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Duncan - phase II liver pathways.

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HI Duncan,

I already had a liver function test from Great Smokies. My dentist

had me take this test, as he had doubted my problems detoxing and

told me it was in my mind and that I was blocking the healing process.

However, when he got me to do this test, he was shocked at the severe

liver imbalance. My phase I is overactive and phase II pathways are

unable to keep up. Glucuronidation is underfunctioning. The report

suggested that this is situation may reflect nutrional inadqucies

and/or genetic uniqueness.

He was actually " concerned " , which says a lot for him, as he is not

one to believe those who assumes are a little " neurotic " . He

attempted to address these issues by giving me herbal

antibacterial/antifungal pills, liver/kidney homeopathic support

drops, and milk thistle, plus fish oil.

Though it seemed to do 'something " , the problems remained. I am

considering undenatured whey, but just wary of some of what I've


I'll look into it if you feel it would address the phase II issues.

Thanks Duncan.



> or whomever wants a liver function chapter from one of the

> founders of Great Smokies Labs, just ask privately. The work


> phaseI and PhaseII liver function.


> The main support for the body's cells and energy creation generally

> and the main support for PhaseII liver function is glutathione; one

> of the reasons I recommend undenatured whey so highly for

> detoxification is for it's glutathione precursors.


> Anyway, the article is well worth a read for the vitamin support




> Duncan



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