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HGH precursors

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I am new to this group. Has anyone had positive or negative

experiences with HGH precursors? I am taking an oral one from Beyond

A CEntury called Somatoplex. Had heard only good things about them,

then got on the net and found that there may be a significant down

side to taking them. TIA for any input. Sita


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I've been into this for about a year, but I think most people would

agree that is you are talking about amino stacks, there is nothing wrong

with them. How helpful they are depends on your needs and that includes

what your age is and what an IGF blood test says what your IGF level is. If

your IGF level is significantly lower than what the average is for a person

of your sex in their twenties or thirties, then you have the information

you need to set a target level of where you should be. If you are past

forty, the chances of you reach your target IGF level with just amnio stacks

is fair to middling if there is not a big, big difference between where you

are at and where you want to be. I'm 58 and I raised mine from 99 to 142

with amino stacks over a period of six months. But that was as far as I

could push it. My target was between 270 and 300. I tested my IGF again a

couple of months later and it had dropped to 138. Obviously, these

" precursors " were no longer doing the job I needed. I had reached a point

of diminishing returns. At that point, I switched to GH injections. It

cost a little more, but for the returns in the way I feel and what I am able

to do, it is worth it. I started low at .25 ml daily and after a few

months I tested at 199 IGF. I switched to 1.00 ml per day, six days a week

and tested out a few months later at 230 IGF, still below the target but

reaching a level in which my body can start doing some serious antiaging

reconstruction. For me, this would have been impossible by just taking

amino stacks. However, each person is different and without testing, you

are just shooting in the dark.

Immortally Yours

Re:HGH precursors

> Hi

> I am new to this group. Has anyone had positive or negative

> experiences with HGH precursors? I am taking an oral one from Beyond

> A CEntury called Somatoplex. Had heard only good things about them,

> then got on the net and found that there may be a significant down

> side to taking them. TIA for any input. Sita

> --





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Thanks for the response. Is IGF testing done with blood levels?

Thru what type of doctor?

Do you have any concerns about the posibility of growth hormone

causing your factial features to grow out of proportion, (I think it

is called Giantism)? What about Diabetes Mellitus, (sp?), bone

tumors, carpal tunnel ?

When you used the amino stacks did you experience a more positive

mental attitude, increased muscle formation from excercise, increased

energy ? If what I am doing is just amino stacking and I am getting

the above, (and more) poositive benefits, I wonder if I will have to

worry about some of the negative side effects of HGH. Any input is

greatly appreciated. Sita

> I've been into this for about a year, but I think most people would

>agree that is you are talking about amino stacks, there is nothing wrong

>with them. How helpful they are depends on your needs and that includes

>what your age is and what an IGF blood test says what your IGF level is. If

>your IGF level is significantly lower than what the average is for a person

>of your sex in their twenties or thirties, then you have the information

>you need to set a target level of where you should be. If you are past

>forty, the chances of you reach your target IGF level with just amnio stacks

>is fair to middling if there is not a big, big difference between where you

>are at and where you want to be. I'm 58 and I raised mine from 99 to 142

>with amino stacks over a period of six months. But that was as far as I

>could push it. My target was between 270 and 300. I tested my IGF again a

>couple of months later and it had dropped to 138. Obviously, these

> " precursors " were no longer doing the job I needed. I had reached a point

>of diminishing returns. At that point, I switched to GH injections. It

>cost a little more, but for the returns in the way I feel and what I am able

>to do, it is worth it. I started low at .25 ml daily and after a few

>months I tested at 199 IGF. I switched to 1.00 ml per day, six days a week

>and tested out a few months later at 230 IGF, still below the target but

>reaching a level in which my body can start doing some serious antiaging

>reconstruction. For me, this would have been impossible by just taking

>amino stacks. However, each person is different and without testing, you

>are just shooting in the dark.

> Immortally Yours



> Re:HGH precursors



>> Hi

>> I am new to this group. Has anyone had positive or negative

>> experiences with HGH precursors? I am taking an oral one from Beyond

>> A CEntury called Somatoplex. Had heard only good things about them,

>> then got on the net and found that there may be a significant down

>> side to taking them. TIA for any input. Sita

>> --





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1. IGF testing done by taking a blood sample and sending to a lab.


2. Any doctor can order a blood test done for you through a local

hospital. There would be a financial cost incurred which you would have to

pay in addition to the cost of a doctors visit. Finding a doctor that is

interested in " antiaging " can be challenging. I was lucky. However, I

think there are plenty of doctors who would agree to prescribe a blood test

to find out what your IGF level is, if you approached the doctors with

symptoms of aging that might have prompted you to take precursors in the

first place, e.g chronic fatigue, listlessness, etc. These can be symptoms

of pituitary gland defecincy and so your need for an IGF test would be

justified. Don't expect your standard American Doctor to be of much help

at interpreting the results or in getting you a prescription for growh

hormone. If you are middle aged or beyond, your doctor might say that your

IGF level was " normal " . More than likely, what your doctor would mean by

that is close to statistically average for your age. For those in the

antiaging community, that would mean your level was too low. We believe

that your hormone level is low, not because you have aged, but that you have

aged because your hormone level is down. Optimum is what it was in your

twenties and thirties.

So, just tell the doctor that you are thinking about trying some amino

stacks to see if they would help you feel better.

3. Initially, you might feel a mild carpal tunnel symptom, but it will be

passing and is nothing to worry about. Chronic carpal tunnel syndrome is a

signal that you are taking too much growh hormone at a wack. Gigantism

results from having excessively exagerated levels of GF in your blood. As

long as you know what your target is and are testing, there is no danger.

Once you reach your target, then the problem is one of maintaince. " How

much do I need to take as a matter of daily protocol in order to maintain

this level? " I am not saying that there are no risks. Doctors are fond of

reciting memorized lists of risks. However, from the point of view of

aging, and all the maladies that go with it, I think one puts themselves

more at risk not taking HGH. As for tumors, etc. I am including (#4)

something I wrote on the subject a few days ago at the end of this message.

4.There are two ways to look at the question tumors:

a. High IGH can and/or does cause the growth of tumors.

b. High IGH stimulates the growth of tumors that have occured because of

some reason not connected with IGH.

This research shows no evidence that #a is true, while it does provide

evidence that #b is true. GH fear mongers tend to tacitly imply that #a is

the real interpretation. Without clinical evidence, they bear the

additional burden of explaining why tumors are more likely to appear in

older people (with lower IGF) than in younger people (with higher IGF), and

why, in the lab, older rats are more likely to accept cancerous tumors, than

younger rats.

On the other hand, taking the second interpretation as true, one can say

that increasing one's IGF is a way of bringing preexisting or incipient

tumors to the radar screen more quickly, than if they did not have the

higher IGF to stimulate their growth. In a such a case, taking GH would

enable one to find any potentially lethal tumors immediately and take care

of them, rather than waiting without knowledge for five,ten, etc. years when

it might well be too late.

If, through hormone therapy, antioxidents, and other cell rebuilding

techniques, one can turn a sixty year old body into, for instance, a

thirty-five or forty year old body, then , given the last paragraph, one can

speculate that their is a window through which those taking GH must fly.

As one approaches the window the statistical chance of turning up tumors and

cancers increases. Some will discover tumor growth and miss the window, but

still prolong their lives by getting rid of their tumors early. Others,

will pass through the window free of malignancies, and will go on to lead a

youthful, potentially immortal life.

5. I don't think its possible to get negative results from amino stacking.

All that you are doing is stimulating your pituitary gland to squirt out a

little more HGH into your blood stream than it was doing and undoubtedly

less than it did when you were a teenager. The positive results you are

experiencing will only get more positive until you reach whatever is your

optimum blood serum level. If you take other hormones at the same time,

e.g. melatonin, dhea, testosterone or estrogen, the positive effect will be

enhanced even more. This is known as " synergy. "

These other hormones fall off as you pass 40 as well. HGH is the master

hormone, which cascades down from your pituitary gland to your other homone

glands and stimulates the production of a multiplicity of other hormones.

Immortally Yours

Re:HGH precursors

> >

> >

> >> Hi

> >> I am new to this group. Has anyone had positive or negative

> >> experiences with HGH precursors? I am taking an oral one from Beyond

> >> A CEntury called Somatoplex. Had heard only good things about them,

> >> then got on the net and found that there may be a significant down

> >> side to taking them. TIA for any input. Sita

> >> --

> >>

> >>

> >>

> >>

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Many thanks for the information you have provided. I am 49,

approaching 50 in a few days, and just refuse to not have a positive

happy and healthy second half of life.

I appreciate the time and effort you took to respond so thoughtfully

to me. May many good things come to you this year, and in the years

to come. Sita

> 1. IGF testing done by taking a blood sample and sending to a lab.



> 2. Any doctor can order a blood test done for you through a local

>hospital. There would be a financial cost incurred which you would have to

>pay in addition to the cost of a doctors visit. Finding a doctor that is

>interested in " antiaging " can be challenging. I was lucky. However, I

>think there are plenty of doctors who would agree to prescribe a blood test

>to find out what your IGF level is, if you approached the doctors with

>symptoms of aging that might have prompted you to take precursors in the

>first place, e.g chronic fatigue, listlessness, etc. These can be symptoms

>of pituitary gland defecincy and so your need for an IGF test would be

>justified. Don't expect your standard American Doctor to be of much help

>at interpreting the results or in getting you a prescription for growh

>hormone. If you are middle aged or beyond, your doctor might say that your

>IGF level was " normal " . More than likely, what your doctor would mean by

>that is close to statistically average for your age. For those in the

>antiaging community, that would mean your level was too low. We believe

>that your hormone level is low, not because you have aged, but that you have

>aged because your hormone level is down. Optimum is what it was in your

>twenties and thirties.

>So, just tell the doctor that you are thinking about trying some amino

>stacks to see if they would help you feel better.


>3. Initially, you might feel a mild carpal tunnel symptom, but it will be

>passing and is nothing to worry about. Chronic carpal tunnel syndrome is a

>signal that you are taking too much growh hormone at a wack. Gigantism

>results from having excessively exagerated levels of GF in your blood. As

>long as you know what your target is and are testing, there is no danger.

>Once you reach your target, then the problem is one of maintaince. " How

>much do I need to take as a matter of daily protocol in order to maintain

>this level? " I am not saying that there are no risks. Doctors are fond of

>reciting memorized lists of risks. However, from the point of view of

>aging, and all the maladies that go with it, I think one puts themselves

>more at risk not taking HGH. As for tumors, etc. I am including (#4)

>something I wrote on the subject a few days ago at the end of this message.


>4.There are two ways to look at the question tumors:


>a. High IGH can and/or does cause the growth of tumors.


>b. High IGH stimulates the growth of tumors that have occured because of

>some reason not connected with IGH.


> This research shows no evidence that #a is true, while it does provide

>evidence that #b is true. GH fear mongers tend to tacitly imply that #a is

>the real interpretation. Without clinical evidence, they bear the

>additional burden of explaining why tumors are more likely to appear in

>older people (with lower IGF) than in younger people (with higher IGF), and

>why, in the lab, older rats are more likely to accept cancerous tumors, than

>younger rats.


>On the other hand, taking the second interpretation as true, one can say

>that increasing one's IGF is a way of bringing preexisting or incipient

>tumors to the radar screen more quickly, than if they did not have the

>higher IGF to stimulate their growth. In a such a case, taking GH would

>enable one to find any potentially lethal tumors immediately and take care

>of them, rather than waiting without knowledge for five,ten, etc. years when

>it might well be too late.


>If, through hormone therapy, antioxidents, and other cell rebuilding

>techniques, one can turn a sixty year old body into, for instance, a

>thirty-five or forty year old body, then , given the last paragraph, one can

>speculate that their is a window through which those taking GH must fly.

>As one approaches the window the statistical chance of turning up tumors and

>cancers increases. Some will discover tumor growth and miss the window, but

>still prolong their lives by getting rid of their tumors early. Others,

>will pass through the window free of malignancies, and will go on to lead a

>youthful, potentially immortal life.




>5. I don't think its possible to get negative results from amino stacking.

>All that you are doing is stimulating your pituitary gland to squirt out a

>little more HGH into your blood stream than it was doing and undoubtedly

>less than it did when you were a teenager. The positive results you are

>experiencing will only get more positive until you reach whatever is your

>optimum blood serum level. If you take other hormones at the same time,

>e.g. melatonin, dhea, testosterone or estrogen, the positive effect will be

>enhanced even more. This is known as " synergy. "

>These other hormones fall off as you pass 40 as well. HGH is the master

>hormone, which cascades down from your pituitary gland to your other homone

>glands and stimulates the production of a multiplicity of other hormones.



>Immortally Yours





> Re:HGH precursors

>> >

>> >

>> >> Hi

>> >> I am new to this group. Has anyone had positive or negative

>> >> experiences with HGH precursors? I am taking an oral one from Beyond

>> >> A CEntury called Somatoplex. Had heard only good things about them,

>> >> then got on the net and found that there may be a significant down

>> >> side to taking them. TIA for any input. Sita

>> >> --

>> >>

>> >>

>> >>

>> >>

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Thank you, I agree...I would rather die than to go back to the way I was

feeling three years ago. By the way, the brand name of the amino stacks

which I took before switching to HGH injections is Rejuvamax. I bought it

from the clinic that I was going to, however, you can get them through the

internet, e.g. custom pharmacies like College Pharmacy in Colorado. If you

are ever interested in HGH injections, send me an e-mail and I'll point you

in the right direction. Happy New Year

Immortally Yours


Re:HGH precursors

> >> >

> >> >

> >> >> Hi

> >> >> I am new to this group. Has anyone had positive or negative

> >> >> experiences with HGH precursors? I am taking an oral one from


> >> >> A CEntury called Somatoplex. Had heard only good things about


> >> >> then got on the net and found that there may be a significant down

> >> >> side to taking them. TIA for any input. Sita

> >> >> --

> >> >>

> >> >>

> >> >>

> >> >>

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Hi Olive--I'd be interested to know from you or others if you are

getting your GH for less than $20 per unit? $20 is what I am paying now

and would like to buy for less. LMK

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$20 is way to high. I buy Humatrope for less than $13.00 an I.U. It is

from off shore and is totally reliable. I could tell my friend to give you

a call or e-mail if you would like?


Re: Re:HGH precursors

> Hi Olive--I'd be interested to know from you or others if you are

> getting your GH for less than $20 per unit? $20 is what I am paying now

> and would like to buy for less. LMK




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  • 2 weeks later...

>Hi Arman, et al.

More questions for you. I have come across a source for something

called Gerovital H3, 25 tabs (GH3) for $22.00 and Gerovital (GH3)

6inj. for $25.00. Are you at all familiar with this product? Do you

know if it is HGH combined with some other sustances? I looked on

the net, found only one company marketing " Gerovital " , and could not

locate any ingredients in their product. Their prices were

substantially more than those quoted above.

Just to be sure, HGH is legal to import into this country, correct?

And obtainable without a physician's script?

If others on this list have input, feel free to jump in. Many thanks

>Thank you, I agree...I would rather die than to go back to the way I was

>feeling three years ago. By the way, the brand name of the amino stacks

>which I took before switching to HGH injections is Rejuvamax. I bought it

>from the clinic that I was going to, however, you can get them through the

>internet, e.g. custom pharmacies like College Pharmacy in Colorado. If you

>are ever interested in HGH injections, send me an e-mail and I'll point you

>in the right direction. Happy New Year


>Immortally Yours





> Re:HGH precursors

>> >> >

>> >> >

>> >> >> Hi

>> >> >> I am new to this group. Has anyone had positive or negative

>> >> >> experiences with HGH precursors? I am taking an oral one from


>> >> >> A CEntury called Somatoplex. Had heard only good things about


>> >> >> then got on the net and found that there may be a significant down

>> >> >> side to taking them. TIA for any input. Sita

>> >> >> --

>> >> >>

>> >> >>

>> >> >>

>> >> >>

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GH3 is not growth hormone and it does not contain anything resembling growth

hormone and it does not act as a presursor or secretagogue for growth

hormone. It's basically procaine hydrochoride. It's said to act as a mild

MAO inhibitor, which would give it antidepressant properties, which in turn

might account for its populatity and explain the perception that it restores



Re: Re:HGH precursors

>Hi Arman, et al.

More questions for you. I have come across a source for something

called Gerovital H3, 25 tabs (GH3) for $22.00 and Gerovital (GH3)

6inj. for $25.00. Are you at all familiar with this product? Do you

know if it is HGH combined with some other sustances? I looked on

the net, found only one company marketing " Gerovital " , and could not

locate any ingredients in their product. Their prices were

substantially more than those quoted above.

Just to be sure, HGH is legal to import into this country, correct?

And obtainable without a physician's script?

If others on this list have input, feel free to jump in. Many thanks

>Thank you, I agree...I would rather die than to go back to the way I was

>feeling three years ago. By the way, the brand name of the amino stacks

>which I took before switching to HGH injections is Rejuvamax. I bought it

>from the clinic that I was going to, however, you can get them through the

>internet, e.g. custom pharmacies like College Pharmacy in Colorado. If you

>are ever interested in HGH injections, send me an e-mail and I'll point you

>in the right direction. Happy New Year


>Immortally Yours





> Re:HGH precursors

>> >> >

>> >> >

>> >> >> Hi

>> >> >> I am new to this group. Has anyone had positive or negative

>> >> >> experiences with HGH precursors? I am taking an oral one from


>> >> >> A CEntury called Somatoplex. Had heard only good things about


>> >> >> then got on the net and found that there may be a significant


>> >> >> side to taking them. TIA for any input. Sita

>> >> >> --

>> >> >>

>> >> >>

>> >> >>

>> >> >>

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I see gt has already responded to your first question. Klatz says its

basically the same as Novocain like your dentist uses. I don't know, perhaps

" procaine hydrochloride " is the same as Novocain. Whatever, its mainly

hyped from some clinic in Romania. I think that if there was anything

really extraordinary from a health or an antiaging perspective, it would be

all over the place. gt's right, save your money.

In regard to your second two part question, gt wisely ignored it. Our

original dialogue on the subject of HGH set off a mini-firestorm in this

discussion group. In regard to the first part, HGH is made and sold in this

country. It is also legally imported into this country. And it is also

legally exported from this country and legally imported back into this

country. Undoubtedly, this sounds confusing. In regard to the second

question, no, you must have a prescription to get it. I was getting it

without a prescription for a while, but I had to buy two weeks worth, at a

time, of needles that contained only .25 of an IU at an exorbitant price. I

don't how legal that was, although it was from a reputable place. I was

just lucky to find someone who was into the antiaging thing on a modest

level. I had to find other sources at a better price to continue what I had

found was literally bringing life back into my body. Finding a doctor,

however, in the U.S. who will give you a prescription for GH is something

like trying to find a needle in a haystack. That is, unless you have

experienced a problem growing and are perhaps under three feet tall

(semi-sarcasm) you won't have a lot of luck. There are ways around this

problem and some you can figure out from the net. One way is to take a

trip to Mexico. You can get a prescription from a Mexican doctor fairly

easily, and then buy it from a Mexican pharmacy and bring it back in with

you, along with your prescription. You can bring up to three months supply.

I can give you other possibilities, but I think that should be done in a one

on one e-mail kind of situation (if there is such a thing).

Immortally Yours, Arman

Re:HGH precursors

> >> >> >

> >> >> >

> >> >> >> Hi

> >> >> >> I am new to this group. Has anyone had positive or negative

> >> >> >> experiences with HGH precursors? I am taking an oral one from

> >Beyond

> >> >> >> A CEntury called Somatoplex. Had heard only good things about

> >them,

> >> >> >> then got on the net and found that there may be a significant


> >> >> >> side to taking them. TIA for any input. Sita

> >> >> >> --

> >> >> >>

> >> >> >>

> >> >> >>

> >> >> >>

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There are hundreds of doctors who will prescribe HGH for aging. Contact A4M

or LEF for a list.

Re:HGH precursors

> > >> >> >

> > >> >> >

> > >> >> >> Hi

> > >> >> >> I am new to this group. Has anyone had positive or negative

> > >> >> >> experiences with HGH precursors? I am taking an oral one


> > >Beyond

> > >> >> >> A CEntury called Somatoplex. Had heard only good things


> > >them,

> > >> >> >> then got on the net and found that there may be a


> down

> > >> >> >> side to taking them. TIA for any input. Sita

> > >> >> >> --

> > >> >> >>

> > >> >> >>

> > >> >> >>

> > >> >> >>

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Thanks Larry, I'll give it a try. Hundreds out of all the doctors in the

U.S. might still be looking for a needle, but thanks to the internet, that's

even possible. Thanks again

Immortally Yours, Arman

Re:HGH precursors

> > > >> >> >

> > > >> >> >

> > > >> >> >> Hi

> > > >> >> >> I am new to this group. Has anyone had positive or


> > > >> >> >> experiences with HGH precursors? I am taking an oral one

> from

> > > >Beyond

> > > >> >> >> A CEntury called Somatoplex. Had heard only good things

> about

> > > >them,

> > > >> >> >> then got on the net and found that there may be a

> significant

> > down

> > > >> >> >> side to taking them. TIA for any input. Sita

> > > >> >> >> --

> > > >> >> >>

> > > >> >> >>

> > > >> >> >>

> > > >> >> >>

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