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<<OH thanksgiving is GREAT!!!! the highlights are um..... FOOD, FOOD, and

um....... more FOOD!!!!!!!!!!!And turkey.>>

:o) and Family and giving thanks :o) I like thanksgiving, Christmas in my

family everyone seems to get greedy but thanksgiving is always nice. In Ca

it would be Nana and my Great uncle and Kelley (lol plus the animals) and

just all sit around and visit (mostly just me and Kel) and of course

FOOTBALL!!!!!!!!! :o) lol


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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks for caring Jessi, I have just been under the weather a little bit and feeling sorry for myself! How are you doing???

{{{ Much Love }}}


Hi Helen How are you doing?!?! Been kinda quiet the last two nights are youokay?! :o) I hope you are relaxing and taking some time to yourself!! I'dbetter get to bed, You take care K!!!Jessi

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Hi Marsha !!! I'm glad that April can have the boot off !!! The extra time she had it on may be to her benifit :o) I seen where you guys are getting a lot of rain !!! Were you close to where the Tornadoes hit ???

Take Care !!! No we don't have the girls this weekend :o(

{{{ Rainless Hugs }}}

..· ´¨¨)) -:¦:-

¸.·´ .·´¨¨))

((¸¸.·´ ..·´ -:¦:- -:():-

-:¦:- (( °º¤

«::(¨`v´¨)::» °..··..*.. ·· ..°

*..·°-:¦::- `v´*Helen *-:¦:- °·..*

* °.. ·· ..*.. ·· ..° *..

Helen, good morning, how are you feeling???You get the girls this weekend??It has been raining cat and dogs here, yesterday and appears to do the same today.Well, April is out of her bootie, yesterday she got it wet, I called the Pedi Ortho about how to dry it and the nurse said, oh it should have come off at two weeks, well, duh, he did not tell me that, nor was it wrote down, none of us heard it, so, she is in Nike Hi Tops and appears to be doing fine, I told her to call me if the ankle feels weak up in the day, we continue PT as before, activities are still restricted, until seen in two weeks.I sort of feel like a fool, but like my friend told me , who was also in thr room, not my fault, cannot know what they did not say.Talk to you soon. Marsha


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Helen, yep , it rained cats and dogs here for two days. But, we did not have any tornadoes, boy I was glad. Thaye can keep that bad weather. Scares me.

April's ankle is feeling pretty good. They are increasing her Pt, working on the machines more now, she has two more weeks, four visits. She sees the Pedi Ortho Dec.5.

We all are fine otherwise.

Hope you guys have a nice weekend and start feeling better soon. marsha

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Your Welcome :o) Little ones like to be remembered also !!! She wrote to us so I HAD to send her something and Thank her :o) I printed out quit a few of the pages and made coloring books for the girls too !!!

{{{ Sunshine Hugs }}}

..· ´¨¨)) -:¦:-

¸.·´ .·´¨¨))

((¸¸.·´ ..·´ -:¦:- -:():-

-:¦:- (( °º¤

«::(¨`v´¨)::» °..··..*.. ·· ..°

*..·°-:¦:- `v´*Helen *-:¦:- °·..*

* °.. ·· ..*.. ·· ..° *..

Thanks for the url to that website...I'm sure tessa will love it!!!(((hugs))))-Sheena :)

"Always remember that you are not the only one who has ever felt rejected, unloved and lonely at sometime. Reach out and help someone else in trouble, and you could be amazed at the changes in yourself and your life."- Anonymous

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  • 1 month later...

Helen, hey there?? Did you have a nice day today with your girls?? Did you eat too much??

We had a nice day, all but two showed up, will be eating left overs for a while.LOL.

The girls remain well, although my Brother and SIL and niece all complained of feeling sick, coming down with something.Just great.LOL.


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We had a Lovely time !!! We couldn't get them until three and they were very excited to get home to see what Santa had brought them !!! They didn't want to leave tonight and that makes it rough :o(

Glad your girls are doing fine !!!

((( Holiday Hugs )))


Helen, hey there?? Did you have a nice day today with your girls?? Did you eat too much??

We had a nice day, all but two showed up, will be eating left overs for a while.LOL.

The girls remain well, although my Brother and SIL and niece all complained of feeling sick, coming down with something.Just great.LOL.


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Helen, glad you all had a great day!!! We are all fine here. I have the house to myself. Amber is gone for three days, has gone to Corpus Chrisiti for a youth convention, April is with her Grammie for the day and night, Jim and I are planning to eat out tonite and after I get my butt up from here and clean the house, redecorate April's window, Tedlo got hung up in it and broke an ornament, I will do my CE for nursing on internet nursing.

Talk to you soon. Always,, Marsha

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Busy, Busy, Busy !!! :o) When do you catch your breath ??? Hubby and you have the whole house to yourselfs ??? See, Grama's come in pretty handy :o)

((( Holiday Hugs )))


Helen, glad you all had a great day!!! We are all fine here. I have the house to myself. Amber is gone for three days, has gone to Corpus Chrisiti for a youth convention, April is with her Grammie for the day and night, Jim and I are planning to eat out tonite and after I get my butt up from here and clean the house, redecorate April's window, Tedlo got hung up in it and broke an ornament, I will do my CE for nursing on internet nursing.

Talk to you soon. Always,, Marsha

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Helen, hey there. How goes it today?? Any snow?? They claim by New Years Day, it is suppose to get nasty and cold, but they said that for Christmas and it did not happen.LOL

April had a blast at Grandma'a, but she forgot several things.LOL

Amber is still gone. Back tomorow.

Jim and I went out to eat and then he wanted to go to LOWES and look around, joy oh joy.lol .

I have to work tonite.

Hope you guys are doing ok.Always, Marsha

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Helen, so any big plans for New Years Eve?? Going out staying in?? We are staying in, like we have done for the last numerous years. Safer that way.

We all remain fine here, cold here, too, but would be warm to you guys.LOL.

Highs in the low 40's and low30's at night.

Cloudy too.

How are you feeling?? And the girls?? Always, marsha

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Hi Marsha, Glad April had a good time at Grama's... The cold has already hit here :o( The high today was 20* with a windchill of 7* I am COLD !!! The temp is going down to 0-5* tonight and windchills in the -5* , -10*... I have the house temp set at 82* and it is 75* in here...

Glad Hubby liked shopping at Lowes, I could think of a few other places I would like to go to than a hardware store :o) But you at least got to go out to eat :o)

{{{ New Year Hugs }}}


Helen, hey there. How goes it today?? Any snow?? They claim by New Years Day, it is suppose to get nasty and cold, but they said that for Christmas and it did not happen.LOL

April had a blast at Grandma'a, but she forgot several things.LOL

Amber is still gone. Back tomorow.

Jim and I went out to eat and then he wanted to go to LOWES and look around, joy oh joy.lol .

I have to work tonite.

Hope you guys are doing ok.Always, Marsha

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Have no plans on going out... I am not up to that...In thirty-four years, we have gone out four times on new years, once to my brothers, and once to my nephews house, and twice to my in-laws... I am not the partying kind... My health hasn't allowed that in a long, long time...Plus like you said, Safer this way :o) We will play (maybe) Upwards and at midnight toast the New Year with, Ross a coke, Me a cup of coffee :o)

my sinus cold is doing better :o) Still have the runny nose, but head isn't as stuffy as it was...Girls as of last Wens. still had their sinuses and colds :o(

Ross and Unkie have the cold now also...

M I L is doing Great !!! Medicare said she was doing well enough to be sent home as long as someone could care for her... She took 67 steps with her walker and helper... F I L takes care of her at home... This is something we never thought we'd see again... So we are very Thank-ful for this miracle...Dr's still do not know what happened to her...At one point we all thought she was dying...And then she started getting better... She doesn't remember any of the three weeks that she was out of it... She thought that Thanksgiving had just ended the day before, and here it was five days till Christmas, when she fully came back to us...:o)

Right now it is 19* with a windchill of -7* . Brrrrrrrrrr!!

{{{ Warm Hugs }}}


Helen, so any big plans for New Years Eve?? Going out staying in?? We are staying in, like we have done for the last numerous years. Safer that way.

We all remain fine here, cold here, too, but would be warm to you guys.LOL.

Highs in the low 40's and low30's at night.

Cloudy too.

How are you feeling?? And the girls?? Always, marsha

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Helen, hey there, any snow there yet?? It is colder than you know what here, and cloudy, good stay inside weather.

We took our inside stuff down today, what a pain in the butt.

All are well here, knock on wood.

So great your MIL is doing so much better, I know you all are just thrilled.

I am glad you are feeling better with your cold, so Ross has it now?? Poor thing.

The girls go back to school on Thurs. Where has the time went??

Talk to you later, Marsha

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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 weeks later...
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Good Morning, Helen, How are you and Ross doing today?? It sounded as of your MIL did have a bad bladder infection of some kind, usually when the urine is that dark and pus, it is an infection. I cannot believe that they gave you no clues, at one point she was sick as a dog than bam they let her go. I do have my doubts with some of our medical professionals.

I am sorry your girls are so sick again, they have been sick almost all winter, poor miserabe little girls. I just wish the court system would wake up and smell the roses and let them come and stay with Ross and you. Then they would get everything they needed plus some.

Take care, my friend, Marsha

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Yes, it just doesn't make sence to us as to how she was dismissed like she was...They are only giving her 3-5 years as it is to live, because of the polyp that is growing over the opening of her intestine they said lasy Dec. She is not strong enough for surgey and doing the surgery now is too risky to her, she might not make it through it... But it still doesn't seem right that they couldn't give them answers as to if the infection is gone that they scared them to death about...

Yes, the girls are still sick... This is how it is every winter and he knows this... Tonight Bre threw up again and I told her she has to tell her dad and she said NO!!! I said sweety did you throw up today at all, besides now??? She said yes :o( She said that she has been throwing up everyday this week... I said did dady or shannon know it??? She said yes, but she still had to go to school :o( So I told her to tell her teacher tomorrow how sick she has been all week and all the throwing up she has been doing and she started crying and said NO!!! I CAN'T !!! I asked her why not??? They will call Daddy and he will have to take you to the Dr.... She's crying and said that they told her that she can not tell anyone that she is sick... If she does, they will take bankie and dolly away and she will never see them again :o( This just makes me SO FURIOUS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

They threaten them all the time... Is not this called mental abuse ??? How can ANYONE that is suppose to Love them and be the best for them, because they are the parent do such a thing to their own child :o( Saedi said Mom, they will take them away... Last night they came in after we were in bed and took Cassandra's bankie and bear away from her and told her she will not get them back until she starts to get up in the morning and get ready on time for day care... is tired of having to wait around for her to get herself dressed and comb her hair and eat breakfast, because she is too slow...She is only FOUR years old !!!!!!!!!!!!

Saedi said the only reason she had them now, (when we picked them up) because daddy didn't want us to know that he took them away for that reason :o( Cassandra complains of headaches all the time now, she is 4... She sounds congested and has greenish yellow snot coming out... Bre is the same, plus all the vomitting and her peepee hurts :o( She's 6 and is the one with protein and blood in her urine, which he hasn't kept her appointments for since they have been gone :o( She was suppose to have her recheck last Nov...... She has had this since she was 2 years old... Saedi is just plain misserable :o( Her sinus's have not let up all winter :o( Her head hurts so much :o( She doesn't get to take any of her medicine that she always took for them before... But she does sound like she is getting an upper infection right now :o( I DON'T know what to do any more :o( The tears just flow as my hands are tied and they beg us for help and I can't give it too them :o( Something is wrong here... Our law system sucks, for children :o( Sorry, Got just too upset tonight... Typinhg with tears is hard enough to do...

Yuo take care... Glad yours are doing fine and better...

((( Special Hugs )))


"Encourage one another. Many times a word of praise or thanks or appreciation or cheer has kept people on their feet."

- Swindoll

Good Morning, Helen, How are you and Ross doing today?? It sounded as of your MIL did have a bad bladder infection of some kind, usually when the urine is that dark and pus, it is an infection. I cannot believe that they gave you no clues, at one point she was sick as a dog than bam they let her go. I do have my doubts with some of our medical professionals.

I am sorry your girls are so sick again, they have been sick almost all winter, poor miserabe little girls. I just wish the court system would wake up and smell the roses and let them come and stay with Ross and you. Then they would get everything they needed plus some.

Take care, my friend, Marsha

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Oh Helen!

This sounds so inhuman! I know you had tried very hard already, but isn't there any body you can report this ill treatment too? I mean, reporting all this abuse should be able to get the girls away from that man!



Yes, it just doesn't make sence to us as to how she was dismissed like she was...They are only giving her 3-5 years as it is to live, because of the polyp that is growing over the opening of her intestine they said lasy Dec. She is not strong enough for surgey and doing the surgery now is too risky to her, she might not make it through it... But it still doesn't seem right that they couldn't give them answers as to if the infection is gone that they scared them to death about... Yes, the girls are still sick... This is how it is every winter and he knows this... Tonight Bre threw up again and I told her she has to tell her dad and she said NO!!! I said sweety did you throw up today at all, besides now??? She said yes :o( She said that she has been throwing up everyday this week... I said did dady or shannon know it??? She said yes, but she still had to go to school :o( So I told her to tell her teacher tomorrow how sick she has been all week and all the throwing up she has been doing and she started crying and said NO!!! I CAN'T !!! I asked her why not??? They will call Daddy and he will have to take you to the Dr.... She's crying and said that they told her that she can not tell anyone that she is sick... If she does, they will take bankie and dolly away and she will never see them again :o( This just makes me SO FURIOUS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They threaten them all the time... Is not this called mental abuse ??? How can ANYONE that is suppose to Love them and be the best for them, because they are the parent do such a thing to their own child :o( Saedi said Mom, they will take them away... Last night they came in after we were in bed and took Cassandra's bankie and bear away from her and told her she will not get them back until she starts to get up in the morning and get ready on time for day care... is tired of having to wait around for her to get herself dressed and comb her hair and eat breakfast, because she is too slow...She is only FOUR years old !!!!!!!!!!!!Saedi said the only reason she had them now, (when we picked them up) because daddy didn't want us to know that he took them away for that reason :o( Cassandra complains of headaches all the time now, she is 4... She sounds congested and has greenish yellow snot coming out... Bre is the same, plus all the vomitting and her peepee hurts :o( She's 6 and is the one with protein and blood in her urine, which he hasn't kept her appointments for since they have been gone :o( She was suppose to have her recheck last Nov...... She has had this since she was 2 years old... Saedi is just plain misserable :o( Her sinus's have not let up all winter :o( Her head hurts so much :o( She doesn't get to take any of her medicine that she always took for them before... But she does sound like she is getting an upper infection right now :o( I DON'T know what to do any more :o( The tears just flow as my hands are tied and they beg us for help and I can't give it too them :! o( Something is wrong here... Our law system sucks, for children :o( Sorry, Got just too upset tonight... Typinhg with tears is hard enough to do... Yuo take care... Glad yours are doing fine and better... ((( Special Hugs ))) Helen

"Encourage one another. Many times a word of praise or thanks or appreciation or cheer has kept people on their feet."- Swindoll

Good Morning, Helen, How are you and Ross doing today?? It sounded as of your MIL did have a bad bladder infection of some kind, usually when the urine is that dark and pus, it is an infection. I cannot believe that they gave you no clues, at one point she was sick as a dog than bam they let her go. I do have my doubts with some of our medical professionals.I am sorry your girls are so sick again, they have been sick almost all winter, poor miserabe little girls. I just wish the court system would wake up and smell the roses and let them come and stay with Ross and you. Then they would get everything they needed plus some.Take care, my friend, Marsha

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Oh Helen!

This sounds so inhuman! I know you had tried very hard already, but isn't there any body you can report this ill treatment too? I mean, reporting all this abuse should be able to get the girls away from that man!



Yes, it just doesn't make sence to us as to how she was dismissed like she was...They are only giving her 3-5 years as it is to live, because of the polyp that is growing over the opening of her intestine they said lasy Dec. She is not strong enough for surgey and doing the surgery now is too risky to her, she might not make it through it... But it still doesn't seem right that they couldn't give them answers as to if the infection is gone that they scared them to death about... Yes, the girls are still sick... This is how it is every winter and he knows this... Tonight Bre threw up again and I told her she has to tell her dad and she said NO!!! I said sweety did you throw up today at all, besides now??? She said yes :o( She said that she has been throwing up everyday this week... I said did dady or shannon know it??? She said yes, but she still had to go to school :o( So I told her to tell her teacher tomorrow how sick she has been all week and all the throwing up she has been doing and she started crying and said NO!!! I CAN'T !!! I asked her why not??? They will call Daddy and he will have to take you to the Dr.... She's crying and said that they told her that she can not tell anyone that she is sick... If she does, they will take bankie and dolly away and she will never see them again :o( This just makes me SO FURIOUS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They threaten them all the time... Is not this called mental abuse ??? How can ANYONE that is suppose to Love them and be the best for them, because they are the parent do such a thing to their own child :o( Saedi said Mom, they will take them away... Last night they came in after we were in bed and took Cassandra's bankie and bear away from her and told her she will not get them back until she starts to get up in the morning and get ready on time for day care... is tired of having to wait around for her to get herself dressed and comb her hair and eat breakfast, because she is too slow...She is only FOUR years old !!!!!!!!!!!!Saedi said the only reason she had them now, (when we picked them up) because daddy didn't want us to know that he took them away for that reason :o( Cassandra complains of headaches all the time now, she is 4... She sounds congested and has greenish yellow snot coming out... Bre is the same, plus all the vomitting and her peepee hurts :o( She's 6 and is the one with protein and blood in her urine, which he hasn't kept her appointments for since they have been gone :o( She was suppose to have her recheck last Nov...... She has had this since she was 2 years old... Saedi is just plain misserable :o( Her sinus's have not let up all winter :o( Her head hurts so much :o( She doesn't get to take any of her medicine that she always took for them before... But she does sound like she is getting an upper infection right now :o( I DON'T know what to do any more :o( The tears just flow as my hands are tied and they beg us for help and I can't give it too them :! o( Something is wrong here... Our law system sucks, for children :o( Sorry, Got just too upset tonight... Typinhg with tears is hard enough to do... Yuo take care... Glad yours are doing fine and better... ((( Special Hugs ))) Helen

"Encourage one another. Many times a word of praise or thanks or appreciation or cheer has kept people on their feet."- Swindoll

Good Morning, Helen, How are you and Ross doing today?? It sounded as of your MIL did have a bad bladder infection of some kind, usually when the urine is that dark and pus, it is an infection. I cannot believe that they gave you no clues, at one point she was sick as a dog than bam they let her go. I do have my doubts with some of our medical professionals.I am sorry your girls are so sick again, they have been sick almost all winter, poor miserabe little girls. I just wish the court system would wake up and smell the roses and let them come and stay with Ross and you. Then they would get everything they needed plus some.Take care, my friend, Marsha

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Hi, Yes, we sorta had a little wind here yesterday (Sat.) Over 75 mile and hour winds Sat and over 55 mph on Sunday...The winds have finally settleled down some

(20 - 30 mph :o) It's now 22* with windchill of 16* no Snow. just a few flakes here and there... C O L D !!!

In Laws doing as well as can be...

I'll agree with the horse whipping !!! He's inhuman !!!

So Glad the girls are doing so much better :o)

Are the summer months better for them when it is warmer ??? Take Care my Friend...

((( Special Hugs )))


"Encourage one another. Many times a word of praise or thanks or appreciation or cheer has kept people on their feet."

- Swindoll

Helen, How are you guys doing?? How is Ross and the In laws?? I read where you guys are having a lot of wind and stuff this weeknd. Any snow?? It has gotten very windy here today, cool, too.

We all are doing fine, Amber is feeling much better, nothing like the right meds and Dr. on your side.

I wish I could share our good fortune with your girls. Their "dad" needs to be horse whipped for sure.

Amber loves her job, she is a sacker at HEB, which is a big grocery chain here in Texas. She works four hours at a time, when she works, she is working the weekend, plus quite a bit next week, since they are on Spring Break.

We will meet my best friend in Tues or Wed for lunch.

April is doing quite well, just cannot believe the change in her from last year.

I worked the last two nights and needless to say I will sleep like a baby tonite.LOL.

You take care, Friends, Marsha

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  • 3 weeks later...
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Thank-You So much for the beautiful picture !!! No, i have never seen the golden gate bridge and I know I never will :o( Too far for me... I have always wanted to see the grand canyon and niagra falls... But I know I will never see them either... I am so frightened of heights now, that an open stairwell scares me :o( I have to look at the wall to get up stairs, if it is all open, I will not go up it at all anymore... Getting into the swimming pool now is a Big challenge... I'm OK until I get by the edge and then I loose it :o( I don't know how bad it is going to be this year, it gets worse each year :o( I'm OK once I get into the water...

My hands are hurting very bad, but then I have been using them a lot so I know what is causing it... The body pain is starting to get tolerable again :o) The Plaquanil is starting to work

Yayyyyyyyyyyyyyy !!! Ross still hurting bad in the knees :o(

How are you doing now ??? And Don ???

((( Thank-Ful hugs )))


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  • 4 weeks later...
Guest guest

Didn't get out of the forties today :o( It's 41*F right now ( 5*c ) It's

suppose to get up to the 70's ( 21*c ) by Sunday :o) Now the winds are

suppose to start in, which you know makes it colder...

Yes, the plaquenil is helping... I still ache bad, but that is normal...

When I got to the pains that were intolerable and could not handle them six

weeks ago, I had the severe ones for three months before I cried Unkle and

gave in and seen the doc... The Lupus is out of remission and in I'm in a bad

Fibro flare, plus he said I have Polymyalgia... It was either the plaquanel

or steroids and I still do not want to take steroids and blow up like a

balloon :o( So I have to put up with the plaquanel, but really, I would

rather put up with the nausea, because it comes and GOES, Its a daily thing,

but it doesn't stay forever like the pains do... I am always in pain, but

have learned to live with it, till they become intolerable... So yes, to me

it is very much worth it... They affect each person differently, but this is

the way they do me...

Working in the cold could very well have made it all worse :o) Cold does

not like us...

You ought to sign up for the Call Wave, its free on line, you have to pay a

small amount to your phone company though... I think mine is $1.89 a month,

to me it is worth it, then I don't miss any calls coming in :o) Just a


Take care of yourself and remember you are very much needed !!!

((( Special Hugs )))


If People were more like Angels, Earth would be more like Heaven.

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Hi Helen,

I'm very sorry to hear about the flare ups........ really wish there is

something I could do to help to lessen that pain.....

Please do take care, just remember I am an email away if you need to vent,


{{{{{{{ Pain free hugs }}}}}}}}}}


Re: Helen

> Didn't get out of the forties today :o( It's 41*F right now ( 5*c ) It's

> suppose to get up to the 70's ( 21*c ) by Sunday :o) Now the winds are

> suppose to start in, which you know makes it colder...

> Yes, the plaquenil is helping... I still ache bad, but that is normal...

> When I got to the pains that were intolerable and could not handle them


> weeks ago, I had the severe ones for three months before I cried Unkle and

> gave in and seen the doc... The Lupus is out of remission and in I'm in a


> Fibro flare, plus he said I have Polymyalgia... It was either the


> or steroids and I still do not want to take steroids and blow up like a

> balloon :o( So I have to put up with the plaquanel, but really, I would

> rather put up with the nausea, because it comes and GOES, Its a daily


> but it doesn't stay forever like the pains do... I am always in pain, but

> have learned to live with it, till they become intolerable... So yes, to


> it is very much worth it... They affect each person differently, but this


> the way they do me...

> Working in the cold could very well have made it all worse :o) Cold


> not like us...

> You ought to sign up for the Call Wave, its free on line, you have to

pay a

> small amount to your phone company though... I think mine is $1.89 a


> to me it is worth it, then I don't miss any calls coming in :o) Just a

> thought...

> Take care of yourself and remember you are very much needed !!!

> ((( Special Hugs )))

> Helen

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My Goodness, do you have a Dog or a Goat ??? :o) now if you get him on

a skate board, I want a Pic of that Please !!! You sure are trying the

impossible !!! How are YOU holding up with all the extra chores ??? How's

Nana ??? Take Care...

((( Goat Hugs )))



If People were more like Angels, Earth would be more like Heaven.

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