Guest guest Posted August 7, 2005 Report Share Posted August 7, 2005 Poise THE state or quality of being balanced. Figuratively, equanimity; repose. Equanimity--Evenness of mind or temper; composure; calmness. (Standard Dictionary.) I presume that, to be technically poised, we should be anatomically, physiologically, and chemically balanced; but, as asymmetry is the rule, we cannot hope to be balanced. We can, however, strive for equanimity--evenness of mind and temper. Contentment comes with striving, not with possession. Apparently this is not always true; for we see people very dissatisfied and unhappy who are busy. Someone has said: "Blessed is the man who has found work." This means that he is fully occupied and contented with his work, not its emoluments. No man is satisfied with work that has nothing in it but the dollars he gets out of it. Nothing but creative work satisfies the mind. What is there in it? Advancement, self-development, and a chance in the future to do good are about as little as will satisfy ambition. To make for contentment, the work must occupy and satisfy the mind. Idle minds are dissatisfied minds. If asked what prescription I would give children to secure their future happiness, I would say: Teach then to love work! work! work! We have overworked the old saying: "All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy." Now it is reversed to: '`All play and no work makes Jack a bandit. ' If parents cannot keep children busy, the city, county, or state should furnish work--not in industrial schools, but the work that is best suited to each child. A child must be busy. Christ got busy at twelve years of age and earlier. We must be busy. As I said, contentment comes with striving, not with possession. This is a law of psychology as l well as of physics. We should be happy that we are not contented; for; if we were, we should not have anything to overcome--no reason for striving--and, of course, fail to enjoy the work and labor of attaining. "Man never is, but always to be blest. (Pope.)" Because Pope made that statement, it should not be taken too seriously. I have found many people blest who did not know it. There are more blessings in disguise than are found in the limelight. One of the commonest blessings of mankind is that about ninety-nine per cent of our wants we never realize. If most people could cut out time as often as they wish, their lives would be greatly shortened: "I wish it were this time next year." "I wish now were ten years from now; I should then be through college and established in business." The disposition of most people is to seek abridgement. Nature abhors a vacuum, and that is what abridgements are. "Get-Rich-Quick Wallingford" is the ideal of all. Short-cuts to success; a salesmanship that means coercing the vacillating--those of weak will, those who can be persuaded to buy prematurely, those who do not know their own minds; in short, inducing people to buy what they do not need and cannot afford is called good salesmanship. What is the matter with the people today? General indebtedness. The sales-people have made more than they know how to spend wisely on themselves--they do not know how to fill their vacuums. Those who have been persuaded to run in high when they should have stayed in low--or, what would have been better, continued to ride a bicycle or remained on foot--are distressed because of premature supply. Both extremes lack poise, and build restlessness and dissatisfaction. The automobile is a necessity; but it has been forced into a luxury that has far outrun necessity. It has built great fortunes at one end, and marked poverty at the other end, that will create a financial disease called panic, unless remedied soon. Panic is another name for a vacuum which will be filled with much unhappiness. A prediction of five years ago. Getting through school without filling in the time well, by short-cuts, ponies, and favoritism, builds vacuity. Time and honest labor are necessary for building character, education, and ability in any and all lines. In the physical as well as in the mental world the old Latin apothegm applies: Cito maturum, cito putridum--"Soon ripe, soon rotten." Athletes die early. Why? Development is forced. Excessive use of the muscular system forces an extra supply of blood to the muscles. This in turn forces an extra supply of food to meet the demand of waste and supply. Overstimulation enervates, and the toxin fails to be carried out as rapidly as formed; hence Toxemia is established, which gradually brings on degeneration of heart and blood-vessels. "No chain is stronger than its weakest link." In athletics' the strongest links are in constant use for all the strength they have. The stability that youth gives tissue is rapidly ageing, with the result that the athlete dies of senility in youth. Fitzsimmons was called the "grand old man of the ring" at thirty-five. In this saying, which was meant to be a compliment to the king of athletes, was an expression of scientific knowledge beyond understanding in the sporting world--subconsciously building better than they knew; for in reality he had aged himself by stressing his body. Youth wants to move faster than good, substantial growth justifies. Young professional men are in hot-haste to succeed their predecessors, always confident that they can do more than fill their places. Today inexperience is hot-footing civilization to a quick maturity, and obviously to a premature end. Hot-haste has ill-prepared even those with age to be safe advisers. Knowledge not seasoned by time, experience, and poise never matures. Poise and equanimity have become meaningless terms in this age. The elements of success which make for ideal maturity are lacking in the welding influence of time and experience. Thc present-day mind is athletic; it is prematurely aged at the expense of time, which is required for stabilizing. Hospitals, penitentiaries, and insane asylums cannot be built fast enough to accommodate the prematurely senile. That is what disease is--old-age tissue outrunning the supply of new. Too many abridgments, from the kindergarten to the high school and on through college, leave vacuums to be filled by the lies of civilization, and the disease and unhappiness that false knowledge and immature judgment bring. Personal peculiarities, affectations, and petty habits of all kinds are boomerangs that return to poison life's sweet dreams. Nature smiles on those who are natural; but those who persist in grimacing, mentally or physically, she joins in a conspiracy to distort them at their pleasure. We can be happy and contented, or we can be unhappy and discontented. We can make our choice, and nature will do the rest. I just came from a drug-store into which I had stepped to purchase a tube of camphor ice. The druggist fumbled, and, being self-conscious, his self-pity made it necessary for him to say that he was feeling bad and had been lying down most of the afternoon. He accompanied his remarks with a sick grimace of his features and a bodily expression of weakness. He, no doubt, would have enjoyed discussing his discomforts with me, but I ignored the subject and passed out. He is cultivating a sick habit that will spoil his life and make of him a bore to all except those who frequent his shop hunting cures. "Misery loves company." People with the sick habit flock together, and never appear to tire recounting and comparing their discomforts. The most insignificant symptoms are retained in memory for years. Self-pity causes them to exaggerate, and in time they believe the worst possible about themselves. Such a life is ruined, unless complete reformation is made. This state of mind brings on enervation and Toxemia. The symptoms are a general nervousness, indigestion, constipation, coated tongue, anxiety concerning cancer or some other malady that may prove fatal. The muscular system is more or less tensed. The constipation is accompanied by an abnormal contraction of the rectum. The entire body is abnormally tense. Such patients have difficulty in going to sleep, and when they are about to drop off to sleep they are awakened with a jerk--a violent contraction of all the muscles. These people are light sleepers, and complain that they do not sleep at all. A few complain of headache and nausea. They are imitators, and often develop new symptoms after reading about disease or listening to others relating their symptoms. Many of these cases of neurosis are operated upon for various supposed abdominal derangements. Too often doctors treat such people for what they say is the matter with them. Occasionally we find self-sacrificing, amiable women who are never robust, but who live and work beyond their strength for others. These mothers in early life had ambitions for a career, and the disappointment brought on a profound enervation, permanently impairing nutrition; for the one great sorrow prevented a full return to normal. Fortunately, surcease was found in doing for others; and in time making others happy became a vicarious nepenthe so perfect that those whom they soothed with their sweet smiles and cheering words often said: "Aunt , you must have lived a charmed life in which no sorrow ever entered." The answer would be more smiles and encouragement. Those who find a life of service to take the place of ambition's jilts have made no mistake in the selection of the Great Physician; but those who seek cures outside of self are hunting cures in a Fool's Paradise. Cures! There are no cures. The subconscious builds health or disease according to our order. If we send impulses of irritation, discontent, unhappiness, complaining, hate, envy, selfishness, greed, lust, etc., the subconscious builds us in the image of our order. If we send to the subconscious sensual impulses, our order is returned to us blear-eyed, with swollen features, headaches, bad breath, pain here, pain there, blurred intellect, carelessness in business, of friends, and of self. We interpret our state of disease, and send for a doctor, who finds albumin in the urine, rheumatism in the joints, a leaky heart, threatened apoplexy, dropsy, et alii. We take his dope, his operations, his immunizations; but we continue to send sensual impulses-- big dinners, strong cigars, lascivious indulgences. The doctor does no good. Another and another is sent for. Skillful examinations are given. Syphilis is found. Synthetic drugs are prescribed. Other doctors examine, who find tuberculosis. And at last real skill is discovered in a physician who finds cancer. But all the time our orders are going to the subconscious, and the returns are made faithfully in the image of their maker. The truth is that we are not needing a doctor at all. We need a physician who will erect a reconciliation between our subconscious maker and ourselves. What we need is to be taught self-control, poise) equanimity, repose. And when these impulses are sent over the sympathetic nerves to our subconscious maker, we shall begin to receive images of a more man, until an approach to perfection is attained. Self-control, with an ideal of just the kind of person we should like to be held before the subconscious all the time, will be returned to us just as we order. We are made in the image of the ideal we hold before our maker--the subconscious. We must live it, however. Simply holding an ideal will not get us anywhere. If our ideal is for sobriety, getting drunk will not bring our dreams true. If our ideal is for perfect health, we certainly cannot expect a sensual life to build it. We may have an ideal image, but if we do not live it, a distortion will be created. A disgruntled, complaining habit, builds that kind of an individual. If we refuse to live composed, poised, and relaxed, we become tense and build discomfort. A contracted brow builds headache. A tense, fixed state of the muscular system brings on muscle-fatigue, which may be treated as neuralgia, neuritis, or rheumatism. A slight injury to any part of the body, coddled, nursed, and kept without motion, may start a fixation of the muscles, causing more pain from muscle-fatigue than from the injury. Enough neurotics have been relieved and cured of muscle-fatigue to put two schools of spine manipulators in good standing with the people. All through the ages mountebanks, magnetic healers, and various cults of "laying on of hands" have worked among people who had time to nurse a slight injury into a very large fatigue disease. Fortunes have been made out of vile-smelling liniments because of the supposed cures made by rubbing the dope on sprained backs and joints. The same cures could have been made by simply rubbing the parts; but the minds that go with spineless people, who have time to wait for miraculous cures, could not be made to believe that a cure could be excreted without that mysterious healing property associated with evil-looking and vile-smelling medicaments. A sensitive, insignificant pile tumor may set up such a tense state of the entire muscular system as to render the subject a confirmed invalid. Such a case became a patient of mine a few weeks ago. On examination, I found an extreme contraction of the sphincter muscles. His entire body was tense, and, of course, he had muscle-fatigue, which caused him to believe that he was a very sick man. I had him lie down, and I taught him how to relax; then I introduced a finger into his rectum--very slowly, to avoid giving pain as much as possible. I was about thirty minutes bringing relaxation of the anal muscles. While manipulating, I was advising relaxation of his body. Before he left my office he declared that he felt better than he had for two years, notwithstanding the fact he had been in a hospital and otherwise treated most of that time. I gave him instructions on how to poise, how to manipulate the rectum and anus. All his stomach troubles, and discomforts generally, passed away in a week. I have seen many invalids of nervous type who had been treated by many doctors and for many diseases. Tension of the entire body was one of the pronounced symptoms, and health could not be brought back until this habit was overcome. The discomforts complained of by those who have tumor of the womb, goiter, cystitis, stomach and bowel derangements, rest largely on a basis of nervous tension, which must be overcome before comfort and full health will return. Position in standing, walking, sitting, and lying down may be such as to cause tension. We have occupational diseases and emotional diseases; and lack of poise complicates all of these so-called diseases and brings on tension. Children are prone to become nervous and excited when tired. When allowed to eat heartily, when excited and tired, they have indigestion. Extreme cases develop convulsions. Fear and anxiety are two elements that lead on to chorea. Poise of mind and body should receive attention early as well as late in life. Good health late in life indicates self-control, moderation in all things, and equanimity--poise. Moderation does not mean the same to all people. Some men call three to six cigars a day moderate indulgence; others believe that one to six a month is temperate. Those who have an irritable heart and stomach are immoderate when they use tobacco at all. Fortunate is the person who knows his limitations and respects them. Of such a person it may be said that he is poised. IMMUNIZATION Wouldn't it be incongruous if in the evolution of man such an important element as autoimmunization should be left out. No animal has been forgotten in the great scheme of creation. Powers of offense and defense have been wisely provided, and to suppose that king of all animals--man--should be left defenseless is most absurd. No, man is provided with a nervous system, at the head of which is a brain capable of thinking, which can come to the aid of a flagging nervous system and help to renew it. When the nervous system is normal--when there is full nerve-energy--man is normal and immune to disease. Disease begins to manifest only when environments and personal habits use up energy faster than it is renewed. This contingency the properly educated mind begins to remedy at once by removing or overcoming all enervating influences. Man's immunization to disease requires a life so well ordered that his nerve-energy is kept at or near normal. When nerve-energy is prodigally squandered, he is forced into a state of enervation; then elimination of the waste-products is checked, leaving the waste--toxin--in the blood, causing Toxemia self-poisoning--the first, last and only true disease that man is heir to. All other poisons are accidental and evanescent, and without Toxemia can have no entree to the system. Poisons may be swallowed, injected or inoculated into the body and poison or even kill; but such an experience is not to be classed as disease, any more than a broken leg or a gunshot wound. Toxin is a normal, natural product of the system, always present. Being a constant, it answers every requirement for a universal cause of all so-called diseases. All the different symptom-complexes, which are given special names, take their names frown the organs involved in the toxin crisis; but they are not individual--they are only symptoms of vicarious elimination. For example: Tonsilitis, gastritis, bronchitis, pneumonia, colonitis, are each and every one Toxemic crises, differing only in location and symptoms. So-called diseases are just so many different locations where toxin is being eliminated. All are different manifestations of one disease Toxemia. Toxemia is the only explanation of why so many young men were refused by the examining boards during the late war. Many were sent over to France who soon found the hospitals for they were near the limit of their toxin-resistance. The excitement used up their nerve-energy. The enervation was quickly followed by Toxemia. Their sicknesses were given names, but the truth was that they had Toxemia, and their diseases were crises of Toxemia, which means vicarious elimination. After the numerous vaccinations to which the boys were subjected on entering the army, probably fear or apprehension was next in order of enervating influences. DIAGNOSIS A MEDICAL DELUSION Diagnosing according to modern medical science is a scheme of symptomatology that means nothing except a guide in discovering organic change--pathological change; and if no change or pathology is found, the case is sent home, with the advice to return again in a few months; or perhaps it will be kept under observation for a while. Even cases presenting pathological changes, such as we see in rheumatic arthritis, I have known of being sent home for six months, because no point of infection could lee found. The patient would be sent away with the statement: "After a thorough examination, we cannot find the cause of your disease. Come back in about six months, and it may be showing up in that time." So much for the influence that focal infection has on the mind of the profession. Suppose infected teeth were found. or sinus infection, what of it? What causes the teeth and sinuses to be infected? Why is rheumatism a symptom of infection, and the focal infections not a symptom of rheumatism? The truth is that rheumatism, infected teeth, and sinus infections, as well as every other pathology found in the body, are effects. Symptoms without lesions represent functional derangements which have not been repeated long enough or often enough to cause organic change. If, as diagnosis goes, the cause is to be found in the disease, at what stage are we to look for it? Is it at the beginning, or in the fully developed organic change, or in the dead man? Mackenzie believed that it should be looked for at the very beginning, which meant with him the earliest change. He believed that an intensive study at this stage would discover cause. This was a mistaken idea of his, which is proved by the fact that the cause of rheumatism and cancer cannot be found early or late, and that those who believe germs cause disease cannot find them until pathology is found. It appears to me, after being in the game for over fifty years, that a plan which has received so much labor without reward should be abandoned. Diagnosis is so fraught with the element of uncertainty that no reliance can be placed upon it. Research occupies an army of laboratory experts in hunting the cause of disease, and also cures. They are doomed to fail; for how is it possible to find cause in effects? The specialist is so limited in his knowledge of the philosophy of health and disease that he becomes deluded on the subject; and this delusion often causes him to see meningitis, appendicitis, ovaritis--or any disease that happens to be the subject of his specialty--in every case brought to him. As a matter of fact, most attacks of disease of any and all kinds get well, whether treated or not, if they have not passed from functional to organic. This statement needs a little explanation. It is said that eighty per cent who fall sick get well, or could get well without the aid of a doctor. All so-called attacks of disease of whatever kind are crises of Toxemia, which means vicarious elimination of Toxin that has accumulated above the saturation (toleration) point. These crises may be symptoms which we call cold, "flu," tonsilitis, gastritis, headache, or some other light malady. They come today and are gone in a few days. If treated, we say they were cured. If they are not treated, we say they got well without treatment. The truth is that the surplus toxin--the amount accumulated above the point which can be maintained with comfort--is eliminated, and comfort returns. This is not a cure; it is one of nature's palliations. When the cause or causes of enervation are discovered and removed, the nerve-energy returns to normal. Elimination removes toxin as fast as developed by metabolism. This is health--this is all there is to any cure. In a few words: Stop all enervating habits; stop eating; rest until nerve-energy is restored to normal. When this is accomplished the patient is cured. A short or long fast is beneficial to most sick people. Those who are afraid of fasting should not fast. All other so-called cures are a delusion, and at the most a passing palliation; but enough such cures are performed daily to keep a large army of doctors and cultists in bread, butter, and a degree of respectability. The cured patients, however, glacier-like, move steadily down to the river Styx --thousands and thousands of them years before their time, many even before their prime, and all maintaining a false belief concerning what disease is, and a more foolish notion concerning cures. TOXEMIA SIMPLIFIES THE UNDERSTANDING OF DISEASE When a child shows symptoms of high fever, pain, and vomiting, what is the disease? It may be indigestion frown overeating or eating improper food. It may be the beginning of gastritis, scarlet fever, diphtheria, meningitis, infantile paralysis, of some other so-called disease. The treatment, according to the Philosophy of Toxemia, may be positive and given with confidence. There need be no waiting for developments, no guessing, no mistakes. What is done is the correct treatment for any so-called disease, named or not named. Get rid of the exciting causes, whatever they are. Ninety-nine times out of a hundred the stomach and bowels are full of undigested foods. Wash out the bowels, and get rid of this source of infection. Then give a hot bath of sufficient duration to furnish complete relief from any pain. When discomfort returns, give another bath. Use an enema every day, and twice daily if symptoms demand. So long as there is fever, rest assured that the bowels are not cleaned out. Provide plenty of fresh air and water, and keep the patient quiet. See to it that nothing but water goes into the stomach until the fever and discomfort are entirely overcome; then give very light food at first. A child that is given meat and eggs and an excess of milk is liable to develop putrefactive diseases. It is doubtful (and I believe impossible) if any child brought up on fruit, whole wheat and other grains, and vegetables can ever evolve diphtheria, scarlet fever, or smallpox, or develop septic fever--typhoid. The methods of the regular practice of medicine are in keeping with the habits of body and mind that lead to malignant disease, epidemics, etc. As a man thinketh, so is he. The regular profession believes in antitoxin, vaccine, and autogenous remedies; and these remedies fit the psychology of a mode of living that leads to vicious types of disease. Most people are in sympathy with impossible cures--cures without removing causes. All so-called cures will some day be proved a delusion. Remember that children will not be sick if they are not toxemic. Let the local manifestations be what they may, the basic cause is always the same--Toxemia plus septic infection; and if this state is not added to by food, cases treated in this way will be aborted--jugulated, if you please. Doctors who have seen only regular practice will declare that the cases recovering in this manner are irregular and lacking in intensity. Of course, they are not typical; for they have not been complicated with fear and disease-building treatment. Doctors will say: "Suppose it is a case of diphtheria? Antitoxin should be used, for it is a specific." What is diphtheria? A toxemic subject with gastro-intestinal catarrh becomes infected from decomposition of animal food eaten in excess of digestive powers. The symptoms are those of tonsilitis, showing a grayish exudite covering the tonsils or other parts of the throat, accompanied by a disagreeable, pungent, fetid breath. There is great prostration. Subjects developing these symptoms have been living haphazardly. Their eating has been too largely of animal foods and starch--the conventional mixtures--and devoid of raw vegetables and fruit. The only animal food may be milk, and the patient a young child. There have been running before, for a longer or shorter term, gastric irritation, constipation, perhaps several gastric attacks--acute indigestion. In some cases the physical state is so vicious that a severe development of gastro-intestinal putrefaction may end fatally in from one to three days. These are the cases supposed to be overwhelmed by the diphtheritic toxin, which means an acute protein-poisoning--intestinal putrefaction--in a subject already greatly enervated and toxemic. ACUTE MALIGNANCY DEFINED Malignancy occurs in toxemic subjects who have been carrying continuously a state of gastrointestinal indigestion from a surfeit of food, in which animal substances, possibly only milk, predominated. The entire organism is more or less infected by the protein decomposition. A feast-day comes along; an excess produces a crisis; and the organism, which is enervated and toxemic to the point of no resistance, is overwhelmed by septic poisoning. WHAT CAUSES FATALITY Fatal cases in all epidemics are food-drunkards who are very much enervated, toxemic and infected from putrescence in the bowels. It is a crime to feed anything to the sick. No food should be given until all symptoms are gone; then fruit and vegetable juices (never any animal foods not for weeks). A hot bath should be administered three times daily. Wash out the bowels by enemas every few hours, until all putrescent debris is throughly cleared out; and, when possible, give a gastric ravage daily, until the stomach and bowels are thoroughly cleared of all putrescence. The life of the patient depends upon getting rid of the putrid food still remaining in the bowels, before enough putrescence is absorbed to cause death. All epidemic diseases are wholesale food-poisonings among people who are pronouncedly enervated and toxemic. The poisoning by food is on the order of poisoning by chemicals. Those who have least resistance (are most enervated and toxemic) suffer most and succumb the easiest; for the poisoning brings on a crisis of Toxemia, and the two nerve-destroying influences overwhelm the reduced resistance, and may end in death unless wisely treated. All acute diseases are gastro-intestinal infections acting on toxemic subjects. The more enervated and toxemic the subject, the more severe the crisis. Certainly anyone with intelligence should see the danger in giving food when the exciting cause of the disease is food-poisoning. Keep the patient warm and quiet, and in good air. More treatment is meddlesome. Getting rid of putrefaction is most important. Such diseases develop only in those of pronounced enervation and toxemic, and those of very bad eating habits. TO SUM UP To sum up briefly the difference between the toxemic methods and "regular medicine": Toxemia is a system based on the true cause of disease--namely Toxemia. Before Toxemia is developed, natural immunization protects from germs, parasites, and all physical vicissitudes. Toxin is a by-product as constant and necessary as life itself. When the organism is normal, it is produced and eliminated as fast as produced. From the point of production to the point of elimination, it is carried by the blood; hence at no time is the organism free from toxin in the blood. In a normal amount it is gently stimulating; but when the organism is enervated, elimination is checked. Then the amount retained becomes overstimulating--toxic--ranging from a slight excess to an amount so profound as to overwhelm life. The treatment is so simple that it staggers those who believe in curing. Heroic treatment is disease-building. Find in what way nerve-energy is wasted, and stop it--stop all nerve-leaks. Then returning to normal is a matter of time, in which nature attends to all repairs herself. And she resents help--medical officiousness. In writing and giving advice, I often make the mistake of taking for granted that the consultant understands what I have in mind. Why should he, when I have not given oral or written expression to my meaning? In the matter of stopping nerve-leaks, it is easy for me to say: "Find out in what way nerve-energy is wasted, and stop it--stop all nerve-leaks," etc. I am appalled at my stupidity in saying to a patient to stop enervating himself, and allowing the matter to end by naming one or two gross enervating habits; for example: Stop worry; stop smoking; stop stimulants; control your temper; stop eating too rapidly; stop allowing yourself to become excited. Stopping one enervating habit benefits; but dependable health brooks no enervating habits at all. -- Peace be with you, Don "Quai" Eitner "Spirit sleeps in the mineral, breathes in the vegetable, dreams in the animal and wakes in man." Nearly all men die of their remedies, and not of their illnesses. ~Baptiste Molière, Le Malade Imaginaire The obstacle is the path. ~Zen Proverb Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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