LEMONADE CLEANSE***Published by Health Freedom Resources, Inc.___________________________The Stanley Burrough's "Master Cleanser" text, also known as the Lemonade Diet, was originally intended as a new and more effective method to treat ulcers. A pioneer of alternative medicine, Stanley Burroughs is also known for his other classic alternative medical text, #Healing for the Age of Enlightenment.÷ Burroughs developed the lemonade juice diet as a liquid mono-diet that produces a detoxifying and cleansing effect to the body. Based on his medical observations, Burroughs saw that the lemonade diet aids the stimulation of healthy tissue growth.The Stanley Burrough's Lemonade Diet is a dietary program that should

be followed for at least ten days and can be performed for forty days or more. Unlike other diets, the Stanley Burroughs Lemonade Diet is not designed primarily for weight loss but for body cleansing. Also known as the Lemonade Fast, the Lemonade Diet is recommended for individuals who are suffering from a serious medical condition. Although the Lemonade Flush Diet is viewed with skepticism in the medical community, tens thousands of users of this treatment in the last several decades vouch for its validity."Thanks again for the inspiration and information. I've lost about 12-14 pounds. Waist is down 2.5 to 3 inches. Have to get another belt because the ones I have are all last notch. I've walked 46 miles since starting. Rode the bike 14 miles. Have worked each day (some better than others). I have a great feeling of peace, even though I hit some pretty stressful events head on. I am also giving serious thought to

other work/life things. I guess the clarity and focus come from not eating stressful foods. It is also a time to look at priorities.Can't wait to see you guys next week."____________________________________________________________************************************************************************************THE ORIGIN OF THE LEMONADE DIETby Stanley BurroughsThe lemonade diet, about to be described, has successfully and consistentlydemonstrated its eliminative and building ability.Lemons and limes are the richest source of minerals and vitamins of anyfood or foods known to man, and they are available the year round. Thusthe diet may be used successfully any month of the year and virtuallyany place on earth. Its universal appeal and availability make it pleasantand easy to use.The lemonade diet first proved itself in the healing of stomach ulcers overforty years ago. Permission was given by Bob Norman

to share thisincident of my first experience with the diet.One day, shortly prior to my first meeting with Bob, I was inspired to writethis diet in complete form as a means to give relief and to heal stomachulcers in ten days. I rapidly wrote it down in detail and waited for a testcase - which always seemed to come when it was needed.Bob Norman had suffered with his ulcer for nearly three years. During thistime he had tried everything then known to help, but nothing in the wayof medicine or treatment gave anything but momentary relief. He had to eat something every two hours or he was in extreme pain. For the precedingthree months he had been living on little other than goats milk. His doctor wanted to operate but he refused to have it done. He figured anythingwould be better than that. He told me I was the last person he would goto. If I couldn't help him, he would just go home and die, as life washardly worth living

in this condition.An explanation of the cause of an ulcer is necessary at this point. Thereis sodium coating covering the entire inside wall of the stomach which,if it remains intact, will prevent the digestive juices from digesting thestomach itself. However, when any form of flesh food enters the stomach,the meat attracts the sodium in the same way as the walls of thestomach. Some of the sodium is drawn from the walls and gathersaround the meat, thus preventing the digestion of the meat in the stomachand at the same time depleting the sodium on the walls the stomach.As one continues to eat meat and a deficiency of sodium in the diet occurs,the sodium lining is not being replaced on the walls of the stomach. Thedigestive juices then start digesting the stomach, producing what we callan ulcer. When this occurs, all orthodox methods to heal the ulcer failcompletely.Sometimes meat can remain in the stomach for two or

more hours andbegin to ferment and spoil. To be broken down and digested it must pass on into the small intestine. All forms of meat take longer to digest thando fruit and vegetables. Chicken and other fowl take the longest of all.Just because meat is already a form of flesh, it does not follow that it isreadily usable to our bodies. In fact, just the reverse is true.When one considers that flesh foods of all kinds are extremely toxic, it becomes apparent that they are an extremely undesirable form ofnourishment. In the eating of meat, one must take into account all ofour eliminative organs. They are made primarily to take care of ourown wastes. When we add animal flesh, containing the wastes of itscells (or drugs and other unusable materials), extra work is requiredof these organs and various forms of trouble will eventually develop.Remember that all solid food must be broken down into a liquid formto be carried by the

blood before it can nourish the body. Flesh foodsof all kinds (including fish) take much longer to reach this state and are less useful to the body than fruit, vegetables, and seeds.Back to our story. After all of Bob's explanation, I asked him if he would like to have his ulcer healed in ten days. He answered "Yes"so I handed him the paper with the diet on it. He read it over carefullyand handed it back with the explanation that he could never do thatas all expert advice for three years had told him to never use citrus,and this was nothing but lemonade.Since orthodox methods had failed completely to heal his ulcer, Ireasoned that their advice could be wrong. And since the lemonadediet was contrary o the accepted practices (which had failed), logic told me that it might do the healing. I knew it could do no harmand was confident only good could come from it.I explained to Bob that if all of this expert advice was

correct, hisulcer would have been healed years ago! It was just possible thatthe very thing he was told not to use might be the one thing heneeded. He thought it over and decided, "All right, I'll try it...even if it kills me!" He was assured that this would not happen.After five days of the diet Bob called me. Even though he had nopain from the beginning, he was afraid that suddenly all the pain wouldreturn and he would be miserable again. Formerly he had to eat something every two hours or he would be in pain, and theprevious day he had gone eight hours without food or drink - withno pain, yet he was still apprehensive. I assured him that since he had no pain for five days, he would be all right and to continuefor the full ten days.On the eleventh day he was examined by his doctor and the ulcerhad been completely healed. Needless to say, his doctor was themost amazed because he had given Bob a complete

examination,including X-ray, prior to the diet and had recommended an immediateoperation because he would not have long to live otherwise.Many other cases of ulcers followed with the same constant resultsin only ten days. Numerous other disorders were also correctedduring the ten day period, in person after person.____________________________________________________________************************************************************************************IS THE LEMONADE DIET ALSO A REDUCING DIET?by Stanley BurroughsAs a reducing diet it is superior in every way to any other systembecause it dissolves and eliminates all types of fatty tissue. Fat meltsaway at the rate of about two pounds a day for most persons - and without any harmful side effects.All mucus disease such as colds, flu, asthma, hay fever, sinus andbronchial troubles are rapidly dissolved and eliminated from the body,leaving the user free from

the varied allergies which cause difficultbreathing and clogging of the sinus cavities. Allergies exist as a resultof an accumulation of these toxins and they vanish as we cleanse ourbody. People who are over-weight often experience these difficulties,and the more they continue to eat the toxic fat-producing foods whichcause their obesity, the more their other ailments multiply."I was 6' 1" and weighed a little over 230 pounds about June of 2002. I felt terrible, too. My wife went on a 100% raw vegetable and fruit diet about 3 or 4 months before and after watching her getting healthier and younger looking and happier, I decided I wanted to feel that way too, even if it meant giving up foods that I really wanted (read "crave"). I spent 6 months eating only raw food and dropped to about 198 eating as much raw fruit, vegetables, nuts and seeds as I wanted. Then on 4 Jan 2003, I started a 20 day Master Cleanse. On

January 24, I weighed 175 pounds. I still eat 90%+ raw and have done the cleanse 4 times since then and now weigh about 165. (By the way, originally I couldn't fit in my 42 inch waist pants. Now I am a little less than my 34 inch waist pants.P.G. Clearwater, FLMucus disorders are brought about by the eating or drinking of mucus-forming foods. In other words, if you have these diseases, you ate them!As we stop feeding our family mucus-forming foods, we can eliminatetheir mucus and allergy diseases for the rest of their lives.The types of disease which are a result of calcium deposits in the joints, muscles, cells and glands are readily dissolved and removedfrom the body. Cholesterol deposits in the arteries and veins alsorespond to the magic cleansing power of the lemonade diet.All skin disorders also disappear as the rest of the body is cleansed.Boils, abscesses, carbuncles, and pimples all come under this

category.These conditions are, again, Nature's effort to eliminate poisonsquickly from the body.All types of infections are the result of these vast accumulations ofpoisons being dissolved and burned or oxidized to produce furthercleansing of the body. Therefore, rapid elimination of the toxins relieves the need for infectious fevers of all kinds. Infections are not"caught," they are created by Nature to assist in burning our surpluswastes.Yes, the lemonade diet is a reducing diet, but much more. Just asmany other disorders also cleared up at the same time when it wasused to heal ulcers, when it is used as a reducing diet other ailmentsare also corrected in the process.People build strong, healthy bodies from the correct foods or they build diseased bodies from incorrect foods. When disease doesbecome necessary, the lemonade diet will prove its superior cleansingand building

ability.____________________________________________________________************************************************************************************BASIC PROCEDUREPint Mason Jar --3 Tablespoons of Organic Maple Syrup.-Entire juice from one lemon.-1/8 of a teaspoon of our Cayenne Pepper Blend Powder, or more.-Fill the rest of the jar with purified water. To do it according to Stanley Burroughs recommendation, make up a minimumof 4 jars or a maximum of 8 jars for consumption each day. If you do notknow how much you will need in the beginning, make 6 jars for each day and adjustthis quantity as experience dictates.___________________________________________________________***********************************************************************************ALTERNATIVE METHODYou may not have the time and circumstances to make a 10 ounce glass of the lemonade 6 to 12 times a day. What most

folks do, instead, is make up one or two quarts of it at a time and pour out of such large containers whenever it is time to drink a glass. The disadvantage of doing this is that the enzymes in the lemon juice oxidize - mix with the air in the container and are destroyed. The following is a procedure for preserving the enzymes in the juice and at the same time provide enough juice to last you for three days or more.First you need to determine what your " liquid meal size" is - a cup (8oz) or a pint (16oz). This means how much can you comfortably drink at one time, say within five minutes. Most folks weighing 150lbs or less find a cup to be their usual limit. Larger sized people can easily drink a pint at a time. Once you have this determined, purchase two cases (24 jars) of the pint sized Mason jars or three cases (36 jars) of the 8oz size. They run about 7.00 per case in grocery stores such as Publics, and 5.00 per case at Big

Lots.Here is the advantage of using mason jars for your juices. When you fill them up to the tippy top, screw down the disc and ring so there is no air to speak of inside, and place in a refrigerator, the contents will now have its enzymes preserved for three days or more. You then take out a jar, consume the contents within a few minutes and know it is still "fresh" in terms of enzymes and other nutrients. So, now you can make up a whole bunch of these these servings at one time and have them last for three full days.Amounts needed for each ingredient per jar are as follows:8oz Mason Jar --2 tablespoons of Organic Maple Syrup.-Juice from one half of a lemon.-1/16 of a teaspoon of our Cayenne Pepper Blend Powder, or more.- Fill the rest of the jar with purified water.To do it according to Stanley Burroughs recommendation, make up a minimumof 8 jars per day or a maximum of 16 jars for

consumption each day. If you do notknow how much you will need in the beginning, make 12 jars for each day and adjustthis quantity as experience dictates. ___________________________________________________________***********************************************************************************ENHANCE YOUR ELIMINATION ON THE LEMONADE DIETBy GlickmanThis is a cleanse as opposed to a weight loss diet. So, you need to ensure you are eliminating the toxins that are being loosened in your system. Cravings, aches, pains, mental irritability and tiredness will turn on as your toxins are mobilized. To eliminate these unpleasant sensations, you need to be sure you have two, three, or more bowel movements a day.Drink a laxative herb tea each evening. You can find it in your local health food store.* I recommend senna tea blend with senna being about half of it by weight. (Senna is an herb that promotes bowel movement.) The

kind I've bought warn you not to drink more than two cups per day.Each morning on an empty stomach, add two teaspoons of non-iodized sea salt to a full quart of water. Do not use ordinary iodized salt as it will not work properly. Drink the entire quart of salt water first thing in the morning. "Chug" this - drink it as fast as possible. Within an hour several bowel movements will likely occur. (You'll need to be by a toilet for half an hour to an hour.) If you do not have several bowel movements, try a little more salt in the water the next day until it works.Drink the herb laxative tea at night to loosen and the salt water each morning to wash it out. If you can't drink the salt water in the morning, drink the herb laxative tea at night and in the morning.


What is a weed? A plant whose virtues have not yet been discovered.


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