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Minerals, Immunity & Weight Loss

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This article refers to a product.. however, there is some good info in it..(and I'm not affliated with any of it)

Minerals, Immunity & Weight LossWritten by Audrey KelliherMinerals & Weight LossInformation presented by Dr. Gordon Pedersen, Ph.D. & Dr. Mark Pedersen, Ph.D.

Everyone has an innate need to look and feel great and if we ask people why they come to us for nutritional supplements, they'll generally tell us three things.

They want energy They want immunity, both from disease and aging They want to feel great

In order to feel great, we need energy, immunity and weight management.

Energy, immunity and weight loss are obtained through efficient energy production in the body. Energy production occurs in every cell of our body and that's what gives us life. Through this energy we get a side benefit called immunity and with a strong immune system, we are better able to balance our weight and reduce or at least dramatically slow the aging process.

Consider an 8-cylinder car engine. It runs smoothly on all 8 cylinders when properly maintained and supplied with required fuel. Humans on the other hand, typically run on 6 cylinders or less, due to stress and poor eating habits. If we don't continually tune up our engine, somewhere along the road it will break down and we'll have degeneration. What's important is the way we produce energy. The body uses dietary supplements to aid energy production.

Immunity from disease and aging is obtained by producing energy more efficiently. Weight loss, on the other hand, is obtained by increasing the amount of energy produced. We can take all the thermogenic supplements that we want but in order to produce the energy required by the body to lose weight, we need to have a nutrient infra-structure. This means we need vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients. Energy is nutrient-driven.

A man named Kreb figured out how energy was produced in the body and this process became known as the Kreb's cycle. There are 20 energy reactions that go on in the body and enzymes are at the center of each reaction. At the center of each enzyme are minerals and vitamins. The way we produce energy and transport (move it) to the different cells of the body is through the nutrients that we take in.

We often see a three-lane super highway brought down to one lane during construction. What happens to traffic? It slows down to a crawl. The same happens in the body. We have an energy superhighway that, with all three lanes open, energy and immunity is built very efficiently. If, however, we are missing one of the enzymes in any of the 20 energy generating reactors, our super highway will go from three lanes to one, and no matter how much it's stimulated with caffeine or thermogenic herbs, we will only be able to generate a certain amount of energy. It's like being behind a semi-truck on a one-lane road - we can't go any faster that he does.

About 1960, the U.S. Government started a frame of reference for our society that was both good and bad. The pharmaceutical industry came up with a product called One-A-Day Vitamin that sold both nationally and internationally. One-A-Day Vitamin was a tiny pill, easy to swallow, that claimed to contain 100% of what the government recommends an individual take every day to supply 11 essential vitamins. However, this product contained only 5% vitamins; the other 95% was made up of minerals. We need to get over the "I take my vitamins" concern because essentially, minerals are 95% of the game. However, the form of minerals is very critical.

In about 1972, General Mills came out with a food product called Total. This cereal product was made up of flakes of wheat, corn and oats and it was enriched (fortified) with 12 different vitamins and minerals. The company had added an extra nutrient - iron - and it was in the form of powdered iron dust. These cereals actually have magnetic properties.

This form of iron is very poorly absorbed by the body. Assuming about a 10% absorption, the government set the Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA) of iron at 18 mg. Physiology teaches us that we lose 2 mg of iron through processing each day. Wouldn't it make sense that the body would need 2 mg per day to replace the loss? (That need goes up slightly for women during childbearing years.) However, due to poor sources and poor absorption, we must take in 18 mg of iron to absorb 2. This is how the RDA was set. It has been said that iron is toxic. When we are taking 9 times what your body needs and the majority isn't being absorbed, toxicity may become a problem!

In the nutritional business and particularly in Enrich, much time is spent searching for highly bio-available minerals. (Dr. Mark Pedersen has worked for 5 years with a company that Enrich purchases its chelated minerals from. This lab has gathered 50 - 60 patents in the area of increasing the bio-availability of minerals.) So, there is a difference between the powdered iron dust that the fortifiers use and what we have available to us in the Enrich products.

It is very critical to understand the concept that 95% of what we need every day to keep our engines firing on all 8 cylinders to produce energy, immunity, weight management and longevity is minerals.

In 1956, Harvey Ashmead, veterinarian and pharmacist, created chelated minerals. He discovered that cattle manure obtained from mineral-supplemented cattle made great plant fertilizer. In the cattle's digestion process, the inorganic mineral supplements that were fed were bound or chelated to the proteins in their food and then excreted in a new form in the manure. Using that knowledge, he pre-chelated the minerals by combining amino acids and protein with minerals and found the combination beneficial in increasing absorption. Thus, he created a whole new industry called Chelated Minerals, in particular Amino Acid Chelated Minerals.

Why are chelated minerals such an important discovery?The body wants and seeks out (craves) amino acids more than any other nutrient. In the body, all proteins break down into amino acids through digestion. Plant proteins are generally easier to digest than animal proteins; however, both break down into amino acids through the acids and enzymes involved in digestion. The amino acids are the building blocks for all the proteinaceous tissue in the body. Every tissue of the body including the connective tissue, ligaments, tendons, as well as the bones and muscles, all rely on protein.

With amino acids being so critical, the body creates an active transport system in order to absorb them. 95% of all amino acids that are presented to a healthy bowel are absorbed, compared to 25% of just about every other nutrient ingested or produced by the body. Therefore, if we bind a mineral to an amino acid, we can actually smuggle it into the body at a much higher rate of absorption. Enrich uses chelated minerals because they are body-ready and we don't have to rely on perfect digestion to get maximum benefits from our minerals. If you have perfect digestion, you are 1 in 4 in the world.

75% of the world's population has a mineral deficiency.

It has been discovered that 3 out of 4 people in the civilized world are mineral deficient and the result is a deceleration in the abundance and efficiency of energy production in the body. There are four reasons why this happens:

Soil depletion - "Fruits, vegetables and grains are now being raised on millions of acres of and that no longer contains sufficient minerals to support them. No matter how much of them we eat, North Americans are deficient in minerals and a marked deficiency in any one of the more important minerals results in disease." That statement was made in 1932. Today, many farmers fertilize their soils with Nitrogen, Phosphorus, & Potassium (NPK), but not with chromium, zinc, iron and other important minerals.

Food refining - Food refining destroys the minerals that may have been present in our food. Food selection - In many of our foods of choice, such as pizza, french fries, white bread and fast food items, the minerals have been processed out or removed because of taste and texture considerations. P Poor digestion - The way the body digests food makes a big difference in mineral absorption. Coffee, tea, any of the dark-colored liquids, like Coke and Pepsi, all contain tannin, which removes minerals from the body. Drinking fluids with meals dilutes digestion and does not allow time for proteins to convert to the amino acids that bind with soluble-form minerals. Improper protein digestion means improper mineral absorption, resulting in a mineral deficiency.

Iron: The greatest nutrient deficient disease in the world is iron deficiency anemia. (50% of females during childbearing years have an iron deficiency.) Since mineral deficiencies are a given if we rely on the foods we eat, supplementation becomes the most efficient way of fulfilling the body's requirement and as we learned earlier, chelated iron is the most efficient form.

Even the government, in its conservative wisdom, tells us that of the most important nutrients that we need to take in every day, 95% are minerals. Minerals are critical from every standpoint in the energy generating cycle.

How do minerals assist the body to lose weight?We know that minerals are critical to the production of energy, so let's look at what has to happen in order for the body to produce energy.

The key to achieving weight loss, immunity and energy production is the burning of fat. It takes nine (9) parts of oxygen; three (3) parts of sugar and one (1) part of fat to create the most efficient energy-generating reactions in the body. It takes vitamins, minerals and plant nutrients (phytonutrients) to get oxygen, sugar and fat to the mitochondria (furnace of the cell) in order to be burned. The key mineral in the production of oxygen is iron. Iron is at the center of the hemoglobin molecule (red blood cell), and iron is what transports oxygen to the cells.

If women in childbearing years are even a little deficient in iron, they are not going to get the oxygen to the cells and they will not burn fat. When we know this, it is easier to see why many women take Power Trim and nothing happens. If they are iron deficient, nothing is going to happen because they can't draw the oxygen to burn the fat no matter how much they trigger it with thermogenic products. (If it takes 9 parts oxygen to burn energy and we only have sufficient iron to transport 6 parts of oxygen, we have reduced our energy generating capacity by 33%.)

If we bring too much sugar to the mitochondria of the cell, we burn sugar rather than fat. Because sugar burns very rapidly, it creates energy swings and free radicals. Free radicals have been linked to over 80 degenerative diseases. Therefore, if we are trying to stimulate the production of energy, and in the process we generate more free radicals, it makes good sense to supplement daily with antioxidants. Antioxidants assist with weight loss by reducing cellular stress, otherwise referred to as free radical damage.

Chromium: Insufficient sugar in the cells (not just the blood stream) results in having no kindling to light the fat on fire. What does it take to get the sugar to the cells? Chromium. Chromium is found in the bran of cereal grains and the rind of most fruits and vegetables. Chromium is essential and is at the center of the enzyme - glucose tolerance factor.

Chromium is responsible for getting the sugar to the cell in the proper proportion in order to burn fat. If we don't get enough chromium, we reduce our capacity for energy production. That is critical because a shortage of chromium is one of the reasons that we crave sugars. Chromium is a nasty tasting trace mineral that is usually processed out of foods (as are many minerals). It is found in the fibrous part of plants and therefore people who eat highly refined diets don't get enough chromium.

Shortage of chromium is always a possibility when people are suffering with lack of energy, low immune system, sugar cravings and no weight loss. That's why we find chromium in many of Enrich's thermogenic products.

Phosphorus: Fat needs to be delivered to the mitochondria of the cell in order to be burned, and the mineral that transports fat to the mitochondria is phosphorus. Phosphorus is at the core of a highly energetic molecule called ATP (adenosine tri-phosphate). ATP is like the semi-truck, loaded with energy, that goes to all the different cells - it is the energy transporter.

Phosphorus is the key to lecithin production and lecithin is 75% of our brain, one of the highest energy sources of the body. A deficiency of phosphorus results in a low energy production capacity.

Manganese: What happens in the animal nutrition industry directly affects our diets. In the area of animal nutrition, the industry's advertising has changed. About 15 years ago, the pork industry wanted to improve its image. Hog farmers purchased chelated manganese, fed it to their pigs and pork went from being a red fatty meat to "the other white meat". The reason that the industry was able to call it the other white meat was because of manganese. It reduced the fat in pigs by 15%.

In the human body, manganese regulates the thyroid and is at the center of an enzyme found in the pituitary. The pituitary is the master gland, which regulates the thyroid to release thyroxin and several other metabolic hormones. The iodine-based thyroxin controls the rate at which fats, sugar and oxygen are burned. (Manganese is another one of those trace minerals that is often processed out of refined foods.)

Magnesium: Magnesium helps people gain strength which ultimately increases their energy. In a study done on rats, it was discovered that an oral dose of 7 - 10% magnesium resulted in an increase in muscle strength in only one hour from the time of ingestion.

A study was done on cross-country motorcycle racers. Out of 16 racers, 13 typically fell off their bikes every week - not because they lost control, but because they get what is referred to as arm pump. They hold the throttle of the bike open for so long that the forearm muscle gets cramped and they literally fall off their bikes because they just can't hold on anymore. The rat study showed that it was necessary to increase the racers' electrolyte consumption. They were given a drink formulation containing sodium, potassium and magnesium, and after only one week on this supplement, only 7 racers fell off their bikes. Strength and endurance increased by 50% just with a mineral supplement, the main one being magnesium

Nitrogen: Our bodies need nitrogen every single day for metabolic processes and muscle building. Snickers and M & M's do not provide nitrogen. Nitrogen comes from protein or protein supplements like Rev Complete, Winner's Edge, MangOrange, Bee Pollen and Chloroplasma which are high in plant proteins. (Protein is used to manufacture amino acids which is the creation of an amine group of molecules. Amines are nitrogen-based.)

The metabolic processes takes precedence over muscle building, so if nitrogen is in short supply, where will the body get it? The muscles. We must make sure that we have sufficient nitrogen for the metabolic process as well as for muscle building, in order to keep the heart healthy.

The bottom line in energy production is immunity.Energy production generates free radicals. If we don't have a solid nutritional base in the body, we won't be able to control these energy generating reactions which will ultimately result in free radical damage. Free radicals decrease our resistance to disease and they hasten the aging process. Free radicals are directly connected to the majority of today's disease. What can be done to stop these destructive forces that are created in the process of living? Supplement with antioxidants.

Antioxidants protect cells from disease and aging by reversing and neutralizing free radicals. One of the most potent antioxidants is LifePath. It should be taken every day. When taken along with Maxi Vit/Min (Multi Vitamin/Mineral), we have a great combination of vitamins, chelated minerals and phytonutrients. Absorption of all nutrients becomes optimal when presented to a healthy bowel and that means LiFiber and Nature's Tea daily. (Lifiber is not an option - it should be taken every day because it reduces the risk of arteriosclerosis by as much as 50%.)

Energy, immunity from disease, immunity from aging and weight loss are what Enrich's nutritional products are all about. They can help us look and feel better.

Weight Loss and Plateau BreakingThe key to losing weight can be summed up with two words - energy production. Through the utilization of nutrients, the body produces energy, which allows every one of its functions to occur. Poor or inefficient energy production = poor and inefficient body functioning = disease, obesity, lack of energy, mental inertia. Efficient energy production = a healthy mind and body that is nutritionally balanced - neither overweight nor underweight = a zest for life, often referred to as youngevity.

The human body has trillions of cells and each one of these cells is a miniature factory, responsible for a specific function that will fit into the assembly line of energy production.

Picture this: You just purchased a mouse trap building factory. The only raw materials you require to run an efficient business are wood and metal rods, so these two items are the only materials that move in and out of your factory. Raw materials in, finished product (mouse trap) out. Trucks arrive daily to deliver your raw materials, but, over time, something is going wrong with your business. The delivery trucks are leaving more than just wood and metal rods and you are storing it in corners everywhere, the walls are bulging and production is slow. You either have to move to a larger facility or clean out the accumulated garbage that isn't contributing to efficient production.

This scenario happens in our cells every day - we eat junk food instead of cell food and the result is inefficient energy production. The Enrich product line contains an entire arsenal of tools - cell foods that support energy production, immunity and weight loss as well as cleansers to improve the function of each cell factory.

Because energy is the key, the main core product necessary for weight loss (and overall health) is Maxi Vit/Min (Multi Vitamin/Mineral). It provides your body with the essential minerals including small amounts of chelated chromium, manganese, iron, magnesium and other important minerals. Maxi Vit/Min (Multi Vitamin/Mineral) is a foundation product. Other thermogenic products and cleansing products can also be added.

Everyone who goes on a weight loss program will at some point reach a plateau. Enrich has a number of ingredients, known as thermogenic agents, which influence energy levels and weight loss. When a plateau is reached, look at adding in a chelated iron supplement for a few weeks to increase body temperature. The body cannot produce much of a burn effect when iron is low, regardless of how many metabolic stimulators are consumed.

Find out if you are iron deficient.If Power Trim doesn't seem to be providing a benefit, you may be iron deficient and lack the oxygen to burn fat. There is a very simple way to find out if your body is using the thermogenic products to mobilize and burn fats. Take your temperature with a digital thermometer and record it. Take 2 Power Trim capsules. Wait one hour and take your temperature again. Has it gone up, or down? A rise in body temperature of 1 degree can burn 40 - 50 pounds of fat over the course of one year. It your temperature went down from the original reading, you are either iron deficient or have poor circulation. Consider taking a non-constipating product like Iron with Vitamins (MagneFe++) for one week to reverse the thermogenic inversion.

Why do we plateau?Nutrient deficiencies are one of the reasons that we experience plateaus on any weight loss program. The body desperately seeks and wants to be in balance; it is called homeostasis. When we travel, and are three hours out of our own time zone, the body is locked on to a homeostasis which keeps us close to normal balance. If we stay in this new time zone for a while, the body will slowly adjust and lock on to this new balance. The way we train our bodies, sets up this balance.

How do deficiencies occur?Let's assume you are 17 years old, just finished high school and are working at your first job - perhaps on construction. You like fast foods and your body locks on to Twinkies, donuts and junk food and it says, "OK, I will take what I am given, make the best of it, and get the best balance I can" and within a short period of time your body locks on to this balance.

Unfortunately, from 17 to 27, some peoples' habits don't change. At 27, that morning Snickers bar that you've been grabbing on your way to your job is providing some nutrition and you are maintaining your set balance. But guess what? For 10 years you have been missing some of the minerals you need and your body hasn't been able to rebuild its bones or rebuild healthy tissue. A deficiency has been created.

What is the result of a deficiency?Even though the body wants to be balanced, it is always changing. Bones regenerate or rebuild themselves every five years, 20% a year. When we lock on to no minerals and poor nutrition, the body searches within, and in the process of adapting to essential needs, minerals are metabolized from different parts of the body.

With calcium needs, the body will go to the bones if we are not supplying sufficient calcium in the diet through food or supplements. If the body uses its own calcium, we end up with Styrofoam bones - osteoporosis.

The blood will maintain its magnesium level at all costs, even if it has to steal it from the heart and risk the beginning of heart disease.

When women that are out of progesterone/estrogen balance they get facial hair, are moody and irritable and their cycles are out of rhythm.

The body wants to maintain homeostasis and to do so, it will take whatever it has to from wherever it has to in order to maintain normalcy. When all sources are empty, you break. A break down includes nutrients needed in the brain for mental thinking processes, followed by mental diseases or severe depression.

Homeostasis as applied to weight loss.Generally when people start on Power Trim, they jump in and start taking four twice a day. Wow! This is fun. They want to continue to take that many so they know that they're losing weight because they recall how they felt the first time they took it and that is how they know they're losing weight. Have you heard this? Of course you have.

Guess What? That's wrong. If you get a euphoric feeling from Power Trim and equate that with weight loss, it's absolutely wrong, but that is the perception of 95% of those who use the product. Because of that perception, some people will take as many capsules as it takes to get that buzz.

The euphoria and the thermogenic effect are totally and completely separate consequences, but people think they are monitoring themselves with this buzz. The reality is that you can take one capsule that contains the thermogenic ingredient, ma huang, and immediately get thermogenesis with the first capsule, without the buzz. The next day you can take two capsules and increase thermogenesis. The important thing is to have thermogenesis increase.

Even with a product like Power Trim, you should lose no more than 1 1/2 pounds per week to eliminate the rebound effect, often called yo-yo dieting. Weight loss should occur by burning fat, not by losing muscle or water.

Losing muscle weight rather than fat weight is not desirable. We want lean body mass to increase, we want our muscles to increase and we want to burn fat. If we do not get enough nitrogen through our diet, we burn muscle tissue for its nitrogen content. That causes harm to the body.

Malnourishment is common in yo-yo dieters. Not eating does not help achieve a permanent weight loss and can contribute to bowel problems, since the bowel requires 25 to 35 grams of fiber daily. When we wonder, "Why doesn't this product work?" we need to get back to the basics. Give the body the building blocks it needs so it can deal with homeostasis.

How can we help people who reach a weight plateau?Let's say, a person has lost 12 lbs. in 6 weeks. It's been 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 weeks and no more weight is lost - the product is at fault! (We've all heard it.) This is where SEEDS of Life come into play. This is the correct time to sit this person down and have a truth meeting and say, "It's important to know what you are eating and what you are supplementing." Have the person write it down and they will understand exactly where they are. This is the perfect time to talk about the SEEDS of Life. For weight loss to occur, we must plant the proper seeds.

SEEDS stands for Sleep, Eat, Exercise, Drink, Supplement

What are the proper SEEDS? (weight loss order is SDESE)

S is for Sleep: If we do not get proper sleep, we get fatigued. In our deepest level of sleep, REM sleep, we produce a growth hormone. In our mid and low levels of sleep, we do not. When we do not produce this growth hormone, our skin can become cracked and dry, hair becomes brittle and breaks easily and we get fatigued. Sleep is very important to prevent bodily stress.

So ask the question, "Do you sleep properly?" If not, the body is going to perceive it as a stress to the entire system. How is the body going to respond? The same way that it's been trained to respond in the fight mechanism. It's going to respond as if it is under stress or as if there is a trauma. It's going to go into the 'rationing of food mode', the 'storing of all the water mode', and the 'getting ready for I don't know how long this is going to last because it is an emergency mode'. Anytime the body is under stress, it is very difficult to lose weight because we are at the 'high fat storage mode'.

D is for Drink - Water: – Do they drink enough water everyday (don't tell them how much that should be). Say: "How much water do you drink," and "Do you drink enough every day?" "Oh! I drink tons of water! I drink water all the time!" "How many glasses do you drink?" "I have one every morning, one every night and I drink juice all day!" No Water! We are not talking about the water you put in your coffee or the water that is mixed into something else. Do you bath in juice? Drink 2 liters of water (1/2 gallon) each day.

Every pound of fat that is burned requires about 22 gallons of water to get washed out of the system. Have you ever been camping and fried bacon in a pan'? You forgot the dish soap so you go down to the creek and try to wash the pan. How much water does it take to wash the bacon grease out of that pan without soap? (Tons!) Think of your veins and arteries now. Where do the fats go that you consume? It's the same analogy. You are trying to wash grease and fats out of your arteries and veins without a bottlebrush, sponge, scraper or detergent. You need a lot of water to clean those veins and arteries so that you do not plug them with plaque.

E is for Eat: The third question is, "Do you eat properly"? If the person is not obeying the simple rules, how can they expect the products to work?"

S is for Supplement: Supplements provide the building blocks the body needs and they also assist in eliminating deficiencies. Enrich has all the supplements we need for outstanding health.

E is for Exercise: We may find that the person is sleeping, eating, drinking, and supplementing correctly. Most don't exercise. There is a ten-fold increase in benefits in our weight loss products when combined with exercise. Power Trim would be more effective after walking one mile a day.

With SEEDS, we have the tools to educate. We can help people to understand how and why to focus in the areas that are most important to them.

Length of plateausThe body would like to stay where it is permanently and it may be 10-12 weeks before the next plateau begins to break. When that plateau is broken, people generally relax because they know how they did it. It's not necessarily just doing all the SEEDS; sometimes we have to add extra products.

We have many thermogenic weight loss tools - in fact, there are 10 products that have ma huang and other thermogenic ingredients in them.

LiquiTrim has chromium polynicotinate, ma huang, garcinia cambogia plus other ingredients and is specific for weight loss.

C-Rich (ChitoRich) is a fat binder. Chitosan combines with fats and heavy metals in the digestive tract and is eliminated from the body without being absorbed. Afterall, for the last 19 years, chitosan has been used to clean America's waste water systems.

BioPrime C (PB-2 BioPrime) & LiquiPrime contains Garcinia Cambogia which blocks the conversion of carbohydrates into fats. When eating carbohydrates, excess calories would normally be stored as fat. Garcinia works right at the Kreb's cycle level where it transports fat to a different biochemical pathway where it can be used as immediate energy.

Pharmated & ActivTea are Canadian products that contain mahuang. (Canadians can obtain other thermogenic products through the Not For ReSale program.)

Rev Complete, Winners Edge, MangOrange can be used as a protein source to eliminate nitrogen deficiencies and help build muscle rather than burn it.

Digestive Enzymes are for everyone. They are great as a weight loss product for people who have a deficiency in enzyme activity. Enzymes assist in breaking down protein or fat.

A second plateau.When a second plateau is reached, the natural thought process is to restrict the diet in order to break through. This is not the answer. Continue to eat normally. If normal is too much, cut back, but do not skip meals. The number one reason that people train their bodies to become fat or obese is by skipping breakfast.

Here's why. The last meal of the day is at 6:30 PM. Nothing is consumed again until noon the next day. That means that for 6 hours a day we eat, and then we starve for 18 hours. The obvious reaction is for the body to store all the fats it possibly can, to be ready for a famine. We tend to have an inner behavioral reasoning: "I didn't eat breakfast, I had a little tiny lunch, and I deserve a great big dinner." Don't do it - be patient, use the SEEDS and the plateau will break.

I know a lady who whined and moaned through a 9-month plateau. The only reason she stayed on the products was because her husband had lost 35 pounds in that time, so she knew they worked. At 9 months, the plateau broke and she's lost 85 pounds over the last 1 1/2 years. She lost it at a good rate and she won't rebound.

One more consideration for women.Women need to consider unbalanced estrogen/progesterone levels when weight just doesn't come off. Typically weight that sits mainly below the waist is somewhat tied in with an estrogen-dominant condition. This will not be in 100% of cases, however, it happens often enough that it should not be discounted.

Balancing hormones can be a difficult issue. Wild Yam Cream can help increase progesterone levels and Black Cohosh Plus (MENO) provides a natural estrogen to the body. These are only two of the great options available from Enrich.

Express warrants consideration for every woman, as it not only assists the liver in fat processing, but also blocks the conversion of good estrogen into bad estrogen and is the best prevention for cancer of estrogen-sensitive tissue.

In summary, weight loss is a product of overall health and good health is a product of weight loss. They go hand in hand and everyone needs both.

Listed below are the products or choices available pertaining to each element as it relates to weight loss mentioned in this newsletter.

Core essential vitamin/mineral: Maxi Vit/Min; Multi Vitamin/Mineral Iron: Maxi Vit/ Min; Mutli Vitamin/Mineral; Iron with Vitamins; MagneFe++; Maxi-Chel; Enhance Garcinia Cambogia: BioPrime C; PB-2 BioPrime; LiquiPrime; LiquiTrim Chromium: Maxi Vit/ Min; Mutli Vitamin/Mineral; ChromaTone; Maxi-Chel; Power Trim; Power Prime; MegaMins; LiquiTrim; PB-2 BioPrime Phosphorus: Mutli Vitamin/Mineral; Iron with Vitamins; MagneFe++; Bilberry

Manganese & Magnesium: Maxi Vit/ Min; Mutli Vitamin/Mineral; Cal/ Mag Chelate; Maxi-Chel; MegaMins; Enhance Nitrogen: Rev Complete; Winner's Egde; MangOrange; Bee Pollen; Chloroplasma MaHuang: Pharmated; Power Trim; ActivTea; Power Prime; LiquiTrim; Thermolean

Please note: This list is by no means complete; however, it does provide a guideline when choosing supplements to assist a health program.


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