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Willy’s Baggie and Schizophrenia

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I first realized that my son Willy and I had stumbled on to a huge discovery for

all humanity from our taking “the entire nutrient range in supplement form,

and in an adequately balanced fashion, all at once†in June 2006.

Since this time I have seen Willy’s baggie help some persons to get better

from whatever “pseudo-psychiatric illness†or “pseudo-mental illnessâ€

they may currently suffer from. This help was noticeable by the person taking

Willy’s baggie. Sometimes this help was quite substantial. (All of these

persons suffered from one or more of five “pseudo-psychiatric illnessesâ€.

These “pseudo-psychiatric illnesses†are commonly known as bipolar disorder,

unipolar depression, ADHD, schizoaffective disorder, and schizophrenia.)

In using phrases such as “pseudo-psychiatric illness†or “pseudo-mental

illness†in this material, my intent is to show complete disagreement with the

current medical model for such illnesses. These are NOT incurable illnesses

involving only the brain, as we have been led to believe by modern medicine.

The truth is that ALL psychiatric (mental) illnesses are “whole body

illnessesâ€. When the brain is chemically impaired, every other organ and cell

in the body is chemically impaired as well. (This is only common sense.

Unfortunately common sense is often in short supply in the modern medical


I also disagree with the commonly held belief of modern medicine that “mental

illness requires medication in which to treat it properlyâ€. This is a big lie.

It is a lie being foisted on the general public primarily for the sake of the

money. (Billions of dollars are being made from prescribing “medication for

life to millionsâ€.)

The use of medication to treat mental illness completely misses the point as far

as “cure†goes. Medication is only “a symptom masking effortâ€

(“mask†means “hide†or “suppressâ€). Despite whatever symptoms a

medication may mask, medication never really cures “mental illnessâ€. (This

is one reason why many psychiatric medications are prescribed for life, as the

“patient is never curedâ€.)

All medications are toxic to the body. They contribute to the liver’s burden

and the body’s toxic load. Numerous studies have shown that many persons that

take certain psychiatric medications on a long term and daily basis live as much

as fifteen years less than the average person. Perhaps the substantially

shortened lifespan of those that regularly take certain psychiatric medications

for a long period of time is, at least partially, a result of medication’s

additional toxic load on the body.

If medication is not the answer to mental illness, then what is?

It will be inevitably known worldwide that (1) maximizing one’s functional

nutrient status, while (2) reducing one’s allergic load (especially food

allergens), and while (3) reducing one’s toxic load (to include toxins that

are commonly self-generated in one’s gut) can be profoundly symptom-corrective

of the symptoms of all mental illness.

It will also be inevitably known worldwide that (1) maximizing one’s

functional nutrient status, (2) reducing one’s allergic load (especially food

allergens), and (3) reducing one’s toxic load (to include toxins that are

commonly self-generated in one’s gut) can be CURATIVE of many physical and

mental illnesses, when these measures are carried out properly over a period of




Indeed, multiple essential nutrient deficiencies ARE A MAJOR CAUSATIVE FACTOR of

ANY “psychiatric or mental illness†that one may be labeled with. (When one

is short of a “full deck of essential nutrientsâ€, no organ in the body works

right, to include the organ called the brain. And almost everyone falls far

short of a “full deck of nutrients†given the quality of food these days.

This is especially true due to the fact that so much of what we eat is (1) grown

on seriously mineral deficient soil (fruits, vegetables, and grains today often

have less than 15% of many of the minerals that they contained fifty or sixty

years ago). It is also true due to the facts that (2) much of our foods are

processed in a factory (further depleting essential nutrient content), and (3)

much of our foods are cooked as well (cooking destroys some essential nutrients,

especially vitamins B complex and C, and it destroys nearly all, if not all, of

the enzyme

content of raw food).

When correcting (“curingâ€) ALL PSYCHIATRIC ILLNESSES it is best to use the

entire essential nutrient range in as broad and balanced a fashion as possible.

The body and the brain both call for broad based nutrition in order to properly

heal (from either physical or mental illness). When the body and brain get such

broad based nutrition, the innate natural wisdom of the body and the brain can

often “do the restâ€, as far as healing is concerned.

It will be inevitably known worldwide that when treating ANY broad nutrient

deficiency state (all mental illnesses are such) the use of the entire nutrient

range in supplement form should ALWAYS be one of the healing measures that

should be used. I suggest an approach similar in scope and content to what my

son Willy and I are using. (Admittedly a little tailoring of vitamin, mineral,

essential fatty acid, and amino acid dosage to the individual, done by the

individual using such supplements, is often wise.)

In stating the above, I do not mean to diminish the importance of other natural

measures that should always be addressed to correct all “mental illness†as

well. (The avoidance of allergic foods, the resolution of candida and other

intestinal dysbiosis issues, a possible lack of digestive enzymes or HCL, and

insuring proper (adequate) hydration are some natural measures that immediately

come to mind here. There are other common dietary, gut, and malabsorptive

problems that should be addressed when correcting any “mental illness†as


I admit to all that Willy’s baggie is not perfect, by any means. However, it

is “a very good conceptual and practical starting point†for a number of

“mental illnessesâ€, to include schizophrenia.

I do credit Adelle with the primary concept underlying Willy’s baggie.

Adelle is the first person that I am aware of that postulated “when

attempting to heal from whatever illness you may suffer from, take the entire

essential nutrient range ALL AT ONCE†(due to the fact that nutrients act in

synergy with each other).

Willy’s Baggie and Schizophrenia

Although I am far less familiar with schizophrenia than bipolar disorder (my own

illness), I have often wondered what a supplement approach such as Willy’s

baggie (my son’s broad based supplement regime) would do for the illness of


What I have seen since the summer of 2006 in the response from three persons

diagnosed with either schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorder strongly

suggests that Willy’s baggie can help, or even greatly help, to resolve

schizophrenic symptoms.

Two of the persons that took Willy’s baggie both had the diagnosis of

schizophrenia, and both of them took only a single baggie.

The first of these persons emphatically stated, “Willy’s baggie is good

stuff!†He also said that he felt a lot better and could think a lot clearer

as a result of taking only a single baggie. Unfortunately, I lost touch with

this person, and do not have any means of reconnecting with him. If I did have a

means of getting in touch with this person I would send him more baggies in

which to try (to see how much more that they could do for him than the single

one he took).

The second person with a schizophrenic diagnosis that took Willy’s baggie

reported that his depressive symptoms were somewhat relieved by his taking only

a single baggie. In regard to this anecdotal report I did not get a lot of

detail, as it was not being reported to me directly by the person that took

Willy’s baggie… it was being reported to me through a third party.

Neither of the above two anecdotal reports gave me enough confidence in regard

to making a judgment as to whether Willy’s baggie might really make a

difference with a person with a schizophrenic diagnosis, even if such a judgment

was only a temporary and inconclusive one. Two single baggies taken by two

different schizophrenic persons with positive results was not nearly enough

information such that I felt it worthwhile to post to the Internet on the topic

of what Willy’s baggie can do for schizophrenia.

Then the following occurred…

In my recent travels I met a man with a schizoaffective diagnosis. This

particular person expressed an interest in trying Willy’s supplement regime to

see if it could help him. So I left him with a sample baggie in which to try and

my phone number and continued on my way (travel-wise).

About a week later I got a phone call from this man. He told me over the phone

“I took the baggie you gave me and it noticeably reduced both my depressive

symptoms and my hearing voices†(both of which were current symptoms for him

at the time).

I immediately sent this man via Parcel Post five more baggies in which to try,

to see how much more they could help him. I also told him over the phone that it

might help if he did some sort of a fiber purge before taking the baggies I was

going to send him, as doing such often helped to increase the amount of

nutrients absorbed. (I learned this years ago from experience.) I suggested that

he eat an apple or two as a fiber purge before he went to bed, and then take a

baggie when he got up in the morning, along with a large glass of water. (We

discussed “An apple a day helps keeps the doctor away†on the phone, and he

understood the thrust of what I was telling him in this regard.)

After taking a few more baggies from the shipment he received this man told me

over the phone on a subsequent call that every single baggie that he took

reduced his depressive symptoms and his “hearing voices symptoms†that much

more. He also told me that after his taking another two or three baggies after

the first that his depressive symptoms AND “his hearing voices symptomsâ€

were GONE!

Although the above anecdotal report is only a single instance of Willy’s

baggie reducing one of the hallmark symptoms of schizophrenia and

schizoaffective disorder (“hearing voicesâ€), I am extremely encouraged by

it. The gentleman describing the baggie’s effects upon him was pretty emphatic

in regard to how much Willy’s broad based supplement routine had helped him to

resolve his problematic schizoaffective symptoms. He could not have been more

pleased with the results of his taking Willy’s baggies than he was, or so it

seemed while talking to him on the phone.

I only wish I had enough baggies (or funds to afford such) to send this man a

dozen or two dozen more baggies in which to try… such that more anecdotal

evidence could be generated from this man. (Unfortunately, I don’t have the

means to do this at the moment. Hopefully, this will change fairly soon.)

Other Successes With Willy’s Baggie

Willy’s baggie has helped a number of persons that have used it to correct

their physical and mental health.

One of these persons is Willy himself. Despite his only taking a baggie every

other day (to reduce its expense), my son Willy has very profoundly changed both

his physical and mental health. Willy has taught the entire world a huge lesson

about “what health is all aboutâ€. (I am so proud of him and what he has


A second person that Willy’s baggie approach has greatly helped is myself. As

a result of having great success in personally using Willy’s baggie, I have

discarded many of my old ideas about how to use nutritional supplements in order

to correct bipolar disorder in myself. It seems that the quality of my mental

health is heavily dependent on baggies. Without them for any extended period of

time I invariably get depressed. However, I do not worry when these depressions

set in. I do not worry because I know that as soon as I get enough money for

more baggies that within a matter of a few days I will no longer be depressed.

A third person that Willy’s baggie approach has greatly helped is a woman in

Columbus, Ohio that was able to profoundly recover from a state of longstanding

depression within 24 hours as the result of taking two of Willy’s baggies, and

drinking some raw vegetable juice. This particular woman was able to immediately

cease a series of ECT treatments that she had been undergoing for the treatment

of her depressive state.

A fourth person that Willy’s baggie approach has greatly helped is a man in

Australia that has been very successfully using “his own version†of

Willy’s baggie to correct bipolar disorder in himself.

I have seen two other persons that respond very positively to Willy’s baggie.

Both of these persons live in Utica, NY. One was treating a state of depression

in herself, and the other one was treating a state of “low energyâ€.

I have also received a few positive reports via the Internet since 2006 from

people that have tried Willy’s baggie, and were happy, or very happy, with the


As profound as some of the above anecdotal stories are, none of them may be as

important as the recent anecdotal report that I received in regard to Willy’s

baggie resolving the hallmark schizophrenic symptom of “hearing voices†in a

man with a schizoaffective diagnosis.

It is my sincere belief that if Willy’s baggie can help one person to resolve

the symptom of “hearing voicesâ€, then it can help thousands of others. The

potential of broad based nutrition taken all at once is absolutely enormous. It

is so enormous that it is destined to topple pharmaceutical medicine, as we know

it today. (This assumes that the drug industry is not successful in bribing

lawmakers in the U.S. to pass laws that take healing nutritional supplements out

of the general public’s hands.)

Failures With Willy’s Baggie

Since June 2006 I have witnessed three failures where Willy’s baggie was not

enough to make a big difference healing-wise (vs. about seven or eight

successes). All of these failures involved persons that were fairly heavy and

had substantially bloated abdominal areas. (None of these failures involved a

schizophrenic or schizopaffective diagnosis… in this regards, I have “hit

three out of three success-wiseâ€.)

My feeling is that the three persons that I am aware of that failed to be

noticeably helped by Willy’s baggie could still be greatly helped by it (or a

similar supplement approach). However, these persons first needed to do quite a

bit of work on their GI tract (to fix it function-wise and “toxic-wiseâ€).

They also needed to substantially change their diet as well.

The baggie just can’t do it all sometimes. This is especially true if someone

has a very toxic, inflamed, bloated, or malabsorptive gut… malabsorptive for

ANY reason. It is also true if the person in question is heavily ingesting

hidden food allergens, another situation that cripples the baggie’s


Despite these failures, Willy’s baggie supplement approach (tailored to the

individual by his or her self) is the big part of “a real chemical answerâ€

in regard to healing the illnesses of bipolar disorder, ADHD, and depression.

Willy’s baggie supplement approach also holds great promise in regard to its

being a big part of “a real chemical answer†in regard to healing illnesses

such as schizophrenia and autism as well.


Mental illnesses are illnesses that modern pharmaceutical medicine commonly

claims are incurable. It seems that pharmaceutical medicine claims that these

illnesses are incurable simply for sake of the hundreds of billions of dollars

they are making by continually treating such illnesses “for life†with

various medications. (These people most certainly know better. However, they

cannot act on this knowledge, as it would cost them dearly to do so.)

Mental illnesses are illnesses that are very poorly treated by conventional

modern medical practice (psychiatry). And there is no motivation to change.

Psychiatry is making billions of dollars from treating mental illnesses

improperly, just as Big Pharma is (from selling psychiatric medication). Why

change, when so many dollars and so much medical prestige is at stake?

The truth is that the vast majority of cases of ALL mental illnesses can be

adequately chemically corrected via the use of nutritional supplements and other

natural measures.

The use of nutritional supplements and other natural measures (to correct

one’s nutrient, allergic, and toxic status) can result in complete, or almost

complete, control of ANY mental illness symptom, bar none. The degree of symptom

reduction that can be achieved via the use of nutritional supplements and other

natural means can be far superior than that which any medication(s) ever

invented could ever provide.

The use of nutritional supplements and other natural measures can even

“CURE!â€â€¦ despite the fact that you may have had your “mental illnessâ€

for decades.

The degree of symptom reduction or cure that the use of nutritional supplements

and other natural measures can provide to you is really up to you (the person

applying such to his or her self). This is as empowering as it gets… “You

can cure yourself of mental illness to whatever degree you desire. Indeed, you

are the only person that can truly do so, once you learn how, and you have

access to the means to do so.â€

If a nutrient or natural cure to any mental illness is found, unfortunately the

pharmaceutical industry is likely to do everything it can to stop such a cure

from hurting its sales or profits. This is almost certainly the reason why I

have not been able to stay online without being repeatedly hacked, or repeatedly

suffer from “other heavy and undue computer interferenceâ€, since June 2006.

I have had five different personal computers hacked into and disrupted since

then. I have also had three computers of various family members hacked into and

disrupted while I was using them. In addition to this, I have had at least a

half dozen computers in a public library I often used hacked into and disrupted

when I was using them as well. I strongly believe that a party paid for by a

drug company (or drug companies) is doing this. (At this point, I believe that I

will have “multiple and unusual computer problems†whenever I get online for

any length of time

for the rest of my natural life, regardless of what antivirus, firewall, or

spyware removal software that I use.)

To me, this situation of Big Pharma vs. the truth about healing is simply a

race. To explain…

Big Pharma knows that it is doomed if the general public realizes that illnesses

such as bipolar disorder and schizophrenia are better treated by the use of

nutritional supplements and other natural means than by using any medication

whatsoever. As a result, they are doing everything that they can to get healing

nutritional supplements out of the public domain by bribing lawmakers all over

the world. They are also doing everything that they can to disrupt the truth

about natural non-drug healing growing over the Internet, or so it sure seems.

In this race, if Big Pharma succeeds in slowing the truth about healing down

long enough to legally get nutritional supplements out of the public’s hands

before their great healing power is discovered by the masses, then they win.

And in this race, if Big Pharma does not succeed in getting nutritional

supplements out of the general public’s hands before their great healing power

is discovered by the masses, then they lose.

[incidentally, most mental health activists worldwide are totally unaware of

this “raceâ€. The fact that nutrient chemistry and other natural means can be

fully corrective of “mental illness†symptoms is not commonly known amongst

persons affected by such. Even persons that are proactively fighting Big Pharma

and conventional psychiatric practice for human rights violations or other

reasons do not commonly know this. Few mental health activists realize that

nutrient and other natural chemistry that can cure mental illness, and

effectively treat “mental illness†symptoms in short order, even when such

symptoms are quite severe. Hopefully, this situation will soon change. Perhaps

it will change as a result of it being determined by other persons that

Willy’s baggie can greatly help to reduce the symptom of “hearing


If nutritional supplements and other natural healing measures are left in the

public domain much longer, the truth about their healing power is likely to

destroy entire classes of medications currently offered by Big Pharma. This

would include medications for virtually every mental illness, bar none. It would

also include medications for cholesterol, high blood pressure, arthritis, acid

reflux disease, and asthma. It would include most medications used to treat

cancer as well. All of these illnesses (and many others) are better treated by

the use of nutritional supplements and other natural measures vs. the use of ANY

drug whatsoever (as Big Pharma and our own Federal government would have us


Who knows what else Big Pharma will do to protect their prestige, to protect

their markets, and to protect their sales and profits other than what they are

already doing in these regards? Perhaps God only knows. I sure don’t.

All I know is that my son Willy and I seem to have stumbled into a healing idea

that could help the entire human race (as all persons become broadly nutrient

deficient eventually, especially as they grow older).

At this point, I also believe that what Willy and I have discovered about how to

use nutritional supplements and other natural measures to heal from the

“pseudo-mental illnesses†of ADHD and bipolar disorder is likely to

represent a very significant breakthrough in regard to properly treating the

“pseudo-mental illness†called schizophrenia as well.

I continue to be in awe of the historical place that my son Willy and I are in.

I believe that we were the first two persons on earth to discover the tremendous

healing power of “taking the entire essential nutrient range in supplement

form all at onceâ€.

The world in general apparently does not know quite what to make of me, or what

I have been posting on the Internet for quite some time (thankfully, there are a

few exceptions here).

Apparently, Big Pharma does know what to make of me. They are likely to have

been monitoring what I have been posting to the Internet for eight years, if not

more. (I first noticed “odd computer problems†on the computer that I was

using online in the year 2000. These problems began soon after I learned how to

use broad based amino acids and other nutritional supplements and natural

measures to profoundly treat a state of severe depression in an incredibly short

time in myself.)

Big Pharma most assuredly knows the huge threat that nutritional supplements and

other natural measures are to them. This is the reason that they have been

bribing governments worldwide for years to pass laws to take nutritional

supplements and other natural measures out of the hands of the general public.

Big Pharma also apparently knows that I, despite only being a layman, am

essentially the first person to figure out how to properly apply Adelle

’s wisdom to mental illness, such that profound symptom reduction can

often be achieved in a very short time. For example, a state of very severe

depression with suicidal ideation attached can be chemically corrected in an

adequate fashion in less than a single day. (I learned such in April 2000, over

eight years ago.)

It is my belief that unless I generate further anecdotal proof that nutritional

supplements and other natural measures can cure mental illness (or greatly help)

the world is likely to continue to ignore what I am saying (for the most part).

It is also my belief that unless I generate more anecdotal proof than is

contained in this material that the world is likely to continue to ignore my

plight vs. Big Pharma. (Some portion of this industry is extremely likely to be

aware of me, as much as computers that I have been using online since June 2006

have been hacked or otherwise disrupted.)

I could generate more anecdotal proof that Willy’s baggie can greatly help to

correct depression, bipolar disorder, and schizophrenia, if I had the means to

do so. It is not that difficult to find volunteers for Willy’s baggie, and to

gather anecdotal reports. All I need is enough money to make up “free sample

packages†containing three to five baggies each and send them to persons via

Parcel Post (or hand them out to people that I meet). I then have to gather

anecdotal information in regard to how various persons respond to taking

Willy’s baggies. Doing all of this would be fairly simple and straightforward.

[it would admittedly be better if “I was there†when a person first began

taking baggies. In doing so, I could help such a person much better than if I

was simply shipping baggies to them from afar. Distance means that I have no way

to help persons in regard to monitoring response to baggies (and making

adjustments, if necessary), providing “gut counselingâ€, helping to effect

positive dietary changes, juicing raw organic vegetables, suggesting other

supplementation that may be wise, etc. Despite my saying this, my being there or

not would not stop me from being able to generate some pretty amazing anecdotal

stories… or so I strongly believe. The baggie is that powerful, at least for

some. The baggie is especially powerful for those without seriously compromised,

malabsorptive, and toxic GI tracts.]

I pray that someone that reads this document has the wisdom to believe in me,

and has the means to act appropriately on what I am saying. My progress in

trying to help the entire world is virtually dead in the water due to the lack

of adequate fiscal means.

If I am not granted the means to move forward on my own, I pray that someone in

alternative medicine that is in a position to effect change simply plagiarizes

my ideas, such that these ideas reach their true potential, and ultimately help

millions of persons some day. (I don’t care if I get any credit here or not.)

It seems that many persons in history have died for the sake of a great deal of

power, prestige, or money. What Willy and I have discovered about the recovery

of human health does not just threaten millions of dollars; it threatens

hundreds of billions, if not the collapse of drug oriented medicine as we know

it today. What Willy and I have discovered about the recovery of human health

also threatens a great deal of power and professional prestige as well.

I expect to gain nothing from my efforts on the Internet and elsewhere… except

maybe an early grave if I succeed in proving what I know to be true. What I know

about healing “mental illness†could cost drug corporations and tens of

thousands of persons a great deal of money (hundreds of billions of dollars in

total). Perhaps one of these corporations or persons may take this loss

personally, such that they then act negatively against me.

Regardless of what may or may not happen to me personally, I sincerely hope that

“some great good†for the entire human race comes out of what Willy and I

first discovered in August 2004 as the result of “fortuitous accidentâ€. It

does not matter to me whether Willy or I are involved in the future development

of this “great good†or not. It also does not matter whether we gain

anything from what we have done. (I have never had any self-seeking agenda in

writing what I do and posting it to the Internet.) Willy and I seek nothing for

ourselves… we are only trying to help those that still suffer from “the big

lie†called “mental illnessâ€.



Note: I am willing to ship out a few dozen “free sample packages†containing

three to five baggies each to any person in the U.S. with a schizophrenic or

schizoaffective diagnosis that is willing to take them to try to resolve the

symptoms of depression or “hearing voicesâ€, as soon as I can afford to do

so. The cost for this is no charge (freight is free as well). All one has to do

is to email me and ask for such, as well as provide me with a snail mail

address. I currently do not have the means to send out “free sample

packages†to anyone. This should change within a matter of months. (I will

keep all requests for such, and send out these packages as soon as I can afford

to do so.) All I ask of persons that receive free sample packages is that they

email me back with a short report of what Willy's baggies did, or did not do,

for them. (I may use these reports in an anonymous fashion. Your name, initials,

location, and/or email address will

never be mentioned, unless you specifically want any of it to be mentioned and

tell me so via email.)

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