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Healthy New Year

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Greetings to all and a welcome to some!

NieeMA here.

Some of you do not know who I am...I tend to stay in the background much of the


I am your moderator.

I just thought I would jump in and do a little recap of some of the things you

might have learned either from here of elsewhere.

One of the things I can not emphasize enough is drinking enough water to get

things moving... also, your brain needs water all day as do many of the systems

of the body.

Just think...if your body were just like a car...a machine...would you run your

car out of water?  If you did, what would happen?  It would over heat and many

things would happen from just that event.  I could go on but I think you get the


Well, our bodies are machines running much like that car.  Yes of course we are

body parts, but it take ALL parts to be a sum of the whole.

Back to the car...

I for one know first hand what can happen if you run our of oil in you car!!! 

You might as well junk it unless you have a ton of money to spend on a new

engine.   ( Our bodies need oil too...do you think that all the money we spend

putting OIL in our engines is a good Idea?  I think it is...the alternative is

not good.

How about running out of gas in your car?  I did that twice in my 60 years and

the things that happened because of that event were remembered to this day.  It

will never happen again.

I remember those things mentioned above when problems occur in my machine/body. 

I have to remember that a pain, gas, bloating, constipation are all due to a

lack of!  Candida is with us on a daily basis, it is a part of the

machine/body.  The problems occur when we are lacking...water to flush, fiber to

move things out of our system.......

If there is one thing I hope we can do in this new year it is to look at

ourselves as a whole machine/body.  I feel by doing that we will move into an

idea of total body health not just worrying about one issue such as weight

verses candida or bad breath verses constipation.  They are all part of the same

problem...our bodies being out of balance and in need of our correcting the


Well, now you can see why I only get on a few times...I can go on and on!!! LOL

But, I want to take this time to thank all of you for your contributions to the

group and your continued work toward us all being healthy.

One last thing:

When you eat I feel you should eat in a combined way.  ( look up food combining

either on  line or in our files!)

There are different enzymes to digest different food.  Fruit should be eaten

alone at the beginning of a meal our after the meal has been in for at least 3

hours depending on how fast your digestive system works.

Healthy New Year


Tomorrows Health Starts Today

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FrequenSea, the planets mothers milk!


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