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Liver detox

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When I was seeing an acupuncturist for my HyperT condition, she was treating

my liver. I never did know what the connection was..but it could be that

chinese medicine knows something that western medicine doesn't.


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My acupuncturist mentioned that part of acupuncture's job can be to

normalize liver function. Possibly this stimulated detoxification as


K. Herz

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In Chinese medicine, there is great emphasis on the health of the liver, which

can be addressed through acupuncture and herbs, and probably other things that

I don't know about. As you may know, Chinese medicine, which has been around

for thousands of years, is a holistic, preventative approach to medicine,

which is antithetical to the Western approach. In China, if you see a

traditional medical practitioner, you go four times a year, which you pay for.

If they cannot keep you healthy (e.g., in balance), then they do not charge

for the visits necessary to bring you back into balance (health). I value

their approach, and feel that we all could benefit from a study of their


Re the liver, the herbs I know about for cleansing and tonifying are milk

thistle extract and dandelion, but there probably are others.



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  • 9 years later...

I have been on the whey/selenium/inulin protocol for 10 days. Already

I have noticed improvements. I wonder if the liver will detox enough

on this protocol or if you have to add liver flushes for this purpose,

and if so when? I suspect I have a congested liver and would

appreciate some advice. Thanks,

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How can you make liver soooo healthy. What is liver flush and how do

you do this.....

Thanks in advance!!!!


> >

> > I have been on the whey/selenium/inulin protocol for 10 days.


> > I have noticed improvements. I wonder if the liver will detox


> > on this protocol or if you have to add liver flushes for this


> > and if so when? I suspect I have a congested liver and would

> > appreciate some advice. Thanks,

> >


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Is there a particular liver flush protocol that you recommend?


On 1/13/08, Duncan Crow <duncancrow@...> wrote:


> Freeman, the liver flushes can be valuable beyond belief; think along

> the lines of your liver functioning at 90% of potential rather than 60%.


> Duncan



> >

> > I have been on the whey/selenium/inulin protocol for 10 days. Already

> > I have noticed improvements. I wonder if the liver will detox enough

> > on this protocol or if you have to add liver flushes for this purpose,

> > and if so when? I suspect I have a congested liver and would

> > appreciate some advice. Thanks,

> >





Buddy A. Touchinsky, D.C.

Blue Mountain Family Chiropractic

1209 Centre Turnpike

PO Box 217

Orwigsburg, PA 17961

570-366-2613 phone

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Is there a particular liver flush you like? (apologies if this is at

your website and I have forgotten or missed it)

Would you recommend a liver flush for high GGTP?


Duncan Crow wrote:

> Freeman, the liver flushes can be valuable beyond belief; think along

> the lines of your liver functioning at 90% of potential rather than 60%.



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Yes, liver flushes are fantastic!

The one I use is from s Moritz.

I think it is up in the files...I have to find it.

http://www.ener-chi.com/ This is his site!

> > Freeman, the liver flushes can be valuable beyond belief; think along

> > the lines of your liver functioning at 90% of potential rather

than 60%.

> >

> >


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Sunny, Gooogle anti-aging protocol -- mine is listing #3 this week!

Told you I know what I'm doing ;) The protocol on my website details

the reason for these supplements.

Try googling degenerative illnesses protocol; it's listing #1!


> >

> > I have been on the whey/selenium/inulin protocol for 10 days.


> > I have noticed improvements. I wonder if the liver will detox


> > on this protocol or if you have to add liver flushes for this


> > and if so when? I suspect I have a congested liver and would

> > appreciate some advice. Thanks,

> >


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Check out Dandelion or Milk Thistle teas for a more gentle way of

detoxing liver. Or coffee enemas.


> Thank you, Duncan,

> But OMG, I don't think there is any way *I* can do this flush. I


> IBS-D, which is and has been at a very low level for a few years,

but it

> is still very easily set off by any laxative at all. I bought some

> organic apple juice to see if I can even drink the juice several

days in

> a row.

> Is there any gentler means of flushing the liver, or maybe just

> detoxing it?

> sol


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I am already taking milk thistle capsules. Keep forgetting about

dandelion, it does cause some diarrhea in some people though so perhaps

that is why I keep " forgetting " it.

I don't quite understand how an enema of any kind can detox the liver?


foxforce18 wrote:

> Check out Dandelion or Milk Thistle teas for a more gentle way of

> detoxing liver. Or coffee enemas.


> -

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If you google 'coffee enema' you can get a full explanation of how the

coffee works to detox the liver.

Do the Milk Thistle tabs help you?

I am taking Traditional Medicinals brand dandelion tea. I have not had

any problems but I just ordered 6 boxes so I can use for four weeks at

3 times a day as they suggest.

> > Check out Dandelion or Milk Thistle teas for a more gentle way of

> > detoxing liver. Or coffee enemas.

> >

> > -


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foxforce18 wrote:

> Do the Milk Thistle tabs help you?


> I am taking Traditional Medicinals brand dandelion tea.

> ---

I'm not sure, but my Gamma GT gone down, though I haven't been taking

the milk thistle regularly. The apparent decrease could also be a

phenomenon of a different lab and different range for the second test.

In Sept it was 80 with a range of 0-60. This month it was 73 with a

range of 3-65.

I will look for that tea next time I go shopping. Thanks for the suggestion.


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Sol, you can detox all you like, and that's good, but only when the

bile flow is unimpaired can the liver work at capacity. What's more,

see the liver page at curezone; one of the shots clearly shows a

large liver stone causing necrosis.

No, there is no gentler means of flushing the liver; the Epsom salts

at the very least, if not the olive oil, is required for relaxing the

bile ducts to loosen the stones.



> >

> > (Required items are capitalized.)

> >

> > Preparation: Drink as much Organic (or 100% pure) APPLE JUICE

as comfortable, for 5 - 6 days before the liver flush, in order to

soften gall stones.

> >

> > START -> 3 hours following dinner, and 7 hours before bed,

typically on a Saturday. (For an 11 pm bedtime, finish eating dinner

by 1 pm.) Take 2 Table-spoons (1 oz.) EPSOM SALTS, dissolved in 6 oz.

cool water.


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Thanks, that is what I needed to know. I have a lot of work to do before

I can do the stone flush. So I'd better get busy.


Duncan Crow wrote:

> Sol, you can detox all you like, and that's good, but only when the

> bile flow is unimpaired can the liver work at capacity. What's more,

> see the liver page at curezone; one of the shots clearly shows a

> large liver stone causing necrosis.


> No, there is no gentler means of flushing the liver; the Epsom salts

> at the very least, if not the olive oil, is required for relaxing the

> bile ducts to loosen the stones.


> Duncan



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Could you please share the dosage for whey/selenium/inulin protocol?

Thanks in advance!!!



> I have been on the whey/selenium/inulin protocol for 10 days. Already

> I have noticed improvements. I wonder if the liver will detox enough

> on this protocol or if you have to add liver flushes for this purpose,

> and if so when? I suspect I have a congested liver and would

> appreciate some advice. Thanks,


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  • 3 years later...
Guest guest


> I'm curious to know how long it takes to detox a congested or fatty liver?

I've been on the diet for 8 months. I have only done 1 coffee enema although

I've done several clear water enemas.


> If I did the coffee enemas as you recommend, how long would it take to detox

the liver so that it would function normally again?

+++Hi Gail,

Why do you believe you have a congested or fatty liver? Do you get pain in your

liver? If so, on a scale of 1-10 how bad is it, or does it come and go? If the

pain comes and goes, what do you think triggers it?

All the best, Bee

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> Years ago I had unexplained high liver enzymes...they were almost 400 and the

normal range was in the 30's. I did a liver cleanse with veggie juice &

thysilin. The enzymes went back to normal. Although I've been on your diet

pretty strictly for about 8 months, I have been off of your diet for a few weeks

because I was out of town. I have been having discomfort in my back between by

shoulder blades...if you can imagaine where your stomach might touch your

back...the discomfort has probably been a 4 in a scale of 1-10.

> The pain seems to be there when I eat something with oil or fat in it...I ate

a Scone & a Latte and experienced the discomfort...(Sorry everyone...I just

needed a break from the diet)

+++Hi Gail. How many years ago did you have high liver enzymes?

+++Your stomach does not touch your back between your shoulder blades - check

out images on the internet. Of course you will get discomfort after having off

diet foods, like a scone and latte. I wouldn't blame that on oils or fats

recommended on my program.

> before I started the diet I could not process fat. Anytime I ate whipped

cream or oil packed seafood..etc. I would be in horrible pain and have to take

digestive tablets & HCL. I also had the same experience when I started the

Coconut oil but perservered and eventually over came the upset....I also have

many symptoms of congested liver dysfunction....including a thyroid problem,

spots on my face & body, broken veins on my legs, chronic constipation not only

hard but also a very small amount of elimination for the amount of food I eat

and I only have a bowel movement 2-3 times a week....I've also had the H.Pylori

bacteria and my mother and sister have both had their gallbladder out.

+++Whipped cream also isn't on my program, and the oil in seafoods may not be

okay either. Coconut oil and most of the fats I recommend do not require

stomach acid nor bile nor any digestive enzymes in order to be absorbed and

utilized since they go directly from the small intestines through the lymphatic

system directly into the blood stream.

+++Your symptoms are not directly related to thyroid function, since all of your

symptoms are caused by the Five Primary Causes of ALL Failing Health:


1. Lack of the correct combination of nutrients that all humans need in order to

be healthy.

2. Lack of oxygen at a cellular level.

3. Accumulation of toxins, poisons, and waste because of an inability of the

body to detoxify like it should.

4. Lowered vitality (energy) due to stress, shock, injury, emotional upsets,

losses, relationship or financial worries, being unhealthy, etc.

5. Poor " Nutritional Status " acquired from parents upon conception.

Check out images on the internet for the location of your gall bladder and

liver, and then advise me whether you get pains in them, and whether they come

and go, when you are following this program accurately and completely.

+++Also remember that while your body is healing itself it will retrace all past

illnesses, diseases, organ malfunctions, etc., including the time when your

liver enzymes were high.


> Since I've been on this diet, I've gone from about 118-120lbs to l05lbs. My

hair is so thin I now have to wear it up and it is dry and dead looking.

+++You hair also detoxifies toxins and toxins will make it dry, thin and dead


+++Of course weight is the least of your issues when you are unhealthy. When

your body is unhealthy it needs all of its resources and energy to heal and

detoxify itself, so it is not able to work on building up fat or muscles.

Weighing less does not mean you are worse off, or will get worse, if you are

totally on this program since your body is getting all of the nutrients it

needs. As you become more healthy your weight will normalize to what it should



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Hi Bee,


> I appreciate you taking time to answer my post but you did not answer the most

important question I had.....How long does it take to detox the Liver? Does it

take the entire number of years that is needed to completely heal? In my case 5



> My liver enzymes were high about 10 years ago. So I know from that experience

my liver is not functioning properly. That may be why I have so many toxins in

my body they are not being eliminated properly ... I don't know?


>Bee....All I'm saying is that since I've been off the diet which has only been

about 3 weeks as I said...I've been experiencing pain in my back between my

shoulder blades when I ate foods that had fat in them.

> So I know my liver is still not functioning properly...and I draw that

conclusion from my past experience with the high enzymes. So now that I'm back

on your diet...I'll watch to see if the pain goes away. Which I imagine it

will...since I had no pain in that area while on the diet...it only developed

while off the diet...so that tells me my liver is still having problems....that

is why I want to know how long it takes on this diet for the liver to be



> Thanks, Gail...(curlygirl)



> > >

> > > I'm curious to know how long it takes to detox a congested or fatty liver?

I've been on the diet for 8 months. I have only done 1 coffee enema although

I've done several clear water enemas.

> > >

> > > If I did the coffee enemas as you recommend, how long would it take to

detox the liver so that it would function normally again?

> >

> > +++Hi Gail,

> >

> > Why do you believe you have a congested or fatty liver? Do you get pain in

your liver? If so, on a scale of 1-10 how bad is it, or does it come and go?

If the pain comes and goes, what do you think triggers it?

> >

> > All the best, Bee

> >


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> Hi Bee,

> >

> > I appreciate you taking time to answer my post but you did not answer the

most important question I had.....How long does it take to detox the Liver?

Does it take the entire number of years that is needed to completely heal? In

my case 5 years?

> > My liver enzymes were high about 10 years ago. So I know from that

experience my liver is not functioning properly. That may be why I have so many

toxins in my body they are not being eliminated properly ... I don't know?

+++Hi Gail. Since you had high liver enzymes 10 years ago it takes 10 months of

being completely on my program in order for your body to " start " healing it

" plus " the number of months for the years it took for your liver to get that

bad, which could have been 5 years or even longer.


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