Guest guest Posted August 7, 2005 Report Share Posted August 7, 2005 Enervation Is General EVERYBODY was surprised at the large percentage of our young manhood plucked by the medical examining boards during the World War. To that surprise, add the one which the Philosophy of Toxemia adds, and thinking people should he appalled. The examining boards passed all young men who did not show a developed pathology; which meant all who did not show some change of organ or tissue--structural change. When it is known that functional derangements precede structural changes by months and even years, it should be quite obvious that there were more young men passed by the boards who were potentially ill or unable to carry on than were plucked. Time has proven this generally unknown fact true; for before the war was over ninety-five per cent of the American army had received hospital attention for sickness, other than injury, from one to five times. And the boys who did not get over to France died by the thousands from the "flu." What does this mean? It means that life as it is lived causes the people generally to be enervated. And when nerve-energy drops below normal, the elimination of toxin--a natural product of metabolism is checked, and it is retained in the blood, bringing on Toxemia--the first, last, and only efficient cause of all so-called diseases. It should be obvious to discerning, minds that the amount of toxin in the blood must vary with each individual, and that the degree of resistance also must vary with each individual. An amount would cause a toxemic crisis in one would apparently have no effect on another. An enervating cause--the usual immunization--that would scarcely produce a reaction at one time in a given subject might send the same subject to a hospital at another time, or even be fatal instanter. Active anaphylaxis is the alibi or apology of the pro-vaccinators; but it does not change the fact that vaccines are poisons, even if they are "pure," regardless of the iterated and reiterated protests that they are innocent and harmless. The amount of harm done the army by vaccination and re-vaccination will never be known. No words can describe the harm that immunizing with vaccines and serums has done and is doing, except wholesale vandalism. The average doctor cannot think, and the others do not dare to think except conventionally out loud. I do not know where to place the men of the medical profession who are capable of thinking, but who refuse to allow reason to guide them in their thinking in the matter of so-called immunization. Can class-consciousness or class-bigotry explain? Surely knavishness is unfit. It has been said of me, because of my stand against the germ theory and vaccination, that I have "peculiar views;" by some, that I am "an ignoramus." If I am, it is strange that fundamentally I find my thoughts and beliefs running parallel with one of the greatest thinkers of the nineteenth century-- the famous English philosopher, Herbert Spencer. I was browsing in my library a few days ago, and picked up "Facts and Comments." I turned to "Vaccination," and in it found more worthwhile, constructive thought, in a short essay of less than three pages, than can be found in all medical literature on the same subject. I have decided to quote the whole essay, and I shall be pleased if others get the mental kick out of it that I have enjoyed: "When once you interfere with the order of nature, there is no knowing where the results will end," was the remark made in my presence by a distinguished biologist. There immediately escaped from him an expression of vexation at his lack of reticence; for he saw the various uses I might make of the admission. Jenner and his disciples have assumed that when the vaccine virus has passed through a patient's system he is safe, or comparatively safe, against smallpox, and that there the matter ends. I will not here say anything for or against this assumption.* *Except, indeed, by quoting the statement of a well-known man, Mr. Kegan , the publisher, respecting his own experience. In his "Memoirs" (pp. 260-61) he says, respecting his smallpox when adult: "I had had smallpox when a child, in spite of vaccination, and had been vaccinated but a short time before. I am the third of my own immediate family who have had smallpox twice, and with whom vaccination has always taken." I merely propose to show that there the matter does not end. The interference with the order of nature has various sequences other than that counted upon. Some have been made known. A Parliamentary Return issued in 1880 (No. 392) shows that, comparing the quinquennial periods 1847-1851 and 1874-1878, there was in the latter a diminution in the deaths from all causes of infants under one year old of 6,600 per million births per annum; while the mortality caused by eight specified diseases, either directly communicable or exacerbated by the effects of vaccination, increased from 20,524 to 41,353 per million births per annum--more than double. It is clear that far more were killed by these other diseases than were saved from smallpox.* *This was in the days of arm-to-arm vaccination, when medical men were certain that other diseases (syphilis, for instance) could not be communicated through the vaccine virus. Anyone who looks into the Transactions of the Epidemiological Society of some thirty years ago will kind that they were suddenly convinced to the contrary by a dreadful case of wholesale syphilization. In these days of calf-lymph vaccination, such dangers are excluded; not that of bovine tuberculosis, however. But I name the fact as showing what amount of faith is to be placed in medical opinion. To the communication of diseases thus demonstrated must be added accompanying effects. It is held that the immunity produced by vaccination implies some change in the components of the body--a necessary assumption. But now, if the substances composing the body, solid or liquid or both, have been so modified as to leave them no longer liable to smallpox, is the modification otherwise inoperative? Will anyone dare to say that it produces no further effect than that of shielding the patient from a particular disease? You cannot change the constitution in relation to one invading agent and leave it unchanged in regard to all other invading agents. What must the change be? There are cases of unhealthy persons in whom a serious disease, as typhoid fever, is followed by improved health. But these are not normal cases; if they were, a healthy person would become more healthy by having a succession of diseases. (Toxemia explains this phenomena.--Ed.) Hence, as a constitution modified by vaccination is not made more able to resist perturbing influences in general, it must be made less able. Heat and cold and wet and atmospheric changes tend ever to disturb the balance, as do also various foods, excessive exertion, mental strain. We have no means of measuring alterations in resisting power. and hence they commonly pass unremarked. There are, however, evidences of a general relative debility. Measles is a severer disease than it used to be, and deaths from it are very numerous. Influenza yields proof. Sixty years ago, when at long intervals an epidemic occurred, it seized but few, w as not severe, and left no serious sequelae; now it is permanently established, affects multitudes in extreme forms, and often leaves damaged constitutions. The disease is the same, but there is less ability to withstand it. There are other significant facts. It is a familiar biological truth that the organs of sense and the teeth arise out of the dermal layer of the embryo. Hence abnormalities affect all of them; blue-eyed cats are deaf, and hairless dogs have imperfect teeth. ("Origin of Species," Chap. 1.) The like holds of constitutional abnormalities caused by disease. Syphilis in its earlier stages is a skin disease. When it is inherited, the effects are malformation of teeth, and in later years iritis (inflammation of the iris.) Kindred relations hold with other skin diseases; instance the fact that scarlet fever is often accompanied by loosening of the teeth, and the fact that with measles often go disorders--sometimes temporary, sometimes permanent--of both eyes and ears. May it not be thus with another skin disease--that which vaccination gives? If so, we have an explanation of the frightful degeneracy of teeth among young people in recent times; and we need not wonder at the prevalence of weak and defective eyes among them. Be these suggestions true or not, one thing is certain: The assumption that vaccination changes the constitution in relation to smallpox, and does not otherwise change it, is sheer folly. "When once you interfere with the order of nature, there is no knowing where the results will end." Interfering with the order of nature is a vast subject--one without end; but nature "comes smiling through," except when overwhelmed. Health--good health--is a greater force than bad--than every interference--and can correct every evil effect that is not fatal, if the influence is removed. Stimulants, continued over a long period, cause a gradual deterioration, and finally, unless the habit is stopped, end fatally. Toxin is a stimulant and a natural product of metabolism. When the body is normal, the toxin is removed as fast as generated; but when any enervating habit is practiced beyond the power of recuperation, the toxin accumulates, and Toxemia is established--which means that the body has lost its protecting power. Now, if vaccine or any infection gains entrance into the blood, "there is no knowing where the effects will end." Toxemia throws light on this perplexing point. When an infection takes place in a person with normal resistance, creating a vaceinia--a local skin inflammation--and pus-formation occurs, it usually ends with the healing of the abcess. If inoculation of smallpox virus is made in the Jennerian way, by inserting the virus subcutaneously--splitting the skin and rubbing it in--violent septic infection takes place, causing death in many cases. Laws were passed in England many years ago prohibiting this practice. In toxemic subjects, a local infection set up by the virus of sepsis from any source vaccination, a badly cared-for injury, a wound that fails to drain, an infected tooth, sinus, etc.--causes a septic fever of a malignant type, which is liable to end in death or in invalidism. A system badly enervated and toxemic, has little power to resist; and when the blood is very toxemic, it is very vulnerable to the influence of any infection. Where the infection is not so malignant as to overwhelm the system, due to the virulence of the infecting agent, or to the enervation and toxemic state being so great as to have destroyed resistance, the patient may rally from the crisis and get well under the proper management. If, however, the management is bad, the patient may linger in a state of semi-invalidism for a few months or years, and finally die. Mr. Roosevelt's illness and taking-off at least twenty-five years too soon was a pronounced type of such derangement. The great and forceful man was pronouncedly toxemic. He was injured, as everybody knows, on one of his trips into the jungles. Infection took place, which probably would have killed a less robust man. He returned home, and continued enervating habits, preventing his fine body from cleaning house. Such cases can be brought back to the normal, but never under conventional treatment. When toxemic subjects are infected, the infection will never be eliminated entirely until enervation and Toxemia are overcome. Unless patients of this character are put to bed and fasted until elimination is completed, then fed properly, and taught how to eat within their limitations, and unless they are willing to give up all enervating habits, there is no hope of their ever getting well. These subjects often develop tuberculosis, Bright's disease, and other lingering so- called diseases. Our federal hospitals are full of young men who will never get well; for Toxemia is developed faster than it is thrown ok. Scientific medicine is helpless. Nature's order is interfered with by enervating habits until Toxemia is established; then a vaccination, or an infection from any source, acts sooner or later as a firebrand in causing the most vulnerable organ to take on organic change. The organ, however, has nothing to do with cause, and directing treatment to the organ is compounding fallacy. Types of such nonsense are blood- transfusion for pernicious anemia; gland treatment for gland impotency; cutting out stones, ulcers, tumors, etc. There is no question but that one of the most pernicious practices in vogue today is treating socalled disease with disease, and immunizing with the products of disease. One of the first things to do to get rid of any so-called disease is to get rid of Toxemia; for it is this state of the blood that makes disease possible. Infection, drug-and food-poisoning may kill; but if they do not, they will be short-lived in a subject free frown enervation and Toxemia. Conversely, the poisoning will linger in the system until Toxemia is overcome; then elimination will remove all traces of infection. Syphilitic infection in a pronouncedly toxemic subject is thrown into great virulency by conventional treatment. The infection is the least offender of the trio. Add fear and wrong eating, and we have a formidable symptom-complex, justifying all that professional syphilomaniacs say and write about the disease. Remove Toxemia, drugging, fear, and vile eating, and there is little left. What there is can easily be thrown out by nature. WE are builders of tomorrow, and we need not pay a fortune-teller--a doctor, lawyer, preacher, banker--to tell us what will happen to us tomorrow. "Nothing will happen. The inevitable will come. We shall inherit the fruits of today's sowing. -- Peace be with you, Don "Quai" Eitner "Spirit sleeps in the mineral, breathes in the vegetable, dreams in the animal and wakes in man." Nearly all men die of their remedies, and not of their illnesses. ~Baptiste Molière, Le Malade Imaginaire The obstacle is the path. ~Zen Proverb Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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