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Re: New-overwhelmed!

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Dear ,


From my own experience, when the body craves something not good for it and we

feed it, the addiction increases. Likely the *only* reason you are craving sugar

is because the candida in your system needs it to survive!!! Good news!!!!!

(Read on..)


When we give the taste buds something else to eat, amazingly they adjust! They

get used to the new things!!! Also, when I went cold-turkey *low low* carb 5.5

years ago, to put my systemic candida in remission, the awful craving for

sugars, starches, breads (carbs) fell off!!! [When I did experiment, the craving

came back. *Not* going there again!!!] [More good news...]


4 grains that are more like seeds than grains are indeed safe on a

candida-prevention diet: quinoa, amaranth, millet and buckwheat. (Have low or no

sugar, though they *do* have carbs.) So, when you are craving carbs limit

yourself to those 4!!! (Works for me!!! And no body so it seems, was more

addicted to sugars than I!!!)


PRIMAL DEFENSE by Garden of Life (*do* get it on iherb.com for the ultimate

*best* price) is THE best probiotic on the market!!!!! 12 to 14 strains of

acidopholis [sp]. (I do not recommend Ultra-zorbe, just get regular..) AND I use

it to culture my milk (this uses all the lactose up, when done properly: which

is to let it go to " curds and whey " --a slight separation of the whey liquid from

the cultured/curded milk). ..I am also culturing my veges again too which is

*super* easy too. [From Nourishing Traditions cookbook with nutrition advice by

Sally Fallon [sp].. (Oh, to culture the milk I just pop the primal defense

tablets right in the milk bottle!! Leave it room temp for 24 hours in winter,

overnight in summer. Done!!)


(Could share more, but I will spare you...)

To recap:

* get off the sugars in *all* forms: no sugar additives (includes honey,

molasses, agave)

* no fruit, grains other than the 4 above-mentioned

* stevia is sweet, affordable and safe for you--get at whole foods or iherb;

can't cook with it..

* do your veges raw (think chef's salads)

* don't do high carb veges (I went to Dr Atkin's web site for his carb counters

to see which

  veges were safe for me--uh, pumpkin for example is not! waay too sweet...)

* cheese is ok--i used to mail-order from a PA farm and got raw, organic with

celtic salt,

  and as cheaply as the local supermarket!!!

* I do not recommend yogurt or kefir as **store-bought** cultured products!!!

Read the 

  labels, they still have tons of sugar (as lactose is my guess), even in the

" plain " ones!!

* If you are going to do milk, do culture it yourself as I described above!!!

The first product

  will taste like a cream of mushroom soup due to green juices and cultured

molasses in

  primal defense. (My taste buds love it now--tastes better than chocolate milk


  me!) ..Once you make your first batch, you can use *that* for starter and next

batch will

  be white. (Can use product up to 7 times before start with pills again. Also,

product keeps

  a couple weeks in frig...)


, if there were better ways to do things I would tell you!! These things

work for me (oh yes I do eat meat and fish, seeds and nuts, egg whites with an

occasional yolk..)


Best to you. Keep in touch!!! The turtle won the race!!!!!



(P. Louise Everett)

PS ***The treatment than works for you will *confirm* the diagnosis***!!!!!!!!!

This is *precisely* what the nutritionist who diagnosed *me* told me, and he was

*right*!!! When I jumped into the candida-prevention/will put it in remission

diet I have described above, my horrible symptoms went away!!! *All of the gas,

the bloody discharges, the gross indigestion, the chronic fatigue, the brain

fog. All all all all gone* *when* I stay on the diet!!! Let me ask us all: Are

we worth it? You bet we are!!! And if I can pull off this diet , boy *any*body

can!!! ....[Puffed millet by arrowhead mills is a safe snack, BTW. Don't eat it

solely of course, or all the time!!! :-)] Best to you!!! xoxoxo

----- Original Message ----

> From:

> Hi there,


> I am a 43 year olf female and new to this group and looking to start

> educationg myself on Candida... I must say it is very overwhelming!! 

> There is alot to learn!!  I have had years and years of geographical

> tounge and want to get to the bottom of it.  I also have trouble

> concentraing and seem to have issues with sugar... possible

> hypoglycemic or start of diabetes???  This is all so new to me and have

> to go talk more with my doctor and go for more tests. I do have

> problems with hair loss.


> I do eat a very high diet of breads and pasta (mainly cause they are

> quick... although i LOVE veggies!!) and do crave sugar. I have been

> looking through some of the articles and searching the internet... but

> seem to find lots of information on what i can't eat but not many

> suggestions on what I " can " eat.


> If anyone has some helpful information (links, books, aticles... or any

> other information)... I would greatly appreciate it!


> My doctor told me to start taking " Acidopholis " to help with


> I do get lots of gas and have bloating and constipation problems. I

> also have high colesterol... which leaves me to stay away from eggs

> which are high in protien but VERY high in colesterol.


> I would like to start reducing the ammounts of foods that could be

> causing my problems.  If there any tests that anyone can suggest?

> Possibly allergy testing? 


> Any help would be greatly appreciated.  Thanks SO MUCH!!




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