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RE: Miracle Mineral Supplement ()

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I read the " Part 1 " book and found it fascinating. Jim Humble mentioned

that the formula is in the " Part 1 " and in chapter 8, but I don't see it

there. I see where Jim Humble mentioned that you can order the formula.

- Where did you find the actual formula and have you made a batch

after you ordered the Chlorite?

And how is your families health after putting them on the MMS?

I may have to order or make some myself, I enjoyed the book.



From: candidiasis

[mailto:candidiasis ] On Behalf Of

Sent: Wednesday, January 02, 2008 8:40 PM


Subject: Re: Miracle Mineral Supplement

I'm not Ron, but I have my whole family on MMS--which stands for


Mineral Supplement. No, it is not a MLM product. I was so

impressed with

how it worked for me, and that perhaps it will be hard to come

by once it

comes to the attention of the FDA--because it kills all

pathogens such as

viruses, bacteria, fungus and parasites, has been used for over

100 years in

hospitals for sterilizing things but only just now brought to


attention by Jim Humble--that I bought the sodium chlorite to

make and sell

it. You can read all about it, and download a free ebook at his

site at www

miraclemineral.org Right after it was first brought to the

attention of a

small group of us in a group, those of us who tried it and

found out

how great it is, started a group at



there we talk about MMS and other things, so someone from that

list wanted a

group that was basically only about MMS, so they started a group



< /> many people

there have candida, lyme, hep C, cancer, etc that they are using

MMS for,

and so far getting great results. Lyme seems to take the longest

to get rid

of--Jim says it can take up to a year--but other things usually




-------Original Message-------

You can start by telling us what MMS stands for. You can also

disclose if

it is a MLM product.

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Yes, the formula is simple, but it is in the second book. He explains

exactly how to make it. It is just sodium chlorite mixed with distilled

water, but in certain proportions. I have made many batches now. I would

suggest anyone spend the $10 and get the second book. It tells you how to

use it, how to make it, what it works on, etc, in much depth.

I have an old cat and a young cat, females, and both had tumors in their

stomachs. You can't find them unless the cat is on her back or you are

really manipulating their stomachs--neither of which they like, so I didn't

actually find these masses until about 6 weeks ago. The older cat was also

very thin, thinner than she has ever been--which is what made me start

looking closely at her, and then I found the tumor. It was golf ball size

and hard. After 2 weeks on daily MMS the tumor shrunk by half and became

soft, after 2 more weeks it disappeared. She has gained all her weight back

The younger cat had 2 masses, one the same as the older cat and then a

smaller one. After 2 weeks the smaller was was gone and the larger one half

size. Two more weeks and it is gone.

My old dog, who is 15, had very mattery eyes, all the time, and zero energy,

no hair on his whole throat area nor the back but area and tail. Now I did

start him on raw meat and coconut oil, so I know that helped too--especially

with the hair problem, but the MMS certainly has given him tremendous extra

energy. Where before he barely walked along now he trots, his eyes are

sparkly clear again.

Nothing to report for the other dogs and cats as they have no health

problems. I keep them on it as a preventative. I had a tooth infection for

3 months that I thought was due to nerve pain (because the tooth is loose)

but after just 3 days the pain totally disappeared after brushing and

rinsing with MMS--which proves it was not nerve pain at all, but infection.

I was recently " diagnosed " by a medical intuitive, who was very shocked to

see that I had absolutely no bad bacteria in my body. She said " everyone I

see is full of bacteria. You don't have any. You are super healthy.

Whatever you are doing, keep doing it " lol The only thing I am doing is

MMS, and I say this because MMS kills bacteria.

There are a few other minor things, but that's the major ones. The tooth

thing clearing up so fast (plus my lungs became fully open in the same

amount of time, as I have had childhood asthma and usually have some slight

difficulty breathing) on MMS, which is what impressed me enough to buy the

sodium chlorite.

Because Jim talks about how the FDA tends to stomp things like MMS down, I

decided I would never be without it, so I ordered a 100 pound barrel of it.

You must be a business to buy that. I was selling kits of a pound of

chlorite and 13 bottles to put the MMS in, but after selling quite a few

kits I found out it is illegal to send dry sodium chlorite through the US

mail. You can send it UPS ground, but you need special licensing that I do

not have, nor intend to get. So I had to stop selling kits and now only

sell bottles of pre-mixed MMS.

You can, though, buy a pound of sodium chlorite for $56 and hazard shipping

from a chemical supply company, and buy the bottles to put it in from

various places. It takes 1.4 pounds to make 13 bottles. If you decide you

want to go this route let me know and I'll send you the address where to get

the chlorite this way. Unless you are a business and wish to purchase a 100

pound barrel--and I can let you know where I got mine.

But if you buy enough to make up a kit remember that MMS lasts from 2 to 4

years, so unless you are planning on selling it, or giving it away, it does

not make sense to make up 13 bottles at once, as there is no way you can

possibly use that much before it goes bad. A $10 bottle will last a family

of 4 from 6 months to a year--depending on their state of health.

If you have any other questions you should probably ask me off list at

gaiacita@..., as this is not really candida related--unless you are

taking MMS to get rid of candida. :-)


-------Original Message-------

- Where did you find the actual formula and have you made a batch

after you ordered the Chlorite?

And how is your families health after putting them on the MMS?

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So basically this is just bleach water?



> Yes, the formula is simple, but it is in the second book. He explains

> exactly how to make it. It is just sodium chlorite mixed with distilled

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No, no, no. It is like a cousin to bleach. The word chlorine throws

everyone off. It is not bleach water at all--safer and more powerful, but

not bleach. It is chlorine DIOXIDE which is not bleach.


-------Original Message-------

So basically this is just bleach water?


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