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Actually ...unsweetened, fresh, squeezed lemon water does help with acidity and

reduces cravings. According to Dr. Reams (RBTI) lemon is the only food that is

anionic and it feeds the liver without the liver having to process it first,

which releases the enzymes the pancreas needs to regulate blood sugar. It has

to be " fresh " squeezed, not frozen or concentrate... and I prefer to use

organic lemons. I

The ratio is 1 part fresh lemon juice to 9 parts pure (steamed) distilled water

(I use RO water) and it is to be taken systemically 4 ounces every hour with

pure water (4 oz) on the half hour. I do not always drink it systematically but

do use it when I feel the need because I'm too acidic, which can equate to yeast

over-growth. The lemon juice will only stay anionic for 8 to 10 hours once it

is squeezed.

When I use the lemon water it alkalizes my system, feeds my liver, reduces the

cravings for sugar and starches and increases my energy. If I'm able to reduce

my cravings for sugar and starches then I'm able to eliminate them from my diet

to get the yeast back under control. However, there is not one thing that fixes

all... the body chemistry is always changing and what worked for me may not for

you... and what once worked for me may not again as the chemistry is altered.

This is why it is so important for people to take responsibility for their own

health and manage it themselves. We need variety in our diet to be well, most

people eat the same things for years and develop allergies to what they are

eating without realizing it and these are the symptoms they are feeling but not

aware that it is connected to their diet and perhaps lifestyle.

I treat my whole body, not individual " disorders " . When the whole body is made

well individual disorders disappear.



Re: PS to new to group-overwhelmed

I would contest that statement that cranberries currants or lemons are

safe on a candida diet. All contain sugar.



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Right, Bonnie; I agree that even lemon juice is better for you than

not using it. We've discussed liver flushing on this list many times

in the last few years, and the whey and selenium are the strongest

liver support supplements you could use..

Does the passage below suggest that without eating lemons you can't

get enough out of your otherwise too-cationic food? I point out the

obvious, that most of us are still alive despite eating no lemons and

a baby thrives and gains on breast milk without lemons ;)


> The anionic Lemon

> Dr. Reams states that each and every food is cationic. There is only

one exception: The lemon ( " citroen " in Dutch), which is anionic. So,

to metabolise our food, we need to produce anionic foods that balance

the cationic foods we eat. Otherwise we can't get any friction and

thus no energy out of our food.</snip>



> Duncan,


> Lemon is anionic (1 part lemon to 9 parts steam distilled water)

and the body can benefit from it. It is thought that Candida is a

percursor to cancer. Sugar feeds cancer as it also feeds Candida. If

the body is has an overgrowth of yeast there are more dynamics going

on and the whole body needs to be looked at... such as the liver too.


> From: The Curse Causeless shall not Come

> Now we are getting down to the BIOLOGICAL THEORY OF IONIZATION for

the production of energy. Please fasten your seat belts; we are going

to have to get into a little chemistry, physics and electronics. I

hope that you see what I am driving at in a few pages.


> A single ANION* contains the smallest amount of energy that there

is. This single ANION will contain 1 Millhouse unit of energy.

However, an ANION may contain as many as 499 Millhouse units of energy

and still be known as an ANION. The word ANION is both singular and

plural. An ANION MOLECULE has a positive ion as a nucleus. This + ion

is known as a CATION. One single CATION contains 500 mh units of

energy but may contain as many as 999 mh units and still be known as a

CATION. The orbiting shell of an ANION molecule rotates in a clock-

wise direction. A CATION molecule has an ANION as its nucleus and has

CATIONS, or if you prefer cationic electrons, in its outer orbit. This

orbit is counter-. clock-wise. But why is this important? Because

herein is the vital key to health as expressed in science! All energy

in human bodies is created by the RESISTANCE generated when these

oppositely charged ions rotating in opposite directions come together.

Think of that, you physics majors! In college physics we have been

taught, and generally quite true, that RESISTANCE consumes energy. But

in the ionization chemistry of the human body, it is the RESISTANCE

between the orbiting anions and the orbiting cations that actually

creates energy! If there is no resistance, then no energy is created.

In chemistry, the measure of this RESISTANCE is known as " pH. " But pH

is neither a qualitative or a quantitative measurement. It is just


> | |


> Perhaps you should go back and read again the part about anions and

cations before going on. Then I will show you why all this makes a

vital difference in the struggle against disease.


> Suppose, in theory, that you ate only foods or substances that

contained cations. What would happen? With no anionic substances

present, there would be no resistance. Remember, no resistance, no

energy. Suppose, in theory, you consumed only anionic substances.

Where would you get the cations to create the energy? You would not

have any! In the practical considerations, it is not possible to have

only anions or only cations present. However, it happens all the time

with sick people that there are never enough anionic substances

present to get for them the energy needed from the cationic foods that

they have eaten. Thus it is said that we " do not properly digest our

food, " or as some of the more recent writers on cancer


> So, in short: An anion, (like OH-) can yield energy when it creates

resistance with an cation, like H+. For those who've had chemistry,

you can see what's the point. The amount of OH- anions and H+ cations

in a solution determine the acidity of the solution and thus the pH.

As Enderlein showed, our body runs in perfect harmony with the protits

when the pH is 7.4, which is close to a neutral solution, so a perfect

ratio of cations and anions and thus the perfect ratio to create the

most friction and thus the most energy. At that point (blood pH 7.4),

the saliva and urine pH is 6.4. Without invasive tests we can

determine the saliva and urine pH and our goal is to get it back to

where it belongs: 6.4.


> Diet

> How can we make sure that our pH is and will stay perfect (blood pH

7.5, saliva and urine pH 6.4). This can be done by proper diet. Reason

dictates that natural, uncooked, unprocessed foods are the best. The

Western diet is loaded with culprits: The worst ones are the refined

sugars and the grains. We even drink huge amounts of pure acids, like

Coca Cola. But beware, also coffee is very acidic. Most, if not all

degenerative diseases in the Western world are caused by the

consumption of excessive amounts of acidifying foods. If your goal is

to cure the disease and to stay healthy and sparkling with energy

afterwards, you need to rethink your entire diet.


> The anionic Lemon

> Dr. Reams states that each and every food is cationic. There is only

one exception: The lemon ( " citroen " in Dutch), which is anionic. So,

to metabolise our food, we need to produce anionic foods that balance

the cationic foods we eat. Otherwise we can't get any friction and

thus no energy out of our food.


> Bonnie

> http://www.jennylakeresort.com


> ----- Original Message -----

> From: Duncan Crow



> Of note, lemon water contains very little pulp, which is the

" alkaline

> ash " component. So, you get more benefit by using the whole fruit.


> Duncan


> -

> .




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You are correct that most are still alive without the lemon water and babies

thrive on mothers milk. The concept of the lemon water that it feeds the liver

directly without the liver having to process it first, it then releases the

enzymes the panaceas needs to regulate blood sugar, which begins to repair body

chemistry. This is not liver flushing, it is food for the lemon. I might add

that most are alive without using the lemon water, but are they healthy and with

good energy?



----- Original Message -----

From: Duncan Crow

Right, Bonnie; I agree that even lemon juice is better for you than

not using it. We've discussed liver flushing on this list many times

in the last few years, and the whey and selenium are the strongest

liver support supplements you could use..

Does the passage below suggest that without eating lemons you can't

get enough out of your otherwise too-cationic food? I point out the

obvious, that most of us are still alive despite eating no lemons and

a baby thrives and gains on breast milk without lemons ;)


> The anionic Lemon

> Dr. Reams states that each and every food is cationic. There is only

one exception: The lemon ( " citroen " in Dutch), which is anionic. So,

to metabolise our food, we need to produce anionic foods that balance

the cationic foods we eat. Otherwise we can't get any friction and

thus no energy out of our food.</snip>



> Duncan,


> Lemon is anionic (1 part lemon to 9 parts steam distilled water)

and the body can benefit from it. It is thought that Candida is a

percursor to cancer. Sugar feeds cancer as it also feeds Candida. If

the body is has an overgrowth of yeast there are more dynamics going

on and the whole body needs to be looked at... such as the liver too.


> From: The Curse Causeless shall not Come

> Now we are getting down to the BIOLOGICAL THEORY OF IONIZATION for

the production of energy. Please fasten your seat belts; we are going

to have to get into a little chemistry, physics and electronics. I

hope that you see what I am driving at in a few pages.


> A single ANION* contains the smallest amount of energy that there

is. This single ANION will contain 1 Millhouse unit of energy.

However, an ANION may contain as many as 499 Millhouse units of energy

and still be known as an ANION. The word ANION is both singular and

plural. An ANION MOLECULE has a positive ion as a nucleus. This + ion

is known as a CATION. One single CATION contains 500 mh units of

energy but may contain as many as 999 mh units and still be known as a

CATION. The orbiting shell of an ANION molecule rotates in a clock-

wise direction. A CATION molecule has an ANION as its nucleus and has

CATIONS, or if you prefer cationic electrons, in its outer orbit. This

orbit is counter-. clock-wise. But why is this important? Because

herein is the vital key to health as expressed in science! All energy

in human bodies is created by the RESISTANCE generated when these

oppositely charged ions rotating in opposite directions come together.

Think of that, you physics majors! In college physics we have been

taught, and generally quite true, that RESISTANCE consumes energy. But

in the ionization chemistry of the human body, it is the RESISTANCE

between the orbiting anions and the orbiting cations that actually

creates energy! If there is no resistance, then no energy is created.

In chemistry, the measure of this RESISTANCE is known as " pH. " But pH

is neither a qualitative or a quantitative measurement. It is just


> | |


> Perhaps you should go back and read again the part about anions and

cations before going on. Then I will show you why all this makes a

vital difference in the struggle against disease.


> Suppose, in theory, that you ate only foods or substances that

contained cations. What would happen? With no anionic substances

present, there would be no resistance. Remember, no resistance, no

energy. Suppose, in theory, you consumed only anionic substances.

Where would you get the cations to create the energy? You would not

have any! In the practical considerations, it is not possible to have

only anions or only cations present. However, it happens all the time

with sick people that there are never enough anionic substances

present to get for them the energy needed from the cationic foods that

they have eaten. Thus it is said that we " do not properly digest our

food, " or as some of the more recent writers on cancer


> So, in short: An anion, (like OH-) can yield energy when it creates

resistance with an cation, like H+. For those who've had chemistry,

you can see what's the point. The amount of OH- anions and H+ cations

in a solution determine the acidity of the solution and thus the pH.

As Enderlein showed, our body runs in perfect harmony with the protits

when the pH is 7.4, which is close to a neutral solution, so a perfect

ratio of cations and anions and thus the perfect ratio to create the

most friction and thus the most energy. At that point (blood pH 7.4),

the saliva and urine pH is 6.4. Without invasive tests we can

determine the saliva and urine pH and our goal is to get it back to

where it belongs: 6.4.


> Diet

> How can we make sure that our pH is and will stay perfect (blood pH

7.5, saliva and urine pH 6.4). This can be done by proper diet. Reason

dictates that natural, uncooked, unprocessed foods are the best. The

Western diet is loaded with culprits: The worst ones are the refined

sugars and the grains. We even drink huge amounts of pure acids, like

Coca Cola. But beware, also coffee is very acidic. Most, if not all

degenerative diseases in the Western world are caused by the

consumption of excessive amounts of acidifying foods. If your goal is

to cure the disease and to stay healthy and sparkling with energy

afterwards, you need to rethink your entire diet.


> The anionic Lemon

> Dr. Reams states that each and every food is cationic. There is only

one exception: The lemon ( " citroen " in Dutch), which is anionic. So,

to metabolise our food, we need to produce anionic foods that balance

the cationic foods we eat. Otherwise we can't get any friction and

thus no energy out of our food.


> Bonnie

> http://www.jennylakeresort.com


> ----- Original Message -----

> From: Duncan Crow



> Of note, lemon water contains very little pulp, which is the

" alkaline

> ash " component. So, you get more benefit by using the whole fruit.


> Duncan


> -

> .




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bonnie what can I do for my tonsils. ,on my  left tonsils  there is an opening

and this an opening that release or keeps a yellowish ball that smells like baby

dodo.  I have no firends, I brush 3 times a day, floss, the dentist say I have

perfect teeth, I have no friends, when I talk people hold their noses, Iam tired

of gum and mints, I walk witha mouthnash I think Iam a freak, I am depressed,

think of suicide the ENT says he can;t see anything wrong with me. He said use

salt water and antibiotic, when I try to explain to someone they look at me

strange and never talk to me again. I am lonely,l I pray a lot but no help. 

People are mean.but I nshoiuld not be upset because I am offensive to nthem, I

am pretty, dressed well, but my breath is offensive,  I use toms toothpaste,

natural toothpaste and natural mouthwash, with no alcohol, can u help me 

bonnie, I worry so much now, I have deloped high blood pressure,



From: Bonnie <cybermail@...>

Subject: Re: Re: lemon


Date: Tuesday, December 30, 2008, 8:35 PM


Lemon is anionic (1 part lemon to 9 parts steam distilled water) and the body

can benefit from it. It is thought that Candida is a percursor to cancer. Sugar

feeds cancer as it also feeds Candida. If the body is has an overgrowth of yeast

there are more dynamics going on and the whole body needs to be looked at...

such as the liver too.

From: The Curse Causeless shall not Come

Now we are getting down to the BIOLOGICAL THEORY OF IONIZATION for the

production of energy. Please fasten your seat belts; we are going to have to get

into a little chemistry, physics and electronics. I hope that you see what I am

driving at in a few pages.

A single ANION* contains the smallest amount of energy that there is. This

single ANION will contain 1 Millhouse unit of energy. However, an ANION may

contain as many as 499 Millhouse units of energy and still be known as an ANION.

The word ANION is both singular and plural. An ANION MOLECULE has a positive ion

as a nucleus. This + ion is known as a CATION. One single CATION contains 500 mh

units of energy but may contain as many as 999 mh units and still be known as a

CATION. The orbiting shell of an ANION molecule rotates in a clock-wise

direction. A CATION molecule has an ANION as its nucleus and has CATIONS, or if

you prefer cationic electrons, in its outer orbit. This orbit is counter-.

clock-wise. But why is this important? Because herein is the vital key to health

as expressed in science! All energy in human bodies is created by the RESISTANCE

generated when these oppositely charged ions rotating in opposite directions

come together. Think of

that, you physics majors! In college physics we have been taught, and generally

quite true, that RESISTANCE consumes energy. But in the ionization chemistry of

the human body, it is the RESISTANCE between the orbiting anions and the

orbiting cations that actually creates energy! If there is no resistance, then

no energy is created. In chemistry, the measure of this RESISTANCE is known as

" pH. " But pH is neither a qualitative or a quantitative measurement. It is just


| |

Perhaps you should go back and read again the part about anions and cations

before going on. Then I will show you why all this makes a vital difference in

the struggle against disease.

Suppose, in theory, that you ate only foods or substances that contained

cations. What would happen? With no anionic substances present, there would be

no resistance. Remember, no resistance, no energy. Suppose, in theory, you

consumed only anionic substances. Where would you get the cations to create the

energy? You would not have any! In the practical considerations, it is not

possible to have only anions or only cations present. However, it happens all

the time with sick people that there are never enough anionic substances present

to get for them the energy needed from the cationic foods that they have eaten.

Thus it is said that we " do not properly digest our food, " or as some of the

more recent writers on cancer

So, in short: An anion, (like OH-) can yield energy when it creates resistance

with an cation, like H+. For those who've had chemistry, you can see what's the

point. The amount of OH- anions and H+ cations in a solution determine the

acidity of the solution and thus the pH. As Enderlein showed, our body runs in

perfect harmony with the protits when the pH is 7.4, which is close to a neutral

solution, so a perfect ratio of cations and anions and thus the perfect ratio to

create the most friction and thus the most energy. At that point (blood pH 7.4),

the saliva and urine pH is 6.4. Without invasive tests we can determine the

saliva and urine pH and our goal is to get it back to where it belongs: 6.4.


How can we make sure that our pH is and will stay perfect (blood pH 7.5, saliva

and urine pH 6.4). This can be done by proper diet. Reason dictates that

natural, uncooked, unprocessed foods are the best. The Western diet is loaded

with culprits: The worst ones are the refined sugars and the grains. We even

drink huge amounts of pure acids, like Coca Cola. But beware, also coffee is

very acidic. Most, if not all degenerative diseases in the Western world are

caused by the consumption of excessive amounts of acidifying foods. If your goal

is to cure the disease and to stay healthy and sparkling with energy afterwards,

you need to rethink your entire diet.

The anionic Lemon

Dr. Reams states that each and every food is cationic. There is only one

exception: The lemon ( " citroen " in Dutch), which is anionic. So, to metabolise

our food, we need to produce anionic foods that balance the cationic foods we

eat. Otherwise we can't get any friction and thus no energy out of our food.


http://www.jennylak eresort.com

----- Original Message -----

From: Duncan Crow

Of note, lemon water contains very little pulp, which is the " alkaline

ash " component. So, you get more benefit by using the whole fruit.




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Louise, this site says 20 grams of carbs per lemon!

> http://www.produceoasis.com/Items_folder/Fruits/Lemon.html

I suggest caution when using carbohydrate foods; the amount of caution

varies with severity of one's condition and one's goal. I don't have

candida but I avoid carbs somewhat anyway, all the time.



> Duncan, i thought i heard you say that lemons (and black currant and

cranberries) still have some sugar and still feed candida (though i

personally have not noticed adverse effects from such..) are you now

saying lemons are ok? (you sound very knowledgeable and i respect and

value your opinions--thanks so much!!!)


> Louise



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Clean the inside with chlorophyll - a natural deoderizer. It will alkalize too.

are you regular?

Just trying to help


Re: Re: lemon


Date: Tuesday, December 30, 2008, 8:35 PM


Lemon is anionic (1 part lemon to 9 parts steam distilled water) and the body

can benefit from it. It is thought that Candida is a percursor to cancer. Sugar

feeds cancer as it also feeds Candida. If the body is has an overgrowth of yeast

there are more dynamics going on and the whole body needs to be looked at...

such as the liver too.

From: The Curse Causeless shall not Come

Now we are getting down to the BIOLOGICAL THEORY OF IONIZATION for the

production of energy. Please fasten your seat belts; we are going to have to get

into a little chemistry, physics and electronics. I hope that you see what I am

driving at in a few pages.

A single ANION* contains the smallest amount of energy that there is. This

single ANION will contain 1 Millhouse unit of energy. However, an ANION may

contain as many as 499 Millhouse units of energy and still be known as an ANION.

The word ANION is both singular and plural. An ANION MOLECULE has a positive ion

as a nucleus. This + ion is known as a CATION. One single CATION contains 500 mh

units of energy but may contain as many as 999 mh units and still be known as a

CATION. The orbiting shell of an ANION molecule rotates in a clock-wise

direction. A CATION molecule has an ANION as its nucleus and has CATIONS, or if

you prefer cationic electrons, in its outer orbit. This orbit is counter-.

clock-wise. But why is this important? Because herein is the vital key to health

as expressed in science! All energy in human bodies is created by the RESISTANCE

generated when these oppositely charged ions rotating in opposite directions

come together. Think of

that, you physics majors! In college physics we have been taught, and

generally quite true, that RESISTANCE consumes energy. But in the ionization

chemistry of the human body, it is the RESISTANCE between the orbiting anions

and the orbiting cations that actually creates energy! If there is no

resistance, then no energy is created. In chemistry, the measure of this

RESISTANCE is known as " pH. " But pH is neither a qualitative or a quantitative

measurement. It is just resistance.

| |

Perhaps you should go back and read again the part about anions and cations

before going on. Then I will show you why all this makes a vital difference in

the struggle against disease.

Suppose, in theory, that you ate only foods or substances that contained

cations. What would happen? With no anionic substances present, there would be

no resistance. Remember, no resistance, no energy. Suppose, in theory, you

consumed only anionic substances. Where would you get the cations to create the

energy? You would not have any! In the practical considerations, it is not

possible to have only anions or only cations present. However, it happens all

the time with sick people that there are never enough anionic substances present

to get for them the energy needed from the cationic foods that they have eaten.

Thus it is said that we " do not properly digest our food, " or as some of the

more recent writers on cancer

So, in short: An anion, (like OH-) can yield energy when it creates resistance

with an cation, like H+. For those who've had chemistry, you can see what's the

point. The amount of OH- anions and H+ cations in a solution determine the

acidity of the solution and thus the pH. As Enderlein showed, our body runs in

perfect harmony with the protits when the pH is 7.4, which is close to a neutral

solution, so a perfect ratio of cations and anions and thus the perfect ratio to

create the most friction and thus the most energy. At that point (blood pH 7.4),

the saliva and urine pH is 6.4. Without invasive tests we can determine the

saliva and urine pH and our goal is to get it back to where it belongs: 6.4.


How can we make sure that our pH is and will stay perfect (blood pH 7.5,

saliva and urine pH 6.4). This can be done by proper diet. Reason dictates that

natural, uncooked, unprocessed foods are the best. The Western diet is loaded

with culprits: The worst ones are the refined sugars and the grains. We even

drink huge amounts of pure acids, like Coca Cola. But beware, also coffee is

very acidic. Most, if not all degenerative diseases in the Western world are

caused by the consumption of excessive amounts of acidifying foods. If your goal

is to cure the disease and to stay healthy and sparkling with energy afterwards,

you need to rethink your entire diet.

The anionic Lemon

Dr. Reams states that each and every food is cationic. There is only one

exception: The lemon ( " citroen " in Dutch), which is anionic. So, to metabolise

our food, we need to produce anionic foods that balance the cationic foods we

eat. Otherwise we can't get any friction and thus no energy out of our food.


http://www.jennylak eresort.com

----- Original Message -----

From: Duncan Crow

Of note, lemon water contains very little pulp, which is the " alkaline

ash " component. So, you get more benefit by using the whole fruit.




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